Why is Cred Forums so hypocritical?

>"Women should have never been given rights. Kikes should be gassed. Blacks are inferior and they should all be enslaved. Atheists and homosexuals are degenerate and deserve to either shut up about their degenrtacy or be gunned down. Western culture is the cancer on earth."

When Cred Forums meets a Muslim...
>Fuck off you barbarian uncivilized savage! You don't even respect women. You LITERALLY think that homosexuality is immoral. You're so anti-Semetic, how can you oppose Israel?! Muslims have enslaved more nig-.. b--b-blACK people more than whites ever had! You will destroy our modern secular democratic tolerant egalitarian society with your barbarism!"

Please respond.

We're not hypocritical you cucked little faggot. We're enlightened. We understand the complexity of humanity and have been transformed by the euphoric touch of alternative conservatism. So fuck you fucking bitch and watch what you say about pol. We're always watching.

I will explain. Back in 1949 the popular view was to get pissed off because everybody KNEW God told them not to do that until He returned. They did it anyways. Mandela effect happened (probably CERN). Pear earth theory took over. And we all forgot what our own religions were. The right wing stole all our money. Tripped balls on attacking Syria for no reason. Lied about Iraq. Lies about 9/11. Lied about globalism. All because they need their antichrist Greater Israel zionist world order. We eat poison. Watch poison. We are lazy. We whine. We were taught to be good people. Then we became poor so it's brown people's problem. Whatever is written in the protocols is happening right now. And what do white people do? Post pagan shitfrogs. God Bless you

Cred Forums has millions of people visit monthly, different people different rationals.Some care about different things.

Enlightened, for saying that can't you be executed?

No. Think of every right wing president. Think of how we reacted. Think of your economy now vs 2008. Any other topic. This place is for hippie new age bullshit and is pumped from the udders of the nose

Is there something wrong with that? Eve was enlightened. What the FUCK has the enlightenment brought for us? Shit all

What country are you actually posting from? No way you are a canuck.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, mudshit, but islam is not a part of western culture.

>muslims are actually this retarded
There's a pretty fucking sizeable difference between believing that women shouldn't play as big a role in politics and wanting rape to be made legal.

Here are some differences between Christianity and Islam, seeing as you are apparently unaware of any.

Are you kidding me? Common law is garbage. The world is at least 2,500 TRILLION in debt (derivatives) and I know shitposting is fun but we complain about Boomers and then go posting Plague Frogs!!! Internet www is 666. On every bar code. There's no need for me to be on here or be so secular but I worry for people. Oh well. Gotta pick a side. God controls everything anyways. I'll be fine

>www is 666
What is your justification for that conclusion?

what is using reasons you wouldn't fall for to convince others

ill take rhetoric for 600

Women vote emotionally not rationally (in most cases), it doesn't mean they deserved to be raped or brutalized like in sharia.

Women need to be protected, even from themselves.

Stripping away the vote from women in countries like Sweden or Germany at this point would be like preventing someone from committing suicide.

Same reason monster energy is. Same reason nasa means to deceive

No one gives a shit about Muslims being against fags and womens.

They are literally blowing people up for no reason and demanding a centralized totalitarian state run based on the teachings of a bronze age warlord.

get woke

No, I mean take a step back for a moment and let's talk about www. Is there justification to your claim that it refers to 666 other than the fact that they're both the same symbol three times in a row?

If there isn't then that claim is just too flimsy to take seriously.

And neither is banning women rights or enslaving humans. You guys want to strip the West away from the values it was founded on. You want to live like it's the stone age.
Nobody, literally nobody believes that rape should be legal. In Islamic law, the punishment for rape is death.
IS isn't attacking you for no reason, they attack whatever country that attacks them. They call it, the "crusader alliance".

>And neither is banning women rights or enslaving humans. You guys want to strip the West away from the values it was founded on. You want to live like it's the stone age.

No. The west was not founded on anti-slavery or women's voting rights. Sorry.

Those are very new things.

>You guys want to strip the West away from the values it was founded on
That stripping away happened already thanks to equalism. We want to bring the West back to the values it was founded on.

Because we have enough niggers as is. When you throw in a retarded religion such as islam well its double nigger trouble and thats not good for anyone.

You know what, go ahead and take Europs to its beloved facsist roots as you seem to love them so much, and don't forget to kill another +30M of your "Western brothers" while you're at it, and butcher each other trying to define what is white and what is not, just don't claim that you're doing it for civilization and that Islam is what's holding you guys behind. Your values are identical to those of Islamists.

Honestly Achmed I don't care what you do as long as you do it in your country. I don't object to Muslims existing. I object to them existing in the civilized world.

>Your values are identical to those of Islamists.
>I didn't even read the thread
Weak. See

This does not deserve any further posting

Cred Forums is one person

Christianity DOES have its share of violent verses and it DOES tell you to kill apostates and homosexuals etc. Historically, Christians of Europe were infinitely less secular than Muslims. In Christian Spain, they killed any Jew and Muslim they found out about, and even Christians who didn't follow the same sect butchered each other in Europe! Islam let the Christians and Jews live under jizyah tax. The tax spared women, children, elders, the insane, the ill, slaves, and the handicapped. Muslims also have to pay their own tax (zakat) which is obligated and one of the five pillars of Islam. And (sadaqa) is not obligated but encouraged it's like charity. When Crusaders controlled Jerusalem, they killed everybody, sparing no woman or child or elder. When Saladdin controlled Jerusalem, he let them live! And the Christians of Jerusalem had great respect for him. The prophet PROHIBITED killing women and children and elders, cutting trees, destroying inhabitened buildings, stealing booty etc. And also did you know that Spain kicked out Jews so Muslims took them in? When Andalusia was conquered Jews went to Morocco. And then when Jews attacked Arabs for the first time (Israel) Arab countries kicked out Jews in response so they went to Israel.

White people are just better bro, face it.

Btw there are Christian honor killings. But Christians in the West don't really properly follow their religion anymore like Eastern Christians. In my sister's school, there are 3 ex-Christian Muslim converts. One of them ran away from Iraq all the way to Jordan to stay away from her family and practise Islam. One of them is native Jordanian Christian and her family literally went to the school to murder her and the school hid her. There was also Batool Haddad she was Jordanian ex-Chritian Muslim convert and her father and uncle crushed her skull with a rock when they found out. You can look her up!

Um no not really, not historically anyways. Maybe in the modern day they're more advanced!


I feel like a lot of the beliefs expressed on Cred Forums, while still true, tend to be exaggerated and edgier here because we're all anonymous

For example, even though I'm sick of liberal feel good bullshit, I don't want gays to be thrown off buildings

Why is Cred Forums one person?

>Your values are identical to those of Islamists.

No.... For example: freedom of speech. Freedom of thought.

To be fair, there are majority opinions here

>The tax spared women, children, elders, the insane, the ill, slaves, and the handicapped.
Also the poor, the monks, the hermits, and musta'mins.

because everyone on Cred Forums is secretly a muslim

But when that British pro-immigrant girl got murdered lots of people on this board were genuienly happy about it and celebraring.
Also you're so quick to call people with different oponions that are not completely bigoted "cucks"! It's like you read different opinion and then your brain stops "KEK KEK KEK", what manchild bullshit.

Truth is muslims kinda are better than whites when it comes to social policies.

The problem is they are also inbred and retarded, so it triggers the Cred Forumsack that these inbred retards are wiser than them when it comes to social policy.

Thats not how democracy works.

The freedom to kill yourself is the most basic of freedoms. If women want to destroy their democratic societies in favor of a patriarchal caliphate, well... They can vote for that.

Your argument boils down to "You can vote for what you think is best, but only as long as its what i think is best".

Democracy was a mistake, not universal suffrage.

We're two completely different people. Actually i switched from one side to the other completely.

Nice straw man though you retarded faggot

The only thing shitskins are right about are womens rights, and that doesnt mean they should just be free to rape, they just shouldnt vote

And the only reason i say that is because women want to let shitskins who want to destroy all those other freedoms flood our country until we arent free anymore

Its very simple

But shitskins are too dumb to understand anything

lmao no shitskin, you and womens rights were a mistake

they dont even want you here, they literally just feel sorry for your starving smelly asses and like to show off to their friends how progressive they are

kill yourself shitskin

Finally, something we can agree on.

>Cred Forums is one person

If i saw how evil muslims were first hand id want to kill anyone who spontaneously joined your shitty edgelord cult too

>hurr durr shitskin starve to death
>hurr durr ur flag

Thats all you can muster?


You gave women power, they chose to use that power to tear down society. Democracy was a mistake, not just women's suffrage.

>le Cred Forums is one person meme

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

I would prefer muslims not be imported to western countries because they commit crimes and terrorist attacks, not because I disagree with any of those things. And I think women should mostly be treated equally as men but be encouraged to be more traditional

Well hopefully we get rid of democracy and kick out all you subhumans before you kill us for being white

>In Islamic law, the punishment for rape is death.
What if the woman is enslaved as a prisoner of war?

It is easy to say Islam is against rape, but if we've learned anything from the feminists, it's that everybody has their own retarded idea of what "rape" actually is.

In groups and out groups. You wouldn't know about it.
>Arab education

>Cred Forums is one person
Nice desu meme image though.