Cred Forums YLYL

Other urls found in this thread:











Didn't several people go "missing"? The Emus won.

>Tfw all the way down to fallen

Fuck, Ben. You were right.





My sides



This is actually a really great idea

Picture of someone gored up so bad he's almost liquid: #genderfluid
my sides




Nice crop, faggot.

>making her lick the dinner plates clean
holy shit this is amazing

Greece so silly

>you never fought in the great emu war


germanistan authorities tried to kill warthogs. didn't go much better.

>watcha mean 9mm dont stop no shieet?

It's pretty extensive, isn't it?

Why were Europeans so obsessed with pistol cartridges?





>Egyptians enslaved Jews
But they didn't.

>you've never laid an egg on a dead australian after a battle

Most people believe they did. You can thank the Jews for that.

>this is real

>muh six trillion enslaved ancestors

"ritualistic shitposting" got me...

Does anyone have the picture of the wikipedia emu war page with all the different edits done to it?

Don't know why this is so funny, but my sides

me too...



no tears only apologists now.

Someone post that pic of the Battle of Kiska where the US and Canada lost a battle to an empty island


I unironically like the original comic but this is fantastic

What's the original? Post it if you have it.










What the fuck is going on in that picture with all the police with that caption 'Half of you wish this was happening to you'?





>typing with dick without telling anyone
>checking dubs on /po/




I don't even know who this is arguing for or against anymore.

welkomm to modern politicks. you blatt.

>posting with mom
>shitposting in cold water

Made me kek.

This one always gets me. Is this real?

>least trustworthy
>most trustworthy
Fucking what?

>what is a relative majority

GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY, what did they mean by this?

its shopped or made by retarded person

you know our thread from Christmas is still up
boards.Cred Forums.org/po/thread/534993/merry-christmas-po#top

>Poles and Czechs trusting Germans...

I see no way this could go wrong

Holy shit was this a school project or something? Fucking gold.

>no reddit?

Whites also didn't invent slavery, and sub Saharan blacks aren't Egyptians.

Thanks for the dump, burgerbro. Those keks are much needed here tonight





feeling good about myself, I'm a happy flower


Straddling the line between fallen and happy flower lads, is it too late for me?



Time to convert to islam.





>This is not funny!
As if!

just post the full picture


This one doesn't have the grading.

Good golly

So this is how art academy looks like...

It just proves to show that our education system isn't meant to fail you, even if it's setting you up for failure.

>tfw banned from ISP in southern AZ

I got the cops called on me and almost ended up on the sex offender list for fucking with a guy's Facebook page once when I was 15 or 16.

Inshallah brother


>Dubs checking on /po/
Jesus Christ the aussies have to draw a line somewhere

They're Canadians.

how do you lose a war against emus

this has been proven real

Worst ylyl thread I've seen for a long while. So low energy.

So what is Britian take on this?

can someone post the picture of the black guy with the sign that says "people assumed I was a drug dealer because I was black and dealing drugs.

I had a origami kangaroo saved, I wasn't going to bother with facts.



Less of a war and more of "stealing someone's seat when their back is turned"

((( (((stein)))(((berg))) )))

Have you ever had close contact with an emu? They're monsters.

Holy hell, PRONZ is in there? Some nigga from PRONZ made this, it's been ages.






Emus and Cassowaries are still essentially dinosaurs...

isn't that half of this board?

Haven't kek'd that hard in a long time

>me at 15/16
>my girlfriend at the time has her ex's facebook password
>said ex has been talking shit and generally being an annoying cunt, but was too far to punch
>get password
>ask an online friend from Texas if he wants to help
>proceed to spend the next 24 hours spamming his and his friend's walls with porn and links to Thai ladyboy order sites
>make his profile picture goatse as the pièce de résistance
4 days later:
>girlfriend calls in the middle of the day, a little odd but whatever
>answer call, it was an epic ruse
>sherriff's department from the county he lives in got permission from her parents to use her phone and want to speak with me
>I get brought in
>they explain why I'm there
>it turns out that what I did was technically distribution of pornography to minors, a sex crime
>extremely stern about it (not in a good cop/bad cop way, in a you're fucked now buddy kind of way)
>I explain why I did it, show them the shit he was saying (in public on MySpace no less), do a bit of slick talking
>oh yeah this guy sounds like a real piece of shit, I see why you did it now
>get let off with a $100 criminal mischief ticket or some shit
The moral of the story is to think before you troll, and to never answer phones.

What is the story on that pic?

> technically distribution of pornography to minors
> you're a minor

That's some bullshit

Godammit I lost already

Maybe Egyptians were based and put jews in work camps, and burned all the false history the jews had written, so there are no records on kikes in Egypt?

Yeah, but a 17 year old can get charged with statutory rape for fucking his 16 year old girlfriend if her parents decide to press charges, so in hindsight I'm not surprised.

Shame I can't delete my own threads anymore.

at least you got out of it. Nice job famalam.


Fuck, those fiends are even even worse than emus: they're several times more aggressive, so I've heard.

Some guy was supposed to do an essay on Oedipus Rex, and decided to write a boatload of bullshit instead.

How degenerate are you, Cred Forums?

most of the normalfag stuff is degenerate by my tastes. also checked

Haven't laughed til it hurt in a while, the gradings make it so much better.

You know not the degeneracy I will stoop to to satiate my perverse tendencies.

What's reverse shitposting?




What the fuck is trephinophilia?
Also Degenerate.

>posting le old version.


oh shit nigger

I didn't know you could do that.

Dicks out for Harambe?

Trannys BTFO

I hit degenerate due to MLP and Shemale/Tranny

How is impregnation weird?

I get turned on by the concept of entity merging, so I guess I'm ascended...

Amputee doesn't deserve to be in irredeemable.

how can going below irredeemable make you ascended and then beyond everything?

that sounds like redemption to me


Yeah it was a close call, but a fun story to bring up to the right people for a laugh

That's cute, but yes it does. It's fine if you have an amputee gf though. I, myself have a somewhat small, but notable, amputee folder.

Fuck I better not have been put on a list for googling it when I didn't even get answers.
Does anyone know what the fuck it is?


It goes once you've evolved past the perceivable realm of fetishes, and become a fap-Buddha.

It's funnier if you think about it: Hitler is a guy who, if not for just a couple guy's decision, would have spent his entire life painting pictures of buildings.

Hitchens was a brilliant man. I will drink to him tonight.

Behold mortal, Cred Forums tier content



wtf I love Islam now.

i cant

MLP porn is great.



God damn it, I lost.

tfw my level of shitposting isn't even included



I don't get it.

Edit it then. Add a new level if you think there should be one.

>the alt right isn't full of autists

Jesus Christ this one was one a "special" kind of thread


Nobody ever said that.


Were you the white one in that thread, my aryan friend?

>That was this month

Goddamnit, Cred Forums really is becoming the spirit of old Cred Forums.

The original pictures don't have grading. The grading was done by someone on reddit and then reposted

aw lol poor guy


doesn't deserve a new level desu
where would shitposting from a psychiatric hospital go?

Cred Forums is gone.


>that pic
>one empty page
>3 pages of fucking nonsense
>1 page of "facts" that are shit and crossed out
>drugs and written threats
>61%, a fucking passing grade

Let me off the ride

Oh, Wichita. So self-aware.

>Implying you can get off.

what about the tile?

Do you see a fucking sign?


Holy shit kek family

It's true. Moldova was invaded in WW2 and it is still ruled by Russian oligarchs and Russian mafia, so no prosecutor will mess with them. In fact, some prosecutors stole around 1 bil dollars and helped a money laundering operation of $12 bil *(30% of their GDP).

Btw, women are very tough, they are not scared by anyone. Most of them use axes every day.

tile ok for poo


>car door hook hand
fucking guilty


they can kill you very easilt in the far cry games


They'll fuck you up in seconds IRL. They won't even hesitate; if they get the slightest wind of you they'll attack.

Top fucking kek

I've seen so many disgusting things on Cred Forums, but that first guy's thing with the powder is the only shit that's ever made me feel physically ill on this site before.

I check every once in a while for kicks

Jesus Christ, looking at that... were the stories before the Olympics about the athletes having to compete in water with high fecal content due to shit that drifted over all the way from India?



>implying it's real

>impregnation is weird

>mlp on the same level as mental retardation

Look I know horsefuckers are bad but as bad as getting horny of retards? No

They're worse

what's a mexican sugar dancing?

Look at their single foot claw. Basically a machete.

What book is this

what did he mean by this?

you don't want to know

I dare you watch the whole damn thing


Ammunition is expensive. Europoors are poor.

Don't ask, you'll never look at your own culture in the same way.


What to do about the Australia problem?


>lolicon in weird

the fuck? normalfags would try and get you arrested for that shit

fuckin lol


It's too common to be any lower. It's basically normal in Japan.

God damn that was satisfying to read. Nothing is better than when someone gets owned with science

>fucking lost

You all lost.

Anyone have the pic of the German home where the refugee Pepe is pissing on the husband and fucking the wife while there's a hoard of frog refugees at the door with the Quran?

I saw it once and laughed like fucking crazy but forgot to save.

i know!

kek, good one lads.

It's called the indian ocean for a reason.


Spaniards aren't white

>American education

no it's made by some serbian fb page as far as I know

Dont be such buzzkills both of you, just tell us.

i dont think we want to know

>Macroshit Wongblows Niggernet Exploder

fuckin doomguy pose.

you should have some degree of curiosity right now as well fellow whitegentinean.

i do, but i know americans, personally, when they tell you you dont want to know stuff, they are probably right.


i.. searched it up


i need moar of this historical memes

that's not it

>Reverse shitposting
What did he mean by this?



That pitbull is not raised properly. Smearing his toilet paper on the face of a baby.


Oh sweet, innocent user, if only you knew ;)
Lurk more sweetie

> face removal
Is the fetish the removal of others faces, or the removal of ones own?
Mine came off once...

Holy shit!! Praise Kek the almighty

I have dreams about shitposting what does that make me?


Worth the read user. Dan the man

mid-range fallen. Start having lucid dreams about shitposting, or astral realm shitposting and you might get to flowerboy

Gas the tikes, race war now

>math equations
This happened

i think it means they wish they were molested by a gang of people

wtf i hate america now

fuckin lost... kek willed it.

Ahh a more innocent time when all we did was troll feminists for teh lulz how far we have come

Fsk yourself some more stupid cunt

Thats a map of tsunami activity or something.

Of course Clinton is there, because she's a classic example of carelessness and incompetence harming the US.

tfw you blow your own liberal penchant for diversity out of the water with a smidgeon of historical realism

Emus are bad motherfuckers. Everyone talks shit til they're in the thick of it

fuck you

The nose.

yes its a map of tsunami activity when japan and the rest of the fucking tsunami hot zone is marked as 0. you are the reason i get called a fucking leaf you fucking leaf

tfw beyond everything

Actually they got enriched..

No, you're the reason you get called a leaf.

Just do a reverse image search on that pic you absolute fucking waste of oxygen.


Post qts and shut up


I wonder if the Hindu elders the came up with the "cows are holy" idea to stop them eating their only source of income realised what they would do to the Poo psyche.

really gets mah noggin joggin

>no thanks, I don't smoke
>you smoke cock obviously

This is really fucked up. We have 25 year olds with 17 year old gfs here and its no problem if its consensual.


At that point I still think it's a little weird, due to the difference in general life experience, but yeah. It's still fucked up. Some places have laws that give you leeway a few years either side, though. Regardless I'm still glad the cops understood why I didn't and decided not to label me a degenerate pervert for life for trolling a dickhead.

It's actually when you're using a dead body as a marionette and have sex with it, while someone else is manouvering it.


>Aussie Flag
Every fucking time.


I didn't see the bottom and zoomed to the top - that was unexpected.

These should be hanging in the "Gallery of the Gods" in Micro Center.

oh god no no no no no
"the mathturbator"
my sides are continuous everywhere and differentiable nowhere



what pussy would cut themselves on someone's nose?


Ironically, it is the right that wants to sweep historical facts under the rug.






So pol, there was a market study recently by a marketing group that calls themselves the Gild group.

Gen Z confirmed to be red pilled. This got my prefrontal cortex fired up thinking - is there a 30 year cycle in between liberalism and conservatism?

Working backwards :

Conservatism : 2020 - 2050 (fuck globalism, we're full!)
Liberalism : 1990 - 2020 (feel good post cold war, globalism)
Conservatism : 1960 - 1990 (cold war generation, under threat constantly)
Liberalism : 1930 - 1960 (rights and independence for errrybodeh)


I'm a retard. Meant to start new thread.



>Not letting out of your mortal coil and becoming at least a degenerate

>not Kang
One job, burger.





>That file name

CTR training booklet