Why didn't we pick our own cotton?


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You should have.

You dun goofed.


But they did offer them a chance of leaving after they were freed


Jamaracus Jackson is clearly a troll account, and a good one.

So Im starting to think that we should start raiding talcum x. Trigger him and agitate all the darkies

Slavelabour's pretty enticing because it increases long term growth without you having to invest into technology, also to people saying "you should have" it's notable that we abolished slavery first and are pretty all right on the whole

Nothing more obnoxious than Muslims getting uppity about racism, especially racism in history. Muslim countries and communities are probably the most racist places on earth.

I like organic cotton; naturally harvested by free-range niggers.

It's fucking crazy how he can just post shit that he knows will offend his audience, and simply posts "America. [Current Year]." after, and gets so much clout from it.

I wonder if he's ethnically Jewish. That's the only thing that can explain his marketing genius.

It'd be better to subvert him. I wonder how many nigs actually think he's a black guy. If we just reveal to them that Talcum X is actually a white guy trying to take credit for creating and leading the BLM movement, they might dispose of him themselves.

Shuan king's race baiting ass needs to be put in jail for treason

I'm willing to bet $100 some black person made that.
Never in my life heard a white person talk or text like that.

Most of the cotton harvested down here by me is harvested by whites because blacks can't operate the tractors used during the harvest. Shit's pretty comical. Slaves spent like a million years picking shit up off the ground by hand but it only took whites a couple generations to get tired of that shit and develop enormous machines to do the work more efficiently.

Mechanical cotton picker was invented in the 1940s. What followed was the migration of 50% of southern blacks into the north and the destruction of northern cities like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicongo, New York, etc.


>kidnapped from africa
they don't actually believe this, right? Right?

I have, but usually in some ironic and snarky manner. I've heard black people unironically say the same about white people, though...

Guess which one is more socially acceptable?

I would ready go right in her pussy m8.

you guys literally don't know american history. slaves were needed for rice patties- which were the bane of white people since they were breeding grounds of mosquitos.

Would have saved a lot of trouble in the long run, that's for fucking sure.

2bh, he may just have disdain for the Eagles

what! I hate the south now

I hate blacks. More and more everyday.

I didn't think much about them before BLM. BLM is the worst thing that ever happened to blacks.

I wish they'd all leave.

Why didn't you just castrate the niggers?

Also, is Shaun King mixed or full white?

Because whites are lazy scum

It's the current year, did you guys know that? I mean come one, good golly gosh, jeez louise man.

He's a transnigger.

He is 100% white.

He told some lie about his mom having an affair with a black man, but he looks exactly like the white man his mom is married to (aka his white father)


Is what Talcum X is doing doxxing? If so why hasn't Facebook banned him? Or do they allow it?

Muslims did that.

Am I supposed to get more mad at talcum x or the nigger who thinks we just went over to Africa and stole people?

They are simply expressing frustration at the hands of white racism. Besides POC can't "murder" a white person. Murder is power+privilege + killing. Sorry whitesplainer save your tears.

seeing a sandnigger act as if America is bad because of "muh slavery" is so fucking hypocritical.

clearly has no clue about their own 1400 year reign of terror. Niggers that went to America are so fucking lucky they didn't meet a muslim.

As a former inmate of public schools in the inner-city I can tell you how you shut him down forever. 5 simple words in reply to whatever he posts. "Shut your white ass up". Worked on "light skinneded" negros. Should work on white guys pretending to be "light skinneded" negros

I have never hated myself more for being an Eagles fan, not even when they made it to four straight NFC championship games without a super bowl

How come then NFL and media had such a problem with this?

Why did you give them rights should be the real question yankee faggot

because black people were property, technically slaveowners were picking their own cotton

This. Everyone hates the Eagles lol.

Same to be fair.

Because TeGOAT assblasted everyone, especially the Steelers.


It's called Cred Forumsintelpro newfag

>did somebody offer the choice of leaving after they were enslaced from Africa

It's called fucking Liberia. And it look what happened to that shithole!


We tried to make the Irish do it but they all kept dying from a combination of sunlight and malaria.

Troll ammunition: The South would have industrialized anyway and gotten rid of slavery on their own, and if left undisrupted, would have solidified their economic power. The emancipation movement was lobbied primarily by Northern land owners--most of whom derived most of their revenue from agriculture--who were able to make massive land grabs in the south after the Civil War.

No shame user. Those Eagles team were great. They just never really had that playmaker on offense to make the big play, in the big moment. Then they got TO and he broke his ankle. They just had tough luck. But that D could get after it.


Because Christian isiots wanted to covilize the poor savages by bringing them here and showing them what's possible in a culture where minorities are protected by the law.

Naturally, the savages interpreted this as "they weak, kill them all and gibsmedat"


Now EVERYBODY in the Western world has to deal with rap, Ebonics & liberals promoting racemixing. The fucking Union should've stomped your asses into the ground when they had the chance.


Why hasnt anyone doxxed this white boy yet? I really get sick of seeing his dumbass comments. Race baiters and provocateurs should be hung for agitating both races. In their mind they think race war will end favorably but the truth couldnt be further from this assumption.

>Because Christian isiots wanted to covilize the poor savages by bringing them here and showing them what's possible in a culture where minorities are protected by the law.
>Naturally, the savages interpreted this as "they weak, kill them all and gibsmedat"

Tu as une tres grande compréhension de l'histoire, Big Bubba...



Do you not pay attention when you browse this board?

>niggers get paid 10 million a year for wearing spandex

salut mon enfant. je suis votre cajon préférée

>Talcum X
holy shit kek

White indentured labor /died/, because there was malaria in the south way back in the beginning (really). Working whites lasted, I forget, something like 18 months on average. But as we all know, Africans are malaria resistant. Some black slaves got introduced and it took off from there. Source: '1493' by Charles Mann.



A few more decades and we would have. The cotton gin was going to change everything.

It's irrelevant to ask that question. We didn't pick our own cotton, so we have to deal with the repercussions we have now. Unless you can travel back in time.

20% of all slaveowners were blacks. The north was full of Irish and european slaves working in factories. Slavery usually lasted about 15 years, it wasn't confinement it was a work program. 90% of all slave managers were blacks. Slavery was on the way out as early as 1840 because it was a very expensive labor force, not a cheap one. After the civil war we established 2 colonies in africa and provided free passage to all blacks who wanted to leave. Slaves worked about 4 hours a day total on the plantations. Most slaves once freed never moved more than 10 miles away from their plantations.

>salut mon enfant. je suis votre cajon préférée

Comment ça va, mon négro?

Nice proofs he has there

We wuz Shaun Kangz

And shiet