Perfect map of America

Perfect map of America

what would i, a resident of alabama, have in common with montana


You fucked the sectioning of the zones.

Does the yellow represent Google?

>Az with Cali
fuck you google

Rural state, rivers drain to gulf

how would you make the borders?

Kek and checked

What's the difference?

Rural state, rivers drain to gulf

Give all of NM East of the Rio Grande to Texas. It's for the best.

It should be better

I suppose I should have implied "Make Texas its own thing" as well.



check your watersheds, you fucked up part of the great lakes region, northern ohio does not drain to the gulf

Yeah my map isn't super accurate, it was done quickly on paint net, kek

This is the most sensible map ITT though Cascadia would be better off with less of California. Specifically without San Francisco. Also not sure what we really have in common with Alaska, they could go with the rest of Northern Canada if they wanted or with us. Or be annexed by Russia, w/e. Rest of the country seems in order though.

You fucked the zoning of the sections ya fuckin floppy dinguses


>Indian territories
Utah would become the Church State of Deseret.

Fuck yeah Great Lakes Republic

Might want to recheck calling Arizona and New Mexico "states" let alone "confederate states."

Nebraska has Indians?

[Hails Cascadia Internally]
Needs more rightful Jefferson and Montana/Edmonton Clay

On that note, Why is Utah separated from Idaho and Wyoming? Wouldn't the Mormon states unite?

Did a update according to what you said and added Cascadia

I'd switch Nevada to New California and put Idaho with Utah and the others, changing it to the Deseret Union or LDS Commonwealth or something like that.

My map is the best one

yeah no thanks, i'm not being lumped in with quebec googles

>Let's cut a 45 degree angle riiiiiight through the middle of Alberta where North America's largest oil supply is

You are genuinely fucking retarded m8

J'ai jamais vu une carte aussi nul, t'es un sacrĂ© nigaud mon gars. Je pari que tu votes FN tellement t'es bĂȘte.

The red is the migration path of the Mexicans.

>living with Ontario niggers