Cred Forumsygamy?

Is polygamy the way to save the white race?
If 80% of white men are either cucked liberals or faggot virgins, shouldn't alphas be taking 4 or 5 wives? Not only would this ensure ALL white babies are genetically superior and assertive, but multiple wives would address the complaint many alphas have that they either don't want to be tied down or don't want their wives to be of low quality. With polygamy, they can just get a different one (while the original still raises kids).

The only concern is that the men would be even more susceptible to divorce, but the solution is simple: don't make money. Alphas can make their entire lives about putting 4 kids in each wife. Remember, women will abandon all their principles for a true alpha male. This is absolutely viable.

Prove me wrong if you can.

wow page 5 in 3 minutes gg

feedback pls

it's still on page 1 you colossal faggot


>Being this retarded.

Convince women.

I urge you to get out of the basement while you can still find the door.

>Being married to MULTIPLE women that can destroy you

Come on dude.

>but the solution is simple: don't make money. Alphas can make their entire lives about putting 4 kids in each wife. Remember, women will abandon all their principles for a true alpha male. This is absolutely viable.
How would they make money?

I was just thinking about this. You are right leaf

lol, no matter what you canucks do, your country will still be one huge failure, being laughed at behind your spineless backs.

why do you care about polygamy in the first place if you can't land one gf, anyway?


alpha white men are rarer than 2/10, but let's say you're correct for the sake of example. among that 20%, how many do you think will

a) make enough money to support multiple wives / children
b) be smart enough to produce worthy children

that leaves you a very, very limited pool to draw from. and if you are part of this pool, why would you bother having a bunch of wives? they can fuck basically anyone they want and not be tied down by law. frankly 5 wives sounds like a nightmare, they would be constantly trying to one up each other. i'm guessing you haven't been around enough women to witness this sort of behavior.

This is just what the left is trying to pull except they call it 'polyamory' or something along those lines. They're not trying to look out for the white race though. You'd just play into their agenda of having polygamous relationships.

Also, fuck off you fucking leaf polygamy should stay outlawed and if it for some reason isn't, Should be. This is a degenerate practice.

YES!!! Finally another person who understands!
Also don't forget about women's liberation and affirmative action allowing some women to be able to take many of the high paying jobs and how when it is combined with women's hypergamous nature basically means nobody is able to breed because women won't settle for a man that makes less than them.

5 wives could work, as long as all four women love each other like sisters.

>have 5 wives
>have to pay 5 alimonies when they all divorce you for abuse

Sounds like a great say to have a lot of kids with little to no parenting from their father(s)

But of course that's only a problem if the kid is a nigger

>all four women love each other like sisters.
>loving eachother
holy shit they'll be killing eachother within the hour. Haven't you ever seen those survivor shows where they put 10 women on an island and they almost poison themselves while 10 men built fucking civilization

They will have no choice. All we have to do is normalize it and western women will go along with it. If you are a 'liberated woman' in her 30s who rode the cock carousal for most of your life then your options are very limited. Yeah, you could get a sperm donor, but your child will be very disadvantaged without at least one parent with them at all times. I see a future where alphas take four or five wives with three or four of them focusing on their careers while one or two of them adopt traditional gender roles.

>"Empowered" women will compete with 4 other women and have to actually put effort in to get something they can get any day of the week all because a white cismale says so

I see you really thought this through...

that's rich. even isis sex slaves try to compete for the top spot. you would think they'd find solidarity in their suffering, but nope. that's just how women are.

No, get out Mr. Smith.

One day, one day

We'll redistribute the women from you chads.

My father worked and I had siblings. He was there for me. I reckon that any kid born into a polygamist household will be just as well off as I was.

ITT: betas daydreaming about anime harems

the time in which this would have been possible in the western world is over

Well I imagine the family could establish a sleeping schedule to ration the man out over the week.


No. It's not just about the survival or white race.
Equally as important is restoring the traditional family unit, otherwise there would be no point.

Another leaf idiot shit posting topic that you should have filtered.

Get on our level new fags. Join the leaf idiot filtering revolution!

i've actually been kinda waiting for this to come up in court, if fags can marry then why can't multiple adults? love wins and all that shit

I'm a white American with two wives. I can tell you it's demonized in the media because it's extremely effective.

The only arguments against polygamy tend to be "there won't be any women for betas" (who cares?) and women's rights nonsense which is all built on anti-polygamy propaganda.

Anyway if anyone has (serious) questions about polygamy and it's feasibility feel free to ask.

With women's liberation and affirmative action there already aren't any women for betas.

How do you think we can change the face of polygamy in America and the west?

Under ideal circumstances, I would agree with the arguments against polygamy. But at this point, white men are actively avoiding having children, as are many white women. If a man can convince multiple white women to have his children, good on him.

I don't think we should. Polygamy will naturally isolate you. From society at large, friends and even some family. Having the internet is a great balance to this.

I think ultimately we need to stop trying to save the present system and let it run it's course. We need to take care of our own and be prepared to fight over the ashes.

The best advice I can give people is three points:

1) Move to the rural midwest.
2) Get a wife or wives.
3) Become as self-sufficient as you can.

It's three simple steps to happiness.

Oh and I should note: don't legally marry anyone. This will help you avoid all the legal issues. There's no point in this day and age beyond a tax break anyway.

The Jibjabs do it and they're winning so...

basically exactly, this is what I'm saying