The alt right will never accomplish anything for the simple fact that it is filled with angst and hate

The alt right will never accomplish anything for the simple fact that it is filled with angst and hate.

I get that we may need a border wall, but you fucking idiots have the idea of a wall associated with racism .

By saying shit like 'the innocent unarmed black man who's car broke down deserved to be killed because he's a nigger' insures that even if you guys have a good idea, you'll completely turn everyone away by acting like racist pieces of shits.

Other urls found in this thread:

The term is "google".

cool story nigger

Is the fact that you'd never tell your core beliefs to regular people mean that you are wrong ?

I believe it does.

If you were truly in the right , you'd have no problem espousing your views in public .

Cred Forums is pretty large, and politically motivated. Don't be surprised if some of them run for office and keep their motivations to themselves.

Hitler kept the death camps a secret from the German people for example, because he knew it wouldn't go over well.

I don't even like the alt-right but for fuck's sake get a grip on your native language

Hitler said in his book and in public many years before the war that Jews are evil and needed to be removed from Germany .

Ensure * one spelling error completely invalidates my argument right ?

So you think black people should be killed for being black ? Yes or no question .


I'm gay in a muslim country, does that mean that i'm not really gay because I can't express it?

>The alt right will never accomplish anything for the simple fact that it, as an organization, doesn't exist outside of being used as a scapegoat for the democrats to continue to push the false narrative

I'm sure that's how fags felt a hundred years ago

In Canada and Europe it's literally a crime to question the official narrative of the Holocaust. You can imagine why people might want to keep their ide to hidden

And many people thought he was doing just that. They thought expulsion from Germany was what was happening to the Jews that went on train rides.

It is clear and history teaches that the Germans were surprised that death camps were the actual destinations for these Jews after their liberation and discovery from the Allies.

Never underestimate angry men

Terrible analogy .

You can't express that you're gay because those countries punish gay people for being gay. It's basically committing a crime . These countries are completely terrible for this and Islam is Homophobic.

You can express your racist views here without legal consequences as in the former case. You just won't because you know 99.9 percent of people will see you as a racist and hateful person and will likely not want to be around you .

Here, how about this. The positions that the alt right favor, like a border wall, will never happen because the people behind these alt right ideas are generally racist and hateful

i dunno

angst and hate seems to have ticked the Jews off enough to where their children are even dreaming about brand spanking new ovens and how much they can bake in them

The problem with the border wall is not racism, it's that it puts power over the business partnership that generates 30% of the world's net wealth into the hands of The Trump Organization and Grupo Carso.

Kek. CTR shill. You have no jurisdiction here.

Normally, I'd agree with you, but the fun thing is the opposition to the left really doesn't need to do anything.

The left with their googles, and skypes are effectively burning out their good will rapidly.

Sometimes being racist is the proper course of action, it might save your life.

>The alt right will never accomplish anything for the simple fact that it is filled with angst and hate.

Why do you think the two are related?

Are you seriously struggling to come up with examples of success that has been motivated by angst and hate? Are you that ignorant?

Apples to oranges.

By your logic being afraid to say 'slavery was good, keep the niggers in check ' is completely fine because gay people were once afraid to come out as gay a while ago.

Sometimes becoming a social outcast or losing business opportunities can be damaging enough that, although you won't end up in prison for your statements, it is still more advantageous to keep them to yourself.

In many countries, some opinions are illegal. An immigration change in policy may be the right thing for Germany, but do you really think that people should openly express that because they are 'in the right'?

Kek you act like a typical beta male

Saying "never never never!!!" doesnt make you right. Youre trying to delegitimize right wing values, yeah we get it. You could easily say the same things to leftists

>You will never get what you want because you are rioting, being racist, and acting delusionally

Blacks rioting now is worse than young adults posting frogs.

How mad are you liberal? :^)

Have a "bad" frog

Too desperate to unfuck yourself to realize the reality?

It literally is. Social ideas and which ones are considered taboo is determined purely by society, not by some universal objective morality.

Face it, the Overton Window is shifting hard to the Right and to our ideas, and the fact that we're winning, and yet you still feel the need to come and tell us we're doing something wrong is adorable.

When Trump is in office in a few months, will you still be advising us on how we can't accomplish anything?

Ah, but here is what you seem to be missing. Social isolation is an effective form of punishment. If you declared yourself an atheist in 19th century America, you would definitely lose friends. If you were to leave the Mormon fold, you would definitely lose all of your Mormon contacts. If you were a Communist in 1950, you could potentially lose your job, if not your circle of friends.

The reason few people are openly racist is because the climate is inhospitable and people need to eat everyday. If I lost my job because I wrote a racist facebook page, in what sense does it matter if I was truthful or true to my own ideals matter?

>a wall associated with racism
That's the Hillary campaign's lies. A Mexican-American and a Mexican illegal are the same to most of us, but the illegal needs to go back or never come in. Globalists want to flood the country with illegals and refugees because (1) taxes pay for it (2) they don't have to live near them (3) they pay them next to nothing to work for their companies. These are the people who trick you into thinking secure borders are "racist" - I'd rather be called racist than be as stupid as you are acting. Thanks for helping to ruin America, dummy

>will likely not want to be around you .

Lmao, like that's what anyone cares about.

I guess you think that's all there is to it, huh? It's not like there would be any other serious consequences, like losing your livelihood.

>Terrible analogy .

You can't express that you're racist because those countries punish racist people for being racist. It's basically committing a crime . These countries are completely terrible for this and Europe is Islamophobic .

You're not getting it. People will socially shun you if you are a hateful racist . Understandable .

You wont admit your beliefs not because you're afraid of discrimination like gays have been , but because people will distance themselves from you. People don't want to be around a racist. Rightfully so

is this buzzfeed feminists interview the alt right? hi mom

Interesting. Not sure why you're posting this here though, Cred Forums isn't alt-right

>If you were truly in the right , you'd have no problem espousing your views in public .

This is completely retarded. Having views that accurately reflect reality and being politically correct are two completely different things.

The near universal opinion on pol (about 99%) was that it was a girl cop becoming hysterical and that she's a choker. Even Trump called her a choker.

You must be preeeety new here if you think we dont have reach, just look at the past weeks, this machine spills into reddit, msm and official presidential campaings. Saying we dont acomplish anything is delusional at this point.

National Socialism will never accomplish anything for the simple fact that it is filled with angst and hate.

Prepare to feel accepted.

Theres no such thing as the alt right you faggot. Fuck off bak to reddit kike.

>but because people will distance themselves from you. People don't want to be around a racist.

In other words, because you will be discriminated against and possibly arrested.

>for the simple fact that it is filled with angst and hate.

Hitler was a very angsty hateful little man.

But even if you try to advocate those ideas without bring racist and hateful the opposition will just push into that category anyway. In their eyes wanting a border wall by definition makes you racist, even if you don't associate with the alt-right. It's simple political manipulation, painting the opposition as despicable human beings.

Racism is not illegal .

Again, when you have abhorrent views on things and you make them public, people may isolate themselves from you.

Sometimes it is legitimate, sometimes not. You're making the argument that since it was wrong to shun and isolate gay people, that it is wrong to shun or condemn any belief .

By your logic it's wrong for people to distance themselves from people who publicly say they should be able to fuck 12 year Olds or that unarmed black men deserve to die for being black

No one here can offer a decent counter argument. Pretty pathetic what a terrible, racist, moron infested board Cred Forums is, frankly if I didn't enjoy seeing these idiots get so worked up over the stupidest things I wouldn't come back.

While this may be true in some places, it is heavily culture dependent. Even across different states in the same country. There are places where not being racist may get you discriminated against. You can't just state the fact that anti-racists are a universal human belief.

Will not be arrested actually.

You must be new here.

>the positions that my made up organization favors will never happen because the people I made up to be in my pretend organization are all big meanies
flawless logic

It's not just them avoiding you, it's them engaging you and treating you poorly because of your beliefs. It's literally discrimination, whether you think it's justified or not.

In many nations hate speech is illegal.

>Racism is not illegal .

In most countries you can be arrested for having viewpoints expressed on pol.

>when you have abhorrent views on things and you make them public, people may isolate themselves from you.

Remember that if its okay to discriminate and oppress against people you dislike, its okay for us to discriminate and oppress people you like.

The shoe is going to be on the other foot soon, and I hope all you intolerant liberals savor the delicious irony.

As you judge others so too will you be judged.

When right wingers were imprisoned just for expressing their opinions, you guys said nothing, so I hope you look forward to left wingers getting the same treatment.

So is Hillary.

>Will not be arrested actually.

In most countries you can be arrested for viewpoints you see on here. Check the flags, retard, this isn't just an American site.

Then who was Chelsea's mom?

Nice bait faggot.

Stop saying alt-right.

Nationalism has been attributed to Nazism for a long time by Jewish subversionists.

>No one here can offer a decent counter argument.

No one cares enough to feed into your bullshit, but I'm game. I'll give you 20 minutes.

Ask anything.

It is not discrimination to distance your self from a racist .

Discrimination is not allowing gays to marry . It's killing unarmed black men. It's segregation.

It is not one person not wanting to be friends or have a relationship with someone who says racist shit. That is not discrimination. Someone thinking you're a racist asshole and not friend or bf or gf material is not discrimination

Well since I'm talking about an American election and American policies , other countries aren't relevant

Not wanting my children to be around a gay person, and distancing myself from them because of their sexual orientation then is not discrimination.

Would you also say that not hiring a racist to your company because they are racist is discrimination? Because most would argue that not hiring a gay into your company because he is gay is discrimination.

I do. Checkmate, faggot

Why the fuck does Cred Forums care if they're wrong OP? In my opinion they are doing something great. Free speech is vital. The only reason they're in the news so much is because you give them that power. There's always going to be racist motherfuckers on the internet. Cred Forums just happens to be a place where they can post anonymously. Not all of Cred Forums are racist. What you are doing is demonizing an entire group of people who can voice their opinions anonymously, without fear of repercussion. You argue that this is bad. How can you say that? What about wikileaks and journalists who want to remain anonymous for their own safety? They stay anonymous and protected from government and social backlash at them.

Users of Cred Forums were the ones who uncovered this new Paul Combetta stonetear controversy. This could lead to the indictment of Hillary. How can you say a place that uncovers the truths like this which are SO VITAL to the freedom of the American people. What, you say what Cred Forums did was wrong? You wanted her to be able to get away scott free on the email thing and be our president? Who is worse, some young adults shitposting frogs on the internet, or people who literally want to help a woman get away with crimes against our nation and then push her into presidency?

Free speech and honesty no matter what is vital, and that's why people come to Cred Forums. There would be no appeal if it was just some racist den. There are plenty of those on the internet. None of those made the news recently.

I'm not saying we should arrest racists. Being racist isn't a crime.

That being said, 99.9 percent of people generally believe racism is wrong and when racist casually laugh off killings of unarmed black men, don't be surprised if people in public don't want a relationship with you.

That is not discrimination. You're not discriminated against because someone doesn't want to be you're friend .

Real discrimination would be saying racists can't get married and get tax benefits, but that happened to gays and you didn't care

why are niggers even allowed to use the internet?

When a person hurts your public image it's understandable why you would fire them .

But being gay doesn't

Oh look.

None of you niggers actually care about getting decent arguments, you're just niggers.

This is why the border wall won't happen .

The idea of the wall is married with hateful racism and the public sees that . Mi

I don't think you understand how shaky and relative your view is.

Discrimination at its base definition is simply the ability to recognize difference t.Websters

You really have no definition for what discrimination is, you merely shout at shadows for what you think it should be to fill your world view. If you refused to serve Nazis at your Jewish bakery, you are discriminating based of political belief. Likewise, you really have no definition of what racism is besides as a brow-beating term for things that vaguely fall into a category of inappropriateness when talking about ethnicity.

Let me put this bluntly, to deprive people of livelihood due to difference of opinion is inherently suppressing other opinions. I hope you understand that if the goal posts move, or if your opinion becomes unpopular, you may quickly find yourself risking life, limb, family, and livelihood to express it.

I also hope you realize that

>Acknowledging women as sexual beings
>Being anti-Jim Crow
>Being a socialist
>Being a Mormon
>Being anti-slavery
>Being openly atheist
>Speaking out against the draft
>Speaking against elected officials

Have all been considered worthy of losing livelihood, and in occasional situations simply illegal in the United States. You should oppose anyone that refuses to address arguments, stifles their opposition, or refuses to floor other points of view.

Cred Forums is not alt-right

Cred Forums is a board of peace

Do you have no sense of empathy with points of view you disagree with?

Only 40 years ago hiring an openly gay man for tons of positions would be considered extremely inappropriate. Likewise, the same thing still happens today, but discrimination for it occurs off books.

Wow, fuck no.
>What is any dystopian story ever

>What is any dystopian story ever

Liberal wet dreams.

If you think there wasn't a time when public opinion was openly against gays and your business would suffer, then you don't know much about history. Or even different parts of the country today.

Listen, I assume you're white because you sound like a patriot.

See pic - Trump is a known nigger lover. Now, if you carefully examine each candidates policies, Trump is actually the pro-nigger candidate. His policies benefit niggers and spics - despite everyone's conclusions that he is a racist.

You see, when you stop illegal immigration, you effectively stop a near-slave labor that our white businesses benefit from and open up jobs for the retarded sub-human niggers and spics that are here.

So instead of having a bunch of spic slaves that are slaves to their employers, we'll have a bunch of niggers and spics learning skills, working jobs, supporting families, breeding, and eventually moving into the suburbs, the white suburbs.

I know this all takes some critical thinking to understand, so I have little faith in you, but if you look at the history of the democratic party, they are the party of the KKK and the confederacy, Jim Crowe laws and abortion (which is great at culling the nigger population).

So Heil Hillary -White power, vote for Hillary

>because people have been discriminated for having certain views , that means the public have no right to distance themselves socially from people who are racists (people who say shit like niggers deserve to be shot and other horrible shit )

No one is saying we should kill you like Muslims do to gays. I'm simply saying people around you have every right not to want to be around a person who is racist. I have the choice as a free person to say 'I don't want to be friends with that racist guy'

That is not discrimination. No one is saying you should he locked up.

Fuck forgot picture.

>that image


Quit equating hateful racism with being gay.

Being gay is not wrong. Harms no one .

Being racist is wrong . Not saying you should be locked up, but people will look down on you for being a piece of shit.

Deal with it.

You guys complain about political correctness and how sensation libs are but you're literally crying why can't you say shit like 'kill niggers 'in public without any sort of social consequence

You mean how niggers can say shit and get no consequences for their actions?

At this point I don't understand your argument. You want to shut down Cred Forums for being racist? Great go pass some new laws then.

We don't care if you think we are racist. We won't stop speaking the truth and being as brutally honest as we see fit on OUR board. A board of the PEOPLE.

>'the innocent unarmed black man who's car broke down deserved to be killed because he's a nigger
I didn't really understand Cred Forums's reaction to that incident. This time, the black guy really didn't do nothing.

But since this board is full of autistic sociopaths, none of them expressed empathy for him

And I'm saying that is what really should happen; freedom of association is important. I'd also tell you to not give up friendships because of differing views, but you do you, senpaifam.

In actuality, expressing unpopular views can easily get you arrested in many countries, and can easily cost you your job in most.

Fuck off ctr nigger

How? Black people are arrested at a much higher rate.

They are paying for any crimes they commit . In fact, they have it much worse.

Example , blacks and whites smoke weed at equal rates, yet blacks are arrested for weed at a 4 times higher rate.

wow that's quite an extrapolation

I'm glad you can equate one thing to something that is entirely off topic

I am so sick of you fucking faggots that turn a blind eye to reality

The alt-right is eating itself alive.

On one side you have the people consumed by their own stupidity and racism, now fighting against the people trying to weaken the democrats constant attacks on their racism.

They are

This is goddamn gold, user.

wtf i hate conservatism now

The alt right isn't a thing, you mongoloid.

It's really just a catch all for "People that disagree with the status quo and are conservative" that the left is pushing.

Well the alt-right that isn't a thing is eating itself alive through its own stupidity.

Pretty impressive considering it's not a thing.

I know you like to pretend you're not rubbing elbows with trailer park white trash on here, but many times you are.

What is the alt right? That phrase just popped into existence a couple of months ago.

alright I'm abandoning thread, OP just wants to b8 us so they can kick and cry and scream because they are butt hurt

Okay, fine. Let me simply reverse this.

How is the alt right, that is really just that opposes the left and the status quo, eating itself alive?

The alt right is a catchall term youtubers and alternative conservative blogs made a year or so ago. The left recently adopted it to create a sort of bogey man or a unified front for them to oppose.

Milo would be someone who would call himself alt right. The problem is, alt right isn't. There is a unified thread, but merely people that are in opposition.

If I had to really define the same movement, I'd simply call it modern reactionary.

>How is the alt right, that is really just that opposes the left and the status quo, eating itself alive?

With one example being the Goddamn thread you're in?

The altright doesn't exist except as a meme that Shillary is trying to push.

1. Cred Forums is not alt right.
2. the alt right is bigger than its ever been.
3. To remove the essence from a thing makes a thing not a thing. Would the alt right still be the alt right if you didn't consider it racist?

Besides, what is your point?

"alt right"

reminder: using this term buys into the war of narratives by MSM

Got any sources for your claims?

>its not discrimination if you fire thing
>it is discrimination if you fire thing

Remember, as you have judged others, so will you be judged.

None that would address the fact that blacks are culturally more open about their drug use in public areas.

Black people are arrested for weed more since blacks typically live in extremely authoritarian democratic (and usually black-run) cities, and to be tough on crime they have high punishments for weed etc.

The dissimilar punishments for whites and blacks are solely due to them living in different areas.

If you're talking about Charlotte that google had a gun and there are pics that prove it.

You just fell into your own trap with this comment

>I'm gay in a muslim country
Says Sweden

Can you prove that Democrats are harder on crime? Is this more plausible than, let's say, blacks committing more crime and areas with a high proportion of blacks needing more law enforcement?

If a large proportion of people in any area have warrants, then it's a good idea to stop people for petty crimes and check for warrants, especially if those areas ALSO have a high proportion of petty crimes.

There is no "alt-right" you colossal retard.

How many times have you seen "alt-right" protesters ?
What "alt-right" political organizations exist IRL ?
What crime has an "alt-righter" ever committed ?

The "alt-right" doesn't exist. Only retarded stormfags call themselves alt-right because they want to sound cool, new and hip.

>le alt right doesn't exist meme

Cred Forums is full of hate and if that's where your idea of the normal right comes from you must understand it's an exaggeration of their real world opinions.

look at my last sentence

Yes, I saw your little poisoning of the well there. Doesn't make the article any less legitimate.

>being racist is bad
dumb nigger