Does questioning logical inconsistencies necessarily mean someone has committed a crime?

Does questioning logical inconsistencies necessarily mean someone has committed a crime?

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Wtf I'm a cuck now

fuck he looks like a goddamn monkey

i want to send his pompous ass back to africa just so the self hatred could kick in

>If it upsets you, you just be a rapist.
>if it upsets Muslims they must be terrorists.

Where is the critique on rape culture here? Seems more like justification for fear across the board towards a demographic

The fuck are you on about?

I claimed the skittles analogy they used applied to rapists or rape culture and that you shouldn't feel personally attacked unless you yourself are a rapist and thus should be jailed

Will, you're definitely in the right here. That guy will get all the likes in the world but he didn't even touch your point. Men are to rapists what refugees are to terrorists. It's that simple.

>Arguing about skittles
Lmfao, praise kek for this shitshow

I'm not Will, scrolled past and saw the white knights dog piling him

Glad you could join us, this is an intervention.

Will is an idiot and so are you

I only came to this morally bankrupt site of sophistry because he linked this "thread" in a pm

>That guy will get all the likes in the world

it's either ad hominems or mental gymnastics, in that thread. They do the math to break down the absurdity of the skittles, yet the m M n M's one holds

No one shouldn't feel attacked by the skittles analogy unless they are a terrorist, right?

trump jr is not running for president either

fucking libs have holes in their heads

you can look at this

and say it's reasonable, but the skittles one is not?

Would find the same reasoning for M&Ms applied to fear of race acceptable?

Hey, Will does have a point. We should only be importing non-muslim women. More women for us to choose from.

Has the fucking #NotAllMen thing gone completely into the memory hole? How can people even talk about this skittles thing and not remember/talk about the identical argument it comes from? I swear I'm losing my mind.


>trump jr tweets how their side has to be a lot more careful because if they said the same type of things hillaries did, they would warm up the gas chamberz
>shitstorm over it
>literally retweet their own words at them with a wordfilter
>even bigger shitstorm
He's not quite at multiplanal auraphysical parcheesi yet, but trump jr seems to be developing his game



i thought his show got cancelled LOL

Yea let's ignore the fact that we just had 4 Radical Islamist jihadi attacks on American soil on the same fucking day. Bring more sandniggers in, I'm sure that'll solve the problem.

> Gumballs

Bumping for feminist lulz.

This was a good summary. Normies can understand this. MUH FEELS is all they care about, and it feels good to tell themselves they are helping by supporting this shit, but they aren't helping anyone here or there

What'd he say?

and in DJT Jr.'s case it only applies to radical islamic terrorists and if you feel personally attacked you should be sent to Guantanamo to be interrogated while hanging upside-down by your feet with electrical diodes attached to your nipples you fucking terrorist scum

>those replies
wow. Liberals CANNOT argue.

>Trevor playing with skittles

That'll bring in the ratings

>Compare letting refugees/illegals in unchecked and undocumented to eating from a bowl of skittles with some poisonous
>"That makes it sounds so trivial and racist. You're just a fear-monger."

>One white person goes on a mass shooting every couple of years compared to the thousands of homicides committed by blacks every single year
>"There is an epidemic of right wing racist gun nuts. We need to ban guns and start monitoring churches."

He's embracing the bantz

That moment you realise Trump Jr. inherited his dads 4D chess skills and has forced moderate lefties (the ones with some sense left) to choose between muslims and feminists.
The ones still capable of thought must now either admit to themselves that the refugees are a risk, or that feminism is a hate group.

Trump JR is a fucking genius.

Hillary Clinton puts out an ad to pay big bucks for ANY dirt on Trump, definitely not a desperate situation here. There are six horcruxes left Clinton, and you can't even get the tax return

Who cares? All this splitting of hairs is a diversion...
The skittles remind me of Descartes' "Basket of Apples" Analogy:
"Descartes draws an analogy of a basket of apples (the apples being representative of his beliefs), and says that if there were rotten apples in the basket, then one would remove all of the apples at one time, rather than one by one, because the rot of an apple can spread to other apples in the basket, eventually contaminating all of them."
Now imagine Descartes making that analogy about the refugees... and imagine the liberal fucktards arguing with his logic...
And by the way, isn't that what Hillary was alluding to with her "basket of deplorables" comment?

interestingly everyone saying you have a much smaller chance of being raped than eating the bad skittle has a very poor grasp on statistics.

lets make another analogy. (analogies are retarded but fun):

>you have only like a 1 in a million chance of getting in a car accident... so why the fuck are you being so up tight and wearing a seatbelt, not drinking and driving, using turn signals, turning on your headlights at night... YOU ONLY HAVE A ON E IN A MILLION CHANCE OF GETTING IN AN ACCIDENT!

So basically all these retards saying the skittle analogy was wrong assume the odds are static-- meaning they can't change, and also aren't affected by preventive measures. So they are using a fallacious argument, a bait and switch... the odds of getting killed by a refugee are low... so we should import more (ignoring the fact that the odds are only low because the number of refugees are low)


You couldn't get me to eat M&M's even if there 0% of them were poisoned. Smarties are better.

Both are wrong in the sense that they're generalizations, but right in the sense that picking someone from a group at random has its risks.

Does getting with a man have a risk? Of course, anything has a risk when you think about it. But the difference is the context. We can choose to not have any Syrian refugees in our country. We can choose to get rid of the bowl of skittles entirely. We can't choose to get rid of all men, or ostracize all of them because they are part of society. Even the same would apply for women. Say 5% of women killed their husbands. Out of 100 M&Ms, would you take a couple? Probably not.

Thanks. I never saw what Trump Jr. was being attacked for until now. Once again it is something that isn't offensive at all and is true.
Liberals: Only very few muslims are terrorists!
Trump Jr.: Those very few muslim terrorists are dangerous.

What is it with these facebook clickbait political videos and these stupid verbs attached to what the commentator is doing?
>Ben Shapiro demolishes Piers Morgan
>Richard Dawkins dismantles the Catholic church
>Steven Fry kills God
And now this cheeky cunt is "unpacking" an argument? What the fuck does that even mean?

Why is it poisonous rhetoric when the analogy is used by Donald Trump Jnr, but when it is used by white women or Muhammed Ali it is perfectly valid?

He's implying all Muslims are terrorist bedause they're like skittles, Muslims are not sweet candy

It claims we need to wart out the rapists within th male community while Drumpf Jr. claims we should throw the whole bag away instead of studying each skittle

You need to add this too and spread it;

If you were to replace "three would kill you" to "three would become a contributing member of society", then the analogy would be solid imo.



>Both are wrong in the sense that they're generalizations,
the generalizations are statistically correct however for both cases.

Damn, the liberal hypocrisy is heavy on this one.

?It claims we need to wart out the rapists within th male community

No it does not. Also, pulling numbers out of their asses. Not even feminists still support this one, typical. Tell a lie and then act like it never happened.

>male community

Also, get fucked nigger.

Liberals are bad with ideological consistency.

t. Zizek

>le M&Ms meme says that no men should be trusted because some men are rapists
>If you feel that analogy applied to you, you should probably be in prison

>if you're a man, you should probably be in prison

Smarties are fucking terrible. Jesus, Leaf, have some fucking respect for yourself

>Hey we shouldn't bring in refugees because some of them might be bad.

>Very few are bad

>Would you eat a bowl of skittles if only a few were poisonous?

What so hard to understand about this?

Yep. Libtards doing everything they can to lose the election by alienating people they need. Typical liberal cannibalism. I mean, I voted for Obama twice, but I'm not going to vote for Hillary while she's surrounding by deplorables like this normie here.

>99.9% of them will never be able to immigrate to rich country

i'm not so sure merkel would agree with that

they are not fucking liberals. those are ideologues. when you talk to an actual liberal you dont argue about if facts are true or not but about issues.

Great Kek

He called me a skittle. Oh the humanity.

What if today's liberals had to fight the Nazis and Jap Imperials? Would they just allow unfettered immigration and bomb strategic targets while never putting feet on the ground? Maybe they'd just pay Russia to do the hard shit. But that would have meant Soviet control over all of Eurasia. And today that means, ut oh!
Conductor we have a problem! Middle East belongs to Russia!!!

>you will never be a gumball

The real problem is the Skittles go off to their factory, get radicalized and come back to our bowl poisoned.

How silly, user. You know they'd just surrender and be thankful for peace while the Japs raped their women.

It was the nigger show after his. His will be canceled soon enough.

Isn't that the interview where he says race mixing is disgusting and he agrees with the KKK on racial separation?

To avoid backlash they should replace him with an unfunny white women and then you can get liberals arguing about if it was sexism or racism with eachother and then you can cancel the show after she bombs.

analogies are hate crimes

No one takes militant feminists seriously.

Even Trudeau is hated for his comments defending militant feminists (poverty is sexist). It's pretty much a death sentence for him, though everyone knows he's not getting a majority next cycle.

Seth Stuart OWNED that Will punk

What the fuck is with these retarded analogies?

If you're equating a single man to a single M&M you can't then say shit like "grab a handful".

Fuck it'd be better as an anti-orgy PSA talking about the prevalence of STDs and AIDS.

Maybe a man was only turned into a "monster" after discovering his slut partner has had "handfuls" of cocks during their relationship.


I hope so. I'd make minorities mandatory. The government might not accomplish anything, but that's fine, because they barely ever accomplish anything now, and when they do do things, everyone just hates it.

I think having no party with a majority and making those assholes learn to work together is the best route. I don't give a fuck if I have to vote four times in one year, I'll do it.


By misrepresentation and lies: The M&M feminist picture doesn't even have the word "rape" or "culture" anywhere in it. Will Friar was right, it was being used to attack men in general, not rapists specifically.

whoa muslims aren't skittles?

Too many lies coming from the trump crowd, going full hill

"Poisonous rhetoric" has no meaning. It can either be a place-holder for something like "logically inconsistent," or, more likely, "offensive." As such, your arrogant retort either implies the consistency of the logic of the analogy is contingent on the group being attacked, which is absurd, or that taking offense and whining about the analogy is justified because it was used to attack "rape culture," which is equally absurd.

You also managed to imply someone is a rapist, and that they should be in prison, simply for questioning the validity of an article.

You are profoundly stupid and you should kill yourself.

This Trevor Noah guy is half Jew.


>They used it to attack rape culture
>So it's totally not applicable to a group of immigrants who have shown to rape disproportionately more than average men as we've seen countless times in Germany and Sweden. They might rape more often and get away with it but that's not the kind of rape culture we're fighting ok

>makes you think....

the refugee analogy at least makes sense
a sizable percentage of refugees have extremist views. so eating a handful of skittles is just like letting in a bunch of refugees.

on the other hand, no one tells women to go get a "handful" of men. in fact, we tell them the opposite; we encourage them to get to know men first, and to commit themselves to a single man. so, the analogy makes no sense. if 10% of m&ms were poison, it wouldn't matter so long as you analyzed each m&m on an individual basis.

yes, Mr. Ali was truly a great man who lived the life of a warrior poet

>10% of men kill their wives
>it should be healthy to take a handful of men into your mouth

If you swallow loads like candy you deserve to get AIDS and diabetes.

>really makes you think...

Because those 10% can be identified as niggers.

All the little birdies fly together!

Ali as user said was a definition of a warrior poet. Few men can speak like him, fewer still could fight like him.

Combined you've got a man who is so far beyond 99% of men and women.

No, he's implying that it's a statistical fact that among the Syrian Refugees are hundreds if not thousands of ISIS infiltrators. This isn't something made up by a presidential nominee, it's something backed up by both the FBI and statements by ISIS spokespersons.

On top of that, there's no way to really vet the refugees we're already taking in. They're coming from a failed state that doesn't have an identification system anywhere near as credible as what we have in the US. Also, in case you didn't know, the Obama administration has decided to support the rebels (many of whom are ISIS sympathizers and supporters) over the Assad regime.
Tell me, do you honestly believe that the Assad state will share their records (if they even have records) with a country that is actively bombing them and supporting their enemies?

The point of the analogy is whether the US should continue to bring in demographics that will without doubt threaten it's stability.

>Shills so starved for gaffes that they have to try to make some Skittles tweet not even by Trump out to be a second holocaust

>But if we look at the percentage of refuges, the number that do sexual assul-

Just stay away from the brown ones and you should be fine.