Should we save the rainforest?

does anyone care about the rainforests anymore? back in 1990ish it was a big thing to save them.
26 years down the line, there's probably even less left to save.. is it worth it?

air is for fuckin gay lords

We can send America's niggers there, they will fit right in with the local Gorilla population anyway

Given the fact that half the world will be black by 2100 I don't give a fuck
I try to polute as much as I can
If they want a dark world they will have it dark as the night

Most of the world's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton in the ocean

The rainforest is absolutely essential to preserve as there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of undiscovered species of plants and animals that could provide us with a great plethora of scientific knowledge such as cures for diseases and new neruotoxins to use on migrants

I have heard this said.
any truth to it though?
rainforest stuff seems to just be some kind of hallucinogenics most of the time.

I heard on Cred Forums it basically wasnt an issue except for shitskins because we plant more than we chop, but they dont

But we cant do shit about them because its racist to want to stop them from ruining the planet, we'd be oppressing them from using their own natural resources and it would be entirely our fault they'd never develop a first world country

then we've got chinks just suffocating in their own cities not even giving a shit

i swear to god white people are mankinds only chance at existing for much longer, but our races is going to disappear this century or the next BECAUSE we have too much empathy, which is also the only reason why we're the only ones capable of saving the planet and ourselves

we're all so fucked

>send the niggers
>trees will be safe for eternity because niggers can't into technology
Good idea.

All I know is if this was somewhere in the West, we wouldnt have decimated it. Funny how the evil whites and evil westerners seem to care about beauty more than anyone else..

umm lad our country was once a giant forest

It is empathy? Or it is just leftist public masturbation of their own alleged virtues?

Nearly all of our antibiotics come from fungi and tropical rainforests are where fungi thrive. 18,000 species of animal, fungi and plants are found in the rainforest every year. A lot of flowering plants have strange antioxidant properties that we still have not understood

fuck the rainforest
have you ever been to rainforest?
that shit will eat you alive
we can keep a few of the creatures & trees & shit in a little glass enclosure for future generations to see & such
but then steam roll the rest
>m-muh air
we can make air machines, trees are terrible at it
one machine can make as much air as a fucking thousand trees
so who cares

I live in Sussex. Plenty of green belt. Sorry you chose to live in a concrete jungle.

Sure thing, Rodney.

Enviromentalism is redpilled but it's sad that it has gotten hijacked by leftist cucks


Europe is barren because eurocucks forrested the shit out of it and now its all just agricultural land and plains.

>does anyone care about the rainforests anymore?
yes, of course

The save the whales/rainforest shit is the same stupid greenwashing nonsense as global warming/alternative energy that liberals like to pretend to care about now to feel good about themselves. It's nothing but a bunch of hot air to siphon money into the pocket of rich people with no results.

If people actually gave a shit there would be severe economic sanctions and threats of force, but you'll never see that happen, War is NOT the answer. Namaste.

>we can make air machines

yes because thats where the fresh food is at and where nature is at its the only thing we have , steel skyscrapers and asphalt is not nearly as exciting

if i want to get some "fresh" produce at the store well i cant theyre all wilty and 8 days old and come from a huge field of mass produced shit and hauled on a truck/ship halfway across the globe

the only place left to get fresh picking is from nature right off the tree

we should be implementing reforestation everywhere

one mango tree can feed entire neighborhoods but the government wants to chop them all down because they see the fruit falling off the tree as a burden upon their fucking artificial city pile of shit

they can go fuck themselves


Ban palm tree oil

>If people actually gave a shit there would be severe economic sanctions and threats of force, but you'll never see that happen, War is NOT the answer. Namaste.

good point.

Save your own country's natural treasures, let other countries save theirs. If they don't care enough to do so, let them live in a polluted hellhole.

i guess people like being cucked and having to pay for all their food

if you lived next to a forest you could get free food every day

or even if there was just more fruit trees around you could go down the street and grab some food and cut down your bills and have abundance

but its so scarce and its artificial scarcity now
because they cut down all the nature

It would be good to plant fruit trees along the streets, free apples for all.
Business would hate this though

>tfw your'e country is covered in 53% forest

thats what im saying
its a less cucked universe that isnt obsessed with money and resources as much

the way you made this thread its inciting people to respond with no fuck the rainforest so i dont understand your intentions there

of course its worth it to save nature

>people plant hedges and fruitless trees
>not the plants that fucking feed us

I mean it's obvious why but it rustles me

>rain forest
>food source
Nigger the rain forest will kill you

People don't want fruit trees because they attract rodents and rodents bring disease. It also takes a lot of work to maintain plants to keep them free of disease and productive. You would have to plant an absolute shitton of trees to get a good crop without blasting them with pesticides/fungicides etc.

>the way you made this thread its inciting people to respond with no fuck the rainforest so i dont understand your intentions there

simply because back then it was a huge cause, now it barely even makes the news.

the most perfect, low cost air machine is a plant

the leading cause of deforestation is making room for animal meat eaters are destroying it

No. Cut and burn all this shit.

There are a few old apple trees where I live, part of old estates where the houses were knocked down years ago & the trees forgotten.

They could do with a tidy-up but the apples are still quite edible.

The next street to my home has quince trees, nobody picks the quinces they just fall and rot every autumn.

Why queue to buy them in a shop when they are available free?

You are a fucking dumbass.

Good lord.


every cell in your body has become formed from the minerals and the nutrients in the plants in whatever minute quantities you might have had growing up as an infant

it wasnt the pig meat and cheeseburgers and pizza that promoted healthy development

your body comes from the earth and nature is where it starts at

removing that is killing yourself

no trees dont tend to attack you

maybe a snake would

this is all evil tactics they use and will continue to deplete nature till theres nothing left its happening in my city its happening everywhere

no youre not going to have a bubonic plague because theres a mango tree in your yard

and no you dont have to use pesticides and fungicides people have been growing trees for thousands of years before any of this garbage

if you have rats you just have to trap them or something

be a smart person

>Implying you won't reincarnate and end up becoming one of them

Former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt ate his steak, hunted animals as a hobby and helped U.S. wildlife & kept forests from being totaled. It's got nothing to do with meat m8

I garden in my spare time, I'm not saying don't grow your own shit, or even don't forage.

I'm saying lining your neighborhood streets with fruit trees would be an awful idea because plants require maintenance, and who would do the work/pay the workers.

>if you have rats you just have to trap them or something

You're retarded.

the people who would do the maintenance would be god because plants grow on their own

and the citizens would pick the apples

and people would have to work around nature not bulldoze it down for whatever they want

>You're retarded.

good argument

oh my god nothing will ever happen people cant eat because theres rats! humans couldnt live before there was rat poison

>I'm saying lining your neighborhood streets with fruit trees would be an awful idea because plants require maintenance, and who would do the work/pay the workers.

Fruit trees don't take much maintenance, a chop every few years to take out crossed branches and let in light.
Thing is nobody wants responsibility now and waits for the council/some other body to take care of everything.

Except niggers are the ones who burn down the rain forests because they're too stupid to rely on technology. What they do is burn down huge swathes of rain forest to create farmable land. Then they exhaust that land, and instead of letting it rest and using fertilizer to make it fertile again, they burn down more rain forest and repeat the process.

>does anyone care about the rainforests anymore? back in 1990ish it was a big thing to save them.
>26 years down the line, there's probably even less left to save.. is it worth it?

I used to give a shit about the rainforest. I used to give a shit about global warming.

Then I was redpilled and my priorities changed. In all fairness, I still want to save the rainforest, seeing how it is full of life and I have a sould unlike some people on here. It is uniquely Aryan to genuinely care for the wellbeing of the nature/environment around us. it is something that is implicitly White, to give a rats ass about endangered species and shrinking rainforests.

If we CAN save it, I want us to. If we can't, well we better get started on those air machines.

>I'm saying lining your neighborhood streets with fruit trees would be an awful idea because plants require maintenance
No, they don't. Most people with a garden in Norway have fruit trees, usually plums or apples, and they really don't require much maintenance at all. Same with berry bushes. Just trim them every other year.

>I'm saying lining your neighborhood streets with fruit trees would be an awful idea because plants require maintenance, and who would do the work/pay the workers.

Rome planted olve trees next to the roads so the people who maintained the roads would get to keep and sell the olives.

Why we don't do that, I will never know.

Uhhh... plants require quite a bit of maintenance and monitoring for disease.

What happens if there is an outbreak of powdery mildew, or blight, or scale in your neighborhood row of trees? Are you suggesting homeowners would be responsible for whatever tree is in front of their property? Or would you be relying on the government to fix it? Either way it's an undue burden, either directly from homeowners or from taxpayers.

If you want to grow food, you should do it on your own private property and take care of it yourself.

also the fact that people see fruit trees as valuable and other trees not as valuable is because theyre ignorant

i guarantee you 90% of these so called "useless trees" have some sort of sap or leaves that provide some sort of benefit to mankind

youre just not aware and you have to do the research yourself.... youre basically ignorant

Literally the only good things about rain forests are new technology we can gain from plants there, and all the fucking wood we can chop down.

30% of oxygen is still produced by the forests

lol, fug :D

>Are you suggesting homeowners would be responsible for whatever tree is in front of their property?

yes wtf

youre totally disconnected from reality and scared of a tree? WHAT HAPPENS IF I HAVE A TREE I NEED THE GOVERNMENT TO CUT IT OUT JUST INCASE

youre like a braindead zombie

>the only good things

and the beauty and the fresh air and the food and medicine and the wildlife

fuckin faggot

50 - 85 percent of earths oxygen produced in the ocean. i think the whole point about saving the rainforests is to preserve the diversity of the plants and animals that live in it. a lot of medicines come out of these rainforests. 50 percent of the earths plants and animals live there. Itll be fine, rainforest are pretty resilient, usually they grow pretty fast.

If it's not on their land, they shouldn't have to pay for materials to maintain it. Period.

Fuck off commie.

also roots and barks and seeds and flowers and spices

cinnamon is a bark
theres ginger ROOT..

theres all kinds of things that you look at a forest and you think its nothing but you peel back another layer

it might look like an ordinary useless plant but it might be some kind of incredible spice

all the trees and plants do something

is anyone paying for the amazon rainforest
no it just exists


The conversation I was having with the other poster was about planting fruit trees on easements within neighborhoods, dumbass.

Nature is based, the western countries should protect all wildlife and the environment. Destroying it is shitty nigger tier behaviour. I care about animals far more than dirty shitskins. Protecting the environment is red pilled.

A german woman told me that there everyone is responsible for the small part of the pavement outside their home.

People learning how to care for nature can be positive when we have a generation of kids who think milk comes from supermarket only and is nothing to do with cattle.
don't you think so?

ya i already explained

cities want to chop down fruit trees because they think it makes a mess on their oh so perfectly clean cityscape of asphalt and steel

they can suck my balls its not because theyre afraid of a disease thats made up

dont go outside near any trees then if youre afraid of catching a disease

oh wait you cant actually do that because thats how the world works

Cant be conservative without conserving nature.

The forest are ours to exploit and devastate as we see fit.

You gringos have nothing to do with it.

Fuck off.

>a kposter appears

Yes. It's an important habitat for endangered species, and it produces a large amount of the oxygen that we breath.

That's the second funniest thing that I've ever seen. You, sir, are doing the Lord's work.

Faggot OP should be shot for asking retarded questions.
Saving rainforests (any forests) is a must.

It depends on where you live, but that isn't untrue. Where I live, the city is responsible for trimming trees that are on easements, if a tree gets sick, they cut off the effected branches or remove the trees entirely. They don't get replanted. Private owners are generally just responsible for keeping the easement free of shit that would block pedestrians, though some places have upkeep standards.

The problem is having the state/city FORCE you to maintain a tree is stupid. Most people don't have the time or money for that shit.

Pretty based answer to bqhfamlam

I can't tell if this is satire.

Fuck the rainforest.
The only reason I would care is their possibility of being frog habitats but even then, frogs are resilient and can adapt to whatever life throws at them, they'll takeover brazil if they really have to.

FACT: Frogs are the most powerful order

>tfw your country is also covered by 53% shitskins

Instead of chopping down trees, how about you go chopping down something else, Swedebro?

Ya pretty much this.
I mean the monkeys are going to fuck themselves up even more because their intellect is non-existent but its their forest. Let them do what they want with it.

Technology has resulted in less land under cultivation per person than at any time in history. Technology has literally saved more forests than every hippie that ever lived.

Want to save the forest? Build nuclear reactors and fund research in to the high-temperature chemical/material synthesis that could be driven by next gen reactors.

This. A truly redpilled enviromentalist would slaughter all shitskinset to save the environment.

People do, but it's racist to talk about them because it's shitskins tearing them down.