Why the hell do we have you here, fucking faggot?

Why are MSNBC reporters so based?

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Mook is Clinton's mouthpiece to the media but if doesn't have anything to say, what's the point?

MSNBC is for libtards.

Give credit where credit is due, this is one of those temporary, fleeting moments when MSNBC wasn't completely opinionated garbage. Good on him for calling the guy out on dancing around the question.

I feel MSNBC hasn't been as bad as CNN this time around.

Aleppo guy shows up too

That man must just attract stupidity related to Syria

vid link

CNN is horrifying compared to MSNBC.

I know all the MSN news is out right propaganda with rare moments of clarity but CNN is full blown 1984 on steroids propaganda for Clinton.

>Read the sidebar.

msnbc is absolute garbage and is traditionally even worse than CNN but something happened to CNN this election that just made them go all in on Hillary. its probably because theyre going to go bankrupt anyway.

>robby mook



That dude was smiling so smugly during all of it too. Like he knows that none of it matters because the fix is already in.

the piss, donald

Jesus that's a punchable face if I ever saw one.

>mook starts laughing
>anchor gets more and more mad

>I feel MSNBC hasn't been as bad as CNN this time around.

I agree. at least MSNBC doesn't try and pretend that they don't lean to the left

although to be fair, with the recent bombing in syria it shouldn't fall on the manager to speak about a new policy (or actions) the candidate is going to do.

am i wrong for thinking this?

What a scumbag

It seems like he was caught off guard because the media usually throws softball questions to the Clinton campaign. He kept falling back on his comparisons to Trump though that has nothing to do with any solution. "Trump says he knows more than the generals!" Childish and unprepared lightweight. Sad!

If you're speaking on their behalf you should

That patsy had literally nothing useful to say. This election cycle is so crazy and Hillary's corruption is blatant, it is making MSNBC correspondents and anchors look red pilled. What a time to be alive.

So he's sitting there saying Donald Trump doesn't have a clear plan in regards to ISIS and Syria but he sits there and doesn't know the answer to Hillary's plan for ISIS and Syria.

Do they really think the average American voter is really that dumb now? It's like they think everybody watching is a fool and will just automatically vote for Hillary because her last name is Clinton and that carries some kind right of passage to her being a good president.

>the policy dahnald
>where is the policy
>you have no policy and that's where Hillary is different so #I'mWithHer
>campaign manager can't say a single syria-related policy of Hillary's on air
