>Trump Rally in Kenansville, NC 9/20/16
>Pence Rally in Williamsburg VA 9/20/16 7:30PM ET
>Trump Rally in High Point NC 9/20/16
>Trump ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite

Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist

>Pence Rally in Dubuque IA 9/19/16
>Trump Rally in Ft Myers & Pence Q&A Mason City IA FL 9/19/16
>Trump rally in Colorado Springs CO 9/17/16
>Pence Rally in the Villages FL 9/17/16
>Trump speaks at Rememberance Project 9/17/16
>Trump Rally in Miami FL 9/16/16
>Trump Haitian Townhall in Miami FL 9/16/16
>Trump Speaks in Washington DC 9/16/16

>Trump on Savage Nation 9/19/16
>Trump on Orly 9/19/16
>Trump on F&F 9/19/16
>Trump on Media Buzz 9/18/16
>Trump on Mornings with Maria 9/16/16

>Trump - Les Deplorables
>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero

Other urls found in this thread:

feeling real uneasy, (((they're))) planning something.



>reminder that dubya was lambasted by the liberal press in 04 [with good reason]
>he still demolished an unpopular democrat in the election
granted he was the incumbent, but he was hated by the libs more than even Trump
>Trump is more popular with the masses than dubya, and is being lambasted by the same liberal media, shillary is hated universally

Stay vigilant, I wouldn't be surprised if they had one of their own to martyr to bring Trump down.



Probably a huge false flag, they'll try to get a quintessential christian white dude wearing a Trump hat to kill his own family.

They're extremely desperate.

...They're going to shoot him, aren't they?



some amerifat take over OP instead of a fucking LEAF

Do you guys feel it?

(((They))) probably are, but so far nothing they've tried has worked so unless all subtlety is about to go out the window then I'm not super concerned just yet.

The thing that you Trumpkins don't realize is that Hillary's low poll numbers are counterintuitive. Low numbers actually bode well for her because it will have a mobilizing effect. People will get woke and realize this is serious and that a tyrant may get elected into office.

Well, CTR sent in a new wave today. That's something?

Pretty much all these terror attacks were perpetuated by naturalized US citizens or second generation Americans.

There's nothing that can be done to stop them unless they actively plan or commit an act. Being radicalized is protected first amendment speech.

Sorry guys.

>France is building a wall

Yes, brother.


Here's the latest InsiderAnon thread I have.

People vote for Trump when they're woke.

>having the press play button in a screenshot

Have we entered the eye of the storm...or is it yet to begin?

What's up with people who early vote before the first debate?

wow he's doing so good

hubba hubba

At this point I'll be surprised if Hillary lives to see 2017.

They'll unregister Republican voters.

They did it to Bernie supporters.


Remember her?

Wrong one

Stay on guard for The Emperor.

Reminder: Pence is a great man.

Despite the weather he gave a solid 30 minute speech.

Trump still has a chance, r-right guys?

we're riding the storm nigga
get on board

election fraud

She's retarded.

Thanks user.

Anyone got any others? These are super interesting to read...

>toss up

im a scrub. but im voting to MAGA

Man, I had double vision for at least a week from a black eye once. Fucking awful. I couldn't imagine having to live with that.

Alright boys, I have a cuckpass, what should I vote for? Dubs or higher decide.


Also just post the number going from top.

Before this article, there's proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama and Hillary committed treason, but the media chose not to report it.
Now, Hillary is saying Trump committed treason, with no evidence, and the media will swallow it up like cum from black cock in Sweden.

They're going to try. This is why he hasn't done a 100k rally in the Rose Bowl in LA or the Big House in Ann Arbor, even though he could easily draw the crowds for it - security.

Pleasure of being reloaded inside.

>Georgia and arizona are swing states maymay

Georgia's not going Blue for Hillary.

>i h8 u
how the mighty /k/ has fallen

It's now #nevertrump for me -- turns out the true grassroots conservatives were right all along. I'll have to admit that going down to the local Ted Cruz HQ to get turned into a #cruzmissile was at first a truly embarrassing experience, but in the end I was welcomed with open arms into Ted's flock. The truth is, I will never EVER support anyone who supports lgbt rights. Even if Cruz loses in the general (although the polls say that he will have a true landslide of a win) then so be it -- true conservatives will NEVER compromise on lgbt rights because it stands against the core family values that make us whole.

In Donald's own words "It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep for 1,000 years".... And today I decided to be a lion for a day and take a stand against lgbt rights. Truly there is no point in winning an election if you need to give up your core conservative values in the process.

Now I'm expecting a flood of #trumpertantrums from the #trumpernutters that infest this board (further proof that Ted is a true insurgent candidate), but as long as I can connect with just one person, just ONE TRUE AND HONEST conservative soul and welcome them into #campcruz... Then let's just say that my job here is done.

>Clinton needs Arizona to get to 270
Lol you fucking dumbass

What's it like to be killed for the Jew but the Anglo-Saxon tells you to fuck off?

high capacity clip shotgun shell filled with made-up ammo

Can i get some (You)s please?

this gif is too comfy i wish there was a "longer" version of it or something

>feeling real uneasy, (((they're))) planning something.
>#nevertrump for me

Thank you for:




Candidate CLINTON
and the
C.T.R. Initiative
have deposited 2 Shekels into your account.
You've earned a chance at a BONUS*
D U B S: Lord KEK breeds the autism out of your line.

T R I P S: You never existed.

Q U A D S or Higher: Hillary strokes out after 1st debate.

Has he been online after the 16th? That is the question...

literally everything she accuses Donald of is what she is guilty of. major projecting

>mfw mom says Trump is

Trump will win Virginia and Florida.

Is insider user going to speak soon?

>Too stupid to do basic math
Clinton only needs ONE of those swing states to win. She's up +5 in Florida, do the math, retard.

My God the delusion.

Not even Nate Penny believes this

>90 point deficit
Holy shit, this delusion


Vote for one of the Hitler ones. They're all a reference to this thread.

be ready, they are going to do it again.

Get a mexiqt

i'm sure president clinton will be sympathetic to your crusade against lgbt rights


trips of truth

Think carefully about the other way to interpret that combo of implications and pic, genius. AZ isn't going blue.

he can win every single one of those toss ups, he doesn't even need Colorado

As a professional (you) collector let me advise you that long drawn out baits are shitty ways to get (you)'s

Short and to the point bait is effective bait

>le blue florida maymay

The best way to get (You)s here is to say "Drumpf" in every post and copy paste news stories that undermine Trump. Also be an aggressive faggot when you're labeled a shill.


>I wandered lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o'er vales and hills


Winner, also kek.


Imagine if the guy's dad hadn't recanted? How long should the FBI look into him if they don't come up with anything? And what if he wasn't retarded, and used dark web and something encrypted like whatsapp on a burner to communicate? Should communication that can't be monitored by the government be banned? If I tell the FBI I think you're going to bomb a mosque or an abortion clinic, should they raid you if you buy a pressure cooker?

Until the other day, the guy's parents were small business owners living the American dream. He came here for the same reasons our ancestors did.

Reposting from this morning.

lol keep being retarded


OH SHUT UP SILLY WOMAN said the reptile with a grin





>Average day at CTR

That's why vetting doesn't work. A total ban on Islamic immigration and classifying Islam as a political party instead of a religion is the way to crack down on their shenanigans.

Very disappointing you didn't use the correct copy pasta m8.

2/10 best I can do.


doing some gods work

wow my friends are gonna be so jealous when I tell them about this

>Clinton needs Arizona to get to 270
If that's the state she needs she's going to lose.
AZ is a red state

what about the rumor he rigged ohio?

Ah fuck mate, but got it first

>le oversampled questionable (((poll)))

>He Can
No, he HAS to. Clinton could lose all of those swing states, and still win, because she can flip Georgia.

What are the chances Hillary calls Trump "Drumpf" on stage during the debate?

Maybe we should just nuke londonistan

Yah one poll that has always been pro Clinton. Statistically they are tied, and since Trump has more enthusiasm a tie is bad for Clinton.

Thanks user.

They're still trying stuff. Just trying to be as stealthy as possible.

Don't be such a fucking moron. He meant that by persecuting Muslims, you will enrage the existing Muslim population and turn them towards the arms of terrorism. Leave the borders open and that won't happen.

>can flip Georgia
will never flip georgia ftfy

>I'm in charge here!

He'd call her "cunt" in return and make her sperg the fuck out on camera. She has very poor anger control.

It doesn't fucking matter though, idiot. She doesn't NEED ARIZONA TO WIN THE ELECTION. Can't you do basic fucking math? There are no polls that give trump 270 EVs.

Can someone MAGA her?


The best way is to use the Serbian Strategy: shitpost about drumpf being btfo and then reply to yourself several times as though different people. This technique will triple your (You)s guaranteed.

Is that a threat?

>le if you kill your enemies they win maymay

>because she can flip Georgia

Hey guys, Marco Rubio here,


its sort of in her nature.

also liberal nature, which is inherently feminine

She is too ill to be president

This would make sense if you were speaking of any group other than lazy ass democrats

I understand where you're coming from, but I think it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It's got to be like 99.999999% of them not attacking America and just trying to live the dream.

How long until we started letting Japanese or German or Vietnamese people immigrate after the wars? Not saying it's analogous, just wondering if we did that and how long it took.

He wouldn't have to.

The terrorist attack response will be a repeat of Orlando.

The Skittles tweet will be ignored because of the terrorist attacks and the DNC shooting itself in the foot.


how big is your Pepe folder?

How big is your Trump folder?

care to share some of the rare ones?

>Hillary Clinton can't flip Georgia, but a Republican nomiee more unpopular than her can flip North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Michigan

How fucking stupid are you, son?

The worst people on earth.

1/10. That's some goofy shit Warren or Mr. Aleppo would do during a heated tangent on how Trump is a bigot or something.

If Clinton does that, she already lost.

>I lived long enough to see Minnesota maybe not vote dem
A man is allowed to dream right?

wouldnt have been enough even if he lost it

Same. There's some serious kikery at work right now.

I'm expecting a full on ambush at the first debate.


>Trump can flip New Mexico, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan
really made me think

Bush rode 9/11, and Kerry never had what it took. Bush was the tough dude at the party.
Trump is hated more than Bush. Also: Hispanics liked Bush.

Hey guys, Jeb here!


The market is flooded already.

You got in too late.

but trump is the bad guy ;)

he plays right into ISIS hands.....

>It's got to be like 99.999999% of them not attacking America and just trying to live the dream.
No it's more like 80% of them would happily fucking slaughter you if there were enough Muslims in the country to give them political cover.
>How long until we started letting Japanese or German or Vietnamese people immigrate after the wars?
AFTER the wars. Islam is by its very nature permanently opposed to secular, democratic government, and it is completely unlike any other major religion in the world in this manner. The war will never end until they're all dead, so stop fucking letting them in.

Romney only lost Florida by 1%.



I wonder who's funding them?

"If you kill your enemies, their sons will kill yours in retaliation and your daughters will be taken as wives as a trophy. Your grandchildren will be warriors of Islam and destroy the legacy of your people in the name of Allah. His children will cement Islam as the only true religion left on Earth. Your culture, your religion, and your way of life will be eroded into dust under the might of the followers of Islam, guided by Allah."

Thanks for correcting my record!

So we should let in uncontrolled numbers of a group of people who are very easily drawn to extremism, and if we don't the ones here will attack us. Why do you bend over backwards for a barbaric religion that has no respect for the laws of the land.

I told you last thread, you are now on a watch list.


Thanks for being butthurt autistic faggot!
+1 to trump tear collage for election day

>what's the matter kafir, dont insult islam and we wont behead you
>all we want is peace
>the peace of islam ;^)

My grandma had Parkinson's and she had vision problems because of it. Most likely Hillary has it as well.


k, keep me posted

So I've been looking over the early voting numbers that have been released compared to the ones from 2012.

While we can't see who they voted for yet some states will release party identification info for those who have requested ballots and those who have returned them. Generally Dems rely heavily on early voting to win, they lose election day turnout even in wave years like 2008. The media will try to spin the numbers as positives for Clinton, but they are actually pretty good for Trump, let me explain why:
In North Carolina so far 53,000 have requested ballots, up from 48,000 at this same time last year. Only around 3,000 have actually voted already. Here’s a breakdown

>40% Dem 33% Rep 27% Ind

The media is trying to spin this as a positive for Hillary because Romney was briefly ahead during the first day of early voting in 2012, allowing them to create an impression Republican turnout has dropped. I think the more important thing to look at though is the end results from 2012:

>48% Dem 32% Rep 20% Ind


As more votes come in I’m sure the numbers will change, but right now it looks as though independents, who lean heavily Trump, have expanded their vote share while the Dems have declined.

Day of ye ole rope

TFW Pence rallies draw a bigger crowd than Hillary's

How can I MAGA on Cred Forums
And send off a moon missions on /biz/

apparently a lot less stupid than you

Warm quintessential american gentle man vs basic reptilian.

Not a hard choice.

>So we should let in uncontrolled numbers of a group of people who are very easily drawn to extremism
No, we should not hinder a natural progress and allow any and all people free passage into this country. Extremism will not happen if you do not give it the fertilizer to grow among the people.
>Why do you bend over backwards for a barbaric religion that has no respect for the laws of the land.
We will not bend for Christianity.

stop giving it the (You)s

Contact the Trump campaign and let them know that Buzz Aldrin is an illegal immigrant from the moon and that he has to go back.

You can't enrage them into being terrorists. That is offensive to suggest.

While its pouring rain.

Fuck you HUEnigger
I'm behind my quota



Trump is doing better than Romney and Mccain with both Blacks and Hispanics if i'm correct.

Hillary is a ridiculously weak candidate who's entire argument for being president is "i have some experience in politics" and her track record is ridiculous.

The reason she even has a chance at all because Trump is so battered and bruised by constant self-inflicted controversies from talking too much.


Sound like we should remove the existing ones.

>she would've gotten pneumonia for real if she had talked in the rain

>not getting sexual pleasure from standing in the rain

>You can't enrage them into being terrorists
What if one day Obama decided to remove all whites from positions of power, evict all whites into the middle of the desert, and put them under constant watch as they're left to rot under the blazing sun? Will you revolt, or will you wither away like the crops you can no longer grow?

That would be struck down in about 5 seconds.

Even Scalia wouldn't go for that

We should update this


>post yfw this happens at the next rally:

>So Crooked Hillary (Boo!)
>CROOKED HILLARY, it turns out, her IT guy.
>He posted on the internet asking how to delete her emails.
>Can you believe this?
>Crooked Hillary doesn't know how to hire the best people.
>But when I'm in charge, oh, you know it won't be like that.
>We'll have the best people running the show.
>We'll have the best.
>Only The best.
>Believe me folks

So more Mexicans probably immigrate to become violent gang members than muslims come to be terrorists.

Would you also consider banning Mexican immigration?

black people didn't tho, trump has way more black support, which is more important in the states that matter

It went down again, so you'll have to wheel out the original sadfrog Pepe

*appears at trump's golf club at high noon*

Donald. After all this time, we finally meet.

I believe that you owe me something. Something that you stole from me. Something that I deserve.

The delegates.

That's right Donald. You honestly thought that I would forget about it ? I have served the republican party for all my life, I've been a messenger of conservative values for decades, you on the other hand are a democrat and a liberal. You don't deserve to be our nominee.

Donald, I will give you a choice. Give me the delegates now, and I shall be merciful. Or else, there will be consequences.

The Cruz family has held a secret dear for many centuries. This secret is our ultimate weapon. A technique, you may say.
If you don't hand over the delegates, I will use this technique on you, and I warn you, you won't live enough to regret your choice. For this secret technique has never failed to slay an opponent. The last time it was used, a president was killed.

You heard me well, Dahnald. You were right about my father. My father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, killed JFK. The fact that he never got caught for it is testament to the effectiveness of the technique of my ancestral house. Nobody saw him, no camera caught a glimpse of him, nobody suspected him. And nobody will suspect me when they find your cold, lifeless body in this wretched place.

Donald, hear me out. Give me your delegates, and I will let you go in peace. I will even make you my Vice President.

Decline my offer, and you will feel the sweet embrace of death.

What say you ?


Tsssk, a fighter to the end, huh ?
Well then, I will not hold back.
Prepare yourself Donald.
Here I come !

>She couldn't even be a good CRIMINAL
>Can you believe that?


>when your own side laughs at you

Anybody have any good Trump wallpapers? Preferably 1920x1080

>A lot less stupider than me
>Doesn't understand basic statistics


idk dude france is pretty nice to their muzzies and they still killed 150 frenchies in paris

Hillary has no enthusiasm Trump does, that's what it breaks down to. Hillary is only getting 70% of the black vote while other dems would get 90% or more. Trump is almost at 20% of the black vote and 33% of the Hispanic, largely from Hispanics born here. That is more than Both Romney and McCain. I'm in SoCal and the people here are upset that Hillary is the candidate they only people who genuinely like her are old single white women.


>would you also consider banning mexican immigration
fuck yes

Holy shit Corey Lewandowski just btfo faggot Don Lemon. He looks like he's about to cry

The Red Pill is digesting

>omarosa on hannity
>three blacks on hannity
this election is just nuts

i forgot
>all proTrump, including hannity

lol u r a meme master and kewl dud3

Too well? It looks like we're about to be hitting our regularly scheduled polling dip. But that's okay because we were due for at least one more before the election's over, it just means the panic is going to be all the more sweet when he inevitably rises again. Trump has already proven he can convince enough people to vote for him to win. You think they'll forgive him for Khan but not for the birther shit?

Enough of America clearly wants Trump but is afraid to say it. Trump just needs to make them feel good at the debates. Those really are make or break, wew.


Since the hillary campaign is getting crushed on all fronts, I believe she's going for methods to force people on the fence to see shill material to keep them on her side.

Her goal is simple: Make trump look so ugly that people are too disgusted to look into him further (i.e. exposing themselves to the truth)


feat. Pankasich


>she is strong

>she is steady

Niggas just laughin at you fool

They are far from nice to their Muslim population. They corral them into ghettos and give them no room to grow and succeed. The people there feel trapped into a hopeless situation, one which they can not emerge from. They look around and they see the hypocrisies of the people who claim to be on their side, liberals from the cities who flaunt their wealth and women while pretending that they care for the plight of all Muslims in their country.
Those attacks are merely symptoms of trapped people lashing out at the ones who confined them into this misery. They are fighting for their freedom. All the violence could stop overnight if Muslims and French were allowed to fully coexist, if anti-Muslim sentiments and dissent could be silenced. But France refuses to, to this very day.

>fox news

A black girl called into Michael Savage yesterday and said she thinks 30% of blacks will vote Trump because 1 they hate Hillary and 2 they like Trumps attitude and how he is a representation of the American Dream.

>240 years into Manifest Destiny and chill and he gives you this look


The shilling is extra salty tonight.

Anyone have any rare Gowdys before the price goes up Friday?

Hey Kids!

Oh boy it's a "Hannity screams at two imams" episode coming up.

I love these ones.


The fact that a major news network hired a political analyst who is known not only to be paid by a presidential candidate, but contractually obligate not to disparage him, blows me away.

Same with how Trump brought Flynn, a paid employee of Russian state media, to a classified security briefing.

Good. They should mass slaughter them since they have them all grouped together already.

Someone start prepping the new thread, I'M OUT



ohio is worth 20, it would have been 265 vs 274 or something

>We're gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning
>I'm gonna say "I DON'T CARE" and keep winning

this is cute af desu
she's just an old granny though
she needs to settle down with some cocoa and a nice book
wtf i love hillary now


>free sticker
And just like that I'm #WithHer

>>she is strong
>>she is steady

if black people rush out to vote for a woman who said they are super predators who need to be brought to heal, then we should consider bringing slavery back


He's a rapist too. He should be in jail.

That's almost sad to read.


I find that hard to believe

Yah it's not like the media were getting their marching orders from the DNC, oh right they were.

We love the rain in Indiana, its a good thing!

Could Pence possibly be any more /comfy/? He will slaughter the VP debate.

He-He's fast!

It ends now, Dahnald

Then the debate will come and she'll get mopped. They'll see she was bull shitting.

Oh yeah heard there was an eruption today, did they clean the ash up?

It should be a bannable offense to respond to shills.



): Please Trump, please no stump



You wake up.

This is playing on all radio channels.

>No, we should not hinder a natural progress and allow any and all people free passage into this country. Extremism will not happen if you do not give it the fertilizer to grow among the people.

how come Mexicans don't become terrorists? They get "denied access to free passage" yet they don't seem to go on mass stabbing and make pipe bombs

I'm amazed we haven't done it already.

Really hope there's another CSPAN hearing soon. Chaffetz ordered the FBI a subpoena last time.

>that girl is too cute
>pence is too cute
>everyone's smiles are too cute
there is too much cute on that picture

It's implied, but not explicit. CNN confirmed he's still getting severance from Trump, and that he has an NDA/non-disparage clause.

You /think/ media analysts are biased, but there is undeniable proof that Corey can't be impartial.

>if black people rush out to vote for a woman who said they are super predators who need to be brought to heal, then we should consider reving up the gas chambers


Literally jeb! Tier

Fuck off you thread splitting faggot.

Isn't it a bit too soon tho?

So any truth to the fact that Hillary had another incident and is bed ridden again?

Pence only surrounds himself with the cutest

Go kill yourself you massive fucking moron


based mole

butthurt much goys?

Make sure to donate to the Trump Foundation so that Donald will be able to afford to settle the Trump University lawsuit.

>giving out stickers as a voting incentive
I don't think she's been around an actual, regular human being in so long and she has no idea what people like and want.

>(plus, get a free sticker when you sign up!):
It's like deep down, they knew how pitiful this is...

King Nigger needs to fuck off to Kenya already.

Ha! Why do these guys even bother to go on hanity. They just get BTFO every time.

I can't wait until we show the entire fucking world that "Arab Spring" bullshit doesn't work on highly civilized whites.



>believing the damage control polls

Well she canceled her fundraiser... So yes. Clintons would never give up a chance for free money unless she was seriously ill.

its takes the dems longer to turn out the dead vote

Whats up fellas, what is the MSM trying to feed us tonight?

This guy is going to say c'mon all night. Fucking sand nigger.

That's the problem on her end. She's going to get her ass handed to her on tin. But some people who have gotten shilled so hard will somehow be convinced that Trump is the bad guy. Until they see their peers side with the Big Don.

As for the ashes, it's shit everywhere. People walking around with face masks. Eyes burning and lots of coughing. On the plus side, going outside feels like stepping foot on another planet for a few minutes.

>Clintons would never give up a chance for free money unless she was seriously ill

Trump is in freefall because of skittles.

God confirmed for original frogposter


Leftists hate winning. They hate this particular Trump routine because he's essentially threatening to win-rape the left.

I had saw that tweet on twitter, I really didn't see anything wrong with the tweet. Why is everyone jumping on it?

Can I buy a MAGA hat at Trump tower or international hotel?
Please respond.

Clinton never accused Trump of treason, she said that his rhetoric is comforting US adversaries

My mom just caught me vaping and she knew I was before, and I lied to her face and she said she will be telling dad tbe next morning and I'm dreading going to sleep. I will cry myself to sleep.

i like skittles

This is great


Doesn't matter. It's the media's latest deus ex machina

Damn, start smoking cigs now

>comforting US adversaries
Who? Russia? I thought the cold war's over.

because muh refugees have a right to come here.

>more than 40k Jews in Iran
Fuck this sand nigger on Hannity what a fucking moron. Fuck all these snackbars.

Because it's "disgraceful" to compare sandniggers to skittles. Trump is a bad goy even though Obama is the one bombing the country and causing the crisis in Syria and Yemen.

The only people upset were SJW's everyone else could care less, and there is no way you could tell this early if a tweet from his son would affect his campaign.

I bet you wear a fedora too you fucking vaping faggot

what did she mean by this?

Get out Shlomo.

>losing an election over skittles

You know what to do, user

>flipping Georgia
Literally almost all those states either have a trump lead or are within margin of error. Not to mention (((pollsters))) and that Trump is on the rise and is likely going to defeat Clinton in the debates. This election is not about specific policy as much as it is about two conflicting worldviews. One believes in the strength of its nation and the needs of the common man. The other plays identity politics with every tipe of minority and special interest imaginable, along with a visceral hatred for America and the common man in favor of big league aristocrats, businessmen and monarchs.

Which one will you support? Will it be your neighbors, friends and family? Or will it be a Saudi evil empire which would kill you the first chance it gets?

Undoubtedly you would choose to cuck your nation. But your neighbor won't. Your friends won't. Your mailman won't. The people who provide your coal won't. And the American people won't, and the debates will project this truth across the whole of the earth

>more Jew terrorists than muslims
Someone club these snakes.

Apparently telling Isis that you are going to destroy them is comforting them.

Why don't people understand that we're not getting women and children. We're getting military aged men?

ISIS of course

Doesn't matter, every fucking picture they use is the Syrian kid who got him by an Obama-bomb.

Be a man faggot. Tell them u like to smoke weed , its not bad for u and if they dont like it youll only smoke it at parties until ur 18 and on ur own then everday

I want the liberals to spend time in Iraq and Syria since they looooove them so much!

How do you know trump is winning if he is behind in the polls? looking back at mcain vs obama it's a very similar trend

>Gosh, how could you hateful Drumpf supporters want to keep out these poor children? Now vote for the strong woman who's going to keep bombing these poor children.

Thats the part I hate, Obama literally gets a pass for everything he does.

jesus christ try harder

That has got to be the rarest Pepe I've ever seen

Ya know what? Fuck Drumpf. I'm writing in Jeb!

I was vaping 0mg of nicotine, not weed



>tfw no chaffetz bf

Why has the shilling been so bad today ? Like I thought these wagies fucked off around 5

This has got to be the newest fag I've ever seen.

keep us posted

This is crunch time. Hillary is losing Millenial support. You win the meme war, you win their vote.

Clinton Campaign in full panic mode over the IT guy getting found out on Reddit. They even took the day off campaigning to try to come up with some kind of response but events are rapidly outpacing them as it looks like the main crook is about to lose his immunity deal because of this and the FBI is going to be shown to have committed Gross Negligence in their investigation. As such CTR is going full madman to try and create some sort of cloud.

Sooo.. This is good/bad for Trump how?

don't reply to him, it's CTR sliding threads

This proves how these fags are all Redditors and never even watched any rallies. I never see the snake story referenced here.

holy fuck

>Implying we ever had a chance of losing

Ahh that makes sense, silly CTR.... one doesn't simply take over the memes

That explains this controversy of the skittles thing, we should have Donald trump jr tweet that video of the statician who uses gumballs as an analogy for refugees

Hence overthinking Don Jr's tweet on skittles, and burning dictionaries. Actually the dictionary burning didn't happen, but they purposefully forgot what an analogy is.

