Attack destroys the car of Frauke Petry, chairwoman for the German political party AFD (Alternatif Für Deutschland).
Why is nobody talking about this?
Really makes me wonder.

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Antifa fags, Berlin is full of those cunts.

Alright I'll give you a bump waffles

Do they consider themselves peaceful?

no.but against muh evil right wing everything is allowed.

Fighting against supposed Fascism is ALWAYS in self-defense. They got that mentality in common with mudshits.

Its nothing goy delete this thread now

What? that's sexist!

Why is that Antifa always seems to consist of low test nu-males? These kids looks like they couldn't squat 135 without falling over, no wonder they roam in packs.

Can you guys fill me in on what's going on in Germany with these elections? All I know is that Merkel got completely BTFO. Who are these edgy lads in the pic and shouldn't Germans be happy right now?

Socialism/Communism attract those who fail on their own but are too proud or entitled to admit it's their own fault. So they seek alternate explanations. It's the Collective over the Individual.

Alone they are Omega males unsure of themselves. Together they are a hivemind who fuck up anyone who don't agree with them because it feeds their superiority complex and makes them feel successful. As if they have finally accomplish something. Even if that accomplishment is nothing but beating a father of two half to death because he wore a Thor's Hammer necklace or something.

I'm sure they are an organization of peace

Antifa (they kids in the pic) are literally the stormtroopers of the Globalist movement. Useful idiots. Syndicalists, Communists, Islamists, all who fight to preserve an idea that was created BY and FOR the rich, because apparently "racism" is worse than the rich continue to amass wealth from the masses.

>Not being a natsoc
Wrong board

Because no one gives a shit beyond a mild chuckle at Petry getting what she asked for.

Weil wir Hahnreie sind. Ja. Meine Fraus Sohn mag nicht die AfD Partei.

Miserable failures, filthy and stinking imbeciles who think they are some kind of intellectuals but in reality they are just a bunch of junkie faggots. They grow up eventually tho!

Makes sense. A collective of strong individuals would be a force to be reckoned with, but they don't seem to be it.

Visited germany recently, they sure fucking hate afd... stickers, sprayed shit just everywhere

Germany died in 1945 Hans. There has been no Germany ever since.

Fighting Hitler instead of the USSR sure did bite Britain in the arse LMAO, they lost their whole Sea-Empire and all status in the world, and now they too are being replaced.

>Mean while in British airport

The whole of Europe should have united against Bolshevism AND American imperialism.

Too bad, now I don't care anymore, I"m going to get pick my assets and flee this country, probably to least somewhere were you can buy hookers. bye everybody

Always depends where in Germany you are. See lots of pro AfD / right wing movement shit here and I don't even live in East Germany. Everywhere where the Antifa and the leftists don't have their strongholds their influence is really negligible.

I'm proud to see that atleast one Swede hasn't shitposted an actual response.
Two claps for you my friend.

Funny thing is that they also think they are super anti capitalist. These cunt are the worst, even gypsos are better than them.


It's the vocal minority. Antifa scum always scribbles and vandalizes public room. No normal person would ever shit in their own community or city image. It's horrible to look all this fucking degenerate "graffiti" and nonsense.


All this does is embolden the Gexit supporters. Way to go

just nuke this shithole

>Antifa burns down car
What did you expect?
I mean if you were American I'd understand not having a clue about the far left

>berlin is a lawless land, why would you expect people not to attack you
OP, I just read a bit more into it. Just moved to Moabit, so all this shit is kinda new to me. Why the fuck are places like Rigaer 94 allowed to exist?