Things Boomers Say


"You can get a job easy, just go out there and hit the pavement"

"Shake his hand firmly and look em' in the eye. It's how I did it."
anything along the lines of
>muh bootstraps

”just go to the job central and they will give you a job in 1 minute"

This was actually true 30 years ago. Before you got a long list from them with different jobs, you could just pick and chose.

Today the only thing the job central employees does is pointing to you to search a job yourself in one of their computers or they drink coffee all day.

"Why haven't you moved out yet? At your age I already owned my own flat/house"

"no more government assistance"
"The government does not do enough to assist our vets"

"Diversity is a good thing"

>grew up in a homogeneous white country

inheritance? nah. just gonna go ahead and spend $100,000 rebuilding my 1969 v6 camaro and another $50,000 on an over-improved kitchen remodel.

>You just need to study harder
Mom I'm 26


"My parents shouldn't expect anything for raising me, I didn't choose to be born into this world"


Golly gee cool beans you whippersnapper

"You've disappointed our bloodline, James. I see no other choice but to cut ties from you, you clearly aren't going to make it."

Haha just last week

>deplete all the resources
Don't start your infograph with a lie if you want me to read it.

>anti-union, anti-government healthcare, anti-government spending
>got high wages from their union, uses medicare, survives off social security checks at an age where their children will have to keep working

>V6 Camaro


"Israel is our greatest ally"

Also they didn't have a V6 in '69 but I can let it slide. Was funny as fuck.

Getting a job is easy just walk up and give them a firm handshake.

>When I was your age I already...
>You are intelligent but lazy
>Firm handshake
>Damn millenials
>How do I internet/computer thingy
>I have a friend who told me XYZ, thus proving that you have no idea what you are talking about, no matter that you studied XYZ subject for 3 years
>You should get 2 degrees!

To be honest there is a job available.

It's just that people are shit at working. That's how you have some companies in Germany that only employ Poles as warehouse workers(see Zalando for instance). Not because of low wages(Romanians or Yugos won't want much more, really) but because there is an opinion in their HR that Poles, of all people, work faster. Where is the legendary German work ethics, anyone?

People go to work to move boxes and expect chatter and browsing facebook every 30 minutes of work. Oh in fact I remember that a year ago I was an intern at certain company and worked my ass off(I wanted to get a job tere) while there was also a French girl from Erasmus doing her internship for Uni and she did everything very slowly and then, every time she actually did something(it was a factory of sorts) she instantly made a photo of it and uploaded it on instagram. I understand that internship is a bitch so slacking is recommended if you're not doing it for the job but why the fuck did she feel the need to show her friends all this shit? For what purpose?

Then you have the fact that lots of people can't focus on work and do it efficiently. This is especially true for they youngest ones. I don't even know how to describe it. You have people who know how to write numbers in binary but can't set up addressing switches(I don't know how are these called in english, doesn't matter) to binary 0, 1, 2... without documentation. They realise it after you tell them. I know a boomer mechanic and the tales he has to tell. People who don't understand that a shaft which is ended with a left-hand thread should rotate right and can't put it together EVEN after you tell it to them.
Seriously it's like suddenly good 30-40% of population has turned into total dumbfucks who have no capacity to learn anything.

t. millennial polack, never had problem with finding a job even though living in region with >10% unemployment

"Back in my day, we didn't need no fancy smart phones and internet, we were fine with our stick / hoop"