What's the next mental illness that the SJWs are going to try to normalise?

What's the next mental illness that the SJWs are going to try to normalise?

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what, are you a islamaphobe or a hinduphobe?


I'm was wondering whether pedophilia would beat zoophilia and incest to the finish line but the Islam angle makes a lot of sense.

this is a mindfuck
and it's already normalized


One tiny problem: toxoplasmosis is only transmitted human-to-human from mothers to their children at birth.

ah, ok. the more you know.. cheers.
do you know if it does have that effect to change behaviour?

At the moment, it's not clear. There is a link known between Toxoplasmosis and certain negative neural issues but it's not clear at this point whether it's causative. It's like smoking and schizophrenia, for a long time it was assumed that smoking increased the risk of developing the disease because smoking among schizophrenics was higher than the general population. We now know that it actually helps with the symptoms, making smoking more attractive to schizophrenics than the general population.

In a similar way, it's possible that some mental disorders are the result of autoimmune dysfunction, it could be that this also makes people with existing mental disorders more susceptible to infection. Additionally, one mode of transmission to humans is exposure to infected animal faeces, patients with mental disorders aren't generally known for their cleanliness.


>Experts estimate that about half of toxoplasmosis infections are caused by eating raw or undercooked infected meat, but you can also get the parasite by eating unwashed contaminated produce, drinking contaminated water, or handling contaminated soil, cat litter, or meat and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.

I just had a quick look to double check but I'm pretty sure (and haven't read anything to suggest otherwise) that infected humans don't excrete toxoplasmosis in their faeces.

That said, if gays are secretly dismembering themselves and having an undercooked pot roast made from their corpses delivered to innocent heterosexual homes for consumption by the entire family, that's another matter.

pedo's, then zoofags, then snuff porn, etc etc etc

pedophilia, although i'd argue that they have already basically accomplished that


Want to continue the snark?

Ugh, there's no such thing as pedophilia, some people just like to fuck children, its like 2016 get over it.

sexual attraction towards animals.
after pedophilia of course.
they'll make up something making people think its not their fault and have it an accepted fact. then they'll decriminalize it.
they won't get too far before they turn tables and say morality is gone and we need islam to reestablish old values.

Interesting. I am curious as to why they didn't run tests on ejaculate if they're proposing male-to-female transmission in humans.

>Want to continue the snark?
Can't handle the bantz?

>posting discredited conspiracy theories

>human to human
Are you actually reading his post?

[citation needed]

We've known for a while that the most reasonable explanation for homosexuality is that it is caused by some sort of pathogen that spread with the advent of agriculture. Check out West Hunt's writings on the subject:


>The most likely explanation for human homosexuality is that it is caused by some pathogen. It’s too common to be mutational pressure (and we don’t see syndromic versions, as we would in that case), it’s not new, identical twins are usually discordant (~75% of the time), and it’s hell on reproductive fitness. There is no way it is adaptive: the helpful gay uncle notion, group selection, compensating advantage in females, etc: these range from impossible to bloody unlikely. It doesn’t exist in most hunter-gatherers: you have to explain what it is you’re even talking about when you ask them.

Living in fiction
Oh wait, they already do

>Wordpress tinfoil bloggers

it's written by two professors who work at the University of Utah and who study anthropology and evolutionary biology. causes of homosexuality is only a small part of their blog, they also write about population genetics, anthropology, linguistics and other such things.

>would beat zoophilia
Well... dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3634998/Sex-acts-pets-OK-Canadian-Supreme-Court-long-doesn-t-involve-penetration.html

>doesn't point where it's wrong
So let me guess, you've read somewhere somebody talking shit about it that sounded mildly literate and know it's "disproved".