
we tell Daddy

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you can't

Why would you want to? There is nothing wrong with slags unless you have one as a girlfriend

>the many centuries old centres of higher Western education
Cultural marxism is such a gift to us all.

It's like the T-virus. Slags infect normal girls and spread their infection.

Fucking disgusting.

The majority of British girls are slags though.

damn, now i just need the irc server these ladies frequent

>white ""people""

Think someone already did with the photo

Post more slags.

Ass on left :(

>those tree trunk legs

>a brit QT will never bring you fish and chips

feels bad mates

fun fact: "Gift" means poison in German.
So at first I read your post "Cultural marxism is such a poison to us all"

Funny, eh?

Was England ever anything different in certain areas?
Im used to being in England a lot since im 10 and Ive seen that since then, Im 29 now.
British girls are and always have be slags in the majority.
there are glorious british flowers in the towns and shit but go to some bigger city right around last round and the shit you see is unbearable.

Welcome to Britain, where women are 'sturdy'

182cm isnt big, that average. or is it?
I dont know im 187cm.

well they didnt have this

These are all working class or lower middle class girls. You have to be poor to be a slag.

As university has become more accessible you get these fat sacks coming out of the woodwork and milking it so they don't have to find real work.

Nuke the cities and we'll be golden.

Ruralfag here, I don't get why city people just want to stand on the street. is that fun for them? I don't get it.

True true, but theres something about the british form of slag that is unique, no other fat drunken whore in any other euro country really compares.
My first gf was a beautiful british girl from a good family so I know what your women CAN be.

Just gotta be somewhat wealthy and go to uni or something.

Imagine if you were daddy.

Shit thing to see while your eating your morning cornflakes.

The legs on these though

"daaad im home "
"who are you, I dont have a daughter"

Its getting worse.
People at least used to have some shame, but now degeneracy is like a badge of honour.
Party drugs are bigger than ever before as well.
I used to go out and get fucked but I never did half the shit I see kids doing these days.


They look more promotional girls than freshers desu.

I know, still got cracking set of legs on em though

Nice dubs but your wrong, degeneracy is not selective. Some of the most promiscuous little sluts i have met are spoilt obnoxious bitches. The poor girls dont squander their money and get so fucked up as much. Unless they have also had bad parenting. Point is sluttyness is most certainly not confined to the lower classes.

Whats your point?

Back in my day it was just techno music and clean mdma.

Now the kids listen to "trap" music and weird dubstep shit and pop any designer drug they can get. "Yo ever tried this triptochromo-34-bigball shits tight" .

Thankfully my family owns a nice little cottage in the countryside, so i get to enjoy the beautiful island as it should be. cozy little town, sheep everywhere, just one hundreds of years old pub with dark wood interior.

After googling I just found out this was in my city, Leeds.

I'm supposed to be off to a freshers event soon, not in Uni or anything, just off to pull students.

It's a cultural thing, reinforced by all aspects of media. It's how they think they should behave.

Behold, Slag Prime Kat Slater from the TV show Eastenders. She's a cultural icon to plebs.

My point is that they are just as much of a product of capitalism as they are moral degeneracy.

For some reason a 25 year old who is being paid to promote a club doesn't bother me as much as an 18 year old fresher walking around with her arse out just to get some dick.

Its the lesser of two evils.

187 is around average I think
195 masterrace here

Ketamine is the drug of choice apparently.
Smoking weed is seen as uncool.

There's sluttishness and then there's being a slag. One is just being a slut, the other is a particularly grimy and disgusting kind of slovenly behaviour only seen in the working class.

Where do skets and scutters fall on the scale?

Genuinely amazes me how few people can handle alcohol, yet insist on consuming it on vast quantities.

I probably consume as much as these faggots during pre drinks.

Its jus a bita banter init

I only quick term solution has to be the prohibition of alcohol, or at least make it ridiculously expensive like cigs.
Long term: a complete reversal of current thinking a modern renaissance based on sound moral principles national pride and unwavering logic in the face of any scenario. Then parents might look down on their daughters being pass out drunk with their cunts and tits out.

Wouldn't go as far as saying uncool. It just seems now that it's so common and widely used that it's lost its edge.

Id have to disagree, 1930s america was the pinnacle of good capitalism and I promise you would not see tits and ass hanging out.

>My point is that they are just as much of a product of capitalism as they are moral degeneracy.

>blaming capitalism for kikery

it was hardly ever >clean MDMA. And that scene is still alive and well, people just like throwing in some Ketamine too for reasons I don't understand since it's apparently a shitty drug

>the prohibition of alcohol

Your sharia zones are not happening, Ali.

>prohibition of alcohol
I wonder who might be behind this post, hmm...

Eh Keta was always pretty prominent in the german druggie scene.
But then again, were a nation of chem drug takers.
All of the Wehrmacht was on copious amounts of pure amphetamines when deployed .

And why are so many of them not in heels?


The pendulum is already swinging back the other way.

That picture is so depressing.

Peepshows existed since the 17th century, sure it wasn't out in the street openly but titillation has always been big business.

Sex sells. The Jews push for moral degeneracy and the companies sell it. The two are inextricably linked.
Greed is just another form of degeneracy.

What are you calling the working class? There is hardly a "working class" here anymore. A fucking massive middle class with a big range but almost every family has enough disposable income for each of its members to own a very expensive smart phone and send their little retards off to university to get fucked up and learn proper gender pronouns. There becomes a threshold of disposable income were once passed money has no factor in your behaviour, parenting etc and I believe we are there. Most students at uni are middle class. All of those in the pictures are likly middle class.


The problem with banning alcohol is you piss off a huge majority of people, many of whom drink without much issue. The guys who head for a pint after work to escape the wife, etc.

To be fair, I've done this.

I know the scene is alive. Im still rather sure that the MDMA from the mid 90s was a lot more clean and potent then the stuff they throw out now.
especialy in pills. you can still get very good quality mdma crystals here.

I never got that keta hype neither, i was at a festival this summer and they had a fucking ditch with a tent over it and loads of leafs and moss and shit, the "k-hole"
just completly strung out, mentally non existent people lying in there, rolling around.


Simple solution: ban alcohol for all under 30.

>The pendulum is already swinging back the other way.

That is a study from the UK.

The reason they hate tats and gays more than ever before is because a significant proportion of youth in the UK are now muslims and assorted shitskins.

That is, the whites are as bluepilled as ever, the imported trash are as religious as ever.

Only by the dishonest media do you put them together and act like something's changed among youth in general (implying white youth, because otherwise the comparison to older times is invalid since the shitskin element was not there).

Get it?

i would slip her the rodger ;)

>there is hardly a working class here anymore

Liberal university student pls go

People who say this are usually sheltered as fuck middle class university students.

The working class is very much still a thing, and in fact I would argue that class distinctions are becoming ever more defined as time goes on. I'm in east London and I can assure you the working class is still alive and well.

I'm pretty sure these women work for a club, instead of just being students.

Hang the degenerate!

There's an underclass that are completely distinct from everybody else.

Unfortunately they live on the same estates as the working classes and bring everyone down.

With affluent young workers and self employed trades men etc, the lines are blurring between middle and working class though.

Its more about culture than economy these days.

>meat feet
those are some flat footed, stubby toed peasant feet if I've ever seen any.

I guess this is the german humor I keep hearing about?

I've been around uni students for 3 years now and barely any of them smoke weed let alone do class A's. Half of pubs n night clubs have closed down, the drugs culture died after the 90s. Everyone's boring as fuck and barely go out compared to 15 years ago.

lel im a porridge wog actually.
But you lads are delusional I am too. Had a drink problem and still drink a lot to this day.
But alcohol is such a shitty drug and just look at its effects there is a reason the (((supermarkets))) have whole fucking aisles dedicated to our favourite pass time. Its cancer to the body and mind and it NEEDS TO STOP.
Why does every (((Holywood))) film have some LOL LOOK IM DRUNK IM COOL scene in it. Wake up fellas.

where are all the slags located? i'll bite the bullet and try my chances with them

There's no way to know that unless the study also included ethnicity.

>Its more about culture than economy these days.

Couldn't agree more

If your interested, it's because in the 90s MDMA was manufactured from Chinese safrole, supplied by the Triad.

Something happenened to the safrole supply, I think there was international controls of some sort brought in which made it awkward for the Triad, but the underground chemists now work from a synthetic safrole. They swear it's chemically identical, but thats why even pure MDMA is different now. It's a different precursor, and different process.

Although I my knowledge on the area is limited, I do wonder if this is the result of pressures placed on the parent generation.

Is it possible that the stresses caused by external forces on their parents, have had an impact on the children's predisposition.

Genetic/environmental factor's could both be influential.

What city are you in?

Seen a guy once at a party at Ritter Butzke in Berlin. The guy spent the entire evening standing still with his arms spread out. After a few hours he was visibly shaking, sweating, trembling and yet he still wouldn't move. Didn't see him anymore later on, probably collapsed or some shit. I can't wrap my head around why people like doing this shit to themselves. If that's your idea of having a fun night out with friends then be my guest, but fuck me if that ain't retarded

Can you stop talking like some retarded faggot, please?
Also, we've been drinking alcohol for thousands of years. People have indulged in it before the Jew even became a thing. It's an integral part of British culture.

So you can fuck right off.

>There's no way to know that unless the study also included ethnicity.

Use your fucking brain you dumb bong.

What's more likely to cause a shift in youth opinion? Mass importing of people with a religious duty to avoid tattoos and hate gays?

Or some new right wing uprising among white teens?

Because I sure as shit ain't seeing the nazi flags waved around by white teens, but I am seeing bong culture embrace the allahuakbars.

Interesting, thanks. I might read up on that.

>implying people weren't drinking long before they were 18 anyway.

Stop trying to make me feel bad, Sven.

Amen brother.

Look at this subversive occult shit. This whole" don't tell daddy thing " is going to looked at by everyone and subconsciously taken in

without that underclass we would had never voted to leave the EU

>"Gift" means poison in German.

I knew this already.

that would be racist

Working in supermarkets or as beauticians or on the dole at home on the estate through the week.

On the weekend they're probably on their knees on a dance floor in the old part of town or passed out on a takeaway floor.

Same in every city.

This coming from the eternal swede?

>This whole" don't tell daddy thing "

Isn't that the slogan of the muslim rape gangs?

Very british.

>porridge wog

In all my years of living in Scotland, I have never once heard a Scot use that term to refer to themselves.

>people buy it

t. somalian

This. Late night greasy fries taste better with some dirt tbqh

I went to a nightclub when I was 14.
Got wasted and felt a girls tit.
Good times.

Didn't something similar happen to LSD in the 90s? Apparently there was a lab that sustained most of the US and Europe, but they were busted and nobody steppedin to fil the gap so acid has become both rarer and shittie in quality since


they would know from experience
now they're warning everyone else not to make the same mistake

Also, ketamine is good for time travel. Not even kidding. The one time I took it, I too was in a ditch like you describe.

And then I suddenly found myself in the trenches at Ypres in 1917- caked in mud and convulsed with fear, the smell of death all around- my field of vision littered with the dead, the dying, and the maimed.

>The horror.

>There is hardly a "working class" here anymore.
Just because everyone has got an office job doesn't mean that they have suddenly become "middle class" with 100s of 1000s in disposable income.

University education is now the bog standard requirement for an entry job, like school used to be. Basically anyone can get a loan and study at university, and studying on a loan is hardly being middle class.

People in India and war torn hellholes like Syria have smart phones (some even with the latest models), a smart phone is hardly a status symbol or an expensive purchase, again a purchase which is typically made using loans.

>Most students at uni are middle class. All of those in the pictures are likly middle class.

Most students are degenerate idiots who are easily enticed by plebtier entertainment with the promise of pussy.

>Only lazy, unemployed drug addicts with no shame can make a sensible decision

I know plenty of fuckwit chavs who are all aboard the liberal train.

who's this guy?

>sweden actually pointing out something important and being reasonable

Inawoods swedefag I guess?


not an argument, it was the poor backwater areas that won the EU referendum

Sounds like a fun way to spend your evening, my man!


the better hitchins brother

You are correct.

Dog bless, I'm back to work.

Again, there is a distinction between working class and the shitty dregs of society. They just are unlucky enough to live on the same estates.

She's well fit i'd batter her burger

Aye maybe in niggervile were you reside but your completely missing the point.

The working class was an economic term defined to encompass the portion of society who is just at the bread line. Those who are living paycheck to paycheck literally to survive, buy the essentials food etc.

And you believe that this still exists in the uk?

Aye some cunts may be living paycheck to paycheck but its not because they cant afford food its because there smoking a pack a day, drinking excessively on top of their sky subscription and their fucking phone bill.
Comprehend what you read... brainlet

Yes thats right. There was a huge LSD bust in the 90s, and because the maufacture of acid was such a niche activity, nobody really took up the slack. I understand there are a number of small acid operations now though.

The hippies actually developed a way to manufacture acid in a deep-fat firer, so it;s exceedingly dangerous, but it can be done a kitchen.

We need MORE pictures like this. FLOOD the internet with this shit and make our countries LOOK HORRIBLE. Scare people from EVER WANTING TO IMMIGRATE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Stage it if necessary, as a defense mechanism.

>My fucking city.

Just kill me now

The areas with the highest percentage of leave voters were in the areas with the highest unemployment

As incomes develop so do class boundaries.

The working class are still very much a thing, they've just broadened as have the middle class.

It's the lower income middle class/higher income working class who are responsible for this shit. Just enough wealth to secure a credit card, crass enough to behave like white trash.

There's plenty of people living like you describe, paycheck to paycheck - and with their parents mind you. How can you expect otherwise when they are loaded with loans for their education, accommodation in univesities, a car and phones.

Many cannot even afford houses.

>what have i don?

>tfw never done drugs
>tfw kissless virgin

Am I pure?

That's because the majority in that generation are called Muhammad.

>Aye some cunts may be living paycheck to paycheck but its not because they cant afford food its because there smoking a pack a day, drinking excessively on top of their sky subscription and their fucking phone bill.
No, it's because most of their paychecks go into paying rent or mortgage on our vastly overvalued housing stock m8. Living paycheck to paycheck is incredibly fucking common in many parts of the country especially in places where there's a lack of full time jobs, maybe get out of your ivory tower once in a while you disconnected fuck.

If you fuck one of these slags or treat them like fuck meat, then you're part of the problem. Control yourself. How disgusted would you be if it were a family member?
Shame them into becoming human.

>you believe that this still exists in the uk

Someone on a zero hours contract getting between 20 and 30 hour a week is going to be walking out with about £800 per month on minimum wage. Deduct rent, council tax and bills from that, and let me know what you're left with.

This. The great pendulum reached its maxima and now begins to return.

Unfortunately we have a rump of degenerate, unemployable, tattooed, alcoholic, brain-fried 20-somethings sat in between my generation (I'm 42) and this younger lot who (if I am to believe the article) are rejecting the worst of the behaviours of their older brothers/sisters.

Younger generation still drinks, still hooks-up with many near-anonymous one-night-stands, but its cheaper to drink in the home, and to "swipe right" on their mobile phone.

I was lucky. not many 19 year olds witnessed Ypres and lived to tell the tale.

I agree desu. I almost never drink, never understood the appeal. Smoking should be banned at least in public.

They are. They're currently outside the Union advertising

They say its the things you don't do in life that you regret.

Making mistakes is fine if you learn from them.


honestly though I haven't dated a british girl for 6 years now, since I started with foreigners I can't go back, much better quality

>pendulum has reached its maxima
Says who? We're nowhere near the end yet, don't delude yourself


The Swede is right.

I've never felt a desire to do drugs. Would like to have sex one day. Frankly though I don't fit in with modern society. I'm an old man at heart.

What kind of foreigner?

italiana desu

>tfw im in the same town as all those students and sluts
>tfw just graduated from this uni

nice women you have there, america

This desu. Some deluded Tarquins here.

Why do british people get THIS drunk? I mean we have our sports related alcohol activities as well, but I've never seen this level of public intoxication, it just doesn't happen. Maybe if its because of the public drunkenness laws? You can't pull this throwing up in the street shit in NYC, for example, cops will scoop you up.

I'm at uni too. I don't get involved with the culture of it though. Too alien and depressing. I was in a city centre last week and the number of drunk students lolling around was shit. Kissing right in front of me. Barely dressed women. I just wanted a quiet walk.

I honestly don't know how a society can recover from this.

>majority of immigrants are muslim and hate the West and it's culture
>majority of westerners hate the west and only act based on hedonism
>these two columns are going to clash eventually

The Muslims are going to win and Europe, not only the UK, will be Muslim. And it's all because the West is dysfunctional now.

First they would be paying a fraction of council tax with that wage, more that reasonable over estimation for rent say 500. Living sensibly bills come to 100

Why even make a thread about this, it's just an average night in the city. Thanks for wasting two minutes of my life.

Tell me, is there such a thing as the "deserving poor" in Bongland today?

>all these pics from portsmouth
I graduated from portsmouth uni in july, the city was kinda shit desu

Bad news m8, that article is talking about Muslims

>dont like drugs
>or gays

We have a terrible binge drinking culture. It's worryingly ingrained in society. People don't know how to handle their alcohol. I don't know how they do it, physically and financially. It's shocking how much people drink casually

>Don't tell daddy

These women are paid to dress like this. Are you fucking idiots that stupid? They're promo'ing something. Like any other go-go dancer or cocktail waitress or event girl.

White women were a mistake.

They'll do anything for a dollar, literally the Jews of the race that killed everyone else.

Literally yes you flaming fucking faggot holy shit, how fucking isolated are you from the real world?

Also you're obviously a complete fucking kike and resorting to purely semantic arguments based on how you personally define the working class as some incredibly narrow, historically contained spectrum.

They have traded dignity for a mess of cultural pottage.

#2....holy shit. Would marry anyway, fuck you guys.

it's slowly dying out, partly due to immigration actually kek

You missed out clothing, transportation, National Insurance, healthcare, dentistry, furniture, repairs, property costs, and a whole load fucking more.

How are you going to accomplish this with your spare two hundred quid?

While everyone gets drunk the country is dying

I've heard that quote before, where's it from?

A lot of Muslims drink on the sly at uni and suchlike. But yeah, they don't go out getting wasted every week.

>mfw in Uni accom
>mfw constant talk about raves
>mfw I don't even drink
end it

I know plenty of muslims and the younger ones get trashed and binge drink more than I do.

I don't just mean Muslims, I mean immigrants from Europe drink less as well (at least in public)

What is wrong with you

fucking manlet 198 master race here

>I've heard that quote before, where's it from?

Michael Caine said it once in an interview on-set of one of his films, when asked about the current trend for miniskirts and "bare all" womens clothes.

A decent man, wise to politicians and those who claim to have the interests of the poor and the ordinary man at heart.

I know your pain friend

Really? Kek

Yeah true. They tend to drink less and only with meals. They don't have the binging culture we do.

>You missed out clothing, transportation, National Insurance, healthcare, dentistry, furniture, repairs, property costs, and a whole load fucking more.

We are talking working to live, to survive. Since when did I need to buy a car to survive. Some cunt taking his bentley to the opera is working class to you.

Wew retarded as fuck

Alright calm down you fat nig. Your living in london. You are isolated from reality. The uk is nothing like your niggervile cuck haven. Thats why we voted out and you didnt.

>Now the kids listen to "trap" music and weird dubstep shit and pop any designer drug they can get. "Yo ever tried this triptochromo-34-bigball shits tight" .
have you ever been to Berlin? Berghain? Tresor? //:About Blank?

>They don't have the binging culture we do.

I live in London. Many years ago I switched from pubs and bars to places with table service.

No standing all night.
No shouting at your friends to be heard.
No being jostled.
No waiting ages to be served.
No violence or aggro.
Wines, beers, cocktails, and time to concentrate on conversation and companionship.

Yes I expect I pay a lot more per drink, but then I probably drink a lot less and the whole experience is much more pleasant.

>implying old men or people from the past didn't do drugs

There was this thing called opium, really popular for a while

>just one hundreds of years old pub with dark wood interior.



There are a lot of poor, mostly white but some black British, low income workers who graft hard but just can't get anywhere in life.

Friend of mine has two kids and a wife, works a solid job and just about makes ends meet. He rents his apartment from the council and without that his family will be homeless.

He'll never own a home, never go on expensive holidays, never start his own business. But he works hard and cares about his family.

I'd been drinking a lot and was hungry as hell. I guess it's just kinda accepted with binge drinking culture. The stuff they serve in the local grill kiosk will make your stomach churn anyways.

No more great in britain

No, my point is that I've no desire to go out and get wasted like my generation does.

>But he works hard and cares about his family

Well there is pride to be taken in that.

The deserving poor should be helped with opportunity and insulation from some of the worst effects of change in the countries fortunes.

The underserving poor should be discouraged from multiplying, and any "help" they get reduced to nothing. I say "help" because handing them money or otherwise investing in them doesnt help them or the rest of us.

> How do we fix the slag problem?

Work as a bartender and fuck the shit out of them day in day out, coax them into emotional dependency then drop them like a rock. Hope no moron will ever touch her again and she grows old and frail with only a bitter string of half relationships and a broken pair bond mechanism to show for their degeneracy.

All that being said i'm a degenerate too, but i'm utterly devilish.

man alcohol really is a tier 1 drug

Getting wasted imo is a symptom of a dying society. People from our generation know at heart what is going on. Same reason mental illness/depression is rising I feel.

Yeah I'm depressed as fuck.

I have seen confidential NHS numbers of mental illness, particularly in the relatively young. There has been an immense rise in it over the last 20 years. Almost exponential.

I'm included in that number. Yet I don't participate in this crap. Dunno where I fit in. It's hard to escape from this madness.

All is lost.

Fucking knew it. Promotion girl sluts aka escorts (in countires where prostitution is illegal)

No fathers. Continual attacks on all side on fatherhood - the critical component of stable societies.

The government wants to be everyone's father and does not like competition.

"Don't Tell Daddy is Leicester Uni's Brand New official MONDAY night out, hosted at the sophisticated and chic city centre night club Chilli White. "

I was raised by both parents. I'm a decent person, I think. Just disillusioned with the world

I have a pretty serious set of ongoing mental health problems (three suicide attempts).

I've been waiting eight months for a diagnosis and treatment plan from the NHS.

Fuck the NHS.

What? Where ? I still have some GHB from summer

195cm is average you fucking manlet.
205cm masterrace reporting in

They just gave me medication

Settle down, ausfalia.

So have I, lad. I couldn't even be diagnosed, but I still prepare for the potential Race War in America. There should be no excuses for muh mental problems.

We have a job to do, fucking do it; get out more!

In pharmacy, can confirm.

Do you go to Mass every Sunday? That's part of what you are missing.

It stems from Whites not being able to express racial pride. Not being able to be proud of your race means not being proud of an essential part of yourself. It also means not being goal orienated to continuing the existence of your race that you are very proud of, i.e. focused on pair bonding with a wife and having kids.

Modern mental illness is a symptom of White racial alienation. White racial pride is the solution. Racial pride gives people esteem and purpose. And only Whites are not allowed to have it. It's what we have been missing since the 1960s.

Is Freshers week the Bong version of Spring Break?

Originally south London, now Plymouth. Heaving student population, but its not conspiracy nightlife has diminished thanks to indoor entertainment like tv and Internet

>Do you go to Mass every Sunday? That's part of what you are missing.

No, I'm irreligious. Quite apathetic towards religion. Can't take it seriously.

Just dumped SSRIs on me, which don't really work.

I'm not a sad stay at home wanker. Getting in plenty of gym time to home my body into a lean, mean, google hunting machine.

You have to realise it is not up to anyone else to sort you out.

Stop doing drugs and booze
Walk 5 miles every day
Eat at least two square meals a day and take a multivitamin
Do 40 pushups a day
Read one chapter of a book a day
Have a conversation with one person face to face a day.
Cut down your porn to only every second day and then only every third day (it is bad for your head and inherently depressing)
Stop reading doomer news and conspiritard shit that triggers social anxiety.
Get a job - any job. Hold it for a year.

If you have not done the above what the fuck are you doing signing up for being listed as a damaged brain?

holy that bitch cant be real? Glad Brad broke up with her. Bet she is going to do everything to take the daughter away

Western nations are rotting from the inside. We let our children run around like wild animals and forget they need discipline and structure in their lives.

Then they end up like slags like this.

This is not my first rodeo. I have a girlfriend, a wide circle of 'friends', solid job, several hobbies...

It's all a carefully constructed shell.

>it was hardly ever >clean MDMA

Bullshit. MDMA was almost always pure in western europe.. Even xtc tablets consisted of nothing but MDMA, binders and coloring most of the time and if anything was added it was usually just a pinch of amphetamines.

t. Someone who grew up in the glory days of MDMA in the Netherlands (€2,- a pill/€20,- a gram. not even bulk prices) when free testing was still everywhere

as a previous service user, I will say this. The NHS is at breaking point and they can offer you no help.

it's truly an injustice but you are on your own here.

accept it and take responsibility, there are enough resources here on this website to help you get your life back on track.

do the /fit/ thing and keep communicating. despite all the shit posting, we do genuinly care and want to see you improve yourself.

good luck user

Stay safe bro. Hit up /fit/ and Misc @ bodybuilding.com for some positive male self-improvement advice.

Have a read of Sam Hyde's serious commentry here on the problems we face. I found it one of the most clear and motivating comments/advice piece on what we face:

Are you kidding? The Misc is a black hole of septic trolling and insecurity.

If you can't love the Creator of the universe (who does loves you) how can you love youself? Do you think your alienation from God contributes to your alienation from yourself & your happiness and purpose/drive?

Also the post about racial alienation was meant for (you) too. Do you think racial alienation contributes to your lack of self-pride and self-purpose?

>Cultural marxism is such a gift to us all.

Cultural marxism does not exist

Buzz phrase for lazy people and it explains nothing

What SSRIs did you get? I take sertraline

Yeah it's real, although had two more White kids (twins) with Brad after the "blob". She also raised one of her pet brown kids as a tranny.

The cure is simple. Cut all welfare.

Escitalopram 20mg

It's like a double strength Citalopram. I took 60mg once to see what would happen and had a serotonin syndrome freak out.

It used to be really positive. Admittedly stopped visiting as often after all the PUA face shit started taking over. They still seem to have a positivity from self-improvement and lad locker-room banter when I re-visit, but I don't look close.

Why fix it when you can abuse it. Life has never been this much fun for such low costs.

Call it Critical Theory then, that's what they themselves call it. And yes it does explain the problems we face, give or take a few echos.

Fresher's week is the first two weeks of the uni year. But it's the same concept really it's all hyped and everything

Nothing fun about purposelessness and alienation

Hang yourself then, you fucking proles must be purged

You see 2 ugly skanks eating off the ground

But for most shitskins these two are more beautiful than any woman they've ever met irl. And that ground looks more sanitary than their dining tables

Quit thinking you have something to prove for someone else or something greater than yourself.

You've got one chance at this shit make the most of it even it means being a degenerate by your exceptional standards.

It explains nothing compared to technological advance impacting the economy and by extension the transformation of the extended family to the nuclear family to today's mixture of divorcees and families

It's complete bullshit and is just lazy. It's easy to parrot 'cultural marxism' than to understand

pol wants to blame someone or some people for why the world is different to 50 years ago

Friend, diet makes a huge difference to mental health. Try a ketogenic diet if you're poor. Quit wheat and dairy, supplement with at least fish oil. It will make a difference.

Nah, Misc sucks now. It's worse than /fit/, just constant stream of memes with every thread being "sloots gonna sloot" mgtow type stuff.

in Poolan one waits even 3 years for some services so do not lose hope


Damn, I'm on 200mg sertraline so that must be strong shit

yeah well I can't and don't want to "abuse" it

Literally cavemen

Cavemen had better diets than these slags

we know

i see nothing wrong with these females. decent models.

>would marry

yeah and get cucked

I'd eat chips out of her arse

What's wrong with a little promsicuity?

As long as she doesnt get diseases or a kid it seems fine

The quality of swedens post have drastically improved over the last few months

Time to solve that problem you describe by digging a lot of holes for people

I'm going to lay down the British divide in terms of socialising.

You'll see slags, chavs, and undesirable people if you go out on a friday and saturday night,

This is inherent to large cities, coastal towns anywhere with a lack of employment.

Drinking culture in the UK for many people has become go out and get hammered.

The real British people you'll find at a nice pub, having a few pints and socialising properly,

By "go out" I mean to places where there are bars, pubs and clubs.

If you go somwhere where there are only pubs you'll find the proper British people.

To add to this people with decent jobs go out on Thursday, that way we can sit at our desks feeling sad while we get paid to be hungover.


How fucking old are these slags? They have the arses of middle aged men

Definitely Irish or Welsh

I've seen similar sights in Glasgow, although I don't think they're orange enough for Glesga

Or northerners

everyone in that pic needs to hit the gym. weak. flabby. sad!

Poor little girl did nothing wrong and her SJW cunt of a mom already doesn't love her.

I hate white women. My children's mother will be asian with traditional values or wont be.

Not enough stab wound scars either

didn't one of her kids turn lesbian? the butch kind?


Religion or destruction.

This absolute nutter!

Let me know how many of those people you're defending go out drinking once a week, have a fuckhuge TV, a netflix subscription and eat from Dominos every weekend.

Stop fucking whining about being poor when you spend £400 a month at Betfair you sad cunt

You really don't need to buy clothes more than twice a year
Megariders are like £20 a week for unlimited bus travel, even a shitbox Corsa is only like £20 a month insurance if you're not 17 and living in central london
>National Insurance
Which you don't pay if you're poor
This is the same UK I live in right? The one where the NHS will listen to you whine all day for free?
£10 for a scale and polish twice a year, unless you're opening bottles with your teeth and chugging coke constantly
>tfw bad teeth
If you're renting, that's either the councils or the landlords job. If you own, why are you on a zero hours contract?
>property costs
See above
>and a while load fucking more

Like Strongbow, fags, weed and going out every weekend?

Poor people are poor because they're stupid and bad with money, stop going out and spending £100 every saturday and you'll find yourself much richer come payday

Well fuck, North South divide fixed in one post.

Nah that would involve southerners to stop being cunts

t. Carlisle

War of Position
War of Maneuver

Nuke britain. Fucking bunch of alcoholics who call themselves a nation.

>buying clothes more than once a decade
>going anywhere you can't walk
>going to the drilling jew ever
>not just taking any furniture out of skips

218 master race reporting in

>tfw you are a robot living in a third world country and yet will never enjoy such degeneracy
just kill me

unless you end up like a piano dentist after snorting a dodgy bizbosh of clarky cat

Maybe if you fuckers get jobs that aren't in call centres.

>and this younger lot who (if I am to believe the article) are rejecting the worst of the behaviours of their older brothers/sisters.
nah that seems to be bullshit. they behave worse. i have family members in secondary school (aged 14-15) and they complain that pretty much all of their school friends are usually out getting mashed on mdma and anonymous other class A's, so it's hard to socialize with them when you're not into that. it wasn't like that when i was their age a decade back, that's for sure.

>Younger generation still drinks, still hooks-up with many near-anonymous one-night-stands, but its cheaper to drink in the home, and to "swipe right" on their mobile phone.
even worse then, cocooning themselves in isolated decadence, using other people as masturbation sleeves

Underrated, 10/10 apex kek

Gave the biologicals stupid names too.


>6'-lets acting like they're tall

>but go to some bigger city right around last round and the shit you see is unbearable.

Been in the middle of a few cities here at 3am on a Saturday night/Sunday morning quite a few times and can confirm its like hell on earth. The women here are the most disgusting of all btw.

Thank god brexit made me lose all my """""mates"""""" so I don't go out anymore, as I hated that feeling more than anything, pausing for a moment at the end of a night to look around at the storm of degeneracy, people being vomiting outside McDonalds, fat slags laying down on the pavement crying, people fighting each other and bouncers, mounds of food and litter everywhere.

I'd honestly ban alcohol being sold past 11:30pm or something. Our drinking """""""culture"""""""" is vile.

I've never witnesses anything that depressing in my days of night club hopping.

Quite a sad scene.

That won't work, they will see easy slag meat and come over even faster. We need to show masculine men who won't allow it. Pity there aren't many left.

I start freshers week on Saturday with a massive pub crawl.
Can't wait to get on the sesh lads, OI OI!

this is perfection.

>tfw you can't get shitfaced in public until junior year in America

When will our drinking age be lowered to either 18 or high school graduation?

What age do you guys start drinking at parties and such? Do you honestly wait until 21?
I think the first time I got shitfaced at a party I was 16.

>a bunch of alcoholics that have ALWAYS been more powerful than Sweden

No, most start drinking at around 14-16, but you can't go to a bar are until you're 21.

>t. lad that can't hack the sesh

Oh okay, that sucks desu.
I'm 18 and I'd hate to have to wait another 3 years before going to clubs/bars.
Is that in every state?

>all these girls going about
>STI clinic rushes after freshers
How the fuck do you get laid in fresher's week?

I was in south dakota for an echange program when I was 15 years old ( for 10months). I was a senior in high school, dont ask me why they put me there but im glad they did. We had a lot of parties and there were always a few parents arround who supplied you with alcohol and even weed in some occasions. From what I have witnessed, its about at junior high when some start drinking and there are definitely parties when you are a senior.

Believe me, once you get older you would be glad if clubs were from 21 up. bars would be no problem from 18 up though.

Meh, in the UK there's generally a divide between more student friendly clubs that tend to attract people between 18 and 21, and older clubs that attract people that are 21 and up.

you're gonna make it

Yeah I have recognised that in switzerland aswell. When I was younger there were a lot fewer places or events for "older" folks and now that changed. Anyways I`m not too much of a fan of the drinking age of 16 over here. In the USA I love how schoool and sports are more connected and I think the drinking age of 21 is a bit too high but the intention of it is pretty okay. maybe 20 or 18 would work also.


What a shit tier shill

Cred Forums hates this man

daddy like tho

>1930s US
>good capitalism
>THE Great Depression
>the New Deal

Kek. I cant tell if you are joking or actually that ignorant. Thats funny as hell though either way

We're doomed. I recognize why the jews hate us. and they know the majority is stupid enough to go along, its fucked

It does explain things though, one of the stated goals of critical theory is to break down "the nuclear family" as its a source of "patriarchal white supremacy", whatever the fuck that means. Today's identity politics can be traced directly back to Critical theory.

I'm not going to sit here and say that every problem we have right now is due to neo-Marxism, but to simply dismiss it as "lol its le lazy buzzwerd XDDD", is ironically, lazy.

And if you don't believe me, why don't you try doing some research into what Critical theory really is.