Female promiscuity

Can someone please redpill me on why is female promiscuity, or promiscuity in general, is viewed as degenerate? If people have casual sex, but they use condoms, they can get into a marriage later and have kids, without the STDs.

Rubbers don't stop herpes.

Women who've had an active sex life tend to divorce at higher rates which of course creates broken homes and children who are raised by single parents who inevitably grow up and shitpost on pol.

Lock and key analogy

It's not.
It's a good way to weed out sluts. If promiscuity was scorned, then there wouldn't be any way to tell who is a slut.

Female sexuality in our extremely promiscuous society is used to discourage socially isolated white males from seeking relationships.

MGTOW is jewish bullshit

> viewed as degenerate

because a woman births babies
and if she fucks around she shows that

>she doesnt care who impregnates her
>no responsibility

all in all a bad mother material

It it flawed, why can the key only be male, there are male sluts out there too, they get a ton of girls but when it comes to settling down they also have a hard time

I'm a lesbian and born with a vagina who fucking loves sex. I also have a sister who has a very high sex drive.

Hit me with what you got question wise

That may be effective in small towns, but in big ones no one will know because there are too many females to keep track of and people communicate stuff like this less.
And why would those things be connected?

>being cucked and having half your shit stolen, your kids taken away, and forced to pay child support is the ((((non jewish bullshit)))
Yeah whatever you say goldberg.

Women are less happier than ladies in the arraigned marriages.
The only way to make a girl orgasm while penetration is the Coital alignment technique.
There are female and male energy which everyone shares.

Protip : all women who grew up in these modern countries are sluts

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, you degenerate shit

Because it is, dipshit.

Whoever told you this is awful at sex

I got some bills to pay. Nothing substantial but it's still a dollar amount that will take a year or two.

Tits or GTFO (?)

Leave. You are a disgusting attention seeker.

>why does wood burn?
>because it does, dipshit. (insert image of statistics)
See how much of a retard you look?

I've had sex with sub a dozen women in my lifetime (27) and the majority of them were in long term relationships, some married and some with children. Just want to share this. Promiscuity doesn't just magically stop.

It is irrelevant as to WHY.
If you want to know WHY ask the goddamn women whoring themselves, the important shit is the cause and the effect.

And there are countless evidence stating that women who whore themselves divorce at higher rates you stupid inbred gypsy beggar.

Tits or gtfo, please.

And how do you know that they were promiscuous since teens? Perhaps they engaged in such behaviour precisely because they didn't earlier.

This was the single biggest light bulb epiphany moment for me that all of human civilization has basically been about controlling female promiscuity, keeping it in check. Once your remove the shackles on female behavior, we rapidly revert back to the primal state. Women don't want long term relationships, monogamy, marriage, commitment; on the contrary women are actually HAPPIEST being in an alpha's harem, and bearing his alpha babies. It's their natural state. If we allow women to follow this impulse, then we end up in a situation (which we're approaching now, in the modern day) where a few top alphas are having sex with ALL the women, while the bottom 98% of men (the betas) are left out in the cold, involuntarily celibate. So the vast majority of men end up checking out of society, stop producing (why should they work? Make money? Contribute? Sex, love, all those things are forever out of reach...), they lay about all day, distract themselves as best they can, start grumbling, the grumbling gets louder, and then one day they all rise up and tear the system down (that or we just get invaded and taken over by the bigger, stronger tribe next door, the one that practices and enforces monogamy)...
If you look at history, you see this over and over again--we start out conservative, we enforce marriage (often arranged marriages), society flourishes (because the men are FORCED to work, their committed wives and kids will starve otherwise), then we get more liberal, we let women do what they want, they follow their natural biological impulse, and suddenly we're back to the caveman dynamic and all of society collapses yet again. (See: the Viconian cycle, which Joyce used as the template for Finnegans Wake.)

Imagine how awkward it would be to give a walk with your girlfriend and don't stop meeting with the guys who have fucked her.

On one hand I'm all about maximizing freedom (and I can't deny that in some ways I've greatly benefited from the non-monogamy thing, as I've had a lot of amazing experiences with a lot of beautiful women that I wouldn't have had otherwise), but on the other hand it's just so clear to me, now, that all of us engaging in this wild, seemingly never-ending orgy is just prelude to yet another collapse. We always joke here about "Enjoy the decline hah hah hah!!" but really, I DON'T WANT the decline, I enjoy civilization, I enjoy my iPhone and my flatscreen and my air conditioning and my clean water and electricity. I really don't want to live in a Mad Max wasteland. But seriously, with things going the way they're going, all the math I've done here says we're heading for another centuries-long dark age (no hyperbole, just my honest assessment of the situation). And there's just no way to stop it.

Unlike females, men are uncertain about the blood connection between him and his sons.(unless you do DNA tests)
Men's worst nightmare is raising up someone else's kid.

Why do you still breathe?

even if she has sex and doesn't reproduce it can still affect future childrens DNA, so if you marry a non virgin you are basically a cuck

Single mothers are absolute horseshit, thanks to the bias of the "justice" system towards females when it comes to alimony and custody of the kids, you either have a competent wife that ends up being too strict and you end up with a liberal faggot with no father figure, and crippled mind, if you look at the alcoholism and suicide rates by non-heteros you will understand that they're mentally ill.
the other option is that the woman who were incompetent wives end up being too sloppy and the kid ends up being a criminal.

You don't magically become promiscuous either

No it can't, don't be a retard

That is just shit tho

Women don't store dna, that was fruit flies

google it xD

its called puberty
wo,en get just as horny

but that's wrong
that male microchimerism is just a vingin's meme

I'll humor you, mainly because I've wondered about the reason for this connection myself.
There are various factors to be considered. A specific religious background may contribute as many religions emphasize chastity as well as commitment to marriage. Another reason may be that promiscuity as degenarative results on the psyche. However, I think it is most accurately a manifestation of a persons personality. A sort of symptom, if you will, not the cause itself. I think these statistics reflect he obvious reality that women with commitment issues will accrue many partners but will, eventually, 'commit' due to societal and biological pressures in the form of the family ideal. The issue at hand is that these peope are fundamentally incapable of such a long term commitment and will quickly revert to their lifelong pattern of relations.
TL;DR : Promiscuity does not directly cause divorce; the people predisposed to divorce will have more partners as a symptom of their relationship issues.
There is really no moral argument to be made besides weighing the risk/reward. These statistics represent a very important part about conasidering the reality of a successful relationship and evaluating a partner accordingly.

Yeah thanks a good explanation thanks.
Unlike this faggot

Thats why.

It trivializes relationships in general which results in the normalization and therefore more and more widespread occurrence of divorce and thus, in many cases, broken homes.

It weakens the importance of the bond between a man and a woman who love each other and therfore weakens the nuclear family.

>birth control.

women like to chad things up, until they hit their 30s, realise they haven't achieved anything, and start looking for a provider to settle with before they go extra ugly ;)

It's actually not a meme, male cells live in her brain for the rest of her life

>It's eliminated via menstruation

Happy to contribute. I've also tried looking into how higher intelligence/IQ may factor into the 'issue' as it is widely known that IQ and sexual frequency are negatively correlated. Interestingly, IQ and religious beliefs are also negatively correlated, which I believe partly disproves the perspective that religion is a major factor for chastity and marital stability. Accounting for more intelligent individuals who tend to display a higher degree of self-control and plan more for successful outcomes (I think) reveals that people with an interest in monogamy are hardwired in such a way and will adhere to their relationship patterns in exactly the same way the promiscuous individual will adhere to their inability to remain in a stable position.

> on the contrary women are actually HAPPIEST being in an alpha's harem, and bearing his alpha babies

This *might* be correct, but I'm not sure the evidence is conclusive.
It's a time-preference thing. Like if you leave a 2-year-old alone with a kilo of chocolate. He'll eat it all and be happy, but then an hours later he'll be fucking crying his eyes out throwing it back up, and his net experience will be negative because spewing everywhere is more unpleasant than a bunch of chocolate is pleasant.

Ditto women and hypergamy. When she's 20 and cute she wants to be on chad's dick and doesn't care that he sees other floozies on the side, but when she's 60 and there's no-one to cuddle up to on a cold night because it's Wednesday and Wednesday is the day Chad spends fucking Girl #4, I think - hope? - that a degree of regret would creep in.

Women don't do what makes them happiest long-term. Very few people do. You can tell by all the time people spend on Cred Forums instead of getting swole and rich to attract qts, which is what I SHOULD be doing right now.

You should look up r/K-selection theory for a more scientific explanation.

fucked tons of girls from virgins to $40 hoes.

No sti's or aids. Hump away just wear a rubber.


>female casual sex is bad

>male casual sex is good

is Cred Forums advocating all men should be gay?

its not sex if you wear a rubber

Because the foundation of a nation is built on the family, and the stability of the family is contingent on the husband and wife being chaste.

It is statistically proven that promiscuous women has drastically less stable relationships, i.e

>women don't want long term relationships
>like men do
Henry the 8th
Gengis Kahn
Kubla Kahn
Just about every single male ruler/emperor had entire fucking harems, and you talk about WOMEN being the ones against monogamy? Learn some history, you retard bong.