What are the good sides of diversity?

What are the good sides of diversity?

Seriously Cred Forums i can't understand what's the social justification for pushing diversity everywhere?

Theirs a difference between diversity and Multiculturalism/Multiracialism.

A world where Europe is European and Africa is Africa and Arabia is Arabian is "diversity".

Multiculturalism and Multiracialism destorys diversity.

The Nazis tought us this.

taco truck on every corner

Diversity breaks down communities and creates conflicts, allowing authorities to accumulate more power. This is especially important in Europe where destroying nationalism is necessary to build a Soviet-style superstate. They key to running an authoritarian police state is to turn the citizens against each other, and diversity is very helpful for achieving this.

Living my entire Life in Diversity: the country, i can say it doesnt make much difference.
We just have different prejudices. We don't Care where youre from, just take showers and don't act like a favelado and you're fine for us.

Other than food and maybe some artistic influences not much.

The problem is lodern progressives don't want "diversity"

They want the destruction of western culture

Mass migration of 3rd worlders always brings forth favelas though. Maybe not as violent as yours, due to welfare and public healthcare, but the majority of African and Muslim migrants in Europe end up living in run down ghettos, with little to no drive to get themselves out of the mess.

Put one Muslim child in a white school and he'll probably turn out OK. Put 100 and you have all the Middle East's problems right at home

>They want the destruction of western culture
And here I thought I just didn't want to judge people based on looks.


>Not judging people based on looks


> subsidies for hiring non-whites. Discouraging white men from participating in school, easier entry for minorities, political public shaming, preference for forieghn non-eropean cultures, vilifying white ethnic history and art

Yeah it's just about treating everyone the same fer sure bro!

Get your head out of the 1960's. The equality ship sailed long ago

diversity brings in fresh ideas and new ways to approach problems

That only matters if you're importing smarter people than your base culture is

not necessarily
a dumb person can have knowledge or a way of looking at things that a genius might overlook

It's good for jews and elites that want to destroy societies so they have no cohesive opposition to enslaving everyone.


Replace the national culture with careless consumers to fight over non-issues.
>muh microaggressions are the problem!
>ignores blantant government corruption scandals

No distinct countries/cultures means no more "wars", only insurgencies and ethnic clashes within borders.
>wars disrupt trade routes & supply lines
>wars reduce the labor pool

No solidarity = No "community" = No revolution = Stagnation
>tl;dr it's "Soft slavery"

Essentially this. If you remove a persons cultural, religious, and ethnic ties, you can mold him into the person you want him to be.

That's all good and noble of you. However, looks are a good indicator of place of origin, which highly correlates with culture. Most 3rd world countries have a traditionalist culture that resorts to breeding and physical numbers in order to ensure dominance. If you live in a safe bubble, you don't mind, but if you're white and anything but part of the richest 10%, and you start to become more and more marginalized in numbers by people whose culture greatly values the establishment of dominance by means of intimidation and, if necessary, physical violence against those perceived as the Other, you ought to care. Add to that the push against legal gun ownership, the public celebration of identity politics only if the identity in question is a demographic 'minority' and the erosion of the traditional fabric of society through divorce, late marriage and low birthrate and you quickly find yourself in a situation where a person, by being born in a 'majority', becomes increasingly marginalized in society and estranged from his cultural roots through a push of '(insert country) has no intrinsic culture, we need to acommodate to everyone and their needs' - rhetoric. In short, what you deem a positive value - not judging people by their appearance - puts your interests at a disadvantage against those who DO judge you by your appearance. And because this isn't a matter of right and wrong, but of contradictory interests, the only thing you achieve is, metaphorically, delivering yourself to the sword. You're cucking yourself.

>don't judge people based on looks
>let in half the third world because "they're just like us"
>western culture gets destroyed
But I'm sure it won't be your fault, right? No no, it's those evil racist right-wingers. The barbarians wouldn't have sacked Rome if they hadn't been so marginalised and oppressed, is that it?

I'd argue that multiracialism is good ("variety is the spice of life" and all that) but most cultures that aren't western or east-asian are absolute shit

da asian and black puss on muh white dicku.

>tfw my goal is to have sex with one girl from each continent
>tfw german government bans beastiality
>tfw no qt pinguine gf

>I'd argue that multiracialism is good

>Multiracialism is good
Kill yourself. Homogenity is the only logical way.

>implying your base culture won't have dumb people in it too

>diversity brings in new problems

No it isn't, because unless you have a very strong common ideology to unite those people, they will naturally divide and oppose based on their race/appearance. You will have racism and antiracism, any over or underrepresentation in anything will be debated. Community will be lost and social trust will fall, as Putnam measured.

I think there is a part of being human that believes in human sacrifice.

Hey, the crop failed, Instead of thinking about what we might have done wrong, why don't we take five beautiful virgins and toss them in this well over here.

So, when some ape-like black guy rapes and murders a college student, the SJW crowd in a primordial way thinks that somehow that will make things better.

Or to be more inclusive, the fact that many nations seem to never get tired of war.

>diversity brings in fresh ideas and new ways to approach problems
Indeed. Niggers find very direct solutions to problems.

diversity is fine

multiculturalism is the opposite of diversity

when people understand this they will wake up

a dumb person from another culture obviously won't have the same traditions and customs as a dumb person from your own culture
that wasn't OP's question
niggers are American culture

>Muh western culture
No. You're full of crap. Niggers are the same all over the planet.

I never implied diversity was a good thing or that multiculturalism was a net positive.
Learn to read.

They might as well just call it "Division", because they're still talking about race differences.

The push for diversity is pretty much solely a push for anti-racism.
The defense for diversity as valuable is that many people bring different ways of thought to the situation and so through having a variety we have benefits. Hence "diversity is our strength".

Diversity is our strength.

>diversity brings in fresh ideas and new ways to approach problems
Do you know what "imply" means? Diversity is crap, and it needs to go. It doesn't bring in any """""fresh ideas"""""" or """""""new ways"""""".

what I'm saying is we need europeanised uncle toms, not dindus
most asians are chill too
you're absolutely right, I was talking about an ideal scenario

I'd love to see copious data representing this

OP asked for the positives of diversity and I gave him one.
Are you so braindead you can't disassociate a person from an argument or statement?
Oh no wait I forgot, all you memesters know are personal attacks.

Rich racist Democrats get cheap labor and guaranteed votes for their godawful party. The rest of us get a few new options for authentic exotic cuisine. That's about it.

no such thing
I dont know what bullshit they are telling you guys but the immigrants are there to lower the wages and slave off for your rich company owners while fucking the average worker's wife because she thinks its exotic

multiculturalism, diversity or whatever is bullshit kids propaganda
how can you be an adult and beleive in a sentence like?
"We bring immigrants for the sake of diversity."

>europeanised uncle toms
One problem lad. They're all black.
Bill Cosby.
Tiger Woods.
O.J Simpson.
Hey faggot, start posting stats to support your diversity. Otherwise, shut up and lurk more.

Diversity built America, the strongest nation of our time.

there's many examples
most notably the influx of Jews into the US
or the Greek influences on Rome after annexing it

Patently false. Nice try though.

>white men diversity

more like
a fucking continent full of natural resources to grab
but its true to some extent
look at silicon valley
but there is a difference between USA which limits unskilled labour influx but skilled labour is free to come, and the EU which just imports everything

I don't need stats, this isn't twitter redpilling, this is a discussion you mong.

>Statistics aren't admissible evidence in a discussion. We're a bunch of critical theory faggots.
Kill yourself.

>Rich racist Democrats get cheap labor

everybody in the middle class loves having slave labor. it's just working white trash that has suffered, and as Louis CK and everyone else points out, if an illegal who can't speak english can take your job by agreeing to work from dawn till dusk for a few bucks, then you are a loser who just needs to work harder.

Both are cancer and non Aryans need to be gassed

>special cases of successful populations being successful
You're making a case for discrimination not diversity

>and as Louis CK and everyone else points out

>USA which limits unskilled labour influx
my fucking sides
All you have to do is """sneak in""" across our southern border or claim to be a refugee snakbar and the feds basically welcome you with open arms. They'll even offer companies financial incentives to hire you and help you with raping the local suburban communities.

wise words, burger friend.indeed.

> Louis CK as a citation

Topkek 2016

Isn't poverty a bigger indicator of crime and IQ than race? I mean sure blacks and other minorities would still be higher, but shouldn't people try to alleviate the larger offender in these sort of situations before tackling a cultural change?

>t working white trash that has suffered, and as Louis CK and everyone else points out, if an illegal who can't speak english can take your job by agreeing to work from dawn till dusk for a few bucks, then you are a loser who just needs to work harder.
That working white trash is who provides the vast bulk of our military. We're not going to throw them out into the cold for a bunch of third world welfare grabbers. They've earned their keep.

Alternatively it means that the government once again failed to enforce its own laws to protect its citizens from an invading force

oh really
that's wise to you, you fucking gipsy?
translate what he said to your romani language and you will quickly realise how unbeleivably dumb that sounds

they do limit it in periods when needed though

and this is a discussion on the positives of diversity, not the net profit of diversity
do you have anything to add except an infograph you saved and repost to look clever?
limited diversity is still diversity
every person of every nation in one country is diversity just the same as a Mexican and Agentine sitting at the same table

No. Poverty has little to no effect on crime.

Aren't you cute. If you're totally cool with putting your fellow countrymen out of work because breaking the law will save you a few bucks, you're a morally bankrupt cunt whose right to vote ought to be revoked.

>Not going after the people and companies that hire them

Who do you think is actually fighting these sort of laws?

they are the ones who get sent to get their balls shot off in the countries that the 'third world welfare grabbers' are from in the first place you mouthbreader


> be white worker in 1900
> work ass off
> little pay
> found union, threaten communism
> new deal
> oy vey, thinks the capitalist
> invites millions of """diverse""" people
> so diverse, can't unite
> suck it white worker

You're literally shilling for the kikes mate

It's not the 70s anymore. We're in current year, remember?

We get to eat different kinds of food :^)

Idk what you're saying


trump doesnt hire immigrants?

doesnt your country import 1 milion people per year? why do cowboys act like that hasnt been happening for more then half a decade? these 'new' americans are here to stay, they should cut out the 'pretend we're nazis, even though our grandfathers killed the real nazis' bullshit
not that the kikeloving clintons are better, but still

So let's buy the good ones. We don't need paco and Ahmed when we already have tyrone

Maybe you should open your fucking eyes then you stupid asshole. Your well-intentioned idiocy has obliterated any semblance of community or political cohesion which the West may have had because you're too proud of your self-identification as "tolerant" to call out the Marxist push for European ethnocide which lies directly under surface of all these calls for "diversity"

Los Angeles resident here: the only good side, and absolute only , is that it brings different restaurants: Mexican, Vietnamese, Thai, Kebab

But, with all the bullshit that comes with it diverstiy is a disaster

>different restaurants: Mexican, Vietnamese, Thai, Kebab
Honestly, I reckon we can find white people and train them to make a taco. That's well within our abilities.

People like to virtue signal, especially women. Men who say they like diversity are mainly nu males and those who hate it are loners like most of Cred Forums
Real men give no shits

be more respectfull subhuman cum eater.
I will translate your mother 's tongue on my hairy balls.
>drink bleach

Thing is, it takes generations. School alone doesn't educate. So for example, this recent terrorist from America. His father was a Mujahideen. God knows how many histories he heard from his father and what kind of education he had home.
It's just a giant mess of a process. Brazil have been on this for hundreds of years and we still have black cotas and etc. to help the minorities.

I think the good aspect of diversity is not have it. Most of Brazil is neither black or white, it's mixed people. And the good about mixed people is that you look beyond looks and race. It just doesn't become a topic.

Multiculturalism is bad though, because all you're doing is creating different "clans" or ghettos inside your country. And that's bound to bring trouble. I don't think the future is multiculturalism nor these pure breed talks. Mixing is the future because it make us transcend race.

Gangs of peado rapist taxi drivers

Also it's my cultural identity to beat &rape faggots like you.Are you racist?Are you against a multicultural society where all people from all cultures are equal?

>he actually is a gipsy
you cant rape me but you can go and rape your sister because that's what you do, besides maybe rob an old man or stealing radios from cars

>real men give no shits
Sup Muhammad?


Everything in an episode of Anthony Bourdain show like no reservations.

Food/family/cute girls or boys/fun shit.

Just more flavor.

Except after a few generations everything melds together and the oppression olympians controlling mass media try to force everyone to be exactly the same for the sake of equality.

If you want to preserve the cultural diversity, cultures need a separate homeland instead of letting them all blend together into diluted unexotic mush.

Immigrants to America usually lose the ways of their cultural heritage after blending into the melting pot. Then they forget how to make the awesome food of their ancestors

This supports multiracialisms if anything, mixed races kills nobody


No more wars and oppression but most importantly less racist white people.

The only good side of diversity is that it improves productivity in big corporations.