Trey Motherfucking Gowdy

What do you guys think of Trey Gowdy? From his work with uncovering the Clinton emails, to him talking and verbally dismembering everybody who lies in his courtroom, Gowdy seems like a pretty cool guy.

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>a white guy named treyvon

Trey is his nickname. His real name is white as white can be: Harold.

He's the attorney general american needs, but we'll never get him. People who fight this hard in the name of true justice can never be in leadership I think. It's all quid pro quo.

How do you guys think tomorrow is going to go?

Awesome, can't wait

If only banter accomished anything. He's fun to watch though.


I've seen hundreds of his videos and absolutely love the ass rapin' he does in his courtroom

I would fuck his daughter

I want to move to the USA in time to vote for Chaffetz/Gowdy 2024

He talks a lot of shit and people love it.
Never actually convicts anyone.
Never even discovered Hillary email, judicial watch did.
Never discovered the reddit posts.

He is a grandstander. All bark and no bite. He exists to make it appear as if they are going after democrats when in fact they arr covering for them.

How many people has he sent to jail/gotten fired/gotten fined?

I'll wait...

Talking about the greatest election of our lifetime
That would be it

Amazes me people on pol fall for his kubuki show.

This guy gets it. Gowdy is a showboat, yeah he corrects people and makes others look stupid as hell, but nothing ever comes of it.

Everything you need to know about Trey.

Congress is so pissed off and that makes me happy. Because they are going to get to the bottom of this bs one way or the muhfuhkin,' other... So go Harold, get them Devlin's!!!

Will it be public?

Mixed feelings. He is sort of a cuckservative
>supporting Little Marco
>supporting taking down the confederate flag

t. Myrtle Beach SC

Hate him.

Should be shot for treason.

WOW! Instantly all the EU, Australia, India, Canada and US of A is rooting for Rowdy MotherFucking "The Main Man" non other than Gowdy??

For real: Who the fuck are this corporate boot lickers? And why should I care?
Probably some Hillary inquisitors, but wtf, you think we're all THAT stupid? The outcome is already known.

y'all shills are miserable beyond all means. turkroaches level. probably way beyond..

I think I just threw up in my mouth. Sadly even what would be better than Trump/Pence. What a nightmare...

>AG Gowdy cleans up Washington

I'm extremely left with my politics, but I love him. What I love more then Rowdy Gowdy is the butthurt on my fellow lefty friends faces when I bring up the assblasting he's been giving Clinton.

This desu. Look at what happened to JFK.
The game doesn't tolerate truth-seekers, it destroys them.

Netherlands NO.

Rowdy Gowdy

Wasn't even aware of this, but am inclined to believe it as it would fit more readily into the actual state of things here in these United States of Freedumb. Why does EVERYTHING have to suck?


You've triggered my interest. Realistically, how much power does he have to seal the deal with indictments, fines, etc.?

I'm a Gowdy noob.

hej ne me jebat

jelinčič is the BEST

did he live?

>partisan hatchet men


He can appoint a special prosecutor. He could get legal professionals to go after things in a quiet non partisan manner and actually get results. Instead he is a partisan grandstander.
It is pathetic that a ngo that doesn't even have subpoenae power can discover real criminal activities and he cannot.
His focus is digging dirt. Not criminal investigation.
He didn't even know he needed to refer perjury charges to the fbi before they would investigate it.
Totally incompetence.
But hey, "Fuck yea, go get em rowdy. Sure told him ha ha. Murica fuck yea"

Fucking legal speak... "refer perjury charges" ....refer? the perjury charges? I understand being served, I thought that was great. But hey did you get my references there Mr FBI? I don't even know what the fuck that means. Bottom line, it really is nothing but political theater. If that is he case, then why do the people testifying look so squirmy and uncomfortable? Is that theater too?


>Gowdy should be executed for wasting oxygen ordinary Americans need to survive. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of vicotory. 13 hours and all he did was prove unlike Trump implies, she has a lot of stamina.

>Benghazi could have happened on anybodys watch, from Eisenhower to Obama.

>All he had to ask, and it would have taken only minutes is, "Why a few weeks before the Presidential election did you try to make this attack on 9/11 seem like it was just a spontaneous reaction to an Egyptian anti Moslem video instead of informing the American People that we have just sustained another 9/11 coordinated planned attack by Al Qaeda or another Al Kida like group?"

They are being publicly humiliatied but not prosecuted.
Not the irs
Not the email
Not benghazi

He makes political hay when his job is prosecuting crime

A "nothing burger".

>Gowdy botched the investigation and hearings, it is simple incompetence.

>Clinton/Obama ignored intelligence indicating an attack failing to augment security after repeated requests by Ambassador Stevens. Then once attacked Clinton/Obama restrained the CIA and military from protecting embassy personnel and let Ambassador Stevens and the security staff fend for themselves and they were killed. Subsequently everyone was briefed to blame the whole attack on an anti-islamic film nobody ever heard of when they knew it was an organized terrorist attack.

>If you can't investigate that or hold a proper hearing you are incompetent and Gowdy as has proven to be. He is a nothing burger.


That's new.

None of the arguments there make sense. Gowdy is not a prosecutor anymore, he was a member of the committee on the emails. Watch this:

He did his job perfectly I thought. Comey tried to dodge questions and he called him on the bullshit and stuck to true or false answers. Once those were answered, he then posed a question about false statements that highlighted that she lied to the public.

Anyone have the link to the video where Gowdy goes off on Comey about whether or not the FBI would hire Clinton knowing that she willingly mishandles classified information? Was a CSPAN bit around 2 hours long iirc.

Long story short, Comey says "No, we would not hire a person like that"

never heard of this weird looking inbread before the Shillary email scandal.

I really hope hes not all talk, he really did a great job in the hearings.

>Watching old episodes of Forensic Files on Investigation Discovery
>Gowdy shows up all the time because he used to be a criminal prosecutor or something and has ties to a ton of cases, always getting interviewed

Short of "public humiliation" nothing really comes from him roasting people on live television.

This man is something every country would be blessed to have. He's a fucking legend. Justice incarnate.

Love this guy

Trey Gowdy Dancing-