Hey Cred Forums

Hey Cred Forums,

After lurking and posting on this board for a long time I've adopted many viewpoints and have learned a lot about how America can move in a better direction. There are a few things that I wondered and hoped a few of you could help inform me about.

1)I identify as Hispanic--but in reality my lineage is not from Spain but actually Mexican; it's just semantics. However my family has been born in Texas for many generations. As for as I can count I am 4th generation Texan and my great grandparents are still alive on my mother's side. I don't know how many generations past that are born in Texas. My parents and I don't speak Spanish and as far as I know, none of us have been to Mexico. So my question is: How American am I and would I be accepted in an America that is deporting illegal Mexicans?

2) If the identity of America could more towards a white majority, how much would I be accepted? I actually like white people and have probably adopted their culture because it's all I've ever known. I only really accept Mexican culture because of the huge amount of Mexicans in Texas. Also the food is good but that's about it.

3) As much as I like white women, I don't really know if I could race mix knowing that I would be hurting the fight towards a whiter America. But I really don't want to breed with another minority. Could I settle for a half or quarter white woman and try to distance my family from minority culture?

And lastly I have never taken a DNA test so I cannot actually speak to what my entire genetic makeup is.

>my family has been born in Texas for many generations
>would I be accepted in an America that is deporting illegal Mexicans?

Not trying to be a dick, but are you fucking retarded? If your family has been here for generations, what are you worried about?

>If the identity of America could more towards a white majority, how much would I be accepted?

We will kill you second to last, just before the Asians. Is that what you wanted to hear?

Fuck, man.

>Could I settle for a half or quarter white woman and try to distance my family from minority culture?

Yes, you could absolutely be with another mestiza.

You know you sound like some kind of faggoty shill, right?

How am I shilling? Obviously I want America to be more white.

>I will respond to nothing but accusations of shilling

Good discussion. You must really care about the issues you raised.

Well you gave me your arguments for the questions I asked. I can't say that you're wrong or inaccurate. That's the whole point of asking and putting this in a public forum.

I know I won't be deported since I have a long history of being in the states. The illegals have to go and I agree with that. The real questions is what happens to the people who have been here legally for a long time? They won't be kicked out but how will they be viewed compared to blacks or as you brought up, asians?

Ethno-nationalism does not imply white nationalism. Work to better whatever ethnic group you belong to.

>what happens to the people who have been here legally for a long time?

Literally nothing.

>how will they be viewed compared to blacks or as you brought up, asians?

Better than blacks, less than or on par with Asians, depending on the person.

You honestly have nothing to worry about. This isn't a Fourth Reich, this is just America getting some control back, and white Americans getting sick of bullshit.

Yeah I figured that. I just really like America. I know in reality that the true founding race of America is white Europeans. It would be against my self interest and preservation to want white nationalism. I do want to live in a less diverse USA but I ultimately know that would mean that I would not be welcome or able to continue living here. I doubt I would ever see such a radical change in my lifetime though.

Fellow Texas friend, once the purge commences, you are your mexican relatives, will be treated with the same respect and care they do with muslims in modern day america.

Or even more, with the same respect and consideration they have always showed for hispanics.

Just take the values and traits of Amercia that you adore and promote them wherever you end up. If a society values and rewards "white-presenting" behavior and attitudes, the population will select for them.

As exciting as that may be, I think that may be a ways off. Maybe I'll be away from the sun so much that I could pass for a white man. Many people confuse me for being one but they are pretty dumb. I tan really easily though so that would probably give me away. It's a blessing and a curse.

Oh shit waddup OP I'm a dirty mixed white (Hispanic) from the corpus area. I feel your pain

I'm from Austin. I would much rather be in another part of Texas but I can manage. It's kinda crazy how much Texas has changed. I don't want a taco truck on every corner.

Why do you care about Americucks? Texas will become a country again, we are Texan first, and American last.

Would any of what I have said above apply to Texas if it became it's own country? I would help build Texas into a great country. It's the only place I've ever lived. I've never been outside the borders of Texas.

Get the fuck out of my state Pedtro, you have to go back.

STFU chili pie


You shut your taco munching mouth Jose, and get to building. From the other side of course.

>I identify as Hispanic--but in reality my lineage is not from Spain but actually Mexican; it's just semantics. However my family has been born in Texas for many generations. As for as I can count I am 4th generation Texan
Woah same
Mexican isn't a race, it's just that most Mexicand are mestizo, a mixture of white hispanic and indian blood. Some have more of one type.
My mom is white as fuck, and she married a white man, so I have very little indian blood, I am white.

I think it would be most accurate to say I'm mestizo. I really don't have many Indian features. If I changed my last name I could probably play off being white. I probably won't do that for the sake of keeping my family lineage. I'm definitely American.

I'm happy that you had become white enough to deny your abuela.

To avoid getting lynched and insulted by this guyThat I can assure you, that it's a lot darker than any of you.

I feel lucky because I got my Dad's anglo name so there is no way to tell.

Fuck you I love my Grandma. She always took care of us and bought us a shit ton of food as kids. She has alzheimers now so she's in a home but I still visit her.

>She has alzheimers now
Does she know?

>I identify as Hispanic
>claim to be Texan
1) Fuck you. Texans identify as fucking Texans.

>If the identity of America could more towards a white majority, how much would I be accepted?
2) Texans shoot the shit with each other on race all the damn time. We all hate each other, but we're all Texans so when Texit comes if you can't name the state reptile, pledge, or flower then you will not be accepted. No exceptions Paco.

>Could I settle for a half or quarter white woman and try to distance my family from minority culture?
3) We are the mutt state. We are the future. While others bicker about stupid shit like racial purity you should only concern yourself with being the last bastion of United States principles and doing any and all to keep it that way.

Get the fuck out.

At least you still have that hispanic side.

The fuck are you guys talking about?

Why do you feel shame of beign hispanics, all the shit they say about you it's not true, you aren't drug dealers or criminals or rapist.

That's this idiots propaganda machine, have some fucking pride carajo.

You don't even live in a real third world hispanic hell hole, with no options, I can't cross the border to a better life, Argentina it's worst than here.

Stop thinking with the color of your skin, and start using your brain, that looks the same color on every race.

Texas independecy fucking when.

Nah, she used to.
She got it a while ago, she's reeeeal far gone, I've accepted that. She was a pretty bitter person before, she had a short temper and got angry a lot. I remember when I was a kid she would chase me around the house with a leash trying to hit me but I was too fast for her and she couldn't catch me.
But now she's pretty happy all the time, she is taken care of by a nurse my mom knows and she's fed and bathed and changed and watches tv all day. She doesn't remember me just from seeing me but when I tell her who I am she does.

you are american now.

I really am white, I look so white that there really is no point of bringing up my ancestry.

>what were the first English words the indigenous Filipinos heard?

>state reptile

He was a fucking two term president, even non-texans can do this.

>Texans identify as fucking Texans.
I agree with you there.

>when Texit comes if you can't name the state reptile, pledge, or flower then you will not be accepted
Also agree with you there.

>We are the mutt state. We are the future
There are still a lot of white people here. If we close up the borders with the wall then things can turn around.

I want Texas to be a white majority like it used to be. I love Texas with all my heart and I don't want it to become Texico. We USED to be Tejas and I don't have any plans on going back.

>my lineage is not from Spain
What is Nueva EspaƱa, you bastard son of Castile.

Yeah but it's been so long and I really don't feel Spanish. Can you blame me for not trying to pretend? Besides if I said I was Spanish real Spaniards would try to disprove my identity. I know technically Mexicans are the byproduct of Spaniards cucking the natives.

Also I said in my OP that I haven't had a DNA test. So I could really be from Spain but I have no proof to say that I am.

But what if you weren't that white?

What would you do if you see an hispanic getting lynched on the street.

Or treated as a criminal, followed by the security guards in the market, or denied of his rights, just because he smells like guacamole.

You can see that true texans don't care.

They probably help a guy in that situation, but you are the one that's on the defensive.

This whole race thing it's not ok, in Chile, we are brown enough and succesful enough, to not care, people that behave correctly shouldn't be afraid of who they are, at some point you all have to question, if you aren't barking at the wrong tree.

A place like this, an echo chamber of cosmetic solutions, that only wants an aesthetic change in society, instead of the hard work that is actually make better citizens.

Can't take you down.

>I am white.

>What would you do if you see an hispanic getting lynched on the street.
>Or treated as a criminal, followed by the security guards in the market, or denied of his rights, just because he smells like guacamole
I'd like to think I'd stick up for anyone in those situations no matter the color of their skin.

Look OP, you're race is irrelevant. Because most niggers, beaners, and minorities are degenerate scum doesn't mean they all are, only the majority.

Stick to white VALUES, not the white race. Feel free to procreate with white women, but if your part-spick son/daughter starts down the beaner path, be sure to execute he/she immediately.

If you teach your offspring well, then you won't have to worry about spreading degeneracy...