My girlfriend refuses to drive a car. She says it causes her to"panic...

My girlfriend refuses to drive a car. She says it causes her to"panic." I have to wake up at 6AM every morning to take her to work, even though I don't work until 10AM.

At least she sleeps with me once a month.

I don't really like driving either desu. Perhaps you should stop being a judgmental prick.

Dump her.

She gets enough sex from Jamal. Don't worry.

>once a month

>once a month
>top cuck my friend

Found her next birthday/anniversary present.
I do get where she's coming from though, driving (especially with loved ones in the car) is the most stressful thing in the world to me; I'm more paranoid about other people being morons than my own ineptitude, but it still gives me such anxiety. I cant imagine driving in a big city. I'm probably the most over cautious driver in the world. Or was I should say, I bike to work and pretty much anywhere I go.

You've gotta push her to learn. That's one of the great things about relationships is they force us to better ourselves.

You have leverage over her but you're too beta to use it to get all the sex you want. Faggot.


Tell that bitch to take the bus

>once a month

How often does her boyfriend sleep with her?

Dude here, I have issues with anxiety myself usually I'm fine with driving during the day but night driving, god damn ahhh

Tyrone has needs. He has sexual emergencies almost daily.


I used to be afraid of driving, but you gotta MAN up and DO IT. Now im driftin at intersections finna make that u turn wid my WRX STi...

help her learn and she will learn, and reward you with MAJOR pussy. Or she is just using you and ur dumb.

Usually people with those problems take public transport instead. A bus, taxi, or whatever. Sometimes even a bicycle

I hate driving too

Actually, that's not true, I just avoid it because i drive like an idiot

stop being an enabler for people with poor morals, unless you also are trash, then go KYS

>american "men"

get the fuck out now

Valuing sex is good


Dump her, moron . They are replaceable.

>At least she sleeps with me once a month

With or without the bull's permission? Also, what is your cuckshed set up?

Either dump her or make her take public transit. With that gas money you could be buying prostitutes.

>sex once a month
She's not your girlfriend...

You dumb burger cunt you're not even driving with a stick how the fuck can you fuck up driving an automatic

Don't be such a fucking pussy, faggot.

Man up and deal with reality.

Dump the lazy bitch and move on. There are better women out there.

Women shouldn't drive. They also shouldn't work.

Good way to put it. She doesn't love you and she's taking advantage.

break up with her. She clearly sees you as a manservant, and not as a lover. This arrangement is economic in nature, not romantic. Get out while you still can m8.

Dump her,
can't drive a car
...can't even
*panic attacks*

This has gotta be bait

>Having a girlfriend
>Sex once a month

You deserve to get cucked

How about you stop complaining and man up like a good goy! You don't want to be a bigot, now do you?

You wouldn't happen to live in Ohio would you?

why don't you have your wife's son giver her a lift to work?

You wouldn't happen to be my older brother would you?

Specifically Youngstown

Fuck you I drive stick. God bless the south for teaching me that much.
Most US "men" are fucked though and dont know how.

Let's pretend your telling the truth for a second. If you don't like it dump her, otherwise quit being a dick. What kind of idiot goes online to bitch about something their partner is "doing wrong"? A fucking woman does.

Aren't you late for your daily "rape by emu" appointment?


It's mainly about other people. I do not trust other drivers and the idea of having to be insanely defensive and watch everything when driving causes anxiety. On an open road I dont really care.

>Thinks fondling a big black knob makes him more macho.

Closet case.

>once a month

Drop her off at the bus stop.

If you say so.


>she sleeps with me once a month

> i have to drive her too work

ok but is she nice during the drive or is sheall snooty

>29yrs old
>have drivers license since I'm 18
>drive like once in 2 years

I feel like I need to be 100% focused when I drive and not only does that induce anxiety, it's also very exhausting. I constantly have thoughts racing through my head and things I think about, I can't just switch that off and fully focus on the road.

My son, you must question whether or not the cost-benefit analysis here is in your favor.

I used to hate driving, but I realized it was just because I had to learn with my retarded parents in the passenger seat freaking out over every fucking turn

Now I do racing and midnight [spoiler]tofu[/spoiler] deliveries

I've had a fear of driving ever since my brother was killed in a wreak. Its more a fear of hurting others than hurting myself. Maybe op should buy her a bike or motorcycle. It worked for me.


Said the sandnigger from the new caliphate

tell her you ll only drive her if she gives you a bj during the ride

Sympathy for your loss user. Hope it was at least quick; car wrecks can be so brutal and drawn out.

Why is she so fat?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Driving is an everyday part of being a member of society. You don't even have to be an adult; teenagers are driving.

>once a month

She is only sleeping with you that much to make sure you don't question giving her rides. You're so spineless that, while normal adults would tell her to fuck off, you need to ask an internet board whether it's okay to stop doing that.

Listen, friend. I'm writing this to help you because I feel fucking awful for you. There are women out there you can fuck every day if you man up. You should break up with this bimbo so you can start living for yourself. Do you have any idea how much more sleep you can get and how much more productive you could be? What if, instead of driving this dumb bitch to work at 6AM, you got up at 7AM and went to the gym? In a few weeks, you'd feel amazing. After a year, you'd notice you get a lot more attention from girls.

Your life can be good, friend. Please help yourself.