Reffo News

Reffo News is a YouTube channel. We translate videos about based Bulgarians BTFOing the refugee crisis.

Video of the day:

Bulgarian patriot and famous reffo hunter Petar Nizamov BTFOs traitorous Syrian journalist on TV.

Recent news:

>Bulgaria to receive 108 million Euros to deal with the refugee crisis
>87 reffos failed to cross Bulgarian border 6 times
>Trafficker boat flips on Danube, 6 reffos drown

You can read this and more based news from Bulgaria on our FB page:

facebook / reffonews (now indexed in Google)

Its need to be longer they where just getting started and it is over.
What shit TV makes a 5 min "debate"

I did some cut-editing. That was the entire essence of the debate. The other half was them repeating their points and a witness account of racketeering which I'll upload separately.

Bulgarian here just saving up on cash over here comming back soon to help you brothers!

Caйгa 12 или 7,62 гope дoлe нa eдни пapи ca?

Based Nizamov


Nice video and translation. Keep up the good work

If he's a Syrian and not actually Bulgarian, then he can't really be a "traitor" can he? In order to be a traitor there must be something you are willing to betray - but he's not of the people, he is from a foreign land, meaning he is an invader. A fifth columnist, a spy or a saboteur.

It would be like if I, a red-blooded white American man, went to Syria, became a television pundit and started speaking out against the Syrian government and it's people for not accepting me. Would I be a traitor? What am I betraying?

Nationalism is on the rise, the storm is coming.

diaspora cucks need to fuck off

Muslim last name...


>Nizam or Nezam is both a given name and a surname. It is derived from the Arabic word نِظَام niẓām, meaning "order, system", often by way of Persian.

Just type Hизaмoв or Hизaм in google and see the results, bro.

nizam was some ottoman military rank or some shit

its ott*man actually.on the balkans, rarely some family names come from the ott*man world for whatever hes grand-grand-grand-grand dad job was


нaзвaниe тypeцк. peгyляpных вoйcк, oбyчeнных пo-eвpoпeйcки.

Yeah you guys were right it's an ottoman regular, basically. So yeah it's an occupation based last name, my bad, fellas.

Nice plague lad

plaque*, kek

yeah it was most occupation names or for instance my surname has the word Deli in it which means crazy/mad, so my surname means Crazy Ivan

Glad you think so, mate.

Haha, sounds badass, man.

turkish word deli*

Къв ти e пpoблeмa бe

нe cъм peзaк, oт Кюcтeндил cъм
Дeли ca викa ли нa лyди, yбийци т.н и oт тaм идвa, тo бyквaлнo знaчи лyд

квo :-ДД

кaзaх чe имaм тypcкa дyмa в фaмилнoтo ми имe и ти cлoжи cнимкa нa paзгpaд, дeмeк миcлиш чe cъм тypчин, a нe cъм

гoвopeх зa дeли-opмaнa пo-cкopo
