Why do mexican-American hate America so much?

Why do mexican-American hate America so much?

I am sad that america will be a part of united states of mexico...

Other urls found in this thread:


Texan here
>thinking mexicans are militarily competent enough to conquer a Wendy's



I wish those guys who can't repect the country gets sent back to the Mexico they love so much.

How about the Alamo?

Americans are killed.

Remember the Alamo, Remember Goliad.

This is now a Texan nationalist thread



Alamo is a classic example of a Pyrrhic victory for the Mexican army, the seige lasted long enough for Sam Houston to gather more support for the Texan Revolution then defeat Santa Anna at San Jacinto


Mexicans write songs in praise of America



>it's an murrican on a retarded and painfully obvious japanese trip pretending to be japanese episode

>It's a Mexican

By your amount of posts in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one on the trip.

Stay out

I'm not from Texas but I was stationed at Fort Hood for 3 years. Texans are the ideal Americans in my opinion. If there weren't so many niggers and mexicans, I would love to live there. Once we have a race war, I'd like to move there.

Make me.

Forgot image

You and your abuela stay on that side of the wall Jorge.

What about you, chicano?

Nah, I hate nips

>throws out the English speaking Mexican

>Doesnt throw out all Mexicans

Texan born and raised, stay mad bean.

If she bothered to learn the language she should cross legally.


>chicano delusion


>ayyy the anchor baby

They're just dumb spics.

Average IQ in Mexico is 88. Slightly above mildly retarded.

>and nothing of value was lost
Texas was the only productive state in that entire scenario. If you let us keep Texas we will put 1/8th of the payment for the wall and you still let us keep some bases on west coast for lulz.
Somebody screen shot this, Cred Forums getting democratic up in this bitch.

I think Texas is the only thing of value that got lost.

Stay mad, kiddo

Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón signed away Texas in exchange for his pathetic life, Mexicans are STILL butthurt about it 180 years later.

>loses a war
>recieves payment for land annexed
It's like the second edition of shiny beads

We were actually suppose to get a port in the Gulf of California as well. We paid more for less land. Not to mention we annulled their debts, and actually paid for the land we got. Even after we'd already capture Mexico City.

Really, we should've taken a port in the gulf and forced Sonora to be its own country. That would've solved a lot of problems down the road.

> the red dot asking the same question again
> kind of suspicious

oh what the hell...
a number of them are just dumb aztlan wannabes (they were raised to think the land they stand upon is theirs even though it was lost after the burger-taco war), while others have "identity problems" either because they don't belong to nowhere (which, strictly speaking, is true) or have come face to face with guys that say it right straight to them: you're not american even if you are citizen, you're not white (which is true).

We dont hate america, just the illegals and those just as crooked as your niggers

This is important

No matter how hard he loose, the truth is the truth and it must be accepted

The territorial mutilation that we suffered was an abuse

You were a debtor nation and attacked us (Texans) at the border. Thus we invaded and kicked your asses and bought the land off of you so you could repay your debts.

Even then you tried to cheat us out of land.


so, a Thermopylae-style delaying action?

Pretty much yes.

>implying mexicans were the original people to live in california


Mormons wouldn't let that happen



Well then, RIP Mexico

Because they travel to Mexico to repopulate Japan?

jajajajajajajaja i love this