What does Cred Forums think of Steven Colbert

What does Cred Forums think of Steven Colbert

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his show without his persona is boring confusing and a waste of air time.

Used to be semi-okay despite being basically a parody of the Right, nowaday's he's gone full cuck.

Even worse, he tried to shed his persona and be himself, not his character, when he started a new show, but almost immediately broke down and brought the persona back for ratings. So he's a double-cuck.

You mean how he's not in Comedy Central anymore?

Pretends he's a Christian. He's not. Also Faggot.


Ending the colbert report was the biggest mistake of his life

So brave. So, so brave


Gf got tickets to his show tomorrow, what do?



Sell them for extra cash

They're free, I don't care about wasting an hour or two, plus she'd be in a shit mood for the whole week we're in NY

I don't
He's only relevant upon my mind when you homos are compelled to create a shill thread about him

Think about that kike

Meh. Typical left-wing shit that cucks gobble up like Doritos and Mountain Dew, but he's funny.


Theater faggot that thinks being on TV makes him qualified to express his opinion about shit outside his make believe world.


The only thing he has ever done that was worth a shit.

You should go. I've been getting turned off to Colbert this election cycle in small ways, but he's orders of magnitude more respectable than literally any other late show cock sucker.

His band sounds way better live than on TV too.

Nigger/Kike lover.

I like him as a person. Thing is, he was only relevant because people thought his persona was actually him, and when he dropped it, his ratings sunk like a stone because he wasn't "funny anymore". Now he's picked it back up and it's just awkward because the political commentary doesn't fit the crowd that usually watches the show in his timeslot.

>got tickets for a show in NY
>canadian going to ny show to see a leftist shill cuck
shit bait

Wish Cuckbert and his buttpals Liebowitz, Trevor Niggah, and Current Year Man would all fuck off already.

Leave Times Square and visit actual NYC.

My favorite was when CURRENT YEAR guy tried to spin the 'terrorists numbers' by only using the arrests and completely ignoring the attacks and numbers of victims.

first post is best post
liberal shill
soros cock sucker

I love his nuanced, challenging ideas


uncompromising shitlib tool

unlike Colbert Report, his new show isn't even funny. nothing good to say about this faggot.



He's a sharp comedian whose career jumped the shark. He's also not a liberal, so

He's a Catholic, so I can't hate him.

I don't like that he doesn't care about enabling harder lefty shit, though.

When he broke character from his Colbert Report personna, he was no longer funny.

I really like him, he hates shillary too. Unfortunately he hates Trump more, but he usually does have good points to why.

Anybody who says they didn't like Steven Colbert or Jon Stewart back on the day is probably lying. But they've had their run, and their not funny anymore. In their type of humor, you can't be funny and status quo at the same time. While liberalism has been the status quo for quite some time, at least back then there was a significant opposition.

Steven Colbert was always the inferior liberal comedian, doing anything to get a laugh on his guests. And ever since Trump entered the election, he's consistently broken character. He just can't help himself, can't go without comparing trump to hitler.

Yell "PEPE" during a silent moment while the cameras are on

Shouldn't have taken that new job and stayed on colbert report


neither were ever smart or funny

What do benefit for lying about seeing a show that I don't want to?
Any recommendations?


Like a king of nothing at this point. His demographics are 15 to 25 year old know-it-alls who still watch cartoons except people that age don't watch TV anymore.


I liked him better as a fake conservative...

Taming his act and joining the late show was a bad move.

He makes a living off of providing upper class liberal white people a way to laugh at poor people.

Even though his old show was basically mocking my political views, I could still laugh at his persona.

I wish people could laugh at shit even if it disagrees with their views. It seems the left is always on the defensive and ready to get offended. I can still laugh when people are making fun my views. It's like people can't just have a little fun here and there and respect that people have different opinions.

fugg DDDD:

I'll do it but they film twice a day so will probably edit it out

Hes goo

I never found either of them particularly funny on their own, but I did like Stewart's show in the 90's/early 00s back before he made fun of conservatives exclusively. And while it wasn't funny, Colbert's speech at the White House in 2006 was ballsy as hell.

But you are probably some "alt right" fag who denies they were once center left at one point.

Colbert Report was funnier because he was parodying bill oriley. Now he's so-so but unfortunately the best comedy that exists on american tv that is not animated -prove me wrong oh god please prove me wrong.

In Colbert Report the "better know a district" are probably the best pieces of american political comedy in existence. The only way to learn about the US too. It's so sad that it's discontinued just for that segment.
After the election all will be better because both candidates will produce endless reason to make fun of them and colbert's writers are the only good ones among fake news.

Secretly film yourself incase
Why would they edit it out anyway? They didn't edit out pepe in altright speech

>prove me wrong


gay hooker was kinda funny. but other than that this sucks. it's a light version of "off the air"

And you know... 5x a week

When in doubt, make a Donald Trump joke.

Actually he is, but libtardation clouds his thinking. For example, he makes the false equivalency between medieval Catholics and today's jihadists and then says "I’m not trying to make a moral equivalency between the Christianity of the Middle Ages and these people, who are doing this horror right now, but".

Nonetheless, he is serious about the Eucharist as he should, and whatever errors there are in his worldly views, he definitely is a believer.


All he does is shit on Trump now

i think she is dumb whore that masturbates to progressive thoughts...

he used to be funny but now he just acts like a faggot




He's a self-righteous narcissist
He's not smart
He's not even funny.

He just tows the liberal line and rakes in those virtue points.

>t. Trailer Park Timmy, 12 years old
I might be overestimating your age though.

Used to be good because, even though being a parody, he never really felt like he was pro anything

Then he just turned into a generic liberal pandering personality

FINKLAND PROXY KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT USA...no she doesn't...she is a dumb whore...

I liked him because of Colbert Report. Now he's just a flaming faggot

i like you because you are stupid enough to type on Cred Forums w/the stupid shit you just typed...gj being a stupid fuck...

Really great comedian, but unfortunately he hasn't been funny for years.

Problem seems to be that he's too invested in the partisanship. When it was a Republican administration running this country off the rails he was always on top of it. The moment O'Bomber got in office, Colbert just suddenly lost his ability to joke. It's sad.

If Trump wins, he'll probably get funny again.

Seriously, you should check out the White House Press corp dinner. This guy fucking slayed everyone there.

Roling for this. Do it leaf

everything you just typed is the dumbest shit any1 has ever read on Cred Forums, ty for being a moron...please continue...

He was good in strangers with candy. Use to be a huge fan of him.

He was much better at pretend agreeing with George Bush than he was at pretend bashing Obama.

His new show is boring.

you were good, before some1 allowed you to type...then we all understood the level of your fuckitude...

He took over for Letterman on The Late Show months ago, user.
Imagine The Colbert Report, but without the charm and humor. That's the Late Show now.

I liked him when i was a dumb highschooler and didn't care at all about politics. but I probably haven't watched an episode of him in over a decade.

He was way better than jon steward though.

lil girls said twat, then stfu....



or you are just a moron that types stupid shit on Cred Forums

FYI, Colbert bricked and he's done at the end of the year.

fyi...you as a girl type stupid shit...

i understand you want to be relevant...you need to NOT be a lil bitch w/ur comments...

prep the bull to go in your place

tuck lil girl parts...act like beta



Went from semi establishment cocksucker to FULL BLOWN establishment cocksucker.

Basically a liberal waste of flesh now.

confused transgender genital molestor said twat?

Opinions and his so called "satire" are shit and unisightful just like John Oliver and Co.
Comedywise he's mediocre but hacky. Good acting and improvisinng but limited one schtick: that is playing a blowhard Republican pundit. An overrated one-trick pony

Why was the crowd noise so insanely loud for the Daily Show and Colbert Report anyway? Dropped them years ago solely because of that

you are so smart...i just want your pathetic face to wrap around my ball-sac and encompass it with your stupid facial wisdom...



I used to like him because he was clever and had an endearing sense of humour at times.

I didn't mind that he was lampooning conservative news. He was biased but every now and then he was funny and he never seemed outright dishonest.

But now with his new show it seems he's really turned a leaf for the worse and become a full-on shill.

I miss being bluepilled, used to love Colbert but he's a traitor like all the rest.

previous alright actor turned political

give them to me

Dude, his persona was only ever good when he was a correspondent on the Daily Show way back in the day. An entire show of it was too much.

ty canada...btw...hows it feel to live in the protective armpit of America?

i'll take your stupid canadian answer off the air...

Was good now a complete sell out worse thann Bill Maher

boring formulaic piece of shit

I love him. although his material is getting outshone by his colleagues on all the other late night political shows, he's by far the best performer in the late-night block.

Fuckin a


Faggot and a cuck,

you are not a judge of what is good...you are more of a judge of my dic in your stupid mouth...talk more about that...

remains funny

can you explain the relation between my dic and your face?

His O'Reilly spoof was enjoyable satire but when he's just another liberal talking down to millennials it's not funny at all. He's not gonna last another year/

I like him but I wish he would keep his liberal bias to a minimum. It's unbearable.

The Daily Show and The Colbert Report were both left-leaning echo chambers.

I watched them a lot when I was younger, but it never seemed to hit me until a few years ago.

You can eat my ass with a spoon.

Never found him to be all that funny, there was something unbearably smug about him when he was out of character as well.

Also, did anyone remember a few years ago how you would always hear liberals claim 'LOL CONSERVATIVES DONT KNOW HE'S ACTUALLY KIDDING' like he was some sort of hard to understand, modern day Jonathan Swift.

you know its not live right


he's my fifth cousin and a fucking cuck

He's a funny guy. I'm a conservative, but too many on our side don't understand that he was always a flaming liberal, his persona was just a parody of the right. If you agreed with him you were literally the butt of the joke, everything he said was meant to be ironic.

That being said I did find his old show more entertaining. The Late Show is much more pedestrian, it's a lot more tame, and him playing it straight just isn't as funny to me. He's not allowed to curse, his subject matter is more shallow, his writers love pandering to the liberal crowd (and not like how he used to, where he'd make fun of conservatives - he does it now in a more Bull Maher sort of way, where he says "Trump is a liar" to thunderous applause and screams of orgasm).

He makes the best of it, but when he has to spend ten minutes of the show advertising Snapple, it just stops being funny and starts being annoying. I can tell even he hates it too, he cringes every time he has to promote a product, but he's probably getting paid a shit ton more than he used to be.

Basically he's a comedian with the potential to be really funny, but the format he's in now is so awful he just ends up being mediocre. The Colbert Report was something special. I don't think he'll ever recapture that peak.


If I wanted to see a "shit on Trump" circle jerk, i'll Buzzfeed videos instead.

Colbert Report was a brilliant use of strawman.

Late Show Colbert is a whiny Champagne Socialist douche.

It's always been like this though. Before Trump it was Bush. The late night comedians love Trump on some level, and are praying he wins so their ratings stop dropping and they gave a steady source of material. Another decade of liberal rule means their liberal stance is no longer counter-culture, and their young viewership wants to feel like they're part of a counter-culture.


when he mentions the "alt-right" shout Pepe

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert dipped to a new low with viewers 18-49, trailing in third place in the demo and among total viewers.

Stephen Colbert recently marked his first year as host of The Late Show, but there wasn’t much to celebrate given the show’s falling ratings. For the week of September 5, the CBS late-night series fell from a 0.39 to a 0.36 demo rating. That’s below its previous low of 0.38 that it set in June, hitting an all-time low in the demo since Colbert succeeded David Letterman as host of The Late Show early last September. The talk show trailed both The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel Live in the 18-49 demo and in total viewers, averaging 1.98 million viewers for the week.