Daily reminder that Cred Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that

Daily reminder that Cred Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that.

Enjoy arguing with Gaytheists, enjoy watching them squabble and show they have the theological knowledge of a 12 year old. Enjoy them failing again and again. Enjoy this because you are better than them Cred Forums, and you always will be.

Deus Vult.

Other urls found in this thread:



Please stop. I'm a christian, but this is retarded.
This is also retarded, and has no basis in reality.

>what is history

For 100

>we WUZ this board n shietttt

fuck YEAH!

God is dead and Cred Forums has killed her.

The believe in the Christian god is every bit as retarded as the other Religions. Determinism over everything. I respect the Christian culture and will take it over Islam or Judaism but its still stupid. You go ahead and worship your sky daddy but dont push it onto me like the sandgoogles.

>Cred Forums is a MUSLIM board
Fixed that for you, infidel

atheists are cucks

Nice arguments.

Satan be praised.

Cred Forums christians are literally the same thing as reddit atheists. Bunch of insufferable retards.

>sky daddy

Saying shit like this makes me wonder if you're a troll or if all gaytheists are a little retarded.

But if you genuinely feel this way, why come on a Christian board to begin with? Is it for attention?

I like to think deep down you know atheism is wrong but you just don't quite have the strength to admit it to yourself. You're too invested. Am I right?

>Thinking one religion is correct amongst hundreds if not thousands of faiths
The world will be better when you die

There is no arguing with your kind, you all believe the same shit. Its pathetic and sad. Its like 10 protestants circle jerking trying to prove whos version of catholicism is better.

Its all the same shit.

Keep memeing, take a damn history class, jew worshiper.

Your savior was a jew sandnigger for gods sake

I don't need arguments for CHRISTFAGS

Go have faith elsewhere

Id like to hear an actual fucking argument from you cocksocker.

Of course Christians believe the same things, that's what makes you a Christian.

Secular or not if you cannot see the value in Christianity on a historical level you are a fucking retard and should gas yourself

>don't believe in God its not cool, loom at these bad ass fedoras arguing on YouTube

>yeah nothing totally exploded into everything for no reason and magically formed sentient life, sure no one knows how but IT TOTALLY WASNT GOD I PROMISE

Atheist logic at its finest.

>Current level of scientific understanding
>Thinking faith is required to believe in God

>I have no arguments
>I am correct

Damn you sure showed me bro nice meme

Looks like you still have some growing up to do.

Yeah they contributed, but that era is over. Christians have done absolutely nothing for humanity in the last 200-300 years other than preach muhh jesus.

Its over. Its dead.

You beeing christian does not make this a christian board. Fuck off.
There is no god, you will die alone get over it.


Waiting to see if that Serbia faggot shows up. He needs to make an islam thread and stay in it.

>god gave birth to the world
Who birthed god

Godfags logic.

At least the big bang has some theories and we have evidence of how stars and galaxies are formed.

There is by far more evidence supportinf big bang, evolution. Than creationism.


According to Christianity God is eternal.

Was, is, and always will be.

Also Genesis and science are not mutually exclusive.

Go have faith elsewhere

>Ancient Hebrew
>Modern Jew

You have to go back

Christcucks are the biggest "im a special snowflake because god said so" faggots around.

Nothing happens when you die. Its really not that hard to understand. Your brain doesnt have electricity running it, oh wow what a fucking hard concept to grasp.

They are so self centered they cant grasp the concept that they are just another animal in 1 planet among

Without God we lack a set of standardized morals. This whole secular mindset has done nothing but set up the stage for an islamic overthrow.

God exists by necessity. The Bible says that God exists outside of time (the first known case of suggesting time had a beginning).You do realize modern atheists accept the belief that a force existed out of necessity. Saying that God needs something to be created is simply retarded because then you'd need to apply that to all matter and energy and by your logic all of existence is impossible, which only proves God more.

>knows there is no God
>knows the atheism fairy magically exploded nothing into everything, for no reason, and that just happened to form sentient life

Atheist are you even trying?

>Le ancient Jews are different than modern Jews I sweeeeaaarrrrrrr

Fuck off loser holy shit


Willful ignorance. Sad!

I just have one question for theists.
How do you reconcile you're belief in with your knowledge that magic isn't real?


>Without God we lack a set of standardized morals

God! How on earth did the Egyptians build the pyramids without god!? How did the civilization before them build the ziggurats?!

How did the ancient Greeks and pre Christian romans ever do ANYTHING without ourr Christian morals?!!!

>electricity running through something gives it sentient life

I hope to God you're trolling Mr Fedora.

>God exists by necessity. The Bible says

BOOM! Christians 1 athiests burning in hell for eternity

Modern Jews are Talmudic or secular you fucking subhuman.

Atheists are a disgrace. Not only do you slander the word of the Lord you dishonor everything your ancestors stood for. People fought and died so this message could be spread and build up your nation.

Christians hunted and burned people that said magic was real so in totaly ok with it

>Christian Board
This is an edgy shitlord board.

we worship the true God

I want to like Christianity, I really do.

It just seems so weak and devoid of mystery.

Can anyone convince me otherwise. I really would like to become a Christian someday

That fact is nobody understands the universe. Not you, me or the fucking pope. No one

But, we can either

A. Chose the path given to us by organizations that have historically enslaved people with biased morality rules as guidelines for the enslavement of humanity


B. Accept scentific evidence that suggests otherwise.

Now i understand science has been manipulated for political reasons in certain instances, but overall its logically more reasonable.

Wow! That picture you've got that totally changed my mind. It's totally not complete horseshit

Jesus is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew, the same Jews that are Jewing today.

Stay mad and upset delusional Jew worshiper

My ancestors fought for freedom of speech and belief.

God isn't magical. He is just a force like how atheists believe quantum information created The Universe

They had a religion, but christianity is the best law. The fake religions are infinitely better than atheist morals. These levels of willful ignorance are astounding.

>asks a question about God
>Uses The Bible to answer question about God
>Fedora gets triggered because he heard referencing The Bible, and he somehow thinks that never fits the situation despite the fact that it clearly does.

wrong. can you tell me why atheists are muslim loving liberals?

If God doesn't exist then who is Kek?

>Modern Jews are Talmudic or secular you fucking subhuman.

W w we wasn't Jew worshippers they uh uh was different back then goy beeeelieve us

Not him, but you dob realise building pyramids has nothing to do with morality, right? The Egyptians were all in all a slave society and a death cult, they were not known for their morality.

And his point is accurate. You cannot have morality without God. One of the problems atheists have is the unbelievers' assertion that it is possible to determine what is right and what is wrong without God. They have a fundamental inability to concede that to be effectively absolute a moral code needs to be beyond human power to alter.

On this misunderstanding is a supposed conundrum about whether there is any good deed that could be done only by a religious person, and not done by a Godless one. Like all such questions, this contains another question: what is good, and who is to decide what is good?

Left to himself, Man can in a matter of minutes justify the incineration of populated cities; the deportation, slaughter, disease and starvation of inconvenient people and the mass murder of the unborn.

I have heard people who believe themselves to be good, defend all these things, and convince themselves as well as others. Quite often the same people will condemn similar actions by different countries, often with great vigour.

For a moral code to be effective, it must be attributed to, and vested in, a non-human source. It must be beyond the power of humanity to change it to suit itself.

Its most powerful expression is summed up in the words 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends'.

The huge differences which can be observed between Christian societies and all others, even in the twilit afterglow of Christianity, originate in this specific injunction.

Read Hugh Ross. He's an astrophysicist who became a christian after reading The Bible. Personally he saved me from my fedora parasite.

I think you are generalizing.

A true atheist hates every form of religion.

I suggest not having idiots as friends on facebook


I highly recommend "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis

I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have.



Only Christians can say
>God damnit
>Jesus fucking Christ
>For Christ's Sake
>God FUCKING damnit
>Sweet fucking Virgin Mary

etc etc with real meaning. Think about that.

>but christianity is the best law

Our founding fathers didn't think so.

>inb4 no no no founding fathers and all America's Christian
Sorry Christ fag

And good job, you've become nearly perfect at internalizing and ignoring the fact that non Christian civilizations had huge success

>Hugh Ross

Just finished reading him. Truly inspiring.

Deus Vult brother.

>The Bible literally saying people will call themselves Judean people while lying, and being a generation of hidden vipers.
>The Bible saying multiple times not to trust jews

but its sacrilege and blasphemy

Too long didn't read.

Oh but in order to build pyramids they must have been doing something right. Sorry Christ fag morality, go say your sorry to god for thinking unclean thoughts right now

Freedom of religion is imperative otherwise you get the catholic church 2.0

The founding fathers were responding to the might of the British empire. You cannot exist in a 100% Christian society anyway.

>non christian civilisations had huge success

I refuse to believe that even the most ardent gaytheists believe this. It is demonstrably untrue.

>Accept scentific evidence that suggests otherwise.
Literally everything that could offer an alternative for God has zero evidence, and life is so incredibly improbable

>cannot have morals without god


My morals are simple, dont do stuff that causes pain to others.

Why? Because i wouldnt want to suffer myself, i dont enjoy the suffering of other species, human or non.

When I die and fucking well burn my corpse, that will have been my only sin.

>please please please convert to my dying religion

Remeber, all christfag arguments come back to faith.
Jew worshipper
>Rome reached its peaked while it was non Christian
>inb4 MUH biggest

Sorry Jew worshipper


>I killed her because it made me gang happy
>That group happiness is better than one life.
>I don't know where the line is but whatever.

>These slaves help the whole country
>Just a few people get hurt but everyone else is helped
>I don't know where the line is but whatever.

>My morality is very objective.

God is entirely metaphysical. Science is a tool used for measuring and explaining the physical. You can no more prove God with Science than you can use a microscope to discover and atom of justice or a molecule of mercy.

We both know mercy and justice exist. They shape human life every day. As does God.

Science is very good at showing you HOW God does something, but not WHY he does it.

M8, it is statistically impossible for our planet to be the only one hosting life.

Yeah its rare, no one is denying the earth isnt amazing.

Science provides way, way more evidence.

W w wow I've like been stumped


Anyone who read Hugh Ross and is still an atheist probably had their fedora over their head so far they couldn't actually read the book.

Cred Forums is a pagan board


sorry Jew worshipper it doesn't work like that

Look at all those non-arguments

Yeah I'm sure you'd love to live in the prechristian world where you'd probably be a slave for being such a fucking cuck.

>Christianity is a dying religion

Think you mean Gaytheism, champ

Ugghhhh I know

How could ANY ONE read HUGH ROSS and still BE a GAYATHIEST!

Daily reminder that post-messianic Judaism is (literally) Christianity, meaning the true Israel is the spiritual body of Christendom.

That modern Judaism is properly called Talmudism, which has its origins in Pharisaism and is the ideological opposite of pre-Christian-era Judaism.

That Talmudism/Pharisaism is the richest ideological firmament for Satanism, which found its purest expression in the act of crucifying Christ as urged and committed by the Pharisees of the time.

That modern "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) generally originated in Khazaria, but have lived internationally, intermarried, and converted (both in and out) for so long as to have no discernible genetic or familial heritage.

That the "13th Tribe" and "Ashkenazim" racial memes are Hasbara psyops designed specifically to justify the current occupation of Palestine known as "Israel," as well as employ a political parry silencing anyone who names the "Jew" or criticizes their activities as being a racist. There is no "Jewish race."

That the extortion at the Temple - whom Jesus drove out and excoriated - was promoted and conducted by the Pharisees of the day; that the modern day extortion employed by the same "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) via the Federal Reserve and similar monetary and usurious banking rackets are spiritually identical in form, function, and nature of perpetrator.

That the Holocaust (TM) is designed to subvert Christ as the preeminent messianic sacrifice, and in supplanting Christ as messiah replace Him with Talmudic satanism disguised as "Judaism."

That if you don't know the above, and much more, you have a long way to go before you are "red-pilled."

If there are set rules the law is much more objective than your shit. Have fun with your three way marriages and trannies, atheist.


Cred Forums is a kekist board you heretic

>this Jew worshipper ignored the part that made him look like an idiot.

N n no successful non Christian civilizations r rr right

Lol nice deflection Jew worshipper god damn this is funny


Of course there can be succesful pagan nations. I'm just saying that an atheist nation will NEVER succeed.

hey mother fucker are you trying to tell me an all powerful God is not able to possess multiple entities simultaniously because YOU SAY SO?

>who the fuck do you think you are?


Poor Christians so so so in denial about their Jew worship


When in this entire thread did I make that claim Jew worshipper?


pick one

>Deus Vult.

>He still hasn't provided an argument despite christians literally referencing scripture and history.

Christianity is degenerate. We need a secular state to remove the religion from the political structure in order to focus our energy in what's really important, the human being.

an argument to what google?

You have faith in your beliefs and I don't.

People like you are the reason this country is in deep shit right now.

Why are you so retarded, jew slave?

This is literally how we came about this dumb ideology in the first place, a bunch of good goys who behaved like mongs went in to the public square and spammed " (((Jebus))) es Gott's Son, n Juice chosen ppl" every day in ancient Rome for hundreds of years until it stuck. And just like that, 1000 years of Pax Romana went down the drain overnight, and Muslims kept everyone on their heels for a thousand years. What a stupid exercise, yet here they are again, good goy spambots.

Quite honestly i dont know what exploded somthing into everything as you put it. But i will not fill this gap with god. That is why i have little respect for everybody who has though about this but is still a theist. Instead of embracing that you dont know somthing you simply say that god did it. Without even the slightest bit of evidence why that should be the case. If you have another theory that can actually predict something and that does not require nearly infinit axioms i will believe you. But as it is god is simply a damn ugly theory.

Following gods laws is a healthier way to live so whether or not you personally believe in a sky daddy should be redundant when deciding whether to support Christianity if you care about human wellness

>Christian democratic union of Germany

>Christianity is degenerate
>Life style that puts others before self

Oh yeah. The thing that will eventually be destroyed? The thing that is nothing more than organic matter that reacts to external stimuli? The thing that has no intrinsic value? The thing that is powered by an evolutionarily created computer and merely ticking forward like clocks?
Yes so important.

You say christianity loves jews when it clearly is opposed to Jews with every source

Read the thread, retard.


Show me where I said it, come on show me


"I know absolutely nothing about history and my family is ashamed of me" the post

Can you Tip your fedora harder

>>Asks question about god
>>Uses the bible to answer question about god
>>Fedora gets triggered

Wew if we used this in ANY OTHER CONTEXT you would be the one laughing at us, not the other way around.

>user, how did grandpappy live and fight in the meme war?

>>Well, according to this book I wrote a decade ago long after grandpappy died, he healed people by touching them

Rofl in my skin, this bullshit will not yeild

You need to fucking grow up and stop believing in imaginary friends. Face your fucking problems yourself; no amount of 'cloud daddy' will save you from your failure to actually do shit properly.

I don't care whether or not Christianity loves Jews, it's just the easiest way to get you faggots mad.

But Jesus was a Jew that's not even up for discussion

>You say christianity loves jews when it clearly is opposed to Jews with every source
What is controlled opposition? Next you'll be telling me that it's just a coincidence that Jewish Marxism lifted murderous Jews into power over Russia, since Karl Marx was anti-semite. You could try to get some new lines, but you are a simple minded fool, so I wouldn't expect you to. Just end your life already.


I'm not even the same guy, jew slave.

Youre still a retard :^)

Come on just a little harder

People like me are the reason this country is not in the dark ages to begin with. And isnt it the pope and the CDU that lets the Muslims in?

I'll be a Christian as long as you promise me we can genocide the Muslims and put the women back in their place.

Damn that's cringy.

I know, but you replied babycake so obviously you can show me where I said it.

Jew. Worshipper

I'll post memes instead of seeing the truth. Not even the most fedora historian will agree with what you said.

True Christianity commands women to be submissive.

It's in the book.

no basis in reality? what are you fucking smoking?


no, but that is

God bless you OP. The one true Christian God

"I know absolutely nothing about history while telling people that they absolutely know nothing about history" the post

Sorry Jew worshipper

I KNOW you'd LOVE for faith to be proof but faith just doesn't cut it

Read the thread.

He was a jew, but not a jew jew. You know how it is. Jews play fast and loose with their word definitions.

If you wanna piss off zionists (of any religion), tell them that Jesus was a Palestinian. He was a semite not of the Jewish religion born in Bethlehem, so it's true.

>Hurr durr semetic religions have nothing to do with semetic religions

Does islam have absolutely nothing to do with islam as well, user?

t. larper

Do you Christians believe everything that gets written down by Jews?

They base all *I MEAN ALL* of their facts off a single book.

In other words, pretty much yes, they most certainly do.

>reads the first sentence of my post
>asks why without reading the rest if my post

Atheists, ladies and gentlemen.


The Bible literally calls jews liars.

>He was a jew, but not a jew jew

>he was a Jew, but you know, not a Jew Jew,. So, not a Jewish Jew but still a Jew but not really a jew


"I know nothing about history and even secular thinkers believe I am a useful idiot" the post

>calls Jews liars
>Jesus is a Jew


Atheists and Christians should be friends in the fight against greater evils.

>the bible is a single book

Ever notice how most arguments presented by atheists on the internet are based of complete misinformation or simple ignorance of history? Not even 100% atheist or agnostic historians agree with any of the shit they say

Except we've proven multiple times he was judean.

The Pharisees and the Sadducees (VIP Jews) did not follow the law, hence why Jesus rebuked them.


>umm w well except for the Greeks and pre Christian romans b b but what did they ever do R r right

Still Jews
Sorry Jew worshipper your faith in the belief that Jesus was in fact NOT a Jew, is NOT proof at all

>um ignore the 2000 years between us and them, nothing even happened during that, it was only 2000 years rr rit?

Absolutely. It's mostly misinformation, strawman, and ad hominem.

>Seeing the title and replying without watching the video.

I used to feel bad for atheist misinformation until I realized they were doing it to themselves.

>your faith in the belief that Jesus was in fact NOT a Jew, is NOT proof at all
it's not based on faith. It's based on objective fact. You ignoring a fact doesn't make it go away, sorry to break it to you

Atheists are entirely self interested and cannot be trusted.

Faith is not proof. ALL Christian arguments rely on faith

>Church build western civilization! You can clearly see its constructive nature in the smears of the people who were burned to death because of A) the church wanted them dead, or B) mob mentality

Who else would come up with the test to see if 'witches' float or not?

At the same time however, I agree with the statement that christianity has held a fucking massive benefit to our culture in general, as if we were stuck with islam instead, we as a species would have failed to do anything thanks to the anti-science approach of muslims and islam, etc.

However this is no reason to be irrational and believe the readings of a single book as truth, especially when its been butchered apart and changed around so much that the religion we know today is almost certainly not the same one that it was then.

It's okay jew slave. Christ loves you.

Do you know God exists or do you have FAITH that God exists?

>goal post shifting because he's exposed as an idiot

When society kills god hedonism becomes the new religion and fighting it sin.

> No I haven't seen any of your objective evidence

>especially when its been butchered apart and changed around so much that the religion we know today is almost certainly not the same one that it was then.

>MUH MUH MUH I've lost the argument so it's time to be passive aggressive

I'll pray for you, friend

>Who else would come up with the test to see if 'witches' float or not?
You know Monty Python is fictional comedy, right? The Catholic church actually banned witch hunting as pagan.

>implying you can get all truths from deductive/proof methods.
>He hasn't read about Godel's incompleteness theorems proving proofs to be incomplete.
The first sip of the natural sciences and you become an atheist, at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.

Do you know God exists or do you have FAITH that he exists?

Come on answer that. All other discussion is pointless until you do

And he loves you, Fedora.

When you grow out of atheism remember that.

Deus VULT!

>All other discussion is pointless until you do
>all those discussions I was proven wrong in and made to look like an idiot don't matter, they're pointless!

>he literally worships an undead magic jew

>The first sip of the natural sciences and you become an atheist, at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you

W wooow my w we wworld view is shaken to the core

Oh please watch the fucking video you strawmanning shitface

You should be grateful you aren't being sent to jihad by your fucking Muslim society thanks to Christians saving Europe in the middle ages.

Youre welcome for all the hospitals and universities and prosperity which led to all the enlightenment thinkers

Youre welcome for the Spaniards kicking the shit out of the Iberian Muslims, then sending Columbus to find the new world

Youre welcome you have a society that values nurturing your kids so your father didnt beat you senseless for being such a fucking CUNT

I wasn't even arguing a point. Do you have downs?

Come on why won't you answer?

Do you KNOW god exists or do you have FAITH in his existence??

Come on answer, I bet you won't

Cred Forums has never been a christian board. One of the first red pills you take is the one where you realize that christianity (and other religion) is horse shit used to control you.

Also, atheists tend to know more about religions than the religious, that's often why they're atheists.


There's a shocker, they can't actually prove any of their assertions, they just act like they have.

Should be. One of the great and influential scientists said that. someone you atheists usually worship with blind faith

the christianfags are the ones letting the muslims in. The Christian churches are the ones feeding the immigrants.

So long as you hate the current pope its all good with me bro.

Its not chrianity that saves us from islam but atheism.

Why would I answer a question you're using to dodge the fact you were proven wrong? I don't engage in jewish argument tricks

History would say otherwise

Do you KNOW god exists or do you have FAITH in his existence

Personal attacks shame on you Jew worshipper

Fuck the Fedoras and fuck the Jew Larpers. They're two sides of the same shitty universalist coin.

>he literally believes the atheism fairy caused nothing to explode into everything for no reason and magically form sentient life.

Atheist logic at its finest.

OY VEY! Hello my fellow goyim! I have this hip new (((religion))) to pedal you guys! It's called Christianity! It's about a Jew who WUZ G-D AND G-D'S CHOSEN. Who died and came back to life. OY VEY! WORSHIP YOUR (((G-D)))!

Jesus was a Jew

you won't answer:
Do you know that God exists or do you have FAITH in his existence

>Personal attacks are bad
>Personally attacks me

Fucking jew slaves. Cucked to the jew

>going to a Baptist church this Sunday for the first time in almost a decade,

It's kind of a mega church, what should I expect? I'm honestly kind of worried it's going to be meme light and the dude will hate on fags or something.

Jew worshipper

>he believes a Jew book that says the world is 7000 years old

>Jesus was a Jew
literally, objectively, provably wrong. Any you've already been proven wrong. Congratulations on being an idiot arguing against objective fact. There is no opinion here, you are tangibly wrong.

It's hilarious that even atheist historians are laughing at you because of how wrong you are

Good tavi!
Like, comment, but especially subscribe to our desert pedophile cult today!

I don't recommend Baptist churches. Its more "spiritual milk" than spiritual meat if that makes any sense.

They also focus heavily on the old testament rather than the new.

Try orthodoxy or nondenominational churches like a church of Christ.

I gave up working towards a better world when I realized people believed in fairy tales.
Just give up the discussion, you cannot convince the subverted that their reality is false.
Nothing you ever do will change the way these people are, there is an inherent trait in humans to want to believe in a higher power.
Just as the Sumerians, just as the Canaanites, just as the Assyrians, just as the Babylonians, just as the Egyptians, just as the Greeks, just as the Romans
It is inherent, they just cannot un-believe, it is their entire reality. Without their god their lives are meaningless.
The same reason why people collect magical rocks
The same reason why people believe in phantoms
The same reason why people believe fate
It is all the same
Your brain is moldeble, it is called neuroplasticity. They shape their brains around their beliefs.
Most of these people were born into their religion, spent their entire lives being told it is true and right and just.
You cannot change that

>Uses the Shroud of Turin as what Jesus looked like when it has been dated to the 13th or 14th century


>What is the Salem witch hunt?

Genesis and science are not mutually exclusive jew cuck



>Puritan witch hunt

Fucking retard.

>7000 year old world

Sorry Jew worshipper

Why should I be thankful for something that never happened? Why should I be shamed for something I had no part in/was never alive to experience?

Wew and you're the one saying that I'm spouting fallacies, nice one anita

>goal post changing again because he's proven an idiot

have fun in your delusion friend. Enjoy it.

The resurrection has a load of historical evidence.

>Completely ignores my post

Spoken like a true jew cuck

I have subjective proof, yes. Which is all you really can have when you're discussing the metaphysical. I can't objectively prove mercy or justice exist either, but I live my life knowing they do all the same. As you do as well, I'm sure.

I choose to take God on his word, as it parses with how I choose to view the world and it makes sense to me.

If you want to believe the universe magically began for no reason because you read some Jew math you don't entirely understand (and the experts can't even agree on) then fine, but don't think its more 'logical'. Ever since Catholic priest and physicist George's Lemitre devised the idea of the Big Bang atheists have tried to remove God from the equation. They have failed constantly.

But hey, at least upvoting Christopher Hitchens videos gets you upvotes on Reddit, huh?

Good luck with that.

I don't believe that, but I don't believe some magic kike is the answer to all of the questions in the universe. Why can't you fags just admit that you don't know, and that you're really just afraid of dying, or more importantly, afraid of losing dead loved ones forever.

I love how Christians ALWAYS act like Christianity is responsible for Europeans hard work and intelligence

Europeans were predominantly Christian you fucking dumbass

OK but why are you even in a Christian board of that's how you feel?

It's almost like atheists aren't a unified block of people, almost like they are individuals who disagree on shit, what an odd concept, and there are "Christian historians" that belive the world is 6000 years old and dinosaurs are a test from god to prove faith but I'm sure they don't all agree with that right? O look at them Christians, they can't agree on shit! What a bunch of idiots!

That's like same that the shiets and mahabba and shia muslims don't believe in the same fundamental things.

Really now, and I'm retarded?

How hard would it be for someone to make a witch hunt out of any branch of any religion? The bible itself talks about fucking demons and shit. It doesn't take much creativity to make it look like we're in a magical world if you take every fucking word the bible says literally.

Answer the question or don't, I already know what you'll say
WRONG. You take a book on its word. You have FAITH in your BELIEF that the book holds the word of god. I know FAITH is all you have but it's not proof

You spread misinformation about a movement that has created the environment in which you live. Like a branch wanting to be free of its root you attack and demean the very ideology that has given you so much.

>Why can't you fags just admit that you don't know,
Because we do. It's another tired old atheist trope that Christians are just guessing, that they have no idea what so ever so just latch on to something with no evidence. Christians have experienced something that made them believe, and that's where the faith comes from. People don't believe it because they just think it's a nice thing to believe, they believe it because they have some reason to believe in it.

You know that has nothing to do with what I said. Don't try to twist this christfag read what I said again


Just wait for (((jesus))) goys
(((He)))'s gonna come down and save you from ((((g-d's chosen)))
Don't organize and rise up on your own without the state-approved (((religion)))
Don't secure your nation for your ethnic lineage
#RefugeesWelcome #We'reAllChristian


Here's your evidence.

>Inb4 not that evidence

>I already know what you'll say
that you move the goal posts every time you're proven to be an idiot? you're correct, that is what I was going to say

Jesus Christ. This is hilarious that you ACTUALLY believe there's proof of his resurrection



>Christians have experienced something that made them believe, and that's where the faith comes from. People don't believe it because they just think it's a nice thing to believe, they believe it because they have some reason to believe in it.

It's all subjective evidence. I might win the lottery after praying hard. Doesn't mean God is real. My wife's cancer might miraculously recede after I pray for a week, absolutely no correlation to whether a God is real or not.

Apparently zombie jews were real

The term "Kike" came from the word "kikel" which translates to "circle" which references how the Jews hated Christianity so much they wouldn't even mark a box with an X to vote and used a circle instead because they hated anything resembling a cross because of their disdain for Christianity.

Modern Jews hate Christianity and are hardly relavent to the Judeans of Jesus's time. Refer back to But you can just keep posting memes while acting smug despite having no real arguments. Just make sure to take your idiocy back to plebbit first.

Is this the beginning to a porno, those colors just seem so "wet" and "hot"

Willful ignorance is so silly. Watch and see.

This is what Jesus really looks like faggot. Basically white.

you're currently at the "bolt away to another field of discussion" stage

Yes he was obviously white, I mean we do have photographic evidence

Sometimes all it takes is for a branch to be free from its root for a whole new tree to form. You're a literal degenerate who spends his time spouting christfaggotry on an imageboard, all the while whining about the people who refuse to believe in your crap.

How much more pathetic can you be?

>It's all subjective evidence.
I'm not saying it's not, but most of the things you believe. If you're walking home one night and see a moose in an alley behind the mall, you now believe there was a moose in an alley behind the mall due to subjective experience


You Christians act like athiests have never looked into religions, and then if they ever say they have Christians always say you didn't look hard enough.

Poll after poll shows that Christfags are a minority on this board.

What if in an atheist that is culturally christian like richard dawkins?

T. Knight of /new

Hmmm periodically capitalising words. That's a sign of schizophrenia.

But no. I read it. I absorbed it. I thought on it and on its implications.

And I objectively believe it to be true.


they're called zealots, user. They're not here to listen to what you have to say, and they'll ignore it, even if it points out their hypocrisy.

>You Christians act like athiests have never looked into religions
mainly because of how ignorant you are to everything about them, like how all your arguments have been completely historically wrong about Christianity


>Le Christian argument of comparing mundane things to the existence of the Christian God

God this is really the shitiest argument you guys have


Hmmm being Christian is a sign of Jew WORSHIP

Yep and here's the next part that always follows, the insult. Because surely if you look in the Christian God you must reach the conclusion that he is real just like I have. Otherwise you're stupid because I am smart.

>simple arguments are bad
>what is knowledge

>That projection

You say as you spend your time whining to someone who doesn't believe your utter garbage on an imageboard.

You hypocrite. You divide others and have nothing worth saying. All you do is shout falsehood and claim you know better than those before you.

Everything about you and what you believe has only caused chaos and ruin in families and nations around the world.

And you call me pathetic.


How long until Atheist churchs burn those who don't believe in LGBTQ+ETC! rights? People will always go against things that threaten their own self interest.

For those in the middle ages it was witches, for modern faggot atheists it's conservatism.


You really think that moose argument is in any way "good"?

>come see the amazing Fedoro dig himself into an increasingly smaller hole

Arguing with atheists is like arguing with children.

He's right though. Just because you spout a bunch of nonsense and believe you are correct doesn't make you correct. It means you are an obnoxious faggot who doesn't understand how civil discussion works.


Sorry but just because mundane things happen doesn't mean I'm not going to hold the existence of God to a higher standard

>And isnt it the pope

Hahaha are you implying that the pope has any power in 2016

>British education


What hole exactly ?

The whole time I've said Christians have faith in gods existence, they don't know.

Do you know? That kind of defeats the purpose of FAITH if you know

>Literally every philosopher since Decarte opened the door,
Lol fuck off.

>Targets out the pope part but ignores the part about his Christian government

What during /r/atheism invasions?


Why do atheists feel the need to lie to prove their point? Do you think people can't Google?

I've read the entire old testament 3 times cover to cover and the new testament about 8 times. I was raised very religious and went to Seminary for four years. It took me a while but I can say with a clear conscious that its all a pile of shit.

too bad Jesus was a Skype Goog


>implying that morals come from gayzeus
>implying that atheism is a total, uniformal and undivided religion with rules
>implying that all the arguments of athiests are invalid because they are in your words, "fahguts"

Your argument is invalid, nigger. How about you use that fucking god given brain on your fucking god given shoulders, and think out some fucking thoughts for once, you absolute fucking mongoloid

Can I give you an experiment to prove God in a test tube? No

Can I present a historical case that verifies his existence? Absolutely.

>this is what atheists actually believe

Hahahah oh wow


No you cannot. You'd really really really like to be able to though. In fact you wish there was that proof SO badly, that you've convinced yourself it's there when it really isn't.

Come on cutie, answer this

If you dont even understand christianity shut the fuck up about it . Jesus was a jew then he died and he was risen as a christfag , and the jews had to make a new holy book the talmud because jesus was able to kill the jewish religion , that is why jesus swims in shit in hell in the talmud , and revelation has a verse about jews thinking that they are jews but they are liars.

I did

Muh white degeneracy!

There is no proof of Jesus's resurrection.

ALL you have is faith in it actually happening

Didn't answer the question. But I think you know that.

B-but god not real

As an ex-agnostic I am inclined to disagree.

This sort of thing is not purely circumstantial. These men all believed the exact same things, with variances in time, place, and reasons for recording this information

All of their writings, along with writings likely lost to history, all point to the resurrection as an event in time. Even the Jews realized this had occurred.

This is a case that has stood the test of time, and has fundamentally shaped history.

>Daily reminder that daily reminders are childish bait
If you want a Christian thread, make one you dopey pussies. And if you call yourself "Christian" you better be seeing the inside of a church every Sunday and treating others, esp fedoras with compassion. Because if you aren't, you are doing it wrong

>As an ex-agnostic I am inclined to disagree

I don't give a damn what kind of +++agnostic+++ you were.

If you honestly think there is legitimate proof of his resurrection then I don't know what to say.


Don't take my word for it then.

If people told you that yesterday, a person in Israel rose from the dead after three days, would you believe he was the son of God?

>implying stubbornness as the reason for unchange in the face of "truth",
>Implicates the existence of atheism after the previous statement implying that they're born that way.
>Completely ignoring nature v nurture and instigating that the development and growth of atheism is pre determined at birth and has nothing to do with technological advancement what so ever.
>Implying that subversion is bad but in reality as opposed to knowing 1 thing more than anyone ones else despite being outcasts to society simply because of self interests that don't line up with the majorities beliefs.
>Your not an individual for being an atheist apparently.

Christianity beat islam over and over again , now with atheism we have the barbarians in our gates wake the fuck up

Don't call yourself an ex agnostic, an idiot is what you are

pick one

Did he perform the works that Jesus performed? Did he speak and teach and heal and feed the masses?



Speak for yourself friend.

>implying that redpill is just mindless edgy brutality when really redpill is nihlism and cynicism dressed up as wisdom.

Not defending blue pilled faggots, moderating this talking point brings the arguments to fair grounds. We can just ignorantly assume like rats with tunnel vision that our viewpoint is correct off the spot without providing our evidence. It just leads to shitty debates.

what fucking hallucinogens are u on bro? chill the fuck out

>I speak for this anonymous image board, and no one can stop me!
Fuck's sake. It cracks me up to see "converts" milling about this board.
Christianity and its tenets barely allow even coming here, let alone engaging in the language and humor that fills this board. When I was growing up in a church school, it was a demerit for saying "gosh," "darn," or "dang," because the teachers all knew what you wanted to say. If you even uttered a proper swear out of context, you got to go see pastor.
>What goes into a man's mouth doesn't defile him. What comes out of his mouth, that defiles him.
There's naturally a level of interpretation as to what defiling language is, but the overwhelming majority of raised Christians would blush at the mere mention of half of this board's bullshit.

This is probably what Russians feel like, when they see American suburbanites claiming to be "communists."

i could not stop laughing after that , still cant actualy.

Donyou have proof Caesar existed, or do you have faith in the eye witness accounts that have been passed down for millennia?

Daily reminder that these shit threads belong on /his/.

Daily reminder to report and sage religion threads that do not belong on Cred Forums

As an atheist you are required to discredit the first 27 primary sources of any historical figure that is older than approximately 2000 years before you can consider their existence.

>Atheists telling Christians what they can and can't do

Scraping the bottom of the ol' argument barrel are we gaytheist?

Puritan Theocracy is an oxymoron.
> Henry (Dumbfuck unbased king of Engloids)
>Charles I (Literally handed the Protestants and Quakers mini independence charters.)
> His son (Signs more shit to keep the colonists sated during the 17th century.)
> After Berkley's retarded corruption scheme after the Tabbaco crash of 1650's, Bacon and Piedmont settlers chimp the fuck out and burned Jamestown to the ground.)
> New England colonies literally do nothing but print money for the next several years pissing the Kings off and getting their charter revoked.)

Pine hillshill shillings are still printed today is Mass,

Did i even claim that really happend , what ever did happen ,jesus did kill the jewish religion as it was that is a fact.

>> Still having imaginary friends in the 21st century
MFW we are in the information age...
Retards, not even once.

People say he did.

More like /x/ as paranormal nonsense.

I'm not telling anyone to do anything (I'm also not an atheist). I'm just saying that you're all about as "Christian" as those fucking hippy cunts with Che shirts and iPods are "communist." You can keep posting your vapid shit, because at the end of the day, you're just a scared little retard clinging to literally anything that will give your life meaning.

Import Java.util.Scanner
Scanner scan = new Scanner;
Int CURRENT_CENTURY = '21st Century');
System.out.println(" It's the: " +CURRENT_CENTURY);

\\ Asshurt retorts follow after statement from C_C

Wow. I was almost all in, but it Seems I was mistaken. Looks like Cred Forums hates Christians as much as the muslims and jews do. Like-mindedness isn't enough.
Well I enjoyed the memes, Pepe (especially Pepe) and the idea of Cred Forums. Thanks, keep up the good work, stay red-pilled & Trump 2016!

If humans naturally believe in God (they do) because God put that in us wouldn't it make sense other civilizations would want substititutes to fill the hole? If christianity was the only religion in the world you'd be using that as an argument.

The christian haters are just obsessed fedoras and a minority.

>wtf I hate Cred Forums now