Emergency Red Pill

Pollacks, this fucking refugee club is triggering me (manned by mudslime females too, what a surprise).

I need the webm of the refugee and racoon feeding comparison to show it to them asap, will post results

their cute. Makes me wish I was back in the UK

Opposite them is the Allah Akbar bomb division recruitment club


are those... terrorist emojis? but they're crying.. what did they mean by that?

borrow monies plz, goy

The Isis club is next to the robotics club, they're teaching them how to make IEDs, it all makes sense now.

fences are useless, don't build one

why the fuck would anyone trust anything soros has to say about national finances after, you know, he bankrupted the UK and made off with billions "legally"?

Bumping, need that raccoon webm guys. Google only gives me low quality gifs


hahahahaha oh my god the house of cards is falling over

germoney, will you go down with the ship and plunge yourselves into debt before the russian invasion, or will you #Germexit and leave it to the swedes and frenchys ?

asian girls donate more money?

I see these posters all over my town telling me how I can help build a mosque....

>hostile invaders welcoming other hostile invaders into your lands

I don't understand the question...sorry.


Getting a bit nervous here mates...

what do you want us to do about it you whiny cunt

Screw them

Post pics of the other girls, their cute.

This might not work because im on mobile

Thanks, just what I was looking for. Will post results

You're going to get laughed out for being a sperg, enjoy social suicide lol

Kek has spoken.

Don't ruin your life for meme-tier stupidity.
If you are anti-immigration just go out and vote for such a party/person.

Wait, will you really show them this video? I hope you can run fast.

You know whats the only red pill move in this situation? Actually there are two.

#1 Leave.

#2 (which is way better) Mingle with them. Say you love the idea of a diverse europe. Refugees are the future. Aim for the bitch. Get to know her. Play it really nice. Then take her to bed. Probably the next day. You just fucked up the shit of a SJW.


Bumping for potential


Number 2 is what I used to do, although I admit i'm not that redpilled.

Just do that OP and afterwards go vote for UKIP or BNP or anyone else you think fits your views.

Bumping for the old pharaos

I would also support the subconscious penetrating of this groups for gathering more information about their real objectives and financial supporters.

>even trash pandas wait in line
Proof that Semites are a genetic mistake

Kek be with you

why don't you try to redpill them, video it as well


buy/make a hijab

>walk back into the event in your haji disguise

>pull a fire alarm

>walk away and remove the hijab once you're very far away.

And fucking them, this way it's easier to get their trust.

Fuck them OP and try to find out their hidden plans and agenda. If they have none, hey at least you got some decent pussy, seeing your ''''''women''''''' god knows you need some.

Just waiting for the club leader to come back, hang on tight boys.... Probably gonna get punched... Or blown up by the bomb squad next door

Don't ruin your life you fucking idiot.

Also post more pics of the cutie on the right.

shut the fuck up, why aren't you a hooker and why arent you sucking my monster dong

Because I have a well paying job.

And I don't have gay fantasies like you burgers do.

just kill these kinds of people so people will be afraid to take up these roles.

I think OP is dead
he got allahu akbar'ed

Bumping for interest.

>Brown people want more brown people in a foreign white country
Colour me surprised. Why not just go back to brownie central if they want to drown out the white?

Or he picked up the cute girl on the right, went on a date and enjoys his life.

And he realized today that chimping out in public is what niggers would do, and the best ways to express his anti-immigration views is at the ballot box.

no welfare


Kek, nice pun

Those are some tig ol bitties!

Holy shit, that nose is so large you'd need a platform to support it!

Op hasn't posted in 20 minutes he probably got beat up

You mean culturally enriched. :^)

Fuck off

jelly that I beat you to it or something?

did he die

It's obvious that OP learned the truth about Mohammed, Islam and the beauty of the mostest Holiest Qu'Ran and is now full blown Terrorist/ISIS/Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad/BokoHaram Moderate, peaceful Muslim convert.

He is being kicked out of the university as we speak and I expect to see a national news story tonight

CHARGE: Thought Crime

SENTENCE: Honor Killing (Enrichment Ceremony)

Blood sacrifice to appease the anti-racism God

Does it reek of curries in there?

Bumping to see whether OP is alive.

I suppose not.

RIP in pieces

he ded


those girls are FUCKING CUTE

he chickened out and didn't want us to know how much of a pussy he is

>be me
>go up to the refugee club president who's a female
>there was a white numale (probably 5'7") already interested in signing up
>go up to her, ask her what activities does the club do
>campaigning, fundraising for refugees, donating food, etc etc
>me: "Oh that's really nice! What are the benefits of volunteering in this club?"
>her: "benefits? It's out of goodwill etc etc"
>me: "I don't believe that we should help them to begin with"
>her: "sorry? What did you say?"

How can you honestly think this?
-Round faces
-Fat, squashed noses.

look at his flag. he's one of them

fake and gay

OP, were you snackbared after that?

They look fake, but still titties


Has britain rly fallen this much? What happened to you dad?

>her: "but their country is getting bombed, we should help them and their families"
>me: "well I'm not sure if you've heard this common phrase, life isn't fair"
>her face scrounged up in pure anguish
>Numale seems to have shit his pants at the red pill being dropped
>her: "what if it's your country being bombed?"
>me: "well then, life isn't fair. I'll accept death and curse that I'm in a shitty country"
>numale: "you can't just say life isn't fair, people are getting bombed!"
>me: "here, let me show you something"
>show them the video
>numale and girl: "w-well..."
>me: "we're paying taxes to help people from another country, that's unbelievable!"
>her: "I-I really don't think this is the right club for you, please leave"
>numale: "yeah you're really offensive"
She stared at me as I left her booth

This was the refugees welcome club. As I walked through there were also the Syrian refugees club, Islamic society, human rights club, amnesty society, women in engineering society. The free speech club was opposite the Syrian refugee club, and I said "fuck refugees". The free speech president was like "fuck yeah".
I then shouted "Allah Akbar" to the refugee club and left.

Funny experience, I r8 8/8. Left some lefties in tears, hopefully I did my part in making Britain great again. Also, this is my first ever post on Cred Forums after lurking for 7 years, I'm way too overdosed on redpills

>The free speech club was opposite the Syrian refugee club, and I said "fuck refugees". The free speech president was like "fuck yeah".

Dad's gone senile m8.

They're all pretty hot. What's the problem here?

they get very hot when they press that button

>my first ever post on Cred Forums after lurking for 7 years
sure thing bro