I would bust that tight pussy so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a weak

>I would bust that tight pussy so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a weak

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


A pedophile Jew? Color me surprised.

Pedophile applies to prepubescent. Its not applicable here.

Considering he's married to Huma this should be story #1 on Cred Forums now.

>have a seat right here steamyweiner42

I can hardly blame him in a way, I mean he's married to Hillary's lesbian lover, that guys not been laid in ages!

any pics of the girl?


>The girl, whose identity the Daily Mail is not revealing, says she told Weiner she was underage and messages she provided to the Daily Mail support her claim.

>The girl says Weiner would ask her to dress up in school uniforms and be part of “rape fantasies.”

>She also says Weiner asked her to undress and encouraged her to touch herself and say his name over video chat.

>Weiner declined to comment on the specifics of the allegations to the Daily Mail, but provided copies of two emails the girl sent him that he contends raised questions about her claims, along with this statement:

>"I have repeatedly demonstrated terrible judgement about the people I have communicated with online and the things I have sent. I am filled with regret and heartbroken for those I have hurt. While I have provided the Daily Mail with information showing that I have likely been the subject of a hoax, I have no one to blame but me for putting myself in this position.

>I am sorry."

Lynching when?

AT least he didn't sext a black person. That would be the ultimate betrayal.

She went along with it. He didn't do anything wrong.

Oh man. Even if he's a Jew, this is just too much. His goose is cooked.

Praise kek

>bigass tits
Why even go after a 15 year old when her body's like this?!

Because she was willing? If that's what her body is like then what's the problem? It makes no sense.

Trump was right again

Meh, that kike must have shit in the eyes.

theyre divorced

As long as he never tried to meet with her in person then he has plausible deniability as this just being part of a fantasy.

True, but they were married through like 3 previous scandals. She only divorced him about a month ago. He's worse then Bill, he's a goddamn peedofile

I don't think so. I think they announced they were going to legally separate just a few weeks ago. Hell even if they filed for divorce right then the paperwork wouldn't have even gone through yet.

Have you guys seen these yet? Jesus christ




It's almost kind of sad. I wonder what this girl was like. Also these are definitely real.

A pedophile leaf? color me surprised.

another creepy fucking leaf

Bonus Weiner

Is that his wife? Damn thats fucked up, I feel really sorry for her getting dragged into this bullshit. Normally when you think of a sex pest, you think of them doing their shit alone, but he's got a wife - and this is her life now.


>What did he mean by this
First time I've seen someone actually make that funny

She's chairwoman of the Clinton campaign, don't feel bad.

wtf i hate mrs. weiner now

Ephebophilic autist pls go

she's hillary's official fiancee from years, you retard

she would have banged the little gril too

With all due respect though he's correct. Using words that don't apply and no one saying anything about it is the exact reason why "next day regret" is now "rape", spreading your legs on public transport is "rape", looking at a woman you don't know is "rape", saying yes because you're drunk is now "rape" etc. What reason did everyone have for not calling them out on it? People didn't want to be called a rapist in a Kafkatrap 101, that's why. So what happens when someone is factually accurate, in this case where paedophile has been used incorrectly? Well you label them a paedophile and creepy. It's literally leftist tier logic and completely embarrassing. Aren't we supposed to be more interested in the truth regardless whether it's what we want to hear or not? If not why even enter the rabbit hole to begin with?