Hillary Clinton

Wikileaks will release information on HIllary Clinton on Thursday. Has to do with Libya. Big story.

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this is probably a slide thread but do you have any more info danglepants?

This relates to how Hillary destroyed Libya and signed off on the deaths of thousands for her own selfish short term political agenda and ego.
Later on, you may see Wikileaks also release information on this subject.
I cannot say any more until the story is out. The media will ignore this but it will be HUGE if it gets oxygen and it will erode some of Hillary's support from anti-war leftists.

With the polls almost at a dead heat, Hillary will contrive and exploit a shocking October surprise in a desperate effort to sink Trump.
This dirty trick could involve one of two scenarios - maybe even both.
Hillary could lean on her allies in the White House to provocateur a major military escalation with Russia, maybe even staging the shoot down of a Russian or American jet.
It wouldn't be the first time such a drastic ploy has been considered. (Iraq - Downing Street memo)
We're already seeing the warning signs for this emerging out of Syria.
She will then label Trump anti-American and claim he's in bed with Putin.
Or you could have a Trump supporting, MAGA hat wearing, Pepe the frog meming, white supremacist go into a school in a black area of a major city and massacre a bunch of children.
You could have a group of Trump supporters caught on camera dishing out a brutal beating to an African-American, Rodney King style.
And it doesn't have to be a conspiracy or a false flag for this to happen.
For nearly a year, the media has pushed the narrative that Donald Trump is "literally Hitler" and that his supporters are brownshirt Nazis.
Not only has that kind of reckless rhetoric emboldened extremists on the left to threaten and plan assassination attempts against Trump.
It's also emboldened actual neo-nazis on the far-right to think they can grease the skids for the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler.
So don't be surprised if and when one of them goes postal. That's the environment the media and the left has created by equating Trump with Hitler.
People wonder why Hillary suddenly started talking about the 'Alt-Right'.
Why her official campaign website suddenly started obsessing about Pepe the Frog.
Why she bizarely claimed the Alt-Right was run by Vladimir Putin.
What she's doing is setting the stage to exploit a military escalation with Russia to embarrass Trump, or a violent incident, or series of incidents, that will be blamed on Trump supporters to demonize Trump.

This better be damning. Julian Assange you long winded cock goblin, listen to me. You better drop some seriously outrageous shit that can't be brushed under the rug.

The guy in green confirms that this is faggetry.

oh shit maybe not

can't believe you came up with that all by yourself

>Hillary yelling at alt-right and alternative media is because that is the only media she doesn't control

>Yelling at Pepe the frog is evidence of internal sabotage from some nimble navigators

>The media has no credibility left to tie Trump to any type of terrorist/pro-Russian/Anti-American group or otherwise.

Hillary blew her load and now she has to sit in it

libs will vote for her no matter what







No they won't.

There will always be brain dead idiots who will vote for her no matter what. But there are still Independents and republicans that outnumber those shit sippers 4 to 1

>Or you could have a Trump supporting, MAGA hat wearing, Pepe the frog meming, white supremacist go into a school in a black area of a major city and massacre a bunch of children.

They tried this with Brexit and it didn't work.

Killary and Soros are laughing watching Charlotte right now.

Nah fuck off. If they release anything it wont be with a whole weekend for Hillary to think of a response. Likely not until after the 1st debate and the VP debate.

im in cali, its hard to believe that fml


Holy shit that bitch is fucked up.

They have multiple releases coming. I don't know if Wikileaks is the source for Thursday, but they have leaks coming this week on Libya too. Thursday there will be a big leak on Libya.

Quality trips there sir.