If youre not a pure anarchist, youre a bitch

Plain as that. Coercion is never good

Yes it is.

Coercion is justified to keep peace, end injustice, and promote change.

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

I believe peace is reached by loving others the way Jesus loved you.

Coercion is necessary even as an anarchist, how else are you going to handle those that are damaging to society?

I believe in following the only commandment Jesus gave us: To love others the way Jesus loved us. No matter what. Anything else will result in death.

Coercion is necessary when people are fucking idiots. Last I checked, half of the world has an IQ of about 80.


If you don't wish to use force when necessary, it will be your death. You have to have force to maintain your own freedoms.

>a fucking leaf

Jesus died before I was born, Jesus never loved me :(

The part of you that matters lives forever. One shouldnt be afraid of men. Fear the one willing and able to cast you into the lake of fire

>half of the world has an IQ of about 80
Unless the US becomes the world leader in eugenics this is why ancap shit will never work.

A bunch of niggers chimping out in the street need a little coercion. It's good.

He loved everyone by living honestly and fearlessly

Is this about anarchism or superstition?

He still lives today


We do need a cultural change before it can ever sustain itself though. Without a culture change first anarchy would just open a power vacuum that'd be filled - hopefully by Cred Forums

Did you finish your homework?

I hope you realize that in an ancap society, nobody can force you to associate with people you don't want to. You are free to have an all white town or country and feel free to shoot any non-whites in your territory.

typical leaf is just as bad as "if you don't vote dem then fuck you"

I'm not a pure anarchist because I'm not 15. Anarchy is just a more potent blue pill. Anarchists are just peons of the establishment to riot and terrorize the people.

>le not 15 XD
Is that literally the only "argument" that you statists can make?

>Anarchy is just a more potent blue pill. Anarchists are just peons of the establishment to riot and terrorize the people.
What you just described is """anarcho"""-communism, which isn't even pure anarchism in any sense: they still want their government handouts without the government. They are the edge teens rioting and terrorizing; when was the last time you heard an ancap busting windows on cars?

I coercion is wrong, why does God use it as the primary means for people not to sin?


I used to be ancap. Anarchy has to rely on everyone to agree. If not, then you cannot have anarchy. Also, the state is violence. How do you take down the states without violence? They won't just comply. Starting a war will just end up with a state. Anarchy is inherently for war. A state society can maintain peace and order. It can be achieved. Anarchy cannot be achieved unless through war.

Anarchy is just another word for barbarism. Show me a culture without hierarchy and I'll show you a group of uncivilized savages.

Ten bucks, it's the best I can do.

nigger you would be the first cuck strung up if we went full anarchy.

Good luck trying to have a borderless society. Borders do exist. Sudan and South Sudan were created just to end genocide. States ad borders actually do have a purpose. If the state is not an person then it is an object. Guns are objects. Guns can murder people but it can also protect. If the state is made up of people then why fear? If you believe people are naturally good then why don't believe the state should exist? If you believe people are inequal then some men are better suited to lead than others. Inequality requires a state.

God answers to no one. We answer to him and thus have to try to be good in his eyes to live

Ancaps are contradictory like Leninists. Ancaps say that they are for inequality yet at the same time say no one has the right or ability to rule without it being corrupt.This implies that people are equal. Ancaps believe people are equally inequal.

If people are good you don't need a state based on immorality.
If all people are bad you can't have a state based on violence and coercion.

That makes absolutely no sense.

> Ancaps say that they are for inequality

No Ancaps aren't "for inequality", they just think equality has two meanings and inequality isn't that bad of a thing to focus on.

> no one has the right or ability to rule without it being corrupt
> This implies that people are equal

No it doesn't. They don't imply, they explicitly state that the basis of statism is immoral, therefore no matter who is in charge the methods used are immoral....with an added tid bit about power corrupting.

Mate I don't know where you're getting your info from but you couldn't be more wrong.

I'm not a leftist if that's what you think. I believe people are not morally equal. Some men are born to lead. If you assume all men to be naturally good then that would mean we wouldn't have states. The government isn't an immoral force because our current system (democracy), can say that raping a woman is just as moral as not.
You say statism is immoral, yet in ancapitstan morality is subjective. Which is it? If it is subjective then the state is not immoral. If the state is immoral then there must be objective moralities that would trump freedom.

Government is just a means. Like how a gun is a means. People don't live as individuals. There is no such thing as a man. No one lives like a man. It's all ideological like humanity. Sudan had two major groups that sought to make their group better. They used government for this purpose. Government or not, a conflict between these groups would happen either way. Abolishing government is like abolishing guns. It won't stop the murders. It won't stop group think. It's built in humans to associate with groups.

Stop posting until you graduate high school.

>Anarchy has to rely on everyone to agree. If not, then you cannot have anarchy.
If a guy comes into an ancap town and doesn't follow NAP, he going to get shot. It does not require for them to agree.

>How do you take down the states without violence?
I never said that we wouldn't need violence, that's what militias are for.

>A state society can maintain peace and order.
This what statists believe.

>Good luck trying to have a borderless society.
Borders should extend through property. Ancap communities can share borders and make a puedo-country of ancaps.

>Sudan and South Sudan were created just to end genocide.
Nobody cares, tbqh. If a region is that unstable, that's the only time I would recommend a state. The state should only be used as a means to ancapism. Unless you live in a 3rd world country, we shouldn't stick to states.

> Guns can murder people but it can also protect. If the state is made up of people then why fear?
Because you are only giving 1% of the population the power to either kill or protect. You are a fool if you would trust a few with that much power.

>If you believe people are naturally good then why don't believe the state should exist?
I never said people are naturally good, I strongly believe otherwise. A question you should be asking yourself is why would you trust small amount of people that have no guarantee of being good with so much power?

Sure does.

>when a pure anarchist violates NAP by stepping foot onto your yard because they don't believe in private property and the laser defense system activates


The simplest explanation is that the state is contradictory to basic moral principles of our societies and to it's own premise/purpose of existing.

It exists for the collective use force in defence, yet with taxation and legislation it violates the people and property it's supposed to protect.

As a society we hold that theft is immoral, yet taxation only persists because it's a "justfied evil" or worse yet it isn't even seen as theft.

That's the purpose of philosophy to get back to the roots and point out evil where people don't recognize it yet.

Whether morality is subjective or objective doesn't matter so much as its lack of internal consistency and contradictions. Even if morality is subjective that doesn't mean people can contradict themselves at the core of each belief.

have you been outside? have you met your neighbors?

unless you create a small community of like minded, highly intelligent individuals, you will never achieve a function anarchy without someone just taking your shit and killing you.

some people need the bit, some the brush, others the whip and a few the bullet.

All these posts and no stef. Smhtbhfam

I fucking love these impossibly stupid invented scenarios people invent to try and break anarcho-capitalism. Top lel


what is this? imperial russia?

Stop false flagging you fucking atheist cuck

>Implying we can't entire an anarchistic society without massive amount of forced control before hand
>Implying anarcho- *insert idealogy* societies are possible without eugenics
>Implying anarchists are any less quixotic than transhumanists

You should get redpilled like he's already been



I wouldn't believe it if it weren't for his recent videos where he BTFO's leftist idealogy at every turn. He's probably going the way of Vox Day, where he will hold onto libertarianism but accept race as a biological reality as well.

>small community of like minded highly intelligent individuals

Meanwhile, China has always required a massive all-powerful centralized bureaucratic government to hold keep the nation intact and suppress the ridiculously frequent uprisings.


>Statism has always been morally superior to anarchism

Why cant anarcho fags into this?

His tie is fucking shit. fucking lazy half Winchester knot.

>menaces someone with insults
>"coershun is never gud, guise"
get a load of this fegget

I am unironically an anarchist. Ask me anything.

Someone else will impose their order if you don't want to.

>Coercion is never good
Lol, are a a hood nigger?