What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


the missing shoe, the clock, lmao.

They are worse than jews

>one shoe
Based Ben

what's the shoe referencing?


Ben's shit is the best

The only reason they're an issue is because of the jews

Fell off when they threw her into the van

Hillary's scene at the 9/11 memorial.

She lost a shoe during it.


Hillary gets sicker and dumpier with every new cartoon.

Jesus Christ Zyklon Ben Garrison has reached his final form



When she passedout in NY she left behind a shoe

But there are barely any Muslims at all in americuckistan. Ben is a fucking idiot

>But there are barely any Muslims at all in americuckistan
One is too many

you could change it so the seeds are bombs and guns and the country is Syria

Her own Cinderella story

She looks Asian in this, is he making her look like Kim Jon-un?

We don't even need to edit these anymore.

Ben has become the man he was always supposed to be.



Hillary wants more tax money will you give it to her?


Yet they are responsible for the biggest mass shooting in American history (Orlando fag club) and one just tried to replicate the Boston Marathon bomber, another Muslim-American icon




Ben "toss every black baby into the ocean" Garrison

Ben "The One Man Klan" Garrison

Thats fucking ragdoll tier

Goddamn that's pathetic

S-Ahmed el Hydeistan, the absolute madman!

Yes and no. I'd believe the liberals would take in some Muslims even if Jews opposed it 100% (see how much they love Palestine).

Soros makes it 1 million percent worse though.

Ben "Go Rambo on Sambo" Garrison

Why does ben have to label every-fucking-thing in his comics?

Ben "The Phantom of Ferguson" Garrison

Jesus, and all that damage control in the first 5 seconds.

>lapel penis upside down

love his attention to detail

fucking excellent, holy shit

She had to get home before her car turned into a pumpkin spice latte

"Zyklon" Ben Garrison

Found the newfags

That kind of makes me want to join the military.

He meant Trumpy YHWH seed

look how no one is surprised too.

they were trained to act nonchalant when this happens


Plus, this good theory.

Post the original.

>molybdeniews is now using a ben garrison illustration as his profile pic

holy shit when did we pass the singularity


The main reason sandmiggers are a problem is the shipments of arms that were originally given to them to fight communists and are now being given to them just to keep the fighting going since it's profitable.

No jews, no communists, no weapons.
Jews and jewish controlled groups are also the main ones pushing and funding mass immagration.

If Israel just disappeared from the earth then the sandniggers would most likely fuck off back to their mudhuts and worship their black box.


We've reached infinite acceleration now.

I think libs would realize that islam is the complete opposite of what they want for the world if jews weren't poisoning them

Ben "if the skin is shit get rid of it" Garrison
Category 6 Zyklone Benny "4th reich if you're a kike" Garrison

We memed too hard, we formed a black hole of memery and which we are now the center of.
Soon all the world will be consumed, and even if we turned back now we couldn't stop it.

no fuck off post yourself up through the ass to mouth and leave yourself dangling for the vultures to peck

we don't fuck with based Ben anymore

It's funny, because it's actually anti-muslim rhetoric that makes people feel threatened.


Post the original

Ben ''Pulling the Trigger on Every Nigger'' Garrison

Someone post the original

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post


Big Ben "faggots, niggers and kikes get on your bikes" Garrison

> "Clock"


We can't because the Jewish guy who made those racist edits has gone to prison.

Why did this make me kek




meant to start as a new thread

sorry OP

are those skittles?

Reminds me of that comic where the user posts something like this on /po/ by accident.

Barrack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. There’s plenty of evidence to support that statement. He stepfather was a Muslim in Indonesia, where young Barry received his Islamic religious training. He once said that the sweetest sound he knew was the Muslim call to prayer. He can speak Arabic without an accent. He’s never missed a chance to promote Islam to the American people. In once instance he claimed “Islam has always been part of America.” He probably said that because Thomas Jefferson owned a Koran. Jefferson obtained the book so that he could better understand the behavior of Muslims in order to defeat the Barbary pirates. Obama failed to mention that fact.

Obama loves Islam so much that he can’t bear to say ‘radical Islam.’ He’s planted the seeds of future terrorism by promoting an open border policy that has allowed ISIS to gain a strong foothold in America. The Excuse Maker in Chief even made a speech in which he claimed he’d never say the words ‘radical Islam.’ His head is firmly planted in the Saudi sand.

If Hillary is elected she’ll continue Obama’s policies. She wants to bring in even more Muslim refugees. She greatly admires Merkel and wants to follow in her footsteps. Why are these so-called ‘leaders’ doing this? Because they think it will be easier to usher in their globalism if they can first break down western civilization. Violence and fragmentation inevitably results when countries are flooded with too much diversity too quickly. When people are preoccupied with conflict while also trying to make a living, it’s more difficult for them to unite against the tyranny being inflicted upon them.

Most of these ‘refugees,’ like most Muslims living in America right now, want Sharia Law–not our Constitution. That suits Hillary just fine. She doesn’t follow the Constitution anyway. Besides, she’s accepted $25 million from the Saudis and will support their interests. She doesn’t seem to care about the mistreatment of gays and women there, yet Hillary the liar and hypocrite still claims to be a supporter of women’s issues. Her friend and operative Huma Abedin has ties to the Muslim brotherhood and terrorism, yet there are rumors Hillary will make Huma the new Secretary of State.

Obama and Hillary share the same Islamic vision for America. It’s time to show both of these traitorous, lying frauds the door.

These two Alinsky-ites have done their best to destroy America and replace it with world government. They need to be swept into the dustbin of history. It’s time to arrest Hillary for her crimes. Hearing a judge pronouncing her ‘guilty!’ would truly be among the sweetest sounds.

-Ben Garrison

Obama and Cunton are both likely jews

Don't call her a cunt, it implies she has warmth, depth and fuckability.

I like this, well done!

This makes a good point, her hand is behind her back and she's out fucking cold



Hillary is a NY jew. Forget the arkansas shit.

Obama's mother was a jew. Grandparents jewish. Even said he was the first jewish president.

Red pilled as absolute fuck



Yup holy shit ben works fast. Nice find.

Ben should become the defense minister ...or whatever it's called in the states.

>He can speak Arabic without an accent.

is this true

i see

> It seems there is some legitimate confusion on just what languages Obama speaks, and as far as Arabic, the only real hint has came from Nick Kristof, who heard Obama recite the Muslim call to prayer in Arabic and with a "first-rate accent" back in 2007.

do we even need to dig up the originals anymore?

Benalaykum "The Infidel will taste my warm semen before I behead them" Garralayahstan.

You might want to get your fag detector looked at because while these memes are a tad stale they certainly shouldn't register as new

that missing shoe meme

They still get worked on, but not as often it seems. Ben frequently visits the chans these days.

Societal homogeneity is a requirement for the advancement of a society, to make sure it flourishes.
Niggers and niggers of the sand type seem to act against this, against any sort of working structure that isn't "shoot with guns and commit criminal acts" and women tend to not be particularly loyal to any tribe. They're a weak point for cultural invasion and cultures who have their women chaste tend to have the focus and energy to expand and conquer. In fact, with that energy being present, it takes more focus NOT to than it does otherwise.
Women are to be kept chaste and in check, else they ruin all we work for by inviting "vibrant diversity" into a working system and have it upended by cultures contrast to our own.
Once unleashed, it is so much more work to create a society that contains the social cohesion women present that it is more likely the remnants will be absorbed into other cultures.

Due to women being suddenly "free to fuck" and therefore wandering aimless without a culture or purpose, they are angry and upset but unwilling to be coerced into a chaste status unless subdued forcefully. This is something that more tribal based cultures are more than able and willing to do.

However, there will be those who are otherwise, who flourish in this new found freedom.
My proposal is this: We find a way to separate those who flourish with individuality and create a new society.

Because his audience is too stupid to figure out the symbolism.

Ben "Neuter every non-pure born baby" Garrison

garrison is a much better artist now

love his stuff. good work pol.

They're trying to act so nonchalantly that the guy who steps right into the civilian cameraman's cone of vision nonchalantly twists his head at a perfect 90 degree angle away from the camera.

Is that Marky Mark?

why is the flag on obama's suit upside down

international symbol for distress
obama having it upside down, being the apparent leader of the united states represents the United States being in distress

Societal homogeneity is a requirement for the advancement of a society, to make sure it flourishes.
Niggers and niggers of the sand type seem to act against this, against any sort of working structure that isn't "shoot with guns and commit criminal acts" and women tend to not be particularly loyal to any tribe. They're a weak point for cultural invasion and cultures who have their women chaste tend to have the focus and energy to expand and conquer. In fact, with that energy being present, it takes more focus NOT to than it does otherwise.
Women are to be kept chaste and in check, else they ruin all we work for by inviting "vibrant diversity" into a working system and have it upended by cultures contrast to our own.
Once unleashed, it is so much more work to create a society that contains the social cohesion women present that it is more likely the remnants will be absorbed into other cultures.

Due to women being suddenly "free to fuck" and therefore wandering aimless without a culture or purpose, they are angry and upset but unwilling to be coerced into a chaste status unless subdued forcefully. This is something that more tribal based cultures are more than able and willing to do.

However, there will be those who are otherwise, who flourish in this new found freedom.
My proposal is this: We find a way to separate those who flourish with individuality and create a new society.

Political cartoons with imagery not readily identifiable are always labelled.

It's a way to signal distress

>garrison is a much better artist now

>tfw Cred Forums harassed him and he came here
>tfw he saw how much fun the election was and got on board
>tfw he's a better artist because of it.

Basé à fond pathnai feuille

Isn't his true father the guy from Kansas too?

Earth's standard gravity in British Gravitational system is commonly referred as ((32.2)) feet per second squared. Just some thoughts about the Bush family as well as John Kerry and all their friends, whether kikes, masons or neocons.

>most autistic picture ever

my body includes over 5000 atoms that were once in the body of Jesus

Shoulda tried to work a dinosaur in there.

Also NOT born in US soil, fake birth certificate, forgery paid by Rich grandparents

doesn't the world belong to America though? technically everywhere is US soil