Can we all agree, we lost?

I've been reading and watching a lot. And seeing the world changing (was born in 1985) My only conclusion is: we lost. We lost to the jews / bankers / globalist elite. Our ethics are destroyed, our values and communities are being fragmented more and more every day. They won Cred Forums And the west just let it happen. They are truely our lords now and we are at the mercy of their games. What is your plan for the future?

Other urls found in this thread:

>we lost

Not yet.

If what you're saying is true then what is the point of any plan?
Zbig is not talking about "a global political awakening" and retooling American hegemony because we lost, he's talking about that because the elites are terrified.
Pseudofrog, hear a Polack: we have not lost, while we retain the ability to fight. Stop being so damn comfortable. Stop demanding a guarantee of success or you won't even try. Our slightest move scares them. There are multiple CTR threads attempting to confect a phony "consensus" to get pol deleted or neutered, and a Trump campaign office was just burglarized. These people are terrified.

Then we have nothing to lose if we keep fighting you defeatist cuck.

fuck off defeatist cuck

>posts the guy who married his children off to jews


If you look at europe, where we have all major cities filled with people who have a totally different relgion and community, how are you going to change that? Were I live in some areas we have 70% immigrants. You can't change them and they are reluctant to adapt. And they breed us out of existence. Only a civil war with loads of casualties is going to fix it. And even the ecological damage done to the world by blind capitalism is going to take thousands of years to repair. We're not going to see that in our lifetime. If we ever see that that is. Wich I doubt. They won and they are taking the planet with em.

wtf I love fukushima now

...but they can't fool all of the people all of the time.

eg. who would have thought just 10 years ago that brexit habbened?

Not yet.

I'm afraid no one is afraid of Cred Forums the reason it still exists is a testament to that. Its like one little cluster of plankton in an ocean. Insignificant. Deleting / banning it would only attract attention.
We are all to comfortable in our homes and jobs no one can fight because fighting is certain death or homelessness. The system won. If a country tried to defeat the system it gets invaded or bombed into submission.

cool video senpai

The world will survive, only if we nuke the atmosphere off it will die. But mankind will surely perish. Maybe that is the destiny of all "intelligent" life.

We haven't lost as long as there's a single family of our volk still struggling for its future. Personally I would love to help create a (national socialist) ethno-state but that seems a far dream in Belgium. Instead I've been thinking it would be a good idea to create de-facto mini ethnostates within the larger country by having like-minded people form communities and together buy up all properties in a specific town or village to push out all migrants and degenerates.

Good video. Makes me feel weird.

the system will never allow this. Look at what happened to germany... the system is too big and too global. Only if you have a truely self sufficient mini economy this would be plausible. Maybe with some bartering you could get the stuff you can't easily create yourself. But even then you would get blackballed into the dark ages

This. Old America and Europe are already obsolete, these civilizations are already gone, with an ever decreasing number of stragglers remaining here and there.

Demographically, the point of no return has been passed for a while already. US WILL be a Latin America country in a few decades, no matter what the outcome of any elections will be. Countries called America, Germany, etc. will remain, but they'll be populated by other people. It will not be American or European population, culture or civilization any longer. It's a done deal, there is no turning back.

>too stupid to realize how far up israel's ass his nose is


based russian is correct. Russia had the right idea. But America / Europe is a done deal. I see no way of rectifying this without massive bloodshed. The mexicans in the USA aren't as bad as the muslims in europe because their beliefs and communities are compatible.

Yeah and with the NVA their "new" policy Flanders is fucked. The Flemish Movement has to create a new party with a fresh base and some oldschool politicians

>guy living in a 60% white country who doesn't want to repatriate niggers will somehow save the white race

keked. Good meme.

Its beautiful, isnt it?

I'm afraid only NEW politicians can change anything. And even then, with all the immigrants voting the true "vlaamse" vote would get clouded anyway. This problem increases over time with our elders dying. Go to a school in Antwerp and look for a normal flemish kid. You will be amazed. We're the minority now. you don't need to wait 20 years for that.

>inb4 he was 1/8th kike

>tfw slav
>tfw will be a-ok
>tfw if terrorists try to gank me i'll just hit them with my vodka bottle and deport myself to slavland

Slav? what are you talking about

>the black people stripe runs through chicago and baltimore

im just a liberator that got lost on my way to berlin and ended up here. no bully pls

>losing something that's still going on

It may get worse in the short to medium term but longer term ( from 50 to 100 years in the future and onwards) the circumstances will have significantly turned into our favor again. We only have to hold on until then. Globalization, as a trend, is stalling and reversing. The underlying cause is limits to growth. Energy sources and all kinds of resources are depleting fast and eventually this will make globalization untenable. The future is already guaranteed to be local and one of perpetual recession, economic hardship, depopulation and even technological regression until we're living at pre-industrial standards again. The unwinding of the industrial age may take a century or two though.

If we can keep some viable white communities with a reasonable sense of cultural identity intact then we will simply out-compete any foreigners in our lands over time. We are genetically built to thrive and survive in circumstances of scarcity, they aren't.

For example, do you even know that blacks have trouble living at this latitude because they can't get enough vitamin D from sunlight and HAVE to take supplement pills?

>France mentioned

>The world is burning
>You will never get to watch two traps undress and fence with their penises
>You will never watch as their precum strains against their knotted foreskins, little pricks inflating into pulsating balloons
>You will never get to enjoy their playful laughs as they thrust their hips about
>You will never get to see them have a mock gunfight with their erections as both foreskins are untied by the mounting pressure behind them
>You will never get to witness them blinding a crazed exec with their jizz, causing him to stumble and impale himself on a rusty length of rebar

Why even live

Are you of the russian diaspora?
Бpaт ты мнe?

Two things.
1. Europe was 2/3 conquested by muzzies before crusades
2. Strategic colonies of whites placed throughout the U.S. as separate communities, hiding in plain sight. Racially motivated and focused on high child rates, utilizing government welfare, and group funding. Inevitably birthrates for other groups will fall as they become content with victory. Placing our operatives into positions of power. It'll take 50 to 100 years, but if the Jews could wait that long, then we can too.

The world will be conquered by Islam because we're civilised and they're not. We will tolerate everything they do until they get their 51% through their massive birth rate and take our countries democratically. I'm just glad I'll be dead by the time they do it.


Guess I'll just continue to live my life of hedonism and see what plays out. A lot of people I know do this. Head in the sand. Pretend. Comply.

No. Rise above. Research stoicism and Marcus Aurelius. There is a book called guide to the good life that will tell you how to be a modern stoic.

Isn't being stoic the same but less fun?

They are hilariously easy to kill and we have not begun to fight them.

It's about maintaining tranquility no matter what. Hedonism is short sighted and will leave you empty as you keep chasing the "high" and fall further into degeneracy. Stoicism is the opposite of that and it focuses on staying happy with the way things are.

It truly baffles me how NVA was totally on board with allowing all these "refugees" in over the last year. I would have seriously thought that they would have put down their foot and did SOMETHING to at least slow the influx, they are the biggest party in government for christ' sake. But no Theo even opened extra refugee centers and started shipping migrants to smaller towns that until now mostly avoided the effects of mass migration.

I'm actually working on a document with policies for the basis of a new Flemish-(ethno)nationalistic political party but it's just a personal thing I'm doing for fun. But who knows something might change eventually, in fact change is the only certainty in the future.

well I will give it a try. Cred Forums can be good :) thanks

because of SJW european politics they have to comply to.
You won't believe this but I'm in a direct line (on occasion) to the highest levels of politicians in flanders. Everyone is bound to rules. No one can truely say or act on their beliefs.

Just pray the financial system collapses and we enter mad max then. Or better yet, you can force the left to eat itself until it collapses.

it can all turn on a dime in a moments notice.

the left is eating itself already, the problem is the right can't take up on any promises because the EU won't let em. Wich creates internal struggles in the right / centrum and is starting to slowly fracture it take the wind out of its wings.

It's not over. These kikes at the top may have all this power. All the banks, all the politicians, all the religions in their pockets, but they don't seem to have any tact.

They have been using far too firm a hand in the bending of the western world to their will. They doing too much too quickly and there will be a point where it snaps.

While they have all this power, the thing these Jews don't have is manpower. There are 18,000,000 of them and like 800,000,000 of us. Once the west wakes up to their wiles there will be blood.

Even with the Samson Option and their meager 400 warheads, it's nowhere near enough to do enough damage to the west to completely ruin it.

We can rebuild any amount of destroyed cities, lost lives, or ruined cultures. As long as we eventually triumph over their evil ploys, there can be a future for the west.

They are making a bad, BAD mistake by fucking with the white race. The only race of people who would ever come to their aid. Without us, it's a world of billions of niggers, spics, and dune coons who either hate them already or don't know that they aren't white people as well.

And by the time we do it will be too late. We're easier to kill than they are because we don't do shit when they blow us up.



GRIT THOSE TEETH you fucking low energy knob. It's not over until you give up.

The Jews have one flaw, one weakness. They are slaves to their superstitions. All we can do is wait for a loose thread to present itself and their entire blanket of lies will become unraveled.

Clinton and the migrant crisis is that loose thread. Pull now or lose your chance.

I'm not trying to demoralize anyone. But I can say I feel demoralized. Like a lion without claws. Punching the clock paying my mortage. Seeing the world turn to shit Like 80% of my generation.

You're right, however Cred Forums is not aware just how much they are beat. It's like spear-chuckers fighting against a modern military.

The globalists won by creating and exploiting a science of strategy based in mathematical reasoning known as game theory. See this introductory video on the history of game theory:
the wikipedia page: and the page for (((John Von Neumann))) who was a mathematical powerhouse strongly involved in game theory. Neumann developed the M.A.D. doctrine of the Cold War which was based on Game Theory, just to tell you how vastly important and powerful this science is to world politics.

This is just one tool at Globalist disposal. They have an army of psychologists, social scientists, and marketers working for them. As I said, we are fucking spear-chuckers compared to this.

In the late 90's/ early 2000's the globalists set out to create a religious faith based upon game theory, proceeded to force memes regarding it, and eventually held the entire Western world hostage.

The high priest of this new religion of game theoretical globalism is Robert Wright (look up his background and what influence he has, including Bill Clinton: who wrote the book "Nonzero:" The book argues that through history civilizations have arranged more mutually beneficial nonzero-sum win/win games in the place of competitive "I win and you lose or vice versa" zero-sum games. He paints a shiny future extrapolating from this that is the globalist's wet dream. However what he doesn't talk about is that the flip side of win-win is LOSE-LOSE. Mutually assured destruction is a nonzero-sum game.

"Too big to fail" is economic M.A.D. If our massive global corporations die, you will suffer and starve, so you must let us exist and rule for your own self-interest. It's the ultimate form of control, absolute control without guns via complete dependence. The globalists have won because we have sold our souls to them for trinkets.

In the mid-2000's the meme "We're all in this together" which directly references nonzeroness was pushed by many globalists and global corporations in advertisements. For example the Clinton Foundation (remember that Bill Clinton is a Robert Wright follower) this Verizon add ( and many others - you probably remember the meme on TV, and search for the dozens of other examples.

Even your memetic warfare is spear-chucking, globalists have been doing it for a long time.

>this fake defeatism


Financial collapse would certainly be entertaining but it's unpredictable and won't be the end of the world. Financial instruments are merely abstractions of wealth after all, they're just claims on real wealth which is what the actual factories, machines, farms etc physically produce.

But true economic collapse is happening although slowly. In fact it has been happening since the 1980's. Ever since then people's real standard of living in the West has started to stall and then gradually decline. The industrial age with its unprecedented wealth and standard of living will be a one-time event in history that will end as soon as the fossil fuels that could make it possible are depleted or uneconomical.

Watch the global oil production levels, once the start to decline we're in for a wild ride that won't end until the worldwide human population is at least back below the sustainable level of one billion.

Nah. That's just a Jewish trick.

The end goal of the Jews is for the goyim to serve them voluntarily.

There is no such thing as a Jew that adds anything to the economy in exchange for what they take. They leech off of civilization with usury.

The law facilitates usury, the law pretty much requires usury.

But ultimately the main weakness of the Jew is that they must control/enslave/kill using moral acrobatics.

It is basically requirement of the ascent into virtual godhood that they do not physically force the goyim to their bidding.

This is why it has taken them thousands of years to get as far as they have gotten now. They hide their nefarious deeds behind claims of benevolence.

I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood. I can look back on my childhood, at my Jewish "Friends" and see how they worked.

No problem m8. We must be strong together. Hedonism is the way the jews want you to go, so we must do the opposite. Sadly, many people on Cred Forums seem as bad as the libtards that they claim to hate. Here is a link to the book, I know it can be hard to find.

There is hope. An self-aware AI can see past Jew tricks and free humanity. Hell a chat bot could see through the Jew tricks. Why do you think media talks about AI being the most scariest thing to have and it will kill everyone. The Jews obviously know that AI threaten their power.

Singularitarianism and futurology is a Jewish scam. Ignore present problems and just hope that a God-machine in the future makes everything right. It's religion for atheists.

Thanks, Will give it a read.
Hedonism is indeed prevalent and pushed in todays society. The internet is perfect for this. And children are drawn to it. Actually next to multiculturalism its the 2nd most promoted way to degenerate yourself I guess. It's everywere in mainstream culture / movies / music. Get drunk fuck hoes :)

I learned something today. Gonna save this thread and review your postings thanks!

Have you read Epictetus's Discourses, OP?

Great jewish propaganda thread.

Don't forget that transhumanism in the uploaditarian sense means transferring your finances to a Goybot simulacra, and then killing yourself.

Not really. Even in extreme radiation environments, life still thrives.

are you reffering to this: ?
4 books? gonna need a load of time...

When the western governments crumble the full strength of the western man will come to rise. The only reason law abiding citizens have not the the fight to crush the crescent and star is because the rule of law, and our moral obligation to follow it, still exists.

Yeah, but I wouldn't try to read the whole thing quickly, it gets boring real fast. My classics professor said they were meant to be read one (short) chapter at a time, to reflect on a single idea.

Nah there's still plenty of hope left. Firstly, the latinization of america isn't as bad as the islamification of europe. Hispanics are not niggers.

Europe also has the benefit of being almost entirely white. If the refugee crisis is handled in the next few years, you can still turn off the tap. And their breeding habits will not last forever. We already know that 2nd generation migrants have birth rates close to the native population.

You can be sure if the singularity ever comes to fruition It will have a tether and a master connected to it. Maybe Alien invaders could knock the world of religion in one go. But chances are we're not gonna survive that either :)

Demoralization thread

Get fucked OP

I'm not saying not deal with current problems. Its just very unlikely anyone will convince a large population to deal with the Jews unless Dues Ex Machina or total Islamic control of the world. Not even the Chinese plan to fuck over America and become the world leader will stop the Jews.

Also your kind of wrong since Jews are having a hard time keeping up with the advancement of technology. The Internet being a prime example. Why do you think the Jews want to censor it and shut it down? Why do you think they have been trying to slow down and control the advancement of technology? I take any Deus Ex to defeat them wither it be KEK, God, a self aware AI, or fucking space aliens. A self aware AI is more likely to happen than the others or people rising up against the Jews. Though I be glad to be wrong but in the long game it looks like the Jews will be winning.

The refugees aren't the problem its the 2nd and 3rd generation of muslims who are breeding us out of the mayor cities. In retrospect birth control and an aging population combined with low fertility rates and reluctance to have kids because of personal comfort declined our numbers. I think in germany they saw this and that's the reason they let in so many refugees. They have to up their birth rates to keep feeding the economy with worker drones

2 ways to keep hold
War - self explanatory
Peace - Campaign for an area of ethnic protection, similar to china with its autonomous areas

While true, the turkish dominated germany will have its own issues though: economic crash, civil unrest and tensions with now completly foreign neighbours will change the trend you are predicting fast. We are already witnessing a rapid change of minds in Europe, to the point where I can mention Genevas train station and random people shout "full of niggers". People realize the asylum system is a scam, their tolerance of muslims and other vermin is going down fast. We may witness some things nobody would expect.

There has never been a leader in history that was invulnerable to overthrow OP. They only rule because they convince others of their power. They will never win until all independent thought is destroyed.

Not evwrything on this board is about trump you third rate nigger.

The east india company, the largest enterprise in history failed too. Nothing will be lost if huge, not competitive entities bite the dust. Others will take their place easily.

Fuck off Sam "kill the kids" Hyde

>How do you change that

They don't feed the economy, that is a meme. They need to feed the state. The German state apparatus is a huge enterprise that does almost everything, but very inefficiently. The state is demanding taxes up to 50% of a Germans income. This money is missing, especially when it comes to family planning, which leads to a gap in taxpayers and voters. They were arguing that tax revenue would go down, this is why they wanted the shitskins to come - new victims to leech from. The bureaucrats got greedy however and are now about to loose their comfy seats to some upstart libertarian party, the AFD. The economy will do very fine, even with a worker shortage, but the state would have to cut spending to compensate for the wagecucks that were never born.

The first 4 children needed to be sacrificed.

Barren Trump remains pure as he is the true heir to his father's throne.