Could a United States of Europe work Cred Forums? And if so, how would it function?

Could a United States of Europe work Cred Forums? And if so, how would it function?

Doesn't necessarily have to follow the EU model.

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No. The UK can't even has trouble keeping its own countries in its union, France is doing well not being on their tenth Republic, Germany will piss everyone off trying to rule everything, Spain doesn't really have a government, and Italy will just try to steal from it. Trying to rope all that into one single government is a disaster in the making, go any further than that and have fun trying to settle rightful clay debates

No, you have too many competing interests for it to hold together long term

It's """fine""" as a mostly economic union with regulatory powers

that's it
getting to see his ugly face on here is too much
I'm leaving Cred Forums forever

no, Jurgen Habermas
said it best
you europeans are a contentious lot
racism doesn't even begin to cover the root of your corruption, which is why you'll never be America's Equal

His dream is crushed since Brexit, don't worry about seeing his face for much longer.

"Why you'll never be America's equal"
Burger boy, Europe is everything that nationalists want America to me in theory, and could very well be in practice, as it has been.

If you been militarily, I don't think most Europeans give a shit. Brits certainly don't, that's why we voted for Brexit. We have nukes, so nobody is going to fuck with us in that regard. Apart from that, the rest of the world can go fuck its self.

Infact, I think white Americans should just pack their shit and leave for Europe, let the shitskins have it because you'll always have people who think you have no real claim to it.

Military union to be used for defence and nothing more.
Common market.
Mandatory English

That's it. Would be great.

If this ever happens I will take my guns and flee to the forests.

Indeed it would. Personally, I believe that Europe is far too complex and filled with too many cultures and different history to bind into one union.

But I think Europe should have unity amongst each other. I mean, as I said, we can't realistically expect to expel the niggers and shitskins from America since that's no man's world, but Europe is ours.

This, too much history. Alliances and trade no central bullshit government.

The 4th Reich will work

Belgium for Euro-Minnesota.

I mean, wouldn't them forming an army accomplish this?

The UK already left because the EU is trying to assume a Federalist role.

Considering that a functioning EU requires 27 national governments to agree on something, I'd say it's a miracle the Union works as is. So a proper federation wouldn't be farfetched, all we need is a mechanism of automatic wealth transfer among members, sort of like the US has.

>Could a United States of Europe work Cred Forums?

Not unless we literally purge the leadership a couple times over

Corruption and inefficiency will only keep increasing

most of them are kikes using white last names

the eu could be united state of europe but it will take 100 years or more but i fear that eu will collapse and that will lead european countrys to civil war

They already have, or had before Brexit, plans to build a full centralised European state with its own military. They still have European taskforces fighting Somali pirates.

But it's more than just a military. I'm speaking about a full union. It's not even a conspiracy theory. What do you think the free movement of peoples was? Some people in the EU Parliament are very open about their plans, others are a bit more secretive about it.

The problem is the EU is filled with represenatives from small European countries who have never had any real, genuine power. It's always the Romanians and Belgians calling for a full-out war, that Britain, France and Germany and their allies would be forced to fight. I mean, realistically, what the hell is Romania going to do in a war?

Dunno but probably more than germany.

You're probably right actually. Germany's power is more economic.

Some kind of representative government would be a good starting point, those oligarchs in Brussels don't have to answer to anyone but their wallets and vested interests.

What about a constitutional monarchy? Ran by an elected parliament, with an unelected figurehead to keep them in check.

Nice enough on paper, but where would you find an individual with the legitimacy and popularity across the whole of Europe to make them suitable for such a role?


Unions don't fucking work.

See: British, Spanish, French empires. See USSR.

We even have our own problems with Scotland.

No to EU.

There really isn't one. The EU apparently thought this guy was a good figurehead.

Rome was pretty based, and it's not the union its self that killed it. It collapsed from within. Rome was unique in the fact that it gave the people it ruled a common identity to follow, and united them under the banner of Rome. Only then could they be granted true citizenship.

Why would we want that though?

We wouldn't. I definitely wouldn't. But that's what the EU wants, so let's discuss it's practicality and how it could possibly work, and in what form.