If white race is superior why can't they fight the 0.2% of Jew population? Are you afraid? All you whites are worse than niggers who shout WE WUZ KANGS AND SHET

We're afraid of our own people, who stupidly hate 'racists', attacking us.

>poo in loo

Most whites see Jews as white and have no idea about the Jewish question.

They're basically very good infiltrators

Then educate your people you stupid shit.

Googs are inferior and are exposed to more chronic diseases than caucasic people

I like this explanations. But I think it is easy to see Jew apart when I see in videos and names. I don't think your IQ is too low to not determine that in real life.

I was just watching that old SNL short, "Whites". they just stuck Sarah Silverman in there like it was no big deal.

> Mexico
> white


That is not a KANGZ that is a biracial middle class Stacy Dash girl, she's probably voting for Trump and loves the white dick

KANGZ types look like that manly Leslie Jones

why would i want to fight jews?


Feels good to be non-white.

What do you think Cred Forums is?
What do you think the 'alt-right' movement is?

Besides, many whites don't even care and they won't ever until it's right in their face. The point isn't to go out and 'wake them up' - that's bullshit. They don't want to be. It's easier for them not to be, until it becomes too late.

I wanna search up these google's

Calm down microsoft

>educate your people
Have you been educated on how to use a toilet yet?

Cred Forums is filled with non-sense

Yes, they are learning now.

: ^ )

>Cred Forums filled with nonsense
Then leave.

>inb4 I am a detached troll meme


>feels good to be non-white
>posts the most white washed """"black"""" woman of all time

Get this google out of here

Yeah, and? I'm not a Google if that's what you think.

my bad, Chang

Not a chink either.

I was having a conversation with a race realist on another post yesterday. He posted all studies on IQ, and civilization. So I'm stuck here thinking about this question.

Are whites really the thing what they seem to tell? If they can't defeat Jews, then it is only words,.

You know, the issue with jews is very similar to the issue with AIDS. You know the problems they bring, but the political influence is damning. It's almost as if we were cursed.

I thought Finland is too cold to get Jews.

How the hell did you end up with Jews? Do you even have them?

>Do you even have them?
ECB and EU mostly. There are some, and I wouldn't put it past them to being involved in blood libels and such.
>all media is owned by them, as per usual

>if they can't defeat Jews

Nearly did with Hitler. Who stepped in to save them? The eternal Anglo.

Anglos were cucked for so long they developed resentment for women.

Why would we give billions of dollars to people we want to defeat? These threads are pointless

I don't know you tell. Cred Forums talks about race and how Jews are disgusting.

Remember, your country is founded by Anglo too, same as mine.

I am so sorry your Indian man, it must be so fucking hard but don't worry. I'm sure it will be over soon from AIDS and all but until then stay strong!

Redpill: MODERN white men are sub-humans.

Modern white men are a shadow of their ancestors. White men have NO plan. All they do is bitch and whine endlessly. Don't believe me? Read any political discussion and you'll notice that no one ever steps up to the plate with suggestions on getting anything done. In the last 100 years white men have lost control of everything. They're fucking losers.

Jews or the Chinese will rule this world and eventually the galaxy. Whites will die off and then be written OUT of the history books.

Portuguese are white.

Might actually be true. The chinks after all already had their 'communist revolution' so they are involved with the Jew or they are onto their game.

Jews are white. Ashkenazi is a tribe of Japeth(Father of white people).

>educate your people you stupid shit.
>t. india

Because they are cursed

Education won't solve white men's problems...The problem isn't a lack of education, it is: sloth, cowardice, a penchant to be risk-averse, inability to sacrifice, and general stupidity.

Modern white men are nearly useless except as office drones and mid-tier STEM workers.

The white race is fucking finished. I'm going to enjoy watching it collapse. I've spend my life trying to help white people and it's been a huge waste. White men refuse to give up their 5 stupid fucking hobbies and get off their asses and actually do anything about the mess were in. It will be too late when ((they)) seize control.

Because white people are also kind hearted and guillible. We don't realize when we're being bamboozled.


It's not a very good explanation IMO. It just shows that whites are gullible, easily manipulated, and mentally lazy. I mean for fuck's sake we were warned about Jews in the 16th century by Martin Luther and in nearly 400 fucking years white men are still clueless.

I wish I was Chinese with a small cock. At least they have a future.

Yeah, nah.

I was thinking about marrying an Ashkenazi or a Chinese woman, the first one looks difficult. Let's see if I can get hold of a PhD educated Chinese woman so my offsprings are high IQ.

Don't listen to modern whites. They are living vicariously off the conquests of their ancestors.

The average white man (most especially) is a fucking idiot of the highest order who lacks all manner of strategic thought. Which is why none of these retards ever has a decent idea or plan for wrenching back control of the world from Jews and East Asians.

It's sadly hilarious how easy the Jews manipulate white men. Perfect example: all of these "race-warriors" fucking LINED UP to throw money at the last Star Wars movie and all of the "multi-cultural" AAA video games released in the last two years. The Jews made billions off the backs of stupid white men.

Yeah don't listen to anything South Africa has to say. The "strong" white SA man was easily defeated by a handful of Negroes and college students. Why? Because white men think that they're being valiant by: showing up, fighting "honorably", then losing, when they should have fought dirty and ruthlessly and won.

South African is just another shining example of how pathetic white men really are. It's comforting to see all the SA white people herded into tent cities and genocided as a result of their stupidity.

Pro-tip white South Africans...The next time a handful of blacks and college students starts agitating: kill them right away before they turn into a full-blown army and annihilate you.

perhaps because most of them have been literally brainwashed into believing whatever the synanogue says, even if that means their own undoing, ever since uncle adolf committ suicide because he saw coming the very thing you, i and everybody else on this board are witnessing?
There might be other factors (as white people aren't flawless), but jacob shekelstein and the rest of the gang are certainly the most important one in the downfall of their societies.

Chinese are nearly at the point to start having "designer babies" where as whites will be screeching about "muh Jesus" and other religious nonsense banning that sort of thing, just like they nearly did with stemcell treatments.

Get ready for 6' tall blonde, almond-blue eyed Chinese people with 180+ IQ's.

It's fucking over for whites. I've been tempted to get a nose-job to make my nose look more kikey, and get the last name "Goldberg" or something.

There's another word for that...It's called weakness and/or stupidity.

We were warned about (((them))) 400 years ago and haven't been able to adapt since. Failure to adapt usually results in total destruction by a stronger being.

so you'll become obsolete and some of your genes will be use to breed über chinks? wow, i thought the world would be: regular changz, niggers and mixed race people (the group that assimilated whites). Weird, but interesting...

Good idea. I married a Chinese. I even gave our kids their mother's asian last name. They might have a chance at surviving. My parents were furious; I explained to them that they have been the typical selfish baby-boomers and contributed ZERO to making the world a better place and don't deserve to have their name carried on.

We never see them on Christmas either as punishment for their sins.



There is literally no such thing as brainwashing unless you've been part of some MK-Ultra experiment...

Brain-washing is a convenient excuse for stupidity, and lack of foresight.

You want specifics? Okay fine:

White men should have:
1. Re-written the Bible to be pro-white and non-cucked. Then built churches around the new book.
2. Built mainstream news, entertainment, and media companies so they could control what people think.
3. Built schools, banks, and technology companies in their control.

You know what white men ARE doing en masse? Getting shitty jobs in the trades while they let Jews, women, and niggers take all positions of power.

Like I said white men are fucking stupid as fuck.

Because we mostly don't care. They've actively been trying to destroy the US from within for 70 years with no success. And just as in the past, when things get a little bit uncomfortable one white guy steps up fixes it real quick and the cycle restarts.

Whites are already obsolete. The elite whites already know this. They are all building refuges in far off countries like New Zealand to try and survive what is coming.

At this point any smart white realizes there is going to be no recovery from the last 100+ years of losses and is doing everything they can to rob other whites of what wealth remains and run.