Annoing Things Black People Do

Share your own disgusts.

I can't stand it when a little black girl sings, fake confidence, nasally shrill voice, retarded little head bobs.

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there attitude. the ones in lowly service positions always act like you're doing something wrong just by asking them to do their job.



I'm still trying to understand why it's allowed. Not only is it dysgenic, but it's also creating social and economic impairment for whatever nation hosts them.

Holy fucking shit. I would light a match and set that nigglet on fire.

I know, it's so annoying when little girls sing.

>these people are keeping us on this disgusting rock

There's gonna be Hell to pay soon.

blaming. blaming. blaming.

blacks have never once admitted to any wrong doing.

Wtf is wrong with you? Use a BBQ lighter don't waste matches.

>that image
We should feed the needy, so that in turn we may promote their population growth and put further strain on the productive tax payers instead of accomplishing what no civilization has done in all of our known history.

That isn't what's keeping us on this rock.

Under the force of egalitarianism, a democracy will devour itself as those that compose it inevitably become weak and stupid. When treated equally, chaotic hedonism will trump strength, patriotic fanaticism and order.

Give a woman the same rights as a man and you begin to see the general leverage women have over men due to the sexual nature of our biology. A woman will sleep around with whomever she wants, eventually leading to childish errors such as not realizing the consequences of her actions. Getting pregnant with departed or useless fathers, leading to a waste society must support.

Give a negro the same rights as a man and they will breed like rats. They’ll vote for government control of their lives, so they can continue to breed like rats.

Egalitarianism is national suicide. Strong capable men give the axe to their executioner and expect their heads to not roll.

The entire mindset of the modern western world is cancerous.

Claim they're people of color when they're only one color.

They have, or rather black people have given assessments on "the black community" but they always get hushed. They run their affairs like a totalitarian dictatorship. It is Stalinesque

hating white people and giving us shit for going about our day peacefully. Thats literally it. I only hate groups of people so seem to hate me for no goddamn reason.

>I can't stand it when a little black girl sings

Oh, my fuck I cannot stand when they do that little high-pitched rhaspy squeal shit.

they can't spell "annoying"


The entire culture of entitlement. Not just the gibs, but their entitlement to apparently do or take whatever they want. They steal, they kill, they abandon their sons, they don't care about education, they take any drug they can find, and it's all because they feel like they are infinitely owed on behalf of their long dead great great great great grandparents.

I just arrived onshore from a three week hitch in the Gulf of Mexico and Star Trek was out in the theatres.
Burger King was offering the four drink glasses with Kirk,Spock, Uhura and Nero and I had all but one.
I was in Morgan City LA. and asked for a Captain Kirk glass.
Nigger bitch behind counter responds,
Run on sentence and she clearly knew I was speaking of the collectors glasses.
"I said excuse me?"
"Did you mean to say you don't understand the characters from the movie?"
Said nigger bitch flips out because I spoke English, the glasses had four different color themes. I then pointed to the keosk and had to tell her "to get the blue one", sheboon emerges with my collectors glass + attitude.
I literally had to spell it out in colors, Koko the gorilla would have been more competent at this job.
No love

- Victim complex.
- That chimp dance they do when one gets really happy or wins.
>This guy gets it
- Entitlement. I working the service industry, they literally will try to purposely fuck you up to get something for free or discounted.

>Fake confidence

That's more of an insecure people thing. You can imagine how it ties in.

As a person who had years of experience as a pizza delivery driver, I can tell you that drivers hate delivering to black people. They almost never tip (regardless of socioeconomic status), they're rude, they will leave you waiting out in the middle of thunderstorms, they always try to get extra shit out of you for free, and they're always on the lookout for a scamming opportunity. Not to mention their shitty driving habits, and when on foot, their tendancy to treat the road like a sidewalk (even if there's a sidewalk in plain view). Even the most liberal of my coworkers were kind of racist due to their daily interactions.

I'm 2/5 black and I dislike most black people. Especially when they get into groups and start talking extremely loud. Why can't they just be quiet? All they ever talk about is going to "da club" and "i only cheated on her once nigga why she so upset?". I don't think I have ever seen a group of ethnics louder than black people.