If you really believe that the Jews are trying to wipe out your race, then may I suggest a very simple solution

If you really believe that the Jews are trying to wipe out your race, then may I suggest a very simple solution.

Why not just convert to Judaism?

You'll end up getting a lot of money, a lot of power, and you won't be affected by le ebil Happy Merchant. It's so simple.

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But if I do that who am I going to blindly hate to fill the void that is my existence?

Cuz I don't wanna go to HELL

White peoples.

Get out JIDF poster. You do not fool anyone

Jews dont believe in hell

just submit go-guys it will make everything easier...

Because I'm not a cunt.

Those women in your photo aren't soldiers, they're models. Probably not even Jews. The Jewish government wanted to promote their army so ran a campaign showing decent looking women dressed up as soldiers.

Because Jews are status-obsessed and always regard converts with no connections as bottom-level? Plus they have a solid record of betraying their friends and even their own?

>Why not just convert to Judaism?
That's not how it works.

I'm white.

Didn't you look at the flag?

But I do, and as far as I'm concerned, every Jew has a full ride scholarship to hell.

Another good reason to convert, then. You don't spend your days living in fear like you would if you were Christian.

Is it weird that i like isrealis, but want to gas the kikes?

Like the nation is so base, but the jews globally should be gassed. The only good jew is the jew in the desert.

This 100%. Jews are genuinely bad people.

Ever notice how Judism is the only religion that isn't trying to convince everyone to convert? THEY DONT WANT YOU

No they aren't. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish

Why are some Jewish women qts, but Jewish men are always ugly dorks?

You can't. You will NEVER be a Jew unless your mother was a Jew. Filthy goyim.

Because Israeli Jews are a lot different from the Ashkenazi's you encounter in day-to-day life in the west.

People on here basically make out that every Jew in the world masturbates to the Quran, but which nation, aside from India, is so based at kebab removal that the mere mention of their country's name triggers Muslims?

Remember kids, sage

Top Laff

Bump can somebody explain this? What the fuck is up with kike genes?

nice1 goy

a "converted" goy is still a goy in the eyes of true Jews, bait-kun

It's not that simple, low-information goy.


You're born Jewish, you don't become Jewish..Jews are an ethnicity

Gee, I wonder who is behind this post....

>straight light hair
>small noses (except that bitch on the left)
>not ugly as dogshit

These aren't jews.


can you pour some sauce on that?

I was raised kikes. They forced me to wear a shame hat because I was a male and to become a strong son of Abraham. I cut myself after my barmitzva was forced on me

Joke is on them now I have almost half a million dollars and I'm a transgender "woman".

They don't look jewish except maybe the one on the left (notice she's the ugliest one too). The other three are probably white Europeans that Israel kidnapped to use for propaganda purposes.

I can't be a Jew, but my kids can be Jews, and thus they will narrowly escape the sorrow of being part of a bloodline of eternal slavery which is in the final stages of permanent lockdown.

Sounds a lot better than the "DUDE FAMILY LMAO" shit that huhwhites here always brag about. Yeah, congratulations on your white babies who will grow up being taxed for being white and will be sent to prison if they try to marry or have sex with fellow whites rather than producing legal brown babies.

You laugh at the boomer memes now, just wait for the memes your poor enslaved kids will make about you.

Marry and fuck a Jewess. Don't do it for yourself, do it for your kids.

and can you pour some sauce on that? everyone has to serve in the military in Israel, so it's perfectly conceivable that there will be some cute girls in uniform. I totally agree that they'd pick the cuties for ads and leave the uglies out

But then either way, we are destroying the white race, whether we die out or dilute with kike genes until there's no white left. So what's the point?

>Marry and fuck a Jewess. Don't do it for yourself, do it for your kids.

What is this retard logic. You want your kids to be sickly conniving schizos?

Better not have kids at all

I'm stubborn like that, I refuse to join the people destroying my country.

I'd rather thrown them into an oven and try to take back the values I hold dear.

Do they look jewish to you

They're committing suicide to do it

>Why not just convert to Judaism?

fuck off kike!

Because then all of your descendants are on the winning side instead of the losing side.

If you don't stop romanticizing the losing side just because you identify with it so strongly, your entire bloodline will pay for your obsession

Hello JIDF

they are jewish but are handpicked the best looking girls in the entire army (which is mandetory) to encourage white naive cucks to join the suicidal army of israel that does nothing but spend money on conquering land from farmers, then when said farmers retaliate they say jews are hated all over the world

Then why do three of them look completely white

no, they don't look stereotypically jewish. but they still could be

because you need a Jewish mother lol

I did.
Converted to Judaism, and married a Jew.
Love it.

they are jewish
i can tell that they are ridiculously short, which is typical for jewish woman
romanian jews might end up looking like this, of course with heavy makeup

Because the abrahamic faiths are all bullshit.

fuck off JIDF

posting IDF hotties to sow pro-Israeli sentiment is one of your most well-known tactics

They consider converts even lower than the goyim.

Absolutely haram.

Can you explain this


I will never sacrifice my foreskin

not all of them
to better understand this, you have to understand that some people are just 50% jews or 25% jews and can still come here.
there are plenty of converts too.
the man in ur pic is closer to an original jew, which might be none existent but close

Y Chromosome only mutates 0,3% per generation.

Unlike the west jews take value in the Y chromosome linage as the x gets reshuffled every generation and doesn't constitute the genetic traits of mental capacities etc.

We used to had male heir inheritance only but that system got fucked so now we are losing our genetic identity as men no longer have sons and their linages die out.

Meantime muslims are supposed to have 3 sons so they can go to paradise.

On average, the women of any race are always considered more attractive than then men. Nature just has higher standards for us

> Converting to the """""religion'''""''' of the people who killed my Lord and Savior.

I'm gonna have to pass on the one, Solomon...

>kebab removal

Fuck off with that idiotic kiddie lingo, faggot.

Well, Scandinavians, for instance, have lots of attractive men and women. Same for Italians and Germanic people.

But with Jews, it seems like only the women can be good looking.


No one's doing that. Take it easy, man.

Sound like a muzzie to me

Y'all have been doing this for almost as long as Cred Forums has existed

I never see anyone doing this.

She's ugly desu

idk man the fucks in my country are pretty brainwashed. our society is falling apart where ever these mussies infest.
Health insurance pays for the aid of these applicants for asylum and cost went up 14%.
This fuck is living in some rural shithole were they dont place immigrants

Seems plausible. Considering Israel promotes its military to get more funds, also mandatory military service. It's just a glorified summer camp, to lure jewish people to israel.

>Why not just convert to Judaism?

Because I know Jesus is the son of God.

The answer to all questions on modern degeneracy and cultural subversion can be summed up with "White women".

>anti-semite detected

fuck off op why are you posting european women. jews have big noses


Are they professional shills?

because jewry we talk about is not about ethnicity and faith but about money and power

and they are known for extreme dislike for sharing that, so you can't just become jew

There's a difference between the religion of Judaism and the ethnic Jews.

The Jewish race rules the world, not the Jewish religion.

jews dont coagulate with anyone outside their own race

you die if you try joining them

you also die if you try working for them

e.g. dumbass nigs causing riots

well that's triggering

my friend you cannot convert to judaism. only those born as a child to a jewish mother are considered true jews (even those that do not practice the religion)

Can I keep my foreskin?

neither I do, as an Atheist

Jewish convert soon moving to Israel, ask me anything

Also, you will cut my penis, evil one.

I'm back mods

Fuck you

I'm 1/16 Jewish.

Also a Trump supporter and alt-righter.

Haven't got any money from Putin. Haven't got any money from the Sanhedrin.

Can't even get my free $100 million from the White Privilege Bank.

Wtf. Where are all my promised gibs?!

Do you want to gas the kikes?

Being a Jew has nothing to do with following the ways of Judaism

Dubs twice?

Check em

>the "based israel" hasbarats are already here

because we would rather avenge our dead
wotan commands that every bankers skull be formed into a throne for the new furer of the global aryan empire.


No I'm a Christian I don't really believe in "gassing people."

(I don't believe Hitler did it either.)

I'd like to see their stranglehold on American finance and media broken, though. By force if necessary, but hopefully not.

It's too hard.

I married a Jew though. I guess my kids will be Jews, I suppose.

Most jews are the beta loses of judaism. They don't benifit at all from any of it, they are like human body shield for the elite jews

No. I feel the same. Israelis are fine. Diaspora make me mad.

Im a Christian as well, not everything is literal silly leaf.

Are you aware of the Jewish plan by elites though?

>giving up Jesus and a chance to enter heaven for worldly pleasures


Female soldiers in Israel don't actually do anything anyway. They get put on border patrol. it pisses me off they way they get used for women in combat arguments

You're a fucking aussie.

Is there anything that doesn't piss you off?


because non-rich jews are getting caught in the shitstorm as well (see france and its exodus)

even rich jews are generally just self hating white cucks and just mold the world through their own self-hating shitbaggery (but they can afford to be, the shit tide don't touch their feet)

israelis can be pretty based on the occasion

es preto favolado