Achilles heel of alt-right is its inability to recognize global warming as real

Achilles heel of alt-right is its inability to recognize global warming as real.

People are so quick to listen to the 1% of rejected scientists who oppose global warming, yet if 1% of astronomers said they felt the earth was flat people would call them brain dead.

If you were getting an operation and 99 of the surgeons wanted the procedure one way, and 1 surgeon wanted it another way, what side would you believe?

Other urls found in this thread:

the side that liberals don't believe


The most logical

They only oppose environmentalism because the left supports it. Alt-righters are incredibly childish.


wasnt it 99% a couple years ago? sounds like people are beginning to call out this false flag

1% lol

That depends on the surgeons track record. Any sanctions? Malpractice suits? Did he invent any revolutionary techniques or procedures?

Bad comparison leaf. I am disappointed but not surprised.

It's not a political issue.

What the fuck happened to (((Global Warming)))

is the climate slowly warming? yes

is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rising? yes

is there any significant evidence other than graphs that match up nicely proving that the main cause of global warming is carbon dioxide? no

We are in fact coming out of an ice age and global temperatures and carbon dioxide levels are actually very low compared to pre-historical averages. There's actually more ice on the planet now than when the climate change scare started, the polar bears aren't dying either.

In fact I've seen evidence that if humans had not begun to put carbon back in the atmosphere that the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would have continued to decline as they have since the planet was formed eventually resulting in the extinction of plants in the distant future.

Why is it so strange to think that it's unnatural for the climate of the planet to change over time, when in fact we know it has many times before.

What if reducing natural warming through our efforts actually has more negative impact in the future?

The entire west is already clean enough, tell developing countries to stop polluting like crazy tather than bitching about it to other westerners.

Yes we should.

If you think climate change is fake you've been fooled by politicians backed by Saudi Oil princes and the Chinese.

>appeal to authority
>concern trolling

shoo shoo

This. WTO/GATT/UN get no respect because protecting the environment is the one thing that they could possibly do to defend their existence, and they can't do it.

No seriously.
I invite everyone ITT to actually disprove the extremely speedy change of the climate in recent years.

Or disprove the correlation between CO2 levels and global average temperature (disprove the spectrum changes of planets with CO2 concentrations in their atmosphere).
Or you know, just prove that it could have no short term effect in 200 years.

I invite you all to do this.
Publish a paper, and even if it will get ripped to shreds in peer review because everyone is obviously religious/paid off. It will be out there.

It would make life a lot more convenient for a lot or large corporations making their money from coal and oil.
You'll be a billionaire.

>appeal to scientific consensus
>legitimate concern for the survival of our civilization as african migrants will sweep over europe.


>millions of years

The problem is not how the climate was you utter moron, it's how FAST it changes right now.

>Ooooh 4.7 billion years ago the global average temperature was 100*C.
Because the planet was a fucking molten rock without any life.

>People are so quick to listen to the 1% of rejected scientists who oppose global warming, yet if 1% of astronomers said they felt the earth was flat people would call them brain dead.

This is your daily reminder that ONE scientist said that the continents were drifting along the earth like ships on a sea.

97% said that humans have an effect on the climate.
Not what kind of effect, or how strong it is, just an effect.
They were fucking embarassed when they found out what that particular survey was for.

>top scientists
Yeah I bet they're the heads of the Science Committee right?

Fuck no, the earth is the most complex system in the known universe. You think bureaucratic scientists can ue one isolated variable to tell the future? Fucking hilarious.

CO2 levels have been 10x higher in the past; that oil used to be plants and animals, and before that it was in the fucking atmosphere.

Global temps have been twice as high. Higher temps = more energy = more plant growth = more food.

CO2 increases crop yields

The global economy runs on oil. Global food production runs on oil. Stop using oil, the world has a carrying capacity of 2 billion tops. 'Lets save the world through mass genocide!' Brilliant

The U.S.'s global hegemony is based on petrodollars, petrodollars are based on expensive oil, more oil production makes oil cheaper, U.S.'s global hegemony and monetary dominance goes away. I wonder why the Gov't is telling us not to tap new oil reserves? Oh yeah, Geo politics.

Global warmings a fucking sham, and even if it wasn't the solution is mass famine. Its bullshit propoganda used to control petroleum supply and strengthen the petro dollar.

Yeah except the others didn't have theories to explain the observations better.

One scientist also says that the pyramids are landing pads for aliens.
THREE scientists believe they were built by aliens.

And one scientist claims Europe has a 200m high pyramid which is believed to be a mountain by others.

It's more difficult than you said. Climate change is real, but the causes are difficult to pinpoint. CO2 change is one aspect. If you read the literature you will see for yourself.

>and before that it was in the fucking atmosphere.

"Yeah and at a time in the past there was no oxygen on earth! And there still was life here!
So why not get rid of oxygen altogether?"

~you, right now

Hi Canada.


Someone else will figure out how to make a killing off climate change
And everyone else won't get a slice of that action.

>scientists tell world serious climate change is going to happen soon for the 200th time in the last 20 years.

Where is it?
I want results.

The point is that people ITT are unironically arguing that we shouldn't try to do anything about it because "we don't know how much we are responsible".

It doesn't matter how much we're responsible, the fact that it's happening, and that it's happening this fast leaving the climate and flora and fauna no geological timescale to adapt, will mean mass extinctions, and wild shifts in climate regions(if it indeed continues this way).

Leftist tree-huggers, please explain to me, an ignorant alt-righter, why has there been a corresponding increase in surface temperature and polar ice cap melting in the last decade in both MARS and JUPITER? You can find all the charts your want from NASA online.

CO2 levels would have to be 25 times higher to start affecting humans. 10x doesn't effect us much, and evolution would take care of those on the wrong end of the bell curve.

strike one faggot

Siberia is already seeing the release of some of these methane hydrates.

Welcome to the largest conspiracy of all.
And its going to kill you between 2020 and 2055 depending where you live

All appeals to authority aren't fallacious:

Here's detailed information about the scientific consensus on climate change:


>first result on google that isnt "suck it climate changers"

>At this time, there is little empirical evidence that Mars is warming. Mars' climate is primarily driven by dust and albedo, not solar variations, and we know the sun is not heating up all the planets in our solar system because we can accurately measure the sun’s output here on Earth.

>polar ice caps
>ice cap
>gas planet

>Jupiter: the notion that Jupiter is warming is actually based on predictions, since no warming has actually been observed. Climate models predict temperature increases along the equator and cooling at the poles. It is believed these changes will be catalysed by storms that merge into one super-storm, inhibiting the planet’s ability to mix heat.

>Neptune: observations of changes in luminosity on the surface of both Neptune and its largest moon, Triton, have been taken to indicate warming caused by increased solar activity. In fact, the brightening is due to the planet’s seasons changing, but very slowly. Summer is coming to Neptune’s southern hemisphere, bringing more sunlight, as it does every 164 years.

>Pluto: the warming exhibited by Pluto is not really understood. Pluto’s seasons are the least understood of all: its existence has only been known for a third of its 248 -year orbit, and it has never been visited by a space probe. The ‘evidence’ for climate change consists of just two observations made in 1988 and 2002. That’s equivalent to observing the Earth’s weather for just three weeks out of the year

It isn't about people we hate so we're not interested. All I care about is injecting more sweet Pepe-juice into my veins to fuel my neurochemical addiction to raging at minorities.

Nigger monkey, the nigger monkey nigger monkey. Monkey nigger, the monkey nigger monkey nigger.

Ahhh... there it is. Sweet dopamine.

Are humans causing the increase in temperatures in MARS and JUPITER too? Interesting to see how few of the "97%" of the scientists surveyed are astronomers or physicists.

this article isn't even about global warming. It's a bitch fest about Republicans.

example b.

Shellfish can already not survive in Boston bays due to acidity, due to rising temp and water levels.
We'll all die regardless, just perhaps a bit sooner than expected.

You're playing a dangerous game, friend, and a stupid one.

However I fully endorse it, as I want the world to get toasty.

Shit on here doesn't matter anyways. It's all just fun.

I'll agree to use more renewable energy when libshits are content with letting millions upon millions of Africans, Indians, and every other overpopulated shithole die. Eliminate half of the world population starting with the problem, then we'll talk

Heres this august included

If those dirty rat politicians and scientists weren't making boatloads of money off of it and buying beachfront property that will be "under water" in a few years, I would be totally for all for environmental regulations.
Just google Al Gore's montecito mansion

Yes, we should be concerned about climate change because it's a fucking hoax used by the Jews to create social decay.

I'll put it this way: there is no consensus in /sci/ that humans are the cause of global warming.

Remember, the question is not whether there is global warming -- the question is whether HUMANS are causing it.

the problem is that by the time the warming kills those around the equator, it is locked in for the ice caps to melt. Killing all salt water fish due to lower salinity levels and higher temperature.

This is one of the main reasons I'm voting for Trump. Catastrophic global warming is such a manufactured crock of shit it's unreal.

I do believe the world has been warming since we started leaving the mini ice age. I also believe CO2 has a heating effect on the climate. But I also know that the heating effect of CO2 is logarithmic, so most of the warming occurs when it is in very small concentrations.

The warming that is being predicted just goes against the science.

Also they work ass backwards and try to make the data match their computer models, which is as bad of science as you can get

Don't be so pessimistic.
Brain upload may come before 2050.
Extreme longevity due to genetic manipulation maybe even before that.
And bootstrap AI who may either kill us or render us immortal to help us, within the next 100 years, as all IT people agree.

And to think this africano is trying to save you ungrateful little guys

>Even our based military

I think God is an AI we create, and the fire will consume earth. But we will leave with God.

It's getting warm, isn't it?

>they are doing bad science and their predictions suck ass
>i do however agree that climate is changing, is changing rapidly, and is correlated to CO2

>but i don't want us to do anything about it or try to prevent it in any way.

This is as bad of a morality as you can get.


You can try to avoid it how you please. It's not the number of increase in either of those intervals. But the TOTAL INCREASE from DATES.... PRECEDING BOTH THOSE SLIDES.





Just more proof that singularifuturology is a cargo cult religion for ex-Christian atheists.

Wasn't it unanimous among scientist at one point in history, that the Earth was the center of the universe?

Then that our Sun was the center of the universe?

The World is Burning . Let's masturbate!

Or, or, oooor, and hear me out: Maybe the christian notion of a god resonates so well with humans that we will try to create something similar or define allpowerful beings with those terms.
You too, read

The fun part here is, that although he could not have known it at that time, the science all checks out.

>top scientists

Climate science is the gender studies degree of the sciences

I acknowledge that global climate change is a thing
I'll even acknowledge that maybe we should think about alternative energy sources. Nuclear, for example.

But what I don't understand is why it should come at the expense of our own economic power. If we need it, why should we cut back when China will continue to keep chugging along and Russia/Saudi Arabia pumps itself dry? Does the US make that big of a dent? Does anything we do matter?

It's a tragedy of the commons, but climate change has no place in the cutthroat world of geopolitics.

>is changing rapidly

We have no way to say if the temps are increasing "rapidly" because all our historical data is based off of proxys. Which do not give us anywhere near the accuracy of modern land based thermometer reading. And those land based temperature readings do not give us anywhere near the accuracy of modern satellite reading.

horrible bait

Oh wow. I bet their solution involves giving them more money.

>Where is it?
End of Days?
That's what Jeebus people have been asking for a millennium and it hasn't stopped the propaganda. The AGW religion is being entrenched before our very eyes and will persist for many generations. Climate priest is a valid career path now.

>Africans are scorched and die from the heat
>my house just got upgraded to a sunny holiday villa and is a hell of a lot closer to the seaside
Sounds alright by me. The anglo always wins

Even if I assume global climate change is both real, and a threat

There's fucking nothing you can do about it

Do you have any idea how strict laws are in the US and some of Europe regarding it? It doesn't fucking matter, because the two countries with more than a billion people, each, is going to keep shitting up the whole world.

Look at their own fucking numbers. Nothing you do will ever matter, because you will never, ever, get India or China to give a single fuck.

>linking the fucking guardian

She was queen. LITERALLY A QUEEN.

Could have stopped this, took on Corgi and left her people to be blacked instead.

Sub-human cunt.

the developing world doesn't give two shits about global warming. They have far more pressing issues on their plate to concern themselves with some hippies wet dream of going back to the stone age where everyone is vegan

> Climate science is the gender studies degree of the sciences

Very true. Anyone who has spent any time in the Natural Sciences department of a university knows that (1) there are few women in the hard sciences, and (2) those few women are in Climate Science or Earth Science.

No people were ever vegan in the history of humanity. Even the modern ones.

>it's an 'American misunderstands the functions of monarchy' episode

Yeah because I haven't heard that before, or haven't seen that Asimov story referenced a thousand times by singulatards.

Feel free to graypill yourself though, we're fucked anyways, so you may as well cling to whatever hope you can to make you feel good.

Still waiting for the part where you explain why your queen let you be cucked to the point of having a Muslim mayor.


Then explain.

Do what the smart money is doing: move to the Ozarks in anticipation of the sea level rise.

ther margin of error with which we can make statements about the climate of the past is smaller than what kind of fluctuation we are experiencing right now.

Percent of respondents = 97%
Actual amount of scientists who reply is extremely low, average 10-15%

So it's not 97% agree

The equatorial region of Africa would be the least affected temperature wise from a warmer planet.

The extremes are left for the areas near the poles.

Their only concern would be a sea level rise, which has been happening for the last 20,000 years.

Those who live in places like the Sahara should be over joyed though, since the last time it was very warm on earth the Sahara was green and they had a freshwater lake larger than the Caspian sea in the modern day Sahara.

>to graypill yourself though
What's that even mean.

Also it's a nice thing to hope for i think.

Also, we don't need the singularity to get extreme genetic longevity, brain uploading, and working cryogenics.
All of which are predicted to be happening in the next 50 years.
And if we add another 50 on top for good measure, because lol fusion power, then next 100 years.

Uuuuh. With the golf stream and the conveyor belt fucked up the weather patterns depositing rain throughout the world would get fucked which is mainly why africa would be affected.

I want to talk about steak now.

When life gets me down, I buy premium rib-eye steaks, grill them up on a charcoal grill with mesquite to a perfect rare internal temperature of 134 degrees Fahrenheit, and have just the right about of Roquefort blue cheese butter on top. There are no more problems, only beefy paradise.

Steak is the rightful symbol of America, not hamburgers. Steak is the #1 favorite food of Americans, hamburgers are like 10.

Even if climate change is real and caused by humans climate scientists/lobbyists will have a hard time convincing anyone because of the shit surrounding it.

>tons of money to be made in climate industries
>Several of the key players that have made a boatload of money off of that don't practice what they preach
>"Shit's gonna be underwater in 20 years" - Some guy 30 years ago
>The way climate scientists try to shit out dissent and call the person crazy or a "denier" instead of proving them wrong (If any cunts were watching Q&A a few weeks ago, there was a fellow saying "oi lad show me the proof and I'll admit climate change is real right now on national TV" and the climate scientist just laffed and gave no evidence)
>"Australia needs to reduce it's carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 even though China has like 500 times our output and isn't going to reduce shit. Reduce yours though. Do it."

and to be perfectly fair to climate scientists

>shit's incredibly hard to prove causality since we don't have other earths to use as a control and there are a billion fucking variables

I think the worst thing the regressives have done was the whole anti nuclear thing.
They are actively fucking up the climate with that, and they are providing the deniers with a great point to latch on to.

>le no proof that action or inaction will lead to/continue/stop climate change

You clearly know nothing about which you speak.

Like I said. Proxys do not pick up the yearly or even decadal changes that thermometers pick up.

Side note throwing computer models on the end of your 2 separate proxy studies,with thermometer record graph hurts your case horribly.

It's literally a patchwork of what fits my beliefs, the graph

We do indeed seem to be raising global temperatures by carbon emissions and that is having a negative impact on some eco-systems, including a higher rate of extinction of species.

I don't know that i really believe any 'predictions' though, it is so incredibly hard to predict what will happen in a system that complex, and I think the more sober climate scientists essentially agree with this.

The very outspoken doomsday people are sure to be charlatans. Anybody, especially an ostensible scientist, showing that level of faith in their predictions has ulterior motives.

I generally side with the consensus on this issue but I think there is definitely some fuckery going on in the climate-change crowd

hang on... i think i get what you mean.

Also, no it's not a patchwork of what fits my belief it's a patchwork of what's the most accurate data integrating the most and most reliable datasets (including ice core).
The shakun et al is the one that has over 100 different sources put into one.
Marcott et al simply doesn't go that far back.

well the one that wasn't paywalled was Shakun.

Just looking at it my first question it, why does the study stop at 7k ybp?

If the hockey stick fiasco has taught us anything its that the data didn't match their theory. I have no clue if this was the case here, but thats just what came to mind.

>including a higher rate of extinction of species.

I've only heard of one species that went extinct because of global warming, and that was one species of mouse that lived a plot of land smaller than some apartment buildings.

Even that was dubiously caused by global warming since the size of the island barely changed in the last like 70 years.

The whole mass extinction myth is literally based off of nothing.

I honestly don't know
>If the hockey stick fiasco has taught us anything its that the data didn't match their theory.
Holy shit i just read up on that.
Is there still a spike in recent years?

The earth has without a doubt warmed in the last 30+ years. Whether it's as catastrophic as people claim is totally up for debate.

I prefer the UAH dataset, simply because they actually provide a free graph on their blog every month and it takes no effort to download.

I don't care enough to fucking download your data and make my own graphs RSS. what the fuck are you doing?

Truth be told I think both(at least one) of the heads of the UAH satellite data is not a big global warming guy, He doesn't seem to be worried at all(maybe the other guy is idk). But the RSS data keepers are very pro global warming so, there is still a division even there.

Like I said I believe the world has world has warmed recently, but honestly I don't think climate scientists have any clue how much of that was caused by man, and how much of it was just natural.

I believe in climate change. I think some degree of environmentalism is a necessity.

Well that email doesn't really show anything conspicuous.
the data wasn't handled too cleanly, but a 0.15K change in a datapoint wouldn't have effect on anything

either way, here's the original research from the hockey incident which, while not doctored to be cool, is valid and still seems to reflect some warming.

in particular around page 69

You really have made me think.
You were the first random person on the internet to actually make me open and read through parts of a research paper.


well than you would fit in very well with normal right wingers before the Environmentalist left went off the wall

This just means (((they))) will activate HAARP and other similar stations to fuck with the climate and cause disasters to prevent Trump from winning

Not if your in Minnesota


Back to /x/ you schizo.

Isn't the "alt-right" a few months old and primarily focused on cultural issues like whiny minorities rewriting history and taking down monuments, foreigners who can't/won't assimilate and demographic shifts that will leave us minorities in our own countries? I'm shocked there is an alt-right position on global warming and I've been here and paying attention to politics in general before there was such a thing as an alt-right. The only thing I've heard about it from a person who might identify with the alt-right is that protecting the environment is the whitest thing you can do because no other race gives a shit about it.

The term alt-right means literally nothing.

Don't both of the main parties in the major Western European countries already fully support global warming shit?

If they honestly believed global warming was as catastrophic as they preached they would do everything they can to rid themselves of fossil fuels.

Instead they just make a small percentage of their energy based on solar and wind, and somehow declare this a victory.

Then they rip on the Republican party of the US for not being as big of green losers as they are.

Are you fucking kidding me? If all your political parties think that global warming will literally end the world, you guys should literally be all green by now.

Way to give a half assed measure to end the supposed biggest threat to man kind in history.