I am a nationalist

>i am a nationalist

Other urls found in this thread:


Schopenhauer is full of shit

ur a chocolate bar lmao

Shoppy was a sad old man that died alone and got rejected by a 20 year old girl when he proposed to her when he was like 70

also he believed in Feudalism and Aristocracy, and oddly enough Buddhism which shaped the majority of his materialist philosophy

Your thoughts on nationalism will be relevant when you middle eastern niggers actually grow out of tribal societies

>"But an examination of his life reveals a yearning for marriage frustrated by a train of rejections. In the year 1831, Schopenhauer fell in love with a girl named Flora Weiss. At a boat party in Germany he made his advance by offering her a bunch of grapes. Flora’s diary records this event as follows: "I didn’t want the grapes because old Schopenhauer had touched them, so I let them slide, quite gently into the water." Apparently, she was underwhelmed."

The middle east's best years were back when the Arab Nationalists ran things

Then Israel pissed it all away like always and now the Saudi Wahhabists are the biggest Muslim influence.

Bravo Schlomo

Qatar is rich

I'm an Anti-Federalist


[spoiler]click like if you got the joke[/spoiler]

A fucking chocolate bar

I know. It has nothing to do with the point that the whole middle east is divided by tribes and/or religious sects who were put in the same state by mistake or out of evil will

No doubt because of their brilliant inventors and efficient production and manufacturing centers.

it's a total shithole like all the other gulf states where a few royal famalies own everything thanks to oil and life is hell for everyone else

When the oil dries up they're going straight back to the stone age because no one cares about the good of society or the people living there.

>"My grandfather rode a Camel, my father rode a Camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a Camel,[4]"

-Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates

ladies and gentlemen: a typical austrian intellectual

>everyone should just kill themselves
>i'm too afraid to kill myself
t. Schopenhauer the depressed cuck

not an argument

there are more foreigners living in Qatar than Qataris. In a about 20 years this state will collapse

well it's true good thing i'm a foreigner
(and it's more like 50)

t. monarchist enlightened by your own intelligence

It's in the context of monarchism vs nationalism user. Schoppy was literally ancien regime regarding politics.

>Nationalism is cheap

Who /frugal/ here

>implying I have national pride and not a love of my way of life
>being a muslim

>“Consider the Koran, for example; this wretched book was sufficient to start a world-religion, to satisfy the metaphysical needs of countless millions for twelve hundred years, to become the basis of their morality and of a remarkable contempt for death, and also to inspire them to bloody wars and the most extensive conquests. Much may be lost in translation, but I have not been able to discover in it one single idea of value.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

so you are either from pakistan or india or some other low wage country

well you're not wrong i'm from north africa tunisia to be more precise

can you even understand the quataris ?
What are you doing there =?

so you're from North Africa and still think Islamic Theocracy is better than nationalism?

yeah hows that working out for LIbya? kek

you fuckers didn't even deserve Gaddafi

their accent is quite weird but it's till arabic
i moved here with my father i'm 18 and finishing highschool maybe i'll go somewhere else after this



It is impossible to hold ANY ideological position without calling at least one major philosopher a cocksucker.

Stirner must be disregarded instantly upon holding any opinion--this is good, as Stirner was a worthless philosopher.

Schopenhauer must be immediately disregarded if you believe that any person is capable of being happy--or if you believe in Nation, Race or Ethnicity.

Marx must be disregarded if you do not believe that working for wages is the same as being physically robbed.

I accept these gladly. None of these people are worth your respect and you are perfectly right to call them losers who failed at everything, and disregard them.

well don't come here we have enough clockboys

who am I kidding you will


Well said, Toothpaste-sama

>it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud

That is why nationalism is so essential. It's the fallback identity when aspiration, religion and family fail.

Without it, when you've slipped through the cracks, there's nothing left but shooting up a mall.

i'm a fedora tho i just don't believe in nationalism that's all one should pride their achievements not those of their ancestors it doesn't make you any better than niggers with their we wuz
also gaddafi was a decent politician but he was a first class idiot he unironically said once " a woman has the right to vote whether she is a man or a woman"

Can I be /frugal/ if I still use toilets for shitting?

no america doesn't really attract me but i really like canada i applied for mcgill (which is quite prestigious i hear) but i can't afford it so i'm counting on getting a scholarship my grade equivilant in gpa is 4.00 but i'm not sure that's enough to cover law school tution

You don't have to disregard ALL of a philosopher's work just because you disagree with a single thing they wrote.


People get confused because the word "pride" is used. "Love" would be more appropriate as in: I love the way things are right now.

Collectivism of any kind is an easy way to be manipulated. Personal pride and accomplishment happens at the individual level.

so you're saying the aryan master race nazi germany was not nationalist? i'm pretty sure it was more along the lines of we're the best we need to remove everyone who is inferior rather than i love how germany is right now let's kill everyone else

>this implies that the nation in question is a failure

What if I told you that the determination of your cultural leaning, even the individualists one, were not a result of an individual process of decision but rather a function of your parenting and social environment? What if that "cultural background" could not be easily changed afterward?

Individualism, a reverence for critical thinking, for freedom of speech, for the search for truth guided by reason, all of those are the result of tradition passed down to us by the historical accidents we call the previous generations.

The reason immigrants and other assorted vermin are "anti-nationalist" is because they want to keep the door open for themselves.

(1) The NAZIS were a superset of what I'm talking about. They loved "their people", whatever that was.

(2) They were also fucking insane with their theory of "living space".


>you shouldn't have pride in making your country a better place

No wonder the Muslim world is absolute shit now

But again I blame Israel for killing all the people that would have stopped leeches like you from existing


Trudea will probably suck your dick personally

to each his own i guess form patriotism is loving one's country and the way it is but nationalism is automatically linked with pride and a felling of superiority over others maybe i'm wrong but it's just what i think

hes right tho

nationalism is bluepill

I so fucking hope you die. I'm so fucking sick of vermin like you coming to good countries telling us what the fuck we're supposed to be about just so you can have a place to live among us all the while being fucking revolting to look at.

>basic geopolitics is insane

fucking leafs

You never fail to disappoint me

Me to.

>I suck nazis cock

Okay bud.

i'm not muslim tho
>the country which literally ruined every islamic country that even had a shred of progress
does iran iraq afghanistan and syria ring a bell?

>don't honor your ancestor's achievements
>don't honor your culture
>your nation has failings, so don't be proud

What an idiot, if that quote really is his.

>revolting to look at.

Everything about Muslims is revolting from their ideology (monarchist/theocracy) to their culture to their inbred genetics

>getting triggered by basic geopolitics


like I said

a fucking leaf

You mean Israel and Saudi Arabia?

They run our foreign policy, read a book for once in your life.


what about pakistan, half of india, Gulf states, oman, Indonesia ...

Hard to be proud of a country only built on oil and sharing non country status like Belgium.

Let alone be proud of your Liberian ancestors who were most likely goat farmers or low tier businessmen. I can be proud to be British cause the British ruled the world and their blood runs though me. I couldn't say the same If I was an Abo

>Everything about Muslims is revolting from their ideology (monarchist/theocracy) to their culture to their inbred genetics

Well what I find revolting here is that he's not even here already and he's trying to redefine Canada in such a way that it suits him and his personal interest and, no doubt, he will then vote for every immigrant loving scum parties around while telling Canadian that, no silly, of course this isn't a white country and of course you should vote to become a minority into your own home.

Nationalism is silly and you should feel bad for being white or for not wanting immigrant who will tell you to be ashamed 100% of the time while calling you a racist, telling you that you need to adapt to their culture even though this is your home, telling you that you need to build quota system to appease them, telling you that you need to have more generous welfare, telling you that you need more diverse media representation, etc.

Getting sick of this fucking garbage. The only fucking thing we get from immigration is more immigration and a truckload of affirmative action program designed to make sure people don't riot in our faces.


I mean, I know this board isn't exactly made up of the best and brightest philosophers, but goddamn, it's hard to believe that people are even capable of being this stupid

>read a book fucking retard
how about you take your own advice? the american government put the Taliban in power in Afghanistan to supposedly "fight the commies" and helped overthrow the irani chah because he refused to continue selling cheap oil to Britain and the US
>shitskins meme
i'm not going there to tell anyone how to live their life i'm going their to get an education should a good chance for employment come up i will take it otherwise i'm going back home and setting up my own law office

Borders dont exist, nor do countries. The sooner you wake up to these divisive abstractions, the better off you'll be. You're no better or worse than anyone else.

but the us are not helping the taliban now and look what happened to afghanistan now. For comparison you have Pakistan, who were also supported by the US but they have christians in their army and they didnt fucked it up as bad as afghanistan.

You can try to travel the world with this philosopy, after a few countries you will either be in prison or dead.

Stirner didn't reject taking value in things. Committed valuelessness is itself a spook

Leftists like Stirner because he dismantles much of the intellectual history defending private property, but his message isn't intrinsically leftist, nor does it intrinsically lead to anything at all but a more proper take of exactly what values are and aren't and how they relate to the individual.


What has Qatar to be proud of than the fact it grudgingly hosts the degenerate expats of the Western World? Who live by a separate set of rules to those the majority of Qatari live? Such a stark mockery of Qatari society that any self respecting Qatari would be put to shame that their own leaders would sell their people out for thirty silver coins.They look down on the hard working labourers they import but themselves do nothing about it, they adopt infidel living standards and the ways of the infidels yet loudly proclaim how Muslim they are.

And yet the Qatari comes here to peddle Western philosophy as though that were somehow a justification for the way they have prostituted themselves.

Nationalism indeed.

Schopenhaur is the "philosopher" who coined the term: "I wish I had never been born at all."
Take his advice at your own peril...

>i'm not going there to tell anyone how to live their life i'm going their to get an education should a good chance for employment come up i will take it otherwise i'm going back home and setting up my own law office

No. You'll do everything you can to stay here, marry a local, have a race mix baby with her, and then they and you will scream on the roof top every chance you get that we're a nation of immigrants and that we should feel ashamed for all the systemic racism that exists in society. Then you'll insinuate whites deserve to be in a minority status everywhere in the world while your homeland remain ethnically pure and then you'll vote for program which favor your race, be it in the form of affirmative action or a greater immigration from countries with which you identify. While you yourself will be nationalistic, you will tell the established people of Canada that they should feel ashamed for doing the same thing.

You'll virulently attack those you oppose such measure because it will be in your personal interest to do so. You will not, however, ever say that this is the case. Rather, you'll frame your argument by saying "this is not who we are" and you'll speak of racial and historical justice. You'll insinuate that anybody who disagrees with you is inhumane, and while you'll be able to count on a solid ethnic voting block, brain dead whites will vote against the interest of their own children.

I'm pretty sure that that's what's gonna happen. See: Sweden.

fuck off, slave country

well it's a legit military strategy and quite effective
you put radical Islamists into the seat of power in a country and it's bound to be fucked up for the next couple of centuries i don't think places like Afghanistan will be recovering anytime soon pakistan on the other hand still had islamists but not taliban tier islamists which is why it isn't quite as fucked up

>I know your own thoughts and desires much better than you do!!

Can I have your crystal ball? Y'know, since you can apparently read individual minds and and predict the future?

>nationalists have nothing to be proud of themselves

>don't be proud unless you're successful
>benefiting from your society and being proud that it's strong is bad

This is something you'll find in Marx's writings when he talks about destroying the status quo.

could somebody translate the quote into American I can't fully understand it

i just whant to preserve my people and i also think homoenious societies works better.
I don't go around and is proud of shot i haven't avomplished. fuck off

>I'll deny what's already happening in every western country
>I'll assume people will act against their material interest

Don't try casinos.

>legitmately telling me what i will and will not do
i said i'm not interested and if your country is actually that bad just move somewhere else like poland i'm sure you'll be just fine there
if you bothered to read this thread you'd know i'm not qatari

No. Nationalism is the glue that holds the nation-state together.

The nation state is the largest grouping of people that can be achieved without force, and thus is needed for the development of civil society and the governmental mechanisms needed to create such a peaceful society (like tax).

Larger groups of taxpaying people, are either untenable - such as humanism, or require force to keep - such as an empire.

Just because something is a general trend doesn't mean it applies to every single individual, especially when said individual specifically iterates what their desires are.

>I think this
>No, let me tell you what you actually think!

What a fucking arrogant position to take

This may have beem fine in Schop's day, Europe ruled the world. Today not having national pride is the same as suicide.

>i said i'm not interested and if your country is actually that bad just move somewhere else like poland i'm sure you'll be just fine there
>abandoning my country, my people and my way of life to make way for immigrants

No my goal is going to make everyone suffer. By the way I don't need to predict what you're gonna do as you're already doing it. You're whole thread is already a partial confirmation of what I'm saying.

>nationalism is bad western people
>lol yeah I want to immigrate to your countries with their specific national character lol you don't have a justification to reject me since nationalism is dumb lol
>what are you a nazis?




he was a fucking moron. he was basically a nu-male.

>not contributing to the nation
>feeling pride in the nation
Theres the problem

The nation should be an extension of the people which is of the families which is of the individuals.

he's right. schopenhauer was a faggot.

Friendly reminder that the idea of the nation state was the first blue pill set upon society.

people who have national pride obviously must have nothing else to be proud of
so they're shit
*shits pants*
and inferior

>ultimate cuck schopenhauer

Nationalism is the same as loving your family and the culture they raised you with.
If you aren't proud of them, your community, your people, then you need to fix your country until you can be. And that is what we will do.

He's already doing what I'm describing by redefining my country in such a way that it includes him. The rest is prediction about the future.

You think his intentions are gonna stay the same once his situation changes? The immigrant knows instinctively what to say in order to get into a country, the proper mixing of shaming and reassurance that will get him through the door.

>nationalism is bad lol stop being a nazi
>but don't worry I'll leave once I'm done

Once he's here, the incentive structure changes and so does the behavior and the discourse. This whole thread isn't even a legit opinion. It's an intellectual secretion designed to insure optimal survival.


Hmm, so then he would've been nationalist too, since he was a total fucking loser

you ARE your ancestors. a solid line of flesh and blood connects you. you're just the next life in your blood.

and you're not in a position to judge qaddafis intelligence. you literally can't do that.

>abandoning my country, my people and my way of life to make way for immigrants
>from a literal immigrant country
>lol yeah I want to immigrate to your countries with their specific national character lol you don't have a justification to reject me since nationalism is dumb lol
>when i specifically said i don't
ok let me make it clear my family owns two houses my country and a piece of land which i can freely invest in i'm only interested in a candian degree because it has a certain prestige in tunisia so it pretty much assures being one of the top paid 10% i would be quite literally moving to a country where i would be making slightly more money but own no land have to go through a naturalization process and have to pay more taxes but sure tell me again why i want to move to your country since you know me better than i do

>from a literal immigrant country

Oh look, more redefining!

>you're a country of immigrant goy
>it means you have to take me

We're a country of french-english descent mixing British parliamentarism, common law and french civil law. We're an outgrowth of two European nations.

That's an historical truth much more meaningful than the fact that people had to geographically displace themselves in order to originally get here.

>but sure tell me again why i want to move to your country since you know me better than i do

I'm making a bet.

See, OP, pride is something a person usually feels when they have done something of worth or have made a contribution towards something. Taking pride in something you had no part in is, of course, dumb, but that's not what what equates to national pride, AKA nationalism, in this case.

National pride isn't about lording over others arrogantly, but is more so equal parts gratitude and responsibility. It's about living up to your forebears' accomplishments. You can take pride in your father's success, because you know that same piece of greatness is in you, and it is your duty to meet, or even surpass it. Same goes for your favourite sports team, country or even race. That's the kind of pride it is, and it is a purely healthy thing.

Don't know what Schopenhauer was on, though. You'd think a man of his caliber would have been able to tell the difference.

>National pride

>you literally cannot do that
>who me? i can judge schopenhauer however i like
i'm not against loving your nation but that's patriotism nationalism is thinking you are above all others
>you ARE your ancestors
i am my own man not my father not my mother not anyone of my ancestors i believe every man should take pride in what he himself achieved and solely that taking pride in your ancestors is like saying my grandfather fought in the ww2 so i should be attributed that
>Oh look, more redefining!
that is what you are
>We're a country of french-english descent mixing British parliamentarism, common law and french civil law. We're an outgrowth of two European nations.
>but not other europeans or asians those don't count
canada is not france or britain it's a seperate entity
>I'm making a bet.
he says while disregarding all my arguments to which why i don't wanna go


>i'm not against loving your nation but that's patriotism nationalism is thinking you are above all others

No. Patriotism is loving your country, nationalism is loving your nation.

I don't have to, but I do. Why ought I not to? A loser is a loser, and bad ideas are poisonous.

and these entities are different because?

>implying you can't be proud of multiple things simultaneously

>that is what you are

Which is what you say because it suits you. I'll tell you what I am. (Which isn't a bet about the future but a matter of historical record.)

>canada is not france or britain it's a seperate entity

Wow, really? Is that why I said

>We're an outgrowth of two European nations.

and not that we were those nations themselves? Everything we have in this country, our political rights, our political system, our laws, our economic freedoms, our languages, is a result of the fact that we come from a European line of historical development. No matter what other people came in after, they still live within that framework which is distinctly European and not Islamic or Chinese.

Once again, that fact -- our historical lineage -- matters much more, is much more relevant in the explanation of what we are today, then the fact that people came here on boats. Your attempt to tell me and every other Canadian what we are is outright hostile and is only used to serve your own interest.

I furthermore have no reason to doubt that this explanation, coming from you, is utter bullshit, since you probably support immigration to Britain, to France, to Belgium, to Scandinavia, in short, to every western country no matter if they were created by a colonizing people or not. What's the justification of immigration to Belgium? Are they a "nation of immigrant" to?

(I also happen to like Asians and Ukrainians so it's not as if I gave a shit that they were here. Everyone else can fuck off though, especially if they come from the MENA.)


Because a country can be made up of a multitude of nationalities.

Rest in Peace Saddam

kek, Cred Forums triggered by obvious truths

Do they honestly think capable and successful people are as invested in their countries as they are? Otherwise they would have done something to solve Cred Forums's perceived issues. But since nationalists are all poor retards, they have to vent here while the world keeps turning and globalizing

He never said being a nationalist was bad.

He said being a blind nationalist is bad.

So by this you mean countries like America for example cannot be nationalists?

Why should i care what some marxist fuck said

Not anymore.

America is pretty much composed of three nations at this point. It's not longer a nation-state.

clean up ur shit too canuck i was in mtl and it looked like africa

>Do they honestly think capable and successful people are as invested in their countries as they are?
No, we tend to think swipples are traitors who would sell out everyone for a new iPhone.
>Otherwise they would have done something to solve Cred Forums's perceived issues
They were too busy creating those issues, in order to afford new iPhones
>But since nationalists are all poor retards
That sounds bizarrely classist for a Leftshit, you bourgie fuck.
>they have to vent here
Implying you don't?

You guys suck at banter, you're too serious and desperate.

>implying the nation isn't absolutely neccessary to defend Liberty

What, you think when the fucking Polish or Muslims are a majority they're going to give a shit about "liberty"?


And honestly 99% of the so called nationalists in this board seem to be that way I honestly never could quite understand Cred Forums's broad and vague meaning of nationalism and this thread isn't exactly helping
I'm not a Muslim I don't care

Who talks about pride? Nationalism is about preserving and develoing your nations because it consists of people similar to you with whom you share your way, not about being proud.

>clean up ur shit too canuck i was in mtl and it looked like africa

We all have problems. The only way you can actually fix this is by increasing the tension inherent in diverse societies.

So you have to act in such a way to you wear everyone down so that they just hate the other groups. That's kind of happening in America.


race war when
can we make koreans honorary aryans during the war

Korean are honorary Korean. I love them and Asians generally.

Rest of the world is meh.

>nationalism means pride in your country
Give me a better government if you can find one

Any other form of government that's a not a theocracy or communist?

Any other form of government that is not a theocracy or communist?


so fascism
which is based around a national identity
literally name another one jamal

>can we make koreans honorary aryans during the war
as long as they can make nice with the japs, otherwise the weebs will revolt

He also hated Jews.

Nationalism is necessary until the humans become genetically strong and relatively homogenous, then we can go globalist and do space conquering and shit.

Until then, we still have to deal with race wars and religious conflicts, etc, and worry about protecting our factions against others.

Fascism doesn't work either the only form of government that works is a full blown capitalist one

A fucking snickers bar

>pride in your nation means you have nothing to be proud about yourself
Does having one really means you cant have another?

ok so a globalist shill state ran by the jews based on cultural marxism. how about no

Nigger, I already explained. Just scroll up.

>the only form of government that works is a full blown capitalist one
if that were true, neither fascism nor communism would ever have come into being. They have a historical context within capitalism.

Ahh well my country has problems but at least we have the best form of government.

Nah I agree with you ties to national identity don't really help. I'd still defend my constitution against anyone who wanted to make me more of a slave than I am.

>old wizard telling people who include great inventors, scientists, diplomats, and soldiers their pride is insignificant because he said so


>we have the best form of government
no, we really don't. It's broken and deficient in numerous ways, it conserves nothing, and is one of the most vulnerable to foreign subversion and internal treason.

i was just agreeing with the other posters premise

we have shit government m8, i said that in my first post. BUT find me a better existing government who will overthrow mine and give it to me. i don't think that exists.

nationalism has nothing to do with liking the current state of affairs as i think op is implying.

If I was from Qatar I wouldn't like my nation either.

Man is inherently flawed. Therefore it is only natural that his creations should be just as flawed.

Haha da joos amirite capitalism is the only system that works communal kills innovation and facism is solely driven by conflict against others such forms of government cannot progress as well as capitalism and the leaps in politics economics and technology it has offered the world in the last couple offered centuries

>implying it's a Qatari and not a deployed Airman

>i was just agreeing with the other posters premise
i know, i'm counter-signalling against that premise and your conclusions drawn from it. Nationalism is really the ONLY logical or effective basis for national organization. Ethnic nationalism is superior to civic nationalism. OPs premise is a joke; the only people who tend to believe it are cucky leftists and CIVIC nationalists. Just another example of our current system conserving nothing, defending nothing, preserving nothing.

>Man is inherently flawed
that's why the separation of church and state was a mistake; religion shouldn't be compulsory, but the state should endorse Christianity non-denominationally in Christian countries. The state should be attuned to the moral traditions of the people it governs.

sure but let's try rounding off that error as low as we can

>Haha da joos amirite
You're the faggot posting Schopenhaeur, and he would say 'yes, da joos'
>facism is solely driven by conflict against others
that's factually nonsense, you're just repeating basic-bitch memes you read in popular books -- typical Cred Forums pseudo-intellectual

>Courting a woman with grapes

Surely ol shoppy knew this wouldnt cut it?

Schopenhauer was brilliant genius. Can understand his thoughts when nationalism is the norm, but not in our times, when anti nationalism is the trend.


>if you are proud of anything outside yourself, it must follow that you have nothing inside yourself to be proud of

I guess I'll just stop feeling any connection with all of my family then. Thanks Shopster

He was literally the guy stared too long into the light of truth, and came back bringing bad news to us all.

He is right, but now the juden problem is biggest then ever, so we NEED nationalism.

he's talking about his atheism.

Nationalism doesn't necessarily entail pride of your country's achievements, it's more about your belief that your nation is entitled to realize its political aspirations free from external interference.
What's described in that image is much closer to patriotism, which is a love for your country.
Given they usually go hand in hand, but they're not the same thing.

sounds like commie dog tripe... well in fact the soviet union did have 'national' pride (thoroughly enforced too) so what makes neo-commies so hateful of patriotism?