William Luther Pierce Thread

Hello Cred Forums. Time to stop shitposting and actually read something interesting, maybe even learn something.

Im going to post an article by William Luther Pierce, feel free to bump me because I cant do it myself, and also check out some of his other works.

>Thoughts on Recruiting - Part 2

WHAT TYPE OF person does the Alliance seek as a member?
It has been said often in these pages that there are many different types of persons in the Alliance, ranging in age from 18 to 93, in educational level from high school dropout to PhD, and in economic status from unemployed and destitute to quite wealthy. In view of this diversity it might seem that it would be difficult to define a “type” as the desirable membership prospect. Nevertheless, some things can be said on the subject to good effect. And they need to be said, because otherwise individual members will form their own ideas — diverse ideas — as to who should be in the Alliance and who should not, and as to the type of person to whom the Alliance should direct its appeal and the type of image the Alliance should project for that purpose.
It is natural for people to judge others by themselves and to seek others of their own kind. But this tendency limits the amount of diversity which can safely be tolerated in any organization. On the one hand, if diversity is too narrowly limited, then one may have an organization whose members feel a strong bond of comradeship, but whose numbers will always be too small for effectiveness; on the other hand, too much diversity — an effort to bring too many different types of people together for the sake of large numbers — may result in an organization without internal cohesion.

Other urls found in this thread:


In the case of the Alliance, the argument has been made that a large degree of diversity can safely be tolerated, because cohesion is provided by the shared purpose of racial survival and racial progress. As long as each member keeps this purpose foremost in his mind and believes that other members are doing the same, then differences in attitudes on other matters, in lifestyles, and in socioeconomic status will not be important. That is the ideal; unfortunately, it does not always match reality.
In reality, the strains caused by different perceptions of what an Alliance member should be are continually manifesting themselves. A few examples will illustrate this problem.
Many — perhaps most — members are fervent admirers of Adolf Hitler and his movement in Germany during the 1920-1945 period, and their admiration carries over into a more general Germanophilia. A few members, however, do not share this admiration, and they believe that any public display of it (as in articles in National Vanguard dealing with the Second World War) is harmful to the Alliance’s recruiting effort. This difference of opinion already has resulted in a heated debate among members of the Southeast Florida Unit.

Many members are enthusiastic about the efforts of the National Office to develop a number of Alliance songs and to make the singing of those songs a regular part of Alliance meetings. Some members, on the other hand, feel that while singing in itself may not be an objectionable activity, the Alliance’s present selection of songs does not appeal to the right type of people. This latter group is itself divided: there are those, nearly all young males, who believe that our songs are not militant enough — that they should have more of the character of fighting songs or marching songs; and there are those who object strongly to the spiritual — one might even say hymn-like — quality of many Alliance songs. The Alliance, they say, is a political organization, anything which smacks of religion will “turn off” the type of person we need to recruit.
The April-May issue of the BULLETIN brought out another difference of views on the type of person the Alliance should be seeking for its membership. Several members responded positively enough to the comments about former collaborators to telephone or write the National Office with their expressions of appreciation for the new insight those comments gave them. One member, however, responded very negatively, expressing great concern that former race-mixers might be admitted into the Alliance.

I'm sorry Murdoch gassed you, Dr. Pierce. I hope to serve you for the rest of my life.

How can all of these differences of opinion about the type of appeal the Alliance should strive for in its recruiting be reconciled? The cold truth is that some of them cannot be reconciled; the best we can do with them is attempt to keep them from becoming so troublesome that they alienate one faction or another of our membership. That is, in some cases we seek to ignore irreconcilable differences, for the sake of getting the job done. In other cases we can eliminate differences — or, at least, minimize them — through education, through clearly explaining why we strive harder to recruit certain types of persons than other types: the education, if effective, will change members’ minds and produce more nearly uniform views. That is certainly a course preferable to ignoring the differences and wondering when they will flair up destructively.
Before attempting, in a later BULLETIN, a general answer to the question posed at the beginning of this section, let us deal with a few of the specific questions raised in the examples above.
First, in their recruiting efforts, what positions should members take on Hitler, the National Socialist movement, and the Second World War?

>it's the Pierce posting Canadian again


Any member who has been reading National Vanguard for a year or so — especially those issues with the last two installments of the “Who We Are” series — must have at least a rough idea as to the correct answer to this question. The Second World War was not so much a defeat for Germany as it was for the White race. To quote NV No. 85: “It was the greatest, the most catastrophic loss the race has yet suffered.” Adolf Hitler was the leader not so much of the German side in that war as he was of the White side; Franklin Roosevelt was the leader of — or, at least, the front man for — the Jewish side. The National Socialist movement was not so much a movement for strengthening Germany as it was a seed which had the potential for regenerating our race. Every member should understand these things, take them to heart, and represent them correctly in dealing with potential recruits.
This said, it also should be noted that discretion and tact are required in representing these things, as with every other Alliance position. Many U.S. veterans of the Second World War, especially those who experienced combat in Europe and still have a large emotional involvement in the war, cannot easily face the fact that they were fighting for the wrong side. Helping them over this hurdle may be a difficult task, calling not only for persuasiveness, but also for patience and sensitivity. Any overt display of Germanophilia probably will not be helpful in this regard.


>Germanophilia, in fact, can easily get out of hand. We can see a pathological form of it in some of the tiny “Nazi” groups in America whose members attempt to mimic, in dress and manner as well as in ideology, the German National Socialists of the Hitler era. Needless to say, even the slightest whiff of such pathetic foolishness is counterproductive in our recruiting efforts. We do not want and cannot afford to have in our ranks members who recruit through such an appeal, and it can only drive away from us the persons we need to recruit.
It’s alright for members to have a special admiration for things German. It’s also alright not to have such an admiration, even to believe that Germans are too stuffy, that they are just as prone to error as Americans or Frenchmen, and that their degenerate behavior since 1945 proves that they are no better than any other White nationality.
Members may discuss freely the merits or demerits, the applicability or inapplicability to present-day America, of various aspects of the German National Socialist program, in the absence of any official Alliance position statement on the matter under discussion. What they must avoid is, on the one hand, any obsessive preoccupation with the subject which might tend to give the Alliance a “cult” image; and, on the other hand, a negative attitude toward Hitler and his doctrine or a denial that the central issues in the Second World War remain the central issues in our struggle for racial survival.

In this regard, then, the type of member we are seeking is one whose intellect and instinct have lifted him above the Ronald Reagan brand of flag-waving American nationalism to the higher plane of racial nationalism. Only such a person is capable of understanding our assertion that America fought on the wrong side in the Second World War, and that every ill which has befallen the nation since then, from racially integrated schools and a soaring rate of miscegenation to the flood of Asian and Latin immigrants now sweeping over the land, is a direct consequence of that grave sin.
Do the present Alliance songs appeal to the right type of prospective member? The answer is, generally yes. The selection is still limited, and there certainly will be more fighting and marching songs added in the future. The type of member the Alliance seeks — at least, the type of male member — should respond positively to such songs.
But there also will be more hymns, and the type of member the Alliance seeks, of either sex, should respond positively to them as well. The Alliance is not a church, of course (nor is it a political organization, because it does not participate, at this time, in the electoral process). But it is an organization with spiritual dimensions and a spiritual task. It is concerned with the whole person, when it evaluates a potential recruit.

Every Alliance member should understand that at the root it was not dirty politics that got the White race into its present jam: it was spiritual corruption. Unless there can be a transformation of values, a spiritual renewal and reorientation, the race cannot be saved. Education is part of the task of the Alliance, but facts and ideas alone will not win the war for survival in which we are engaged.
Many racially conscious Whites have reacted so strongly against alien Judeo-Christianity that they have acquired a negative attitude toward not only the poison-peddling, race-mixing Protestant and Catholic establishments which they have rejected, but also toward everything else which seems “religious” to them. That is unfortunate indeed, for we are a religious race by nature. We need religion in order to be whole and healthy.
In particular, Alliance members need spiritual inspiration as well as a fighting spirit if they are to accomplish their task, and we seek recruits who are capable of being inspired spiritually.


What I found particularly interesting was Williams strong feelings of distaste for "neo-nazi" type groups. In another text, someone who was close to him writes about their experience buying Resistance Records, a skinhead music label and signing cheques to bands with names like "Anal Cunt" and "Vaginal Belch" I believe they were.

They eventually got rid of a lot of these bands, and this is one reason the skinhead/neo-nazi movements do not like WLP.

Thanks for the bumps. Im going to try to post more of these, theres endless amounts of articles and videos.


Dont forget to download the over 600 audio files, mostly broadcasts.. and yes the torrent does work if you do it right, someone said there were no seeds.

Is there a function on that website to download them all?

Yea, Ive done it twice now lol.. one sec, it should just be the torrent button

Im pretty sure the website itself seeds, its just 1 seed.


The torrent is only one file and not even a mb, kek

Bump, thank you leafbro

>what is a tracker

Now its under scheduled maintenance, you missed out.

You download the tracker, it enables your torrent program to download the file (which is like 9 gigs I think)

friend, post his videos. About 5 or 6 people (mostly nords) spend a lot of hours putting his audio broadcasts to video.
That's the best way to introduce people to Dr. Pierce, text is meaningless, most of these newfags don't even read: VIDEOS. There are literally hundreds of good ones now, and about 25 VERY good ones:


Dr. pierce, the lessons of haiti:

All Dr. Pierce's broadcasts are HERE, the jews have only taken 3 videos off YT and they are on vimeo, the best one they took down is on jews and the white slave trade.

HEre is complete audio library, let me find jew white slavery video:


Im not trying to introduce people to pierce, I posted this because it specifically outlined his feelings on associating our modern movement to Germany's national socialism, and the German Nazi movement etc.

He doesn't hate Hitler, he just strongly thought that we needed our own movement.. he was pretty similar to George Lincoln Rockwell in that regard.. they both believed America needed its own political movement suited for its own political atmosphere and situation.

WLP was the editor of the party circulation under GLR's party, GLR is to Hitler as WLP is to Goebbels.

This is one on jews sexualizing underage White children, but not one I'm looking for:


Thats only half the audio.


This one has over 600, like 630 audio's.. and its not entirely complete.

He also has much more, much neglected works in places like the page I got the posted article from.


This stuff isnt on audio.

I know mate, but we have to face fact that 90% of people here right now (thanks to fucking pepe bullshit) are newfags.

I've gotten a lot of people (hate the term "Redpilled") by getting them to watch his videos, claiming he's making shit up, and then when they check his statistics and see he's telling the truth, they are shocked.

Looking for the video on JEws and White slavery and russians where dr pierce says "if the Russian people are ever awakened to what the Jews have done and are still doing to them, they will rise up and kill every jew in Russia...EVERY jew...and they will be fully justified in doing so.."


Yea I know the one, ehm, let me think.

I have the huge audio collection of all of his broadcasts, and have listened to about 1/4 of them. The main thing that stuck out to me was how prophetic he was all of those years ago. He essentially predicted 9/11 by saying that (((they))) would do something dramatic to involve us in a war with Iraq (all for (((their))) benefit). And that's exactly what happened: Saddam's """WMDs""" that were magically never found, but were used as the excuse.

Not sure if you posted this one, if its not this one its another one specifically about Russian gangs and how they are actually just jewish gangs.


Or maybe a third one Im not thinking of.


Katyn, an important one.

>Thats only half the audio.
nah, he just has doubled the number. Trust me, spent something like 3 years studying Dr. Pierce, GL Rockwell (tracked down his kids and his ex-wife Thora, which he wasn't happy about...after GL Rockwell died, she married some icelandic banker guy and their son is iceland's first and only billionaire).

Not trying to argue with you, but there are only 307 Dr. Pierce broadcasts, plus the audio of "turner Diaries" plus one or two things on cosmothemism (which, let's face it, he used as a tax scam, but good for him, why pay the gvt).

The biography of him "Fame of a Dead MAn's Deeds" by Dr. Robert Griffin is available free on solargeneral.com

I wish Dr. pierce had 600 broadcasts, have listened to everyone to where I know them by heart Just not so.

Might have been removed from youtube, they purged a lot of videos recently, even things that are only mildly political and right wing.

>even things that are only mildly political and right wing

just as planned

these are good certainly, but not the one I'm looking for. If the jews have truly wiped it from web, will have to get in touch with guy who made it and hope he still has it to upload.

Fucking jewtube removes everything, thought it was safe on vimeo...

Who's read Turner Diaries?

I listened to the audio book

>(which, let's face it, he used as a tax scam, but good for him, why pay the gvt).

Cosmotheism is clearly a legit thing he was trying to create, I think youre mistaken. It was designed to be something we take up in place of Christianity, which you can read more about his feelings on in that web page I posted.

Ill get the link in a second.

Anyways, Cosmotheism which I dont fully understand myself, pretty much says that our purpose is to strive to be the best as a group that we can be genetically, and to maintain our race etc... its a tool, its not just a tax evasion scheme... and he had it back in the 70s.

Our cause is from like 76 or something, and he outlines Cosmotheism all the way back then. He stuck to it, and its purpose is obvious.

Protecting our race.

It wasnt meant to have its effect in his lifetime, but to be something we use for 1000 years and beyond.






Read that for Pierces feelings on Christianity.

We need something to replace it, his solution was Cosmotheism. Christianity is too limiting, I know first hand from dealing with people who refuse to condemn jews as a group, and say "its only a few of them" and that anyone who curses israel shall be cursed himself etc etc

Thats ADL propaganda about the tax scheme.

Whats the title, the audio is in that archive.

based on my knowledge of his life, he was a scientist and didn't..yes, he believed in some of the Nietzschean stuff and Devi and the other early spiritualists who founded basis for 3rd Reich.

Did he really believe it? Your guess as good as mine, even his closest confidants will tell you they never really "knew" him.

I really wish more people here would read "The Turner Diaries." I've never once had anyone get my reference to #GetThe HonkeyCat whenever the negroes riot.

Here is an audio of the Turner Diaries. Wish he had read "Hunter" too desu but honestly not as good of a book:


If I recall right, title of audio is "there will be hell to pay." They put some questionable shit at beginning of video, not sure what, the best part of the video is when it shows what the russians "would do if they ever become aware of what the Jews are doing to them."


The Turner Diaries is a little extreme, he wrote Hunter for the people you described above.

Yea thats on the archive, Ive heard the audio before in another video, with a bunch of annoying sound effects added.

Theres one where he directly points out that Russian gangs are just Jews.

Also, the religion is pretty much just eugenics.

If anything its an excuse for eugenics rather than an excuse to avoid taxes.