What did he mean by that?

What did he mean by that?

pay denbts

pay cocks

He owes him a chicken. Your point?

No fucking idea


>tfw the most irrelevant Balkan state is more Greek than you

Last rant of a poisoned man. He asks his friend to sacrifice a small animal to the Gods.

Asclepius is the god of medicine. Maybe the poison wasn't that painful.
He wanted to thank Him with this.

t. studied this shit.

You're welcome OP

It wasn't uncommon to have homo sex in ancient Greece. Hell who am I kidding they do it a lot in modern Greece too.

Anyhow I digress.

Socrates often times gave the D to other males and flirted to other males who came to him to seek advice.

A fucking rooster

Actually, it is said that he asked that because he realized the death is the ultimate answer to life, so he essentially thanked Asclepius for providing him with a higher state of health, in death.

This sounds like the correct answer

>death ultimate answer

mfw I know more of Greek philosphy than a Greek

>Didn't read the Phaedo

Soul is immortal = death is not the 'ultimate answer'

shut up burger, let us Meds talk about culture and enjoy your stone age burger culture.

Nah i think you're reading into it too much, just like those literature teachers who think every little insignificant sentence has some deeper meaning

It's one of the interpretations Speghetti-kun. There's also one that says he thanked Asclepius for "curing Athens" through his death. That is to say, his death was used as a scapegoat for the state's issues.

Now that I think about it, there was a class about the Trial of Socrates in high school Ancient Greek, and one of the accompanying words of that lesson was indeed "αποδιοπομπαίος [τράγος]" (scapegoat). I remember that leaving an impression to me, because I hadn't heard of the term before.

I guess this is probably the correct interpretation of the event. The idea of him considering death the "ultimate answer" is a bit out there. Sounds like something a stoic would say.

One sacrifices a cock to Asclepius in thanks for a the a disease being cured. He may have been making a smart ass comment about his death being the 'cure' for the trials and tribulations of mortal existence.

You are descended from moorish rapists and modern Greeks are mostly Turks by blood. Be silent and let the real heirs of Western Civilization have a discussion.

True, you just reminded me about this one. This could be legit.

Anyway, as the leaf says, we shouldn't look too much into the words of a man who is 1) poisoned 2) doesn't think life ends with death, therefore doesn't need a 'grand closing' 3) may just be a medium used by Plato to explain his own thought

>burger unironically uses the moor meme and the turk blood meme to impose himself

pls go away

How good is philosophical education in Greece? Do you guys read the Stoics, Neo-Platonists and so on?

Does this affect how people live or do they become #YOLO idiots just like the rest of the West?

>' 3) may just be a medium used by Plato to explain his own thought

No shit.

Both in Greece and Italy pupils study Ancient philosophy and modern philosophy in many high schools.

I wanted to see that moustache better, because I'd never seen a moustache on a Greek statue before, and instead I was greeted with highly detailed benis.

goddamn, the Romans really inherited the faggotry from the Greeks

do you study ancient latin and/or ancient greek?

ah, forgot image

Obviously. You can't study properly philosophers in translated language.

Too bad we had to study Kant, Hegel and the likes in the translated version. I think we lost everything about their thought through translation.

Is it good education? Do you guys study in depth Cicero, Epictetus, Augustine and so on?

In high school you learn ancient languages?

Nieztchean interpretation.

Socrate was stenced to death because of his faithless his last words are for gods

I learned Latin at high school at 14-15

We did a true lot of Cicero, translated his books, studied his political role. Truly insightful. We briefly studied Epictetus (Arrianus).

Our prof chose to not study St Augustine. We totally cut out the first Christians and we quickly jumped to Tomas and Occam.

Yes, they are compulsory in a certain type of high school called Liceo Classico (Classical lyceum). In another type, the Liceo Scientifico, pupils study only Latin.

You just drink it and walk until you can't feel your legs, then you sit down and die

I'd say the education system is a mess currently. There are indeed Philosophy classes, study of ancient texts, and so on, but university entry exams become the focal point very early in high school. Kids may end up remembering a thing or two, but not to a degree that makes a difference. I think they can definitely do much better.

This is true though. Ancient Greek is taught between 7th and 12th grade in Greece, and Latin is an optional class between 10th and 12th grade.


huh. I went to a pretty good high school and the only other languages available were french and italian, and when i took philosophy class one year, all we did was basically take extremely simplified jot notes of the major ideas of some famous philosophers. I think the way humanities are taught here is very subpar, compared to maths and sciences which are emphasized a lot more


Man it still makes me sad that they killed him

True. There's a 'gap' between Anglos and Meds during High School regarding both humanities and mathematics. While we graduate with very superficial calculus knowledge, you graduate with superficial humanities knowledge.

I think it's a trade-off, one can't do both in depth in high school without becoming a social outcast or killing himself.

Wow, that's pretty cool.
But how a country that reads Cicero so much ends up with so much corruption?

>but university entry exams become the focal point very early in high school

Just like Brazil, I guess... That kind of defeats the point of studying.
Forgetting all the lessons and focusing on getting in an university, so that you can get a diploma that will let you make more money.

The majority of young Italians don't go to the Licei, but they get into shitty trade schools, social sciences schools (one of them is called the psycho-pedagogic high school. imagine that shit), business-oriented high schools or art schools.

Ironically, the ruling class all comes from the Licei, which means that the corrupt politicians all studied Cicero in depth.

>tfw no Licei in canada
>tfw everyone just gets thrown in the same clusterfuck of a high school

Well in my high school I had a philosophy class, classics class and Latin, but next to nobody actually got to go to those and I know of no other school that teaches them.

I think study of humanities needs to become less scholastic to become more felt. School is still very "strict" / "traditional" in Greece in regards to those, but I would argue that taking a page out of Scandis' system and making them more like PE would bring a better effect on what children take with them when they graduate. Certain things like Linguistics may still require scholastic study similar to Mathematics or Chemistry, but History and Philosophy shouldn't weigh down students.

At least not during Gymnasium / Junior High School. It makes sense for Lyceum to go more in-depth.

>so that you can get a diploma that will let you make more money.
Exactly, and more often than not nowadays, not even that. An incredibly high percentage of students make it to 4/5-year universities only to end up with a diploma that doesn't guarantee them a job in Greece. And thanks to EU's light immigration laws, it becomes very easy to export themselves to a different country and apply themselves there.

I believe this is also becoming increasingly common in Italy.

in Germany you can usually choose between Latin and French as a third language
there are schools were you can also learn Ancient Greek

Latin classes are great. You learn a shitton about everything in the ancient world. The humanists had the right idea when it came to education tbqh.

A good humanist school will render you unable to enjoy university though

Can one choose their own classes in UK? I never understood how high schools work there.

Here, when one gets into high school or uni, they have a rigid program structure which has to be followed.
No 'major' thingies here, except for some unis which have major-like programs in the last year.

>A good humanist school will render you unable to enjoy university though

How so?

>Ironically, the ruling class all comes from the Licei, which means that the corrupt politicians all studied Cicero in depth.


I mean in the sense that people learn Ancient philosophy, but keep the same materialistic mindset and have as the objective of life making money.

In Scotland come our fourth year we have to take English, maths and one science subject then you take others that you wish; geography, history, classics, workshop etc.

We studied Cicero, Virgil and Livius each for a whole year here. also Caesar, Suetonus (as our first original text) and Plinius the younger

Was pretty cool

We Meds have to upgrade our high schools without giving up our strong culture.

Years of Humanities are true value added for a 18 years old, but we have to teach more scientific competencies.
We absolutely can't give up on humanities in high schools. We have a strong identity since our teens thanks to that.
We all know what happens when teens don't get taught about their identity (extreme transgenderism, kangz memes all that burger shit).

because universities train for a job. They don't even attempt to educate. You have to take care of that on your own

u r a bad ass.

Don't you think History and Classics should be compulsory up until the last year?
They build identity which is strongly needed in our crumbling Western societies, which are under the menace of Islam and Cultural Marxism.

there are schools which teach 2 years of latin and some that teach 4 years of latin and old greek

i thought all countries had that

>because universities train for a job.

No they don't. That's what trade schools or colleges do. Universities are mainly meant for education

where were you during the 80's
It's not like it used to be. Try to read up on current education plans or studies and look at their primary goals

During the reign of the Thirty Tyrants in Athens, Socrates was said to have remained in the city after the exile of all free-born residents that weren't apart of the new 3000 citizenry (which comprised of only the more affluent citizens in the old democracy who were on good-terms with the 30 tyrants). Because Socrates remained during that period in the city--and given that he was a freeman with noticeable social status--he must've been a citizen under the new oligarchy. And during the months before and during that oligarchy, the thirty tyrants brutally and unjustly killed more Athenian citizens than the Peloponnesian war did during it's last 10 years (which included most of the battles that had the most casualities). During that time, Socrates apparently didn't speak out loud enough when the 30 tyrants started executing anyone who was deemed to be a dissident of the new tyrannical rule to have attracted their attention. Nor was it said that he objected loudly when they started confiscating property of exiled citizens and metics, or when they first started disarming all those who weren't apart of the 3000 before they started enacting these policies. Or when they slaughtered all the males in the near-by Attic town of Eleusis. Or when Theramenes was sentenced to be executed, despite likely being in the assembly at his trial, which would've gotten him the chance to speak.
No, he kept quiet during all of this. Which some might come to his defense and say that it would put his life in peril if he spoke out, but why would that matter to a guy who boasted that unjust life isn't worth living and who said at his trial under the democratic government that he won't cease to critique the state when he finds it to be wrong regardless of consequences?
It's no coincidence that his most prominent pupils were staunched oligarchs--with Critias, the ring-leader of the thirty tyrants and the most brutal of them all, was a student of his.

Oh believe me I really do but not that many people give a shit about sitting down to read Epictetus. A shame really, the attitude gained from this education helped to make western Europe great I believe.

Actually all post high school education trains for a job.

For example, uni courses like Phil are meant to produce professors, which is a vicious 'snake biting its own tail' cycle, but still they teach/prepare for a job.

Teens don't give a shit about nothing except pussy or drugs. This is why Classics should be compulsory.

I would have given up the Greek course at 16 if I had a choice, but I didn't and I am thankful for that.

Teens don't give a shit about nothing except pussy or drugs. This is why Classics should be compulsory.

I would have given up the Greek course at 16 if I had a choice, but I couldn't and I am thankful for that.

this is a good meme

I can't think of anything more useful for life than reading Epictetus.

Yup. And then, hopefully, they would learn that there is something better than pussy and drugs.

I was reading up about a school in Denmark that was composed by 90% immigrants, 10% Danes. They decided to keep Danes in separate classes and received a lot of criticism as a result, but that made me think why more diverse societies like those in western Europe and America may have an issue with this. It comes down to what a modern citizen of those countries is. If a school's student body is only 10% native, then whose history are they supposed to study?

I mean, in cases like the USA you could argue that the more "global" American identity could be used as a unifying medium, but still, the foundation of the US is very much a European thing, and in stark contrast with African or Middle Eastern tradition. At least the US could argue to be gradually shaping into an accumulator of international culture, despite the initial contradictions. But in cases like Denmark or Sweden, very well set nation-states, one has to wonder what their future ethnic identity will look like and how their education system will rationalize it.

hemlock was also apparently very slow and agonizing way to go, and it was the lighter execution alternative for capital punishment convictions (the standard was fastening the condemned prisoner to a board with a metal noose constraining their neck tight enough that it would be difficult for someone to try and feed them, and leaving them to die from exposure / starvation) which you had to pay extra in order to get.

>one has to wonder what their future ethnic identity will look like
the whole point of >muh diversity is the removal of a unifying ethnic identity
these people think that you don't need an ethnic identity to have a functioning state

That's a Roman statue, you rube. "Death of a Gaulish/Gallic warrior" or something.

They did good by separating those Danes from the nigs.
Imagine what the majority of those immigrant kids were told at home when back at school.

>don't listen to the kafir teachers, study the quran instead and drop out once you can

A 10% immigrant class could have been integrated, teaching those immigrants what wonder Western culture is, with close supervision and the duty to graduate.
No appeasement, no immigrant culture class:
only and exclusively host culture are needed in our schools. Migrants HAVE to give up their culture, their values and their traditions if they choose to live here.
This just can't be done when nigs make up the 90% of a class.

Our Med educational system will probably split in elite schools and nigger schools, the former teaching a bit of humanities and maths, the latter teaching immigrant cultures, social sciences, menial trades and other bullshit.

Anglo, Scandi schools will crumble and proper education will be a monopoly of a few expensive private schools. All their public-funded schools will be nig.