Blacks are superiors to whities, prove me wrong

Blacks are superiors to whities, prove me wrong

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I read that article, just to humor you.

The whole thing is nonsensical and counter to any scientific evidence we have. The person writing it claims to be White, English and a Doctor yet their account location is set to Oakland, CA. I find that unlikely too.

In one sentence they claim that whites are just a mutation of blacks. A paragraph later they claim that whites are white due to vestigial DNA left over from when we were still swimming in the sea.

The whole article is utter drivel not fit to be read by any person of sound mind and I presume the author was masturbating furiously while they wrote it.

>prove me wrong
Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ah, I apologise, I called the poster into question there but I have now seen that the poster was merely quoting from another source.

I still doubt that any accredited doctor could believe that nonsense however.


as a white guy, I agree in terms of physicality.
They age slower, they tend to be stronger.

That's how the developed, because of their origins.
Unfortunately for them, you can only develop so much, and so their brains were not the priority. Hence their naturally lower IQs.

Like in any RPG, the warrior race gains additional STR, but suffers negative INT

If Blacks are superior then why did Abos only accomplish inventing a stick and burning down Australia in the estimated 60,000 years they're been around? Inb4 white man because whites didn't come to Australia until a few hundred years ago, and in that time, they've accomplished 5000x times more then Abos.

1/10 I replied

>what is sickle cell

what is sickle cell anemia. what is iq's that range at least 10-25% lower. what is higher rates of heart disease and also stds

lol, holy shit. give up already, you know you love each other.

>they tend to be stronger.
blacks have more quick twitch muscle fibers which makes them faster, it's slow twitch that brings strength and thus whites are generally stronger

they are
whites don't really work together, but gets shit done
black work together to get white's shit

>tend to be stronger
Whites have shorter tendons, allowing them to lift more on average. Blacks are faster and generally have better endurance, though.

Well then, in that case, whites are intellectually superior. But man, try saying this anywhere and see how you get shunned, yet saying the opposite is okay?

They're superior in all the ways that no longer matter in modern society and severely deficient in everything that does matter.

Well when I equate strength, I view it as power generation.
Its a more practical form of strength

>cant swim
>sickle cell
>20 points lower IQ, no matter the country

What else?


The funniest shit is when people claim Australia/Africa is too inhospitable

This guy lives in Queensland, Australia, and has accomplished more than 50,000 years of aboriginal development

Granted, he has the benefit of modern knowledge, but the aboriginal population had the benefit of 50,000 fucking years of time

Even worse is Africa, that continent is far better in terms of natural resources and climate than Australia or Europe

Then whites win that game.

>Googles think they are better than white
>"Superior" genes
>Literally wasted their entire history in shitholes
>Used as slaves for centuries
>Murdered every days by white cops
>Chimp out in the street killing each others

Nice meme senpai.


It's the place where KANGZ juniors talk about world politics and agendas.

Blacks have an average IQ anywhere from 20-30 points lower than the average for whites.

Blacks have inferior skin, hair, features, lifespan, health.

Blacks have 60 countries and each one is an unbelievable hellhole.

If they disappeared from Earth tomorrow their would be a literal celebration.

I'm no scientist, but isn't a mutation considered an evolution?


Apparently the brain is not part of their biology

Which makes sense

you know it's a big white/black love fest so don't talk to me. now an inappropriate video.

What on earth are you trying to say?

Gather your thoughts for a moment you fucking imbecile.

idk, but i thought it was funny.

Anywhere with over 15% black.

So races have genetic differences, but when it comes to intelligence they don't? So quick to change the narrative, the fucking kikes

Lol say that to the dead nog shot by his brotha while they where protesting police brutality.

This is why we're never going to be allowed to be objective about human biology.

Blacks have different muscular composition than whites, leading them to be more capable at certain types of activities. However, the reverse is also opposite, in that whites are more adapted to different situations, which caused different muscular composition leading to advantages in other activities.

E.g blacks are good at running, whites are good at weightlifting.

But you have these retarded leftists out there who think "different = bad" and will race bait about anything the moment it's discovered that blacks have a genetic advantage in any singular type of activity. Same with far right retards who just think niggers are inferior and won't shut the fuck up and listen to the objective scientific analysis of the differing phenotypes between races caused by genetic differences.

The problem with the current system is they use whites as the standard e.g. Blacks have lower IQs on average, Asians have higher IQs on average.

I literally had to leave the field because I questioned these things. I thought STEM was meant to be about hard sciences, not pussy feelings and libs telling you what you can and can't research. Anyone who thinks that race is skin deep needs a bone-marrow transfusion from someone the opposite skin colour of them.

> Africa
> Europe

I rest my case

They're dumber.
They get health problems more easily.

However I will concede higher testosterone due to selective slave breeding.

they have lower Iq look at all thier societies

they are plenty of evidence to prove u wrong

googles are inferior monkeys

>too inhospitable
I hate cucks that try this shit, they're the same with faggots who read Guns, Germs and Steel and think they know everything about why there's no successful black civilisation.

It's almost as if selection pressures force evolution.

It's almost as if when you're living in the snowy fucking wastes of not-Africa, you need to adapt to the climate and have the brain capacity to remember seasons so you know when to sow your seeds in order to fucking survive the next winter.
It's almost as if when you have everything handed to you and live in a fertile paradise where you can literally bend over and pick up something to eat at any time of the year, there'll never be any pressures forcing you to adapt on such a scale. It's almost like being able to be a hunter-gatherer without having to ever worry about human agriculture is going to result in you staying a hunter-gatherer and not forming advanced civilisations

>prove me wrong



