Petition to create a new religion board

It has no place here in Cred Forums. I feel like if you want to talk about religion, you should go somewhere else. Imagine the memes and alternate subculture that can be created by a bunch of religious fanatics. They would have threads like "have you prayed today and counted your virtues xd"

Other urls found in this thread: and national identity after the GFA.pdf

This is a secular image board

Cred Forums always was and always will be a Christian board. Newfags can get out


>why doesn't anybody else fix this shit
If you are Ubermensch enough to simply create a new religion, surely you could just fix the world for me. Thx, bye.

Agreed, /his/ is loaded with christfag and muslim shitposting as well.

On a similar note, SJW's need to be banned site wide.

you have potential to expand with other like-minds why don't you take this opportunity to create a home away from home?

I at least think Catholics should fuck off, go die, and fucking burn, or at least the non-White ones(spics, wops, Catholic jews, ect.)

>non-white christians
all christians are jewish




Calling this a Christian board sounds like blasphemy.

Because this is our home. It's always been a Christian board. You are the new common trying to change things, not us

>new common
meant newcomer

Everyone who's not a newfag knows you're full of shit.

Fuck off

I like Cred Forums dealing with all things related to society

>unironically being this edgy
a tip to you good sir

Oh I see. Now that the atheists are losing. They are pulling this card. Well sorry bud. Religion and politics are like bread and wine.

gb2/b/, degenerate.
Since Nazism is a religion you'd have to ban storm fags.
Also commies.

I want an architecture and urbanism board. There used to be some great threads on /trv/ butnow I can't find one anywhere. Thought /his/ would be good for it but it's more like the /his/pol/ channel.

Kek does not forgive and He does not forget.

Religion is relevant to world events

>religion has nothing to do with politics

Its been a while since I posted this. Here you go

Yeah, no

I've been visiting various boards since 2007 and I can tell you confidently that religious faggots are a new addition.

Cred Forums is a KeK board now
Now fuck off to /cuck/ to worship your jewish overlord

consider my vote a YES in a new containment board

with that, theyll come here anyway because they are supposed to evangelize.

its probably just something youll have to deal with OP.

Bright side: Its a good thread for shitposting.

Sounds like you used to browse Cred Forums m8. Cred Forums has been Christian since it changed from news

No, you're a fucking leaf teenager. Also check my trips

Containment boards don't get containment boards.

Religion is political the whole "religion have nothing to do with politics" is a atheist dogma that some christians believe because they want to emulate atheism.

It has no logical basis.

t. semite

its actually in your ID

There is already /x/ . There don't need to be stupid irrelevant low-traffic boards.

>Religion is politics.
Atheists BTFO

Why not start up some urbanism threads? Run them like /SIG/

Honestly, the cyberpunk threads come pretty close. We were talking about the walled city and their lifestyle in the last thread

>implying that religion isn't political
>not knowing that religion forms nations
>not knowing religion forms ideology

>checks flag
Huh, must be a canadian expat.

Atheists don't use logic so they are not phased by facts.

non country is right.


>muh jewish reliiiguuun meme


(Cuck)tholic? Baptist? Orthodox? Protestant?

christianity came from a jew bro

Not a bad idea. Then you can have history religion and politics all in respective containment zones. Religion discussion belongs in /x/ more than Cred Forums anyway

image related

>Atheists don't use logic so they are not phased by facts.
That's religious people, dumb cuck

we need a islam board

Fuck off. Religious issues are closely intertwined with politics across the globe, and always have been.

jewsus was a follower of moses, you dumb nigger.

Is this new shill bait? Getting rid of christianity here?

>amerigan edugajun

No it is not, religious dogmas is at least logically based on religious texts.

Atheist dogmas are contradictory like for example the atheist dogmas:

"there is no god" and "there is nothing but a void after death" is contradictory with other atheist dogmas like "Only valid knowledge comes from science".

Also the dogma that religion has nothing to do with politics completely contradicts empirical facts and it is not logically based on anything.

t. undercover jew

Religious followers are also an extremely large voting blocs, their motivations and priorities can have a significant amount of effect on political influence and votes. Just because their beliefs make you uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not politically relevant.

>not interested in facts

I know m8, you're an atheist


could you even imagine how much a religion board would be shitposted

y'all niggers better shut the fuck up and argue about something that really matters

If there's such thing as more shitposted than Cred Forums then I don't think anyone is ready

christianity is an abrahamic religion. christ was a follower of moses. he preached peace and love but also held on to old school dogma that is the jew god.

fuck off man.

>arguing against facts after they've been presented
pick both


The irony of this bumper sticker is lost on Christfags


whats the difference?

This. See: our fucking flags

Jesus and everything he ever said, which was pure anti semetism hence the jews killing him and trying to exterminate Christianity right where it started

Hey faggot ass nigger I guess those reports didn't work

SemitEl, I like that. If their aryanism is just nihilism and contrarianism, surely this isn't even a debate.

A religion board would be pretty interesting but it'd quickly devolve into mindless shitposting as every board does

excpet he didnt reject traditional semitism at all.

he just got mad at the jews of the present time for deviating from moses.

its fine if you believe in jesus as the lord and savior but keep your mental gymnastic to yourself.


I support this motion

Is this a real death?

>irrational atheist fearful that others will find out that he is full of shit.

Most people already know you are full of shit, only atheists lack the foresight and reasoning to don't figure that out themselves.

>he completely rejects judaism and everything the jews believe and creates a new covenant
>jews are so mad they kill him

Sorry to ruin your impotent anti-Christian rage man I should keep the facts to myself next time

Daily reminder that 90%+ of Christians on pol from America are dirty brown spics with at least some, if not all illegal ancestry. Or they are "refugees" from some Hispanic hole.

Reminder that Christians think
>the world is 7000 years old
>evolution isn't real
>that "macro" and "micro" evolution are real terms
>they can't grasp the concept that all evolution is micro
>they think Christians built "Rome" and that the ancient Romans and Greeks were shit before Christianity

Also they don't think we share 98% of our DNA with chimps


>when the christfag gives no argument

I gave arguments previously, there is no need to repeat myself. You even quoted my arguments in your previous posts.

And I am not a christian, just logical.

reminder that atheists think
>christians believe a bunch of shit they don't actually believe
>that they can discredit christians with these things that they themselves created
>that their ignorance of christian belief is an argument against christianity

>for deviating from moses.
For being hypocrites, for teaching talmudic heresy... The whole "jewish superiority" theme is garbage, if we go by Jesus' standards - (excluding the Canaanites specifically).
Ever heard of the good Samaritan? Abomination to jews. Especially since it calls out the Levites and the pharisees, who found the man already robbed.
Jesus praising the Centurion for his faith?

How do you explain that away? The centurion wasn't jewish. The centurion wasn't semitic. He was Roman. Romans were "the enemies of the jews." This Jesus called bullshit as well. 37 years after his death (three years before "this generation"), Jerusalem is sacked because of their disgusting revolt. Jews lose everything there. Don't believe their lies for a second that they "kept the traditions". No. They didn't even keep their names, their tribes, their lineages, their nation. No. They only kept their blasphemy.

The head priest Caiaphas had his family tomb done in pagan style, with the coins and all.

This christfag has no arguments

i think all new potential boards should be assessed for their meme potential (MP)

i could see /religion/ cooking up some real killer memes

you got some more religious red pills to drop?

depends how many more meme arguments I have to respond to. You haven't tried "muh christianity held back progresss" yet, maybe you should go there?

>waa waa they're straw manning me

Sorry christfag, seems like you're one of those Christians who just picks and chooses what they like from the Bible.

Enjoy going to hell

Making a religion board would save both Cred Forums and /x/ from these faggots, but it might be too late already.
How to spot a newfag: the post.

>it's a fedorian jew on a stick XD thread again

funny how the jews use Christianity to cuck us yet at the same time seem determined to destroy it? Are they masochists or something?

In most ways I dont think it has. In some ways I think it did.

do you not realize that having your soul saved by jesus' sacrifice is the ultimat redpill?

>implying sola scriptura isn't heeresy
Protestants creationists are a significant minority and a resent development that only happened in USA. The only authorities on Christianity are Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Neither of those believe anything you posted and in fact believing in them is heresy. The bible itself tells you not to take it literal

>I can't identify metaphor from literal
I like how much you have in common with creationists.

And I am not a christian, just logical.

I gave arguments previously, there is no need to repeat myself. You even quoted my arguments earlier in this thread. I have great arguments with premisses that support my conclusion and they are all logically sound so you need to attack my presmisses and not pretend that I have not provided any arguments.

Not even atheists are that stupid, you are not tricking anyone. Anyone can check.

Jews worship Satan/Saturn. Muslims are slaves to Satan, but the link is weaker.
>6th day (Saturnday) of the week
>6th planet
>6 sides

What did they find in Saturn itself?
>a hexagon larger than the Earth

That's not a meme. How am I supposed to drop a red pill to this

>The bible itself tells you not to take it literal

Hmm I'm sure all the other Christians will agree.

Tefillin (the mark) can only be placed on the forehead or the hand.
>muh 6 million

They literally do. It's basic Catholic and Orthodox tenant.

Sorry your straw man was retarded user maybe you could try a better argument next time

Sorry +++agnostic+++ but you gave no argument

They can agree or disagree. Agreeing with the notion that
>context matters
>language matters
>culture matters
>translation matters
Is common sense, given to us by God.

>>The bible itself tells you not to take it literal

So, just what parts of the Bible aren't literal

fuck off shill

Not agnostic, and anyone can just check my arguments they are quoted BY YOU a couple of stages back.


>used against an agnostic, the hat fits
Guess he is bro tier.


just drop religious red pill memes and ill take them with a grain of salt

Are you confusing me for someone else?

I called you a faggot ass nigger, I don't remeber ever saying anything else

>he can't tell literal from metaphor

Once again proving how similar you are in intelligence to a creationist.

I'll give you a hint user. If it's to do with morals or ethics it's literal. If it's a story about talking animals it's a metaphor that's meant to have a moral taken from it

Amen to that.


>anonkun 19.4 - "behead those who insult white nationalists"

Which parts of the Bible are metaphor, please tell me

Nice cherry-picking faggotron. The meek shall inherit the earth, turn the other butt-cheek, and keep worshipping a saviour raised in a family where the man was literally, in the most precise definition of the term, a cuck.

This is you quoting my arguments before later claiming I never made any arguments: I guess you are appealing to the most stupid in society like any atheist, but everyone on this board knows how this board works and is able to go back.

You can pretend it's not if you want.

I just did

>claims Christians are stupid for believing shit they don't believe
>gets corrected
>continues to act retarded

You're the saddest person in this thread so far

The Bible consists of 66 books of varying genre. Genesis is poetic language, similar to Kalevala. However, it is also deep coded.

>The meek shall inherit the earth,
His kingdom is not of this earth. Inheriting the earth is a bad thing user, it's the realm of satan

>the meek shall inherit the earth
Obviously. Do you think Cred Forums is powerful?

If that's what it takes for christcucks to get the fuck out, i'm in


>the "turn the other cheek" meme
it is meant to expose the injustice without becoming injust yourself. Jesus told it in response to the "tooth for tooth, eye for eye" thing, which was abused by many for personal revenge.
Christians are still allowed to protect themselves and their family.


you didnt though

so which verses are literal and which are metaphorical.

just a list a couple please

Is faggot ass nigger an argument to you?

Are you afraid leaf come on! Tell us all which parts of the Bible are metaphor

Jesus was not a "Jew". Moses was not a "Jew". Abraham was not a "Jew". "Judaism", as a religion, is as different from pre-Christian/pre-Babylonian Abrahamic faith as Catholicism is. "Judaic" doctrine is mostly newer than Christianity, the Talmud was written in the 500s AD, and most of the Rabbinical commentaries are less than 600 years old.

There was a divide between "traditionalist" Israelites and "progressive" Israelites before Christ, the Pharisees were the corrupt, urban "modernizers" who changed money in the temple, collaborated with Pagans (Persians, Seleucids, Romans, etc.) and had adopted corrupt religious practice from the Babylonian captivity.

Christ was born among the rural traditionalists. The Pharisees had Christ crucified and persecuted his followers with Roman aid. Modern "Jews" are religious descendants of the Pharisees, which means the doctrinal split occurred well before Christ's birth

90% of Ashkenazi jews are descended from Anatolian ethnic Persians and Greeks who converted in the 200s AD. After Christ. So Jews aren't ethnically related to the Israelites of the Old Testament, or to Christ, either.

So what you are trying to argue is that "LOL Jesus was just an adherent to a religion that didn't exist when he was born, whose theological ancestors he preached against and had him killed, and Jesus was also a big-nosed Anatolian Greco-Persian who converted 200 years after his own death to the religion that didn't exist when he was born".

Atheist logic

memes and shitposting aside this is literally the most historically inaccurate thing in this thread


>>Is faggot ass nigger an argument to you?

>new religion board
I didn't know there was an existing religion board.


I don't really care what the fuck Jesus was, it's funny how much you guys seem to though

The book of Genesis. The book of revelations. Anything that obviously uses a lot of poetic imagery

Seriously, it takes a retarded to not be able to spot a metaphor.

All religion should be ridiculed. There is no place for that shit in the 21st century.

except he was a jew

he was born of a virgin to the jew god

he prayed to the jew god

he told everyone to respect the jew god

he was a moses fag

so tell me how he was not appealing to the masses who followed an abrahamic religion, le juden.

If you don't care then don't call him a Jew.

So could you give a few examples? A few paragraphs surly if so much of it is metaphor it won't be hard

Jesus was a jew.

There's only one God user. There's no "jew God." You've already been corrected


>Seriously, it takes a retarded to not be able to spot a metaphor.
>God uses metaphors to shield His followers from autism

>21st century
From what?

Read my actual post instead of just being an idiot with a 3rd-grade reading comprehension

I presented arguments disproving every statement you just made. Either engage them or fuck off.

tl;dr: not an argument

Jesus Christ was not a Jew


Cred Forums is a Christian board stay mad heathens

except that retards have a voice in politics and in my country take those words literal.

So here we are my friend.. im in a land where people believe that shit as true fact and they have political pull.

so more importantly, in a society where people take romanticism to heart, why should i back them?

they literally want the world to blow up so they can finally meet their savior.

do you understand that these type of people are no better than ISIS?


>posts two full books of examples
>you can't give me any examples!
The earth wasn't greated in 7 earth days user. There's an example. I hope that helps you,
You're too retarded to keep replying to at this point. Sorry it didn't work out for you like you wanted user

Theocracy is literally a type of goverment you mouth breather.

If anything Cred Forums needs a common sense mod to permaban you retards till you run out of proxies.

thats your perspective, brother.

others have a perspective that there is many.. or there is none. or there is karma,,,

>Christian's are no better than ISIS

woooooooooow user. I was actually starting to respect your impartialness but that was a fucking atomic blue pill bomb

I guess you don't have any examples because SURELY if what you say is true you could quite easily give many paragraph excerpts

Got your back Canada. These jackasses don't realize the way the world is now is directly tied to a dwindling worldly faith in the Lord.

Always ask yourselves:


Was king David a jew?

>posts a literal direct example
>haha you have no examples

No. He was a judean.

L o l

Fuck off troll

>being this new
Cred Forums 's god is kek accept it or gtfo

>he doesn't know the difference between Judeans Canaanites and Isrealites

pick up a book pal

>posting a gay actor
Explains why you hate God so much.

So I guess it's as I stated as before, you aren't a real Christian.

Can't even give me a few metaphorical paragraphs.

Should try to learn some more buddy boy

>still doesn't get it
Jews of today are converts, spiritual antagonists of Logos and God, and everything that resembles Him. Jews are related to Turks, not ancient Israelites. Talmud is YOUNGER than Christianity.
Why is it that you do not understand?

>id is semite
Fucking A Canada you don't make it easy.

You don't seem to get op wants to ban all religion.

He's gay?

>Can't even give me a few metaphorical paragraphs.
He gave you two books. Genesis (first book of Moses, first book in Canon) and Revelations (Last book of NT).

How many times with these retarded ''jesus was le jew xDDXDDD'' threads, holy shit.

Also, church is not the same as religion. While your average american christian church has been long subverted and used as a tool against the people (as has the pope), Christianity has always advocated values and has reformed to serve the best interest of western Europeans.

In any case in Matthew 1 it is said that Jesus is the son of David. To be the rightful messiah you have to be in the lineage, which Jesus is clearly not.

>literal pop culture retard
>considers himself "enlightened"

>Christians are stupid because they believe this
>Christians don't believe that
>haha if you don't believe what I said Christians believe you're not Christian

It's hard to get over how retarded you are

look closer m8, it says ZERO semite

>To be the rightful messiah you have to be in the lineage, which Jesus is clearly not.
He was. Joseph was of his descent, and accepting Jesus as legitimate son meant that He was legitimate.


No because Matthew 1 and Luke 23 are contradictory.

Aww little finny boy comeing to the rescue. Sorry Finn I don't give a damn what you think.

I want a few paragraphs, just to be sure. From the maple leaf

> Luke 3:23

thats not what I said friend.

I was implying the extreme of the american side of religion are fucked. Sure of course, they arent beheading non believers.

They ARE better.

Just not that good of people, feel me?

>oh look if you take these verses out of context and use them for the direct purpose of contradicting each other they contradict each other

Give me an example, just a few paragraphs of metaphors in the Bible

It's not that hard but I guess I asked too much of you

lol nice.

Do you even know what I'm talking about? Probably not. The lineage is clearly wrong when compared shartmart.

You literally said, word for word, right here "no better than ISIS"


Im on mobile right now and don't have the energy to check the verses and go thru the painstakingly retarded process of telling you why your wrong until I get on my computer.



First, Matthew reported the lineage of Christ only back to Abraham; Luke traced it all the way back to Adam. Second, Matthew used the expression “begat;” Luke used the expression “son of,” which results in his list being a complete reversal of Matthew’s. Third, the two genealogical lines parallel each other from Abraham to David. Fourth, beginning with David, Matthew traced the paternal line of descent through Solomon; Luke traced the maternal line through Solomon’s brother, Nathan.

>Their best together.
>Implying some strong stuff there senpai.

I was being an ass.

Still the extremist of them are not much better. Sure, they dont kill non believers now, but later?

politics without Religion is communism inevitably

>Matthew traced the paternal line of descent through Solomon; Luke traced the maternal line through Solomon’s brother, Nathan.

So each is not contradicting the other how?

Why didn't you just google it? - one of the first result I found. Should have enough commentary on how it could have gone.
It isn't clear how it went. Taking them at face value like math problem with no context is the only way to make them contradictory, however.

>not much better
You have to realize how ridiculous you're being user

>absolute most extremist Christian sect in the entire world
>holds up a sign with mean words on it

>run of the mill regular muslim not even affiliated with ISIS
>demans you convert or pay jizya or die if they have the local power to enforce

And it's not the 'maternal' line. It explicitly states [as was supposed] the son Joseph."


>God uses metaphors to shield His followers from autism

And both are in the bible, the divine book, talking shit again

Yup. I bet kikes count their lines maternally because the real way is paternal (name, heritage). They don't even have names. They change them as they want. Truly a satanic folk.

Not an argument.

>talking shit again
You forget context in your desire to find a Divine Algorithm to kill your humanity. You forget context, you forget truth and life itself, and have lost the way.

And while we are at it, why is it possible to move the sabbath to sunday without contradicting the old testament.

Tyea, ain't that a bitch

The purpose of this debate is to bring luminance upon the fact, not to insult Jews, Finland!

Thinking about it, you sound like bisqwit. Noel?

>chink moot creates religious board
>becomes the mecca of Esoteric Kekism


Why does Deuteronomy contradict the Ten Commandments by demanding people kill people for certain offenses?

Why does the Lord say in genesis 6:3 that "man's days shall be limited to 120 years," and in Genesis 11 we have numerous people, begotten through the lineage of Noah, of whom the previous quotation was spoken precedent of the Flood concerning him, living to be 400+ years old?

Does God...gasp, lie?!

I'll go to the New Testament next if any one would like

Because "kill" is an incorrect translation.

It is actually thou shall not MURDER. That's different than execution.

I wonder... How can Kekites (claim) to hate Christianity so much due to its influences by Semites, but take its imagery and just gruesomely modify it?

All questions are answered in the OC Bible, pham

Religion and politics are intrinsically linked you TurboCuck.

Go smoke a vape pen and fall into an existential depression because your worldview makes life fundamentally meaningless.

I love the only way christcucks can defend themselves is with the
>tips le fedora xddddd


you muslim atheist refugees swarm in from reddit and right away you want civilization to adapt to your heathen ways instead of you adapting to civilization you came into

Good to know. I appreciate the clarity which you brought me.However, it does not dismiss the contradicting evidence found in Genesis 6:3 and Genesis 11.

>the truth hurts so ill try to make christians sound illogical

The hat is the only thing you see, since you are superficial to the max. Would you see the text we write, and read it, you might come to see that we have a point of view as well.

So you want us to copy pasta The Bible because you are too lazy?

Underage b&
>noticing this just now

Congratulations, you have just demonstrated that religion is Politically Incorrect, the name of this board.

Now fuck off.

what Cred Forums really needs is /athiesm/ TBQH.

Why? What makes atheism necessary?

Speedread it, ignore.


I was more getting at how he seemed to be suggesting that a theocracy would be best.

>being this edgy
Le UP Gem'Tip To you My Good UpdooTer Xddd

>mfw followers of kek would steal all the big gets


> It has no place here in Cred Forums.

Wrong. Religion is interlined with politics.

Milo is fucking cringe beyond what I am even willing to comprehend, and I think he is a (((controlled opposition))) plant.

Thanks Canada, you must be one rare goose up there.

Fuck of muhmad

>these mental circles the christkikes run around to prove they're not tied to jewry

lets call it /pw/ for peckerwoods

That quote is stupid. Yes, most faith is not completely baseless and Jesus as a man did probably exist, but a 2000 year old Hebrew book is not "evidence" for a God, especially for a specific God.

I'm Agnostic in that I believe a God may or may not exist, but he would be an entity we could not comprehend, and I doubt petty human morals would bother him.

do you know where the fuck you are? do you know what Cred Forums is?

hint: it's not a church full of morally righteous young men

>it's not a church full of morally righteous young men
And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.


go away newfag

Newfag? This place was 60% Christian before the first exodus.

>on Cred Forums
newfags pls go

speak for yourself weeb

I bet you heard of the existence of Cred Forums when Moot removed captcha and was shitting up the place.

All religion is political, but not all politics are religious.

>literally ignores the rest of the thread.

Cred Forums was 0% christian before 2010
seriously, you faggots infiltrated this board, now you're acting like you were always here. gtfo already

you stupid fucking idiot, look how clueless you are, i bet you don't even know the name of the 404 girl

>He's so stupid he thinks something that simple is a mental circle.

>Cred Forums was 0% christian before 2010

shut up faggot, go back to jerking off to trannies on Cred Forums and leave politics to adult people

Yotsuba is cute, but even then he said being a weeb is bad.

you repeated this bullshit like 5 times retard, Cred Forums is not same as Cred Forums you retarded faggot

>Cred Forums was 0% christian before 2010
literally a reddit trollfag

>jesus was a natsoc its true if you don't believe me you're stupid
damn you seem really, dare i say it, euphoric at this moment

i know it's a shock considering you probably started posting a year ago if that



Lets have a druid board

>i know it's a shock considering you probably started posting a year ago if that
I started daily Cred Forums somewhere in 2013. I was mostly on /f/ and Cred Forums for years before that. Can't remember how many. After 2006 though.

First time I see a leaf being reasonable today

agree, religious fags all over here, this is pol

christian board? leaf, this is politics, thats no religion in that u fag

>Umayyad Internet Defense Force


shut up retard, for you politics is blowing niggers in a toilet

you must be 18+ to post on this board

it doesnt, maybe in shitty murica and mudskin places, but not in europe fucktard, secular states

>Argue in poor faith
>People notice
>Nobody takes you seriously anymore


>it doesnt
Perhaps not there, but in Hungary and Poland it does.

Why are christcucks so pathetic? Don't have the balls to do anything about the muslim invasion in real life but they'll keyboard warrior to claim the political section of an anime imageboard. I guess when you get cucked so badly in real life you need to compensate with your own little virtual 'invasion'.

Most people on this site are atheist and if by some chance it's not the case anymore then it's because of newfags, which are akin to muslim rapefugees.

>No it is not, religious dogmas is at least logically based on religious texts.

It makes no sense to be logically based on things that aren't logic and are more and more proved false with each scientific discovery.

"there is no god" is totally logic if we talk about gods from human religions because those religions make no sense in our universe based on what we know about it.

If we talk about a something that is a "creator" in the broadest sense, well, we just don't know.

>this much damage control
>getting this triggered over the fact your hat memes are 9gag and reddit tier cringe

tell me some bad things about portugal,

>Don't have the balls to do anything about the muslim invasion in real life
They have done more than the self proclaimed Ubermensch have.

>Most people on this site are atheist and if by some chance it's not the case anymore then it's because of newfags, which are akin to muslim rapefugees.
Memes don't deserve safe spaces. States exist to be safe spaces for men. You're arguing as if you were meant to be the Cred Forums userbase. As if it had some purpose that you were fulfilling, and now it is lost.


Nonsense, Cred Forums is a board of peace.

Honestly, I'd be okay with this. The religion threads here are generally some of the best in terms of quality of posts, spicyness of memes, etc.

It'd be nice to not have to scroll through 10000 shill threads of niggerdick and degenerate anime porn to get to some good content.

I fucking hate like 90% of you faggots.

>You're arguing as if you were meant to be the Cred Forums userbase
well you pretty much 100% confirmed it there, newfags have taken over under the guise of "we wuz christians"

And white western countries aren't safe spaces meant for whites, right? White people aren't meant to be the primary demograpgic of the west right? Piss off ahmed.

>ewfags have taken over under the guise of
Newfags took over after 2014. Prior to that this board was 60% Christian.

>White people aren't meant to be the primary demograpgic of the west right?
Where did you get that from? Read what I said.

>like Christ

Sayings of Jesus:

"That fat bitch needs to be slapped around so she learns her place among men and learns a lesson."

"We can't take another one in -- we have enough mouths to feed and a standard of living to uphold -- fuck these idiots that give our stuff away."

you mean old religion

Cut out the trees that don't produce good fruit.

divide-and-conquer jew detected

voting for further board divisions is literally progressivism and safe space culture faggotry

kill yourself

would likely become a clusterfuck pretty fast, but it get's my vote


I was following your logic. You say Cred Forums isn't meant for the original userbase, like me, and instead is for retarded newfags like you. Like I already said, you shits are the exact same thing as rapefugees in real life who think they are entitled to any place they stumble upon. If you were born as a muslim who had the balls to step out of his mother's basement you'd no doubt be swarming europe with your kin and spouting "LOL STOP PRETENDING EUROPE IS FOR WHITES IT'S ACTUALLY FOR MUSLIMS PRAISE ALLAH". Neck yourself.

>You say Cred Forums isn't meant for the original userbase
I didn't say that. I said that whatever memes there are here, don't deserve safe spaces.
>I was following your logic.
You were not. I said that states are meant to be the safe havens for men, and memes don't need them/shouldn't have them. That means religion, a collection of memes.

I'm "original userbase" post 2006. There are older anons here.

11-2-1 chan has /christian/ in my opinion I don't mind 1 religion thread active all the time on this board

This Kek / Christian shit needs to go. It's not beneficial to anyone's case abs christfags end up looking more retarded in the end

>conveniently cutting short what you said just 15 minutes ago
Here's a refresher.
>You're arguing as if you were meant to be the Cred Forums userbase. As if it had some purpose that you were fulfilling, and now it is lost.
>You're arguing as if whites were meant to be the european demographic. As if it had some purpose that whites were fulfilling, and now it is lost.
Sharia for Europe, right ahmed?

Your logic is exactly in line with rapefugees. I guess religioncucks just can't help but feel the need to invade wherever they go, though christcucks only have the guts to do it over the internet.

>baiting over popularity and PR

>as if you were meant to be
You forgot that part. You just self insert as every user during times when there was no Cred Forums (if you are an "original") and you want a safe space for atheists, where you won't see morality.
>though christcucks only have the guts to do it over the internet.
And in Hungary, Finland.

>That ID
Am I the only one that sees this



I don't have a problem with christcucks here. I do have a problem with retarded newfag christcucks playing crusader and acting like they own the place. You know, like rapefugees. It's the same fucking deal in real life. Immigrants can stay if they behave and contribute, whereas the degenerate savages who import their cancerous culture instead of assimilating/keeping to themselves need to be gassed.

So if you want to say that this site is meant to be for idiotic teens who are essentially virtual rapefugees then I'll tell you to kill yourself as many times as it takes. Cunt.

Petition for a secular board and keep your atheism there fadora tipper

>Immigrants can stay if they behave and contribute

their dna is subhuman thus they should never set a foot on europe

>I do have a problem with retarded newfag christcucks playing crusader and acting like they own the place.
The shitpost threads (redpill me on x, really makes you think) and Kek is actually doing just that, though. Drives the board quality down.
2014 was the tipping point. Not sure if this board will ever get rid of the Cred Forums crowd.

No. Now fuck off back to your "improvement" threads.

Christianity is a cancer to the white race. and national identity after the GFA.pdf

We should also have a separate board for anime... oh wait

Well considering this thread is only about religion I'm only commenting on the undesirable userbase relevant to the topic, obviously. I'm not going to lose focus and waste more time writing on every facet of what makes Cred Forums shit. Stop trying to change the argument into something else.

Excuse me, we worship the lord of chaos, KEK, here. Get out with your kikeonastick.

>Well considering this thread is only about religion I'm only commenting on the undesirable userbase relevant to the topic, obviously.
I'm basically saying that the Christian elements are hardly the cancer, given
>the state of the board
Religion threads, despite the communist pasta memes, tend to be on the higher side of the quality. Atheist or Christian.

>Cred Forums is a Christian board.
Is this what triggers you? Why?

Frog gods are the only religion (aside from judaism/satanism) that I'd like to see removed. Not from this board, but from reality.