When did Family Guy become redpilled?

When did Family Guy become redpilled?

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Is this show still going?

That's basic redpill shit.

that's the most basic bitch 14 year old liberal level of shit


Chris Rock put it in one of his old specials.

Just further example of how capitalism is pure garbage.


Literally everyone knows this shit though. And it'll never stop. Only way it can is if the non jew countries work for a cure

family guy has named the jew more than any show on television

The Jews will "red"pill you enough to say that capitalists are behind everything and not almost exclusively them.

Marxists may know a tiny bit more about what is going on than your average bluepilled consumer, but they are led to hate capitalists so much that they will give more power to the Jew on the promise that he will save them from capitalists.

Of course, capitalists are led to hate statism so much that they are willing to give all kinds of power to the Jew to protect them from statism.

With the dichotomy of left versus right, the Jew wins. The true dichotomy is, as it has always been since the stone age, us versus them. Not necessarily the Jew versus the Gentile, but us and our group of people versus whatever group puts itself against us. Currently, there is a tribe of people who has set itself up against all of humanity. That tribe is the Jew.

Never, Lois' dad is considered an all round evil man. If he is saying this then the audience is supposed to think it is morally reprehensible.

Blue pilled with a dash of non-pc.

>Literally a 10 year old episode about the 1% screwing over the 99%.
>Brian is the average man, a liberal retard buying the propaganda.

Mainstream entertainment products cannot be redpilled as a matter of definition.
That's the whole point of alternative media.
Viral marketing and "is X redpilled?" threads are forbidden.
Saged, reported and hidden.

Seth is redpilled af man.

The guy literally made a shitty spin off to get rid of the only black character on Family Guy. It's the only cartoon I've seen in my life without a token after he did that.

American Dad on the surface looks like a leftist piece of shit, but Stan (the caricature of the right) is ALWAYS the one who puts everything right by the end of each episode, and Haley/Jeff (caricature of the left) are portrayed as useless, helpless, and annoying.

Cancer conspiracy is a bluepill myth.

We know there's no way to cure it outright.

The real outrage is the cost of the treatments. They know it's their only hope and that people will desperately pay.

>company A
>R&D is focused on treatments
>treatments sell and company thrives

>company B
>R&D is focused on cure
>can't cure it so company goes under

>every research based university ever
>science department has a cancer unit
>culmination of research leads to cure
>no money made apart from endowments

Basic business isn't a redpill just pick up a fucking book you nonse

It didnt. It is, and ever has been, trash.

It's bluepilled as fuck. If you can make ~t amount of money for prolonging the life of a cancer patient in a timespan of t you can make ~t+"bonus for actually curing" right away.
There is no reason to not do the latter unless you like loosing a stream of money when your patient dies.

I have massive respect for this show for doing this for so many years

seth dosent do the writing for american dad. and stan is based as fuck.

At the end of the episode where peter fights Liam Neeson he very blatantly says that Oscar Schindler is a bogus character and it's all made up.
There was another episode where there was a new roller coaster in Quahog called the holocaust and Peter said he never believed it was real until he seen it himself.
Full of red pills and keks.

Nonce* you mean

Because it's not like incredibly rich and powerful people like Steve Jobs die from cancer.

Wasn't aware, but that makes sense. He's the producer though, so I assume he has some creative control.

Either way, all of his shows except for maybe the Cleveland Show (never watched it) have a left face value, and right redpills, moments, and undertones.

Even in Family Guy where Brian is basically the embodiment of the left gets his shit pushed in pretty frequently and is shown to be a pseudo-intellectual idiot, coward, and hypocrite.

I swear Seth just pretends to be on the left because you don't have a choice in Hollywood, and made these shows to subtly show the left why they're dumb all while bypassing people's egos.

>le companies can just pump money and find a cure meme

For doing what? The safe jokes about kikes that nobody actually cares about?

Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer that was treatable with modern medicine, but he was to much of a fucking autist and thought that a diet of only fruit would cure him.

>paying for health treatments

Dat third-world-comment.

seth's shows are fucking garbo

Fuck that.
If somone found a cure for cancer, they could get mad rich from it.
>"b..but there is more money in continous treatment"
Yeah. Too bad there's already a million other people doing that.

If you make a product that cures cancer, people will buy that over that other shitty product that makes you live a little longer with no hair.

>t. Hartz 4 Empfänger
If you were not you would be paying whopping 30% of your income, which would get you the best health care money can buy in the US.

Pretty much this.

Unless the gubbermint seizes the discovery for the "greater good" and leaves your sciene team to rot living in a refrigerator box because they are "fucking rich white cis males".


Ideas like this weren't even fresh in the 80's.

>the gubbermint

Why in the fuck would any government in the world do that? A government makes its money from taxes, not selling medicine, and living citizen produce more taxes than dead ones.

If an individual came up with the cure for cancer they would easily become the richest person on earth, this is bluepilled garbage,

Yes, why would the government literally want power to decide who lives and who dies and ultimatively extort sick people. Mhm.

If a government wanted to kill people it wouldn't need a cancer cure to do it. I'm beginning to think you're retarded.

What about South Park? One of the main characters is a Jew and another main character constantly gives him shit for it.

>like, capitalism is evil, man

You are a retard. If the government would use the military (which IS the people) against the people, what do you think would happen?
Just not curing somebody is going to produce more backlash.

*less/no backlash

>Ignoring all the book deals, speaking fees, and the publicity you can get from being the guy who cures cancer

Jesus, you've watched too much history channel science.

A healthy citizen is a good citizen. He works and brings money to the country.
A sick citizen is someone who uses up the time of others and is a temporary drain on society.

Not everything is a 7 layered conspiracy

So tell me then, how in the world is depriving people a cure for cancer supposed to accomplish anything in particular for the government other than killing a bunch of people at random?

This desu famingo

>overblown exaggerated caricature of what the creators think a right wing person is like

Doesn't have to be random.
Also people in power already have tremendous amounts of money, they only get off by messing with other people, not by making another measly billion.

Steve Jobs fucked around with berries and rubbing crystals on the tumour area, until it was far too late.

So you're saying the government is withholding a cure for cancer just to mess with people?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You should have waited to post this so you could have gotten quints or something that way this shit would spread on this site like crazy.

Merkel made a little girl cry on TV just for fun.


That would be South Park, they did it again last week in the first episode of the new season.

I hope you're right user


Cure for cancer could have been several times more profitable.

People would pay more to be saved from death than prolonging painful treatment

Also more cured = more old people = more diseased people

Its not us against them. It is us against the rest of the world. We are driven by egoism and keep our philantropical mask to carry through the carnival that is society. You all are my potential enemies, maybe I will use some of you to satisfy my lust or my need to talk and call you friends. But as soon as you realize that humanity developed these needs, because it ensured we stay in our tribe, which granted us higher chances of survival, you notice that there is no such thing as selflessness. Take the picture of a mother dying for her child as example: You would argue that she does it out of love. But the reality is that she was "programmed" to do this to ensure her DNA is passed further. Like Hobbes said: "A man is wolf to another man". This is the redpill that matters. The is nothing extraordinary in acting like we are destined to act.

This. "Cancer" is an umbrella name for hundreds of different individual maladies caused by genetic damage. Some forms of cancer ARE essentially cured. Others probably will never be. OP's a fucking weeb

subtly red pilling the masses for over a decade

They never called the jew, they just made jew jokes.
Greedy, nerdy and that, never called them on what they are.

Its funny because this is capitalism. The other one is about "making jobs" when there is no need to.

Just replace the words "and bill them every step of the way" With "and provide jobs for years to come"

"Left" or "right" Its redundancy. It is corporatism.

It's south park level crap.

Are you kidding?! Out of the main voice actors: Meg, Lois, and Chris are all kikes. Peter and Brian are both voiced by an actual faggot. Family Guy is the most blue-pilled show that isn't news related.

Funny how people break laws despite laws being in place, huh? It's almost it's like a fundamental problem with our species.

>t. Sir Faggot von Butthex

this makes the jews look harmless

Actually makes sense desu. I've always thought Seth was a liberal faggot who used Brian as a mouthpiece but you've made my cranium niggle

Its not like multinational companies arent able and willing to supress an individual. Bribing, threathen, denouncing, vandalism or even murder are just some of the options possible. Stop assuming that they follow the rules when their entire profit is in danger.

oh look, someone who will at no point in this thread be able to prove a jewish conspiracy


that's not redpilled
modern sociology (well the one made by parent tiles Europeans) has been saying this for decades

this is literally babby's first anti capitalist sentiment

Wasnt the bartender a black nationalist after cleveland left though?

In America, 2% of people are kikes. Somehow out of 4 lead roles, kikes managed to secure 75% of the leads. The fourth was only gentile because he created the show. There is no mathematical possibility that kikes could legitimately make up 3/4 of a cast when they should be 1/50, or 3/150.

Or you could just charge the drug through the roof.

that's like 1 of the few leftwing conspiracies out there and it's treated like absolute truth, meanwhile all rightwing conspiracy theories are "crazy"

Your post reminded me of this.


OP is a fag

> Oooh, blackensippen!

Still waiting for you to address I know you can't refute it.

Its not, it promotes cuckoldry and Seth or w.e his name is, is a radical leftist on everything from guns to "white privilege"

Notice anything?

still accurate tho

Seth is awful. Says poor whites are idiots for voting against their own self interest (taxes and gimmes), meanwhile he votes against his own self interest because he's obviously so superior. Elitist scum

Not red pilled. really makes u think tier.


It's like people who think veganism is redpilled.

Someone who doesnt have a patent to treat a disease would still be able to make a fortune curing it

invert it and it would be comedy gold


>this kills the nigger

Read this title then we can discuss whether or not adopting a plant based diet is redpilled. The entire book is practically annotations and citations from a wealth of rigorously executed well funded (impartial) studies... There was and still is rampant meat/egg/dairy industry attempts to promote the science that supports their narrative--eat more meat, its healthy for you.

If anything, at least look into bob dole's late 70s/early 80s role in completely changing the tune of the findings of the government's optimum nutrition study. It went from saying we need more veg and grains on our plates and less saturated fats, to just saying we need less fat. Flash forward to the early 90s and fat free everything is all over the market. Weve been duped into willingly poison our bodies ever so slowly through the food we put in our bodies. Its time to wake up. I still am not full "vegan" nor do i want to be a pretentious ass who considers himself part of a special club bc of dietary choices, but i urge all of you anons to look into the benefits of a plant based diet.

This is something that people that know next to nothing about cancer say.

t. biochemist

Wrong image LUL. The book is entitled Proteinaholic and its by Dr Garth Davis. Super enlightening read.



yet another ignorant bernie fag who can't tell free market capitalism from state controlled crony capitalism

take the epipen price hike controversy, there were two other companies who tried to get a competing product approved but the FDA denied them.

Anarcho capitalism is essentially the same damn thing communism when you look at (((Who))) benefits the most from it.

Fascism is the only way.

This is the opposite of redpilled. Only retards buy into this garbage

It's the same group of retards that think "cancer" is a disease in and of itself

le saturated fat meme

how would you explain traditional Inuit people who eat basically 99% meat?

the real poison is sugar, thats what clogs your fuckin arteries and leads to a whole host of health problems

that's not repdpilled, it's marxist propaganda

Family Guy is fucking terrible. Fuck off.

Jesus, no, the whole retarded "people have the cure for cancer BUT CAPITALISM SO THEY DONT USE IT" is the most basic blue-pill shit you can find.

If anyone found the cure for cancer (which is borderline impossible to begin with) they would become one of the richest people in the world through selling it, if capitalism is really covering up the cure for cancer, why did it let other cures for diseases become publicly used? Why wasn't the cure for smallpox or polio hidden away so those damn evil capitalists could continue to charge people for treatment? It's just a retarded liberal conspiracy theory.

I can't tell if Family Guy is red pilled or trying to see what kind of shit it can get away with from the censors.


>Family Guy

Redpill here:



Pretty much this. If you can't see that you either don't really watch the show, or you're an idiot.

I suppose it's much like South Park (only more populist) in that it doesn't really take one side or the other. Both shows lampoon each side of an argument, though IMO South Park does it far more intelligently, while Family Guy does it with much more of a quick laugh.

The depressing thing is retarded people see it the opposite way around.

Never read Mein Kampf, though you can see why people get sucked in by shit like that.

It's hard to disagree with that, and once you get people to agree with statements like that, it's easy to get stupid people to jump to "they're dangerous, let's kill them all".

In reality of course, it doesn't matter. Who cares if the Jews have power in the media and business world? How does it affect your life in any way?

>black guys ins sweden are out of place
It's like you're not even aware of the current year.

>Communist idiocy claiming we'd have a publicly available cure for cancer if it werent for evil capitalists.
How do you even reach this level of autism?

It's basic business,

I love simpsons, family guy, american dad, south park and I hope they will go on for a wole lot of years.

When south park makes fun of news its only one character who does it so frequently that it comes across self deprecated coupled with the fact that cartman himself has so many more flaws and is generally dumber and stubborn than everyone else

Stan and Kyle are modeled after Trey and Matt. Why would they be the butt of the jokes? Dehumanizing Cartman or killing Kenny comes easy to them. Only children watch South Park.

Because they use that powers to push third world immigration, feminism, gay marriage and shit like that. Basically everything this board opposes. Instead of getting angry at the symptoms, we identify the source.


>Implying a drug that flat-out "cures" anything has ever existed in the span of human history, much less for cancer, an illness whose treatment varies wildly depending on where it is localized
Is there anything more "triggering" on this site than retarded Cred Forumsacks trying to talk about modern medicine?

>a show that's allowed on fox
...I don't believe it

Yet most people won't accept such a self-evident concept until a show like Family Guy or The Daily Show shits it into their mouths.

Do they though? While I oppose none of those things directly (I have issues with all three but this isn't the thread for that) I'd say the Jews were pretty high up the list of religions/races against all of those.

I mean, they'll never quite beat Islam on that front, but I don't think the Jews are too keen.

Seth Macfarlane is a massive liberal. He isn't redpilled at all.

Michael Moore tier.

Oh, the religious Jews hate that sort of thing, but the key thing is, the degeneracy, the immigration, etc. It's for us, not them. Read the Talmud and you'll understand.

>Kill the Goyim by any means possible.
- Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

>Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.
- Zohar, Shemoth

>When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.
- Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

>"Everything a Jew needs for his church ritual no non-Jew is permitted to manufacture, but only a Jew, because this must be manufactured by human beings and the Jew is not permitted to consider the non-Jew as human beings."
- Schulchan Qruch, Qrach Chaim 14, 20, 32, 33, 39. Talmud Jebamoth 61

>"The Jews are strictly Forbidden to cheat their brothers and it is considered cheating already if one-sixth of the value has been taken away from him. Whoever has cheated his brother has to return it to him. Naturally all that only holds towards the Jew, to cheat a non-Jew he is permitted and he is not permitted to return to him what he cheated him out of. Because the Bible says: 'Thou shalt not cheat thy next brother,' but the non-Jews are not our brethren, but are as mentioned above, worse than dogs."
-Baruch Choszen Haniszpat 227

Get over to /nsg/, it has links and sources on all this stuff.

>literally liberal logics 101
red pilled, yeah

Drawn Together has it beat by 1000 fold

>what is southpark

So all the diseases that were completely cured or prevented by vaccination or antibiotics, such as polio, measles, bubonic plague, malaria, smallpox, and the other various types of cancer were all mistakes or somehow obviated this elaborate corporate conspiracy? Furthermore, all pharmaceutical organizations and universities, including foreign, publicly-funded, and state-controlled ones, are also involved in this machination? Even ones stationed and are the property of countries like Socialist China or the African Continent that would benefit from saving more money in the long run by curing the disease and saving space, resources, lives, and health care costs, are being either bribed or blackmailed, just so a few corporations can earn billions more?

i will tell you something, you germanics are very stupid

jew is not a race, all those people in your pic are germanic and mixes with germanic/slavic

they dont have an inch of semitic blood

It's really fucking stupid.

The FIRST company to cure a given form of cancer would make stupid big amounts of money. And would not have nearly as many costs to cover as all the other treatments that people have to pay for.

And you think just because you can cure a person's cancer that OTHER people won't get cancer?

People will always get cancer because of the nature of the disease. It's not like polio or smallpox where you can take a vaccine, there will ALWAYS be new cases of cancer to treat, hence there will always be money.

This retarded "lol dey hav da cure to cancer but dey want to keep makin dey money from dey other medicines" is the most retarded shit I have ever heard. It's literally nigger-tier "woke" bullshit that completely falls apart once you stop to think about it.

>Jew is not a race

Are you fucking retarded?

Except most countries have socialised medicine and research.

Liberals are brain dead.

hes right though religion isnt a race

its like saying the catholic race, we know thats bullshit but we recognize the jewish race because theres so little of them its easy to class together

doesn't mean i don't hate them but god dam man i wont get my facts wrong, if im gonna hate them i want to be right and accurate

a redpill comment on pol? shit im out of pokeballs

It didn't. That statement is simply a lie. There is far, far, FAR more money in a cure than in a treatment, because you can charge an arbitrarily high amount for it, and it eliminates the competition.

That is not a argument. Ashkenazi Jews are just central/eastern European Caucasians. At best they are an ethnic group. FFS white Jews are literally more white than modern Greeks

Judaism is not the same as Christianity. Christianity is meant for everyone, while Judaism is meant only for the Israelites. The Jews themselves only consider one to be Jew if their mother was Jewish. It is a race, not just a religion as Christianity is.

If Judaism wasn't a race, then how do Jews have certain genetic diseases exclusive to them?

It's universally agreed that the Jews are a race, they even say so themselves.

Their different ethnicites of Jews though.

Not all of the people in your pic are Jews. Of the top 3 most important in your pic (Soros, Sutherland and Straw) only Soros is Jewish.

Stormfags can only function when they spread lies.

Don't ever make this thread again.

sweet alex jones meme picture bro

y'all have branding issues that are just unacceptably lazy in the meme age.

get your shit together

she'd look better without the shitload of makeup on that 20 minute face. ugh.

"Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who has Jewish ancestry"

I don't get this. Can't you just make a cure for cancer, sell it, and make millions?

>said the capitalist

I was going to post this This is just a stolen Chris Rock bit: youtube.com/watch?v=G7P4iFg048k


I love their NRA children's video.

>Guns are good! In fact, did you know that Jesus and Moses used guns to conquer the Romans?

Spotted the underage kid.
Drawn Together literally had a character named Jew Producer.
They called him out every chance they could and multiple other characters make Jew derogatory remarks.
Family Guy was mos def JIDF levels of jew humor.

>"Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who has Jewish ancestry"

Lol, by that standard ("Straw's garnd-grand-mother mother came from an Eastern European Jewish family") nearly everybody is a Jew.