So, now that I've turned 18, I feel like I can tell the story of this kid at the school I attend...

So, now that I've turned 18, I feel like I can tell the story of this kid at the school I attend. I know he browses Cred Forums, as he told me as much. Is this how all you faggots act and look?

Lets call him Evan.

>skinny, pale, short manlet
>would wear different army helmets/hats to school every day
>camo clothing, or army green, at least
>Switched out his army helmets for a trump hat once they became a big
>biggest beta I know,
>regularly accuses me of being a communist
>wants to be a marine
>despite having no muscle to speak off
>I'm pretty sure he failed freshmen P.E.
>Regularly attends make up classes
>will sieg heil in the hallways
>regularly says "nigger" "cuck" and "kike"

so evan also has a bunch of friends, and I know a couple of them by name, others I know nothing about.

one was
>around 6'5
>always wears a pair of suspenders to school
>was a skater
>Also wore a short brimmed hat

another friend of his

>long brown hair, clearly doesn't wash it
>also tan looking, like hes italian or something
>I've never said a word to him
>calls me a communist in the hallways
>I'm pretty sure he's never showered before
>has massive buckteeth
>he's always drinking coke from a can
>When I say always, I mean, always

so yea, Cred Forums, are all you faggots this autistic?

also, fuck you, Evan, you autistic shit.

You know nothing, user Snow

did you actually just whine about some guy you don't like at /high school/?

On the off chance you're actually serious i'll tell you i didnt login to this loatian flower arranging forum to see your crap sully it. Shoo.

I'm starting to think that you might actually be autistic

>le // meme

This aint your blog you dumb under age faggot
i hope you get banned

>Not using Cred Forums as a personal blog

are you slow or something?

Brandon is this you, you fucking cunt?

Talking shit about me on my board bitch? Go back to /fa/

Fuck off retard

Go back to Cred Forums where you belong. I question if you are even 18, judging by your autistic venting about some people at your school, probably not. Literal mental midget

you're not him

This is probably OP lmao begging for attention

binary digits burn

Evan, in case you see this thread, you're a faggot. Take the glorious pill and get fucking swole. A proper nationalist looks fucking glorious and is an exemplary citizen of his country. We don't want twiggy nu-males for our right wing death squads.


who the fuck are you

I am a mental midget, I browse Cred Forums

4sure faggot

kek just realized


third friend
>short, fat, never touched a girl
>posts about other faggot friends that probably hate you more on /pol
>i hope they see this and shun you even more you underage tard





I've been found out

this reads like a quality thread, go back to your quality reddit thanks

not political. mods!


fucking nigger fuck off

if someone you have never spoken to calls you a commie in the hallways and you do nothing about it I can only assume youre as much of a cuck as you claim your friends are

>Calls people a cuck
>on a taiwanese basket weaving message board

no, strangely enough, he's never actually called me a cuck,