worst mother ever.

she publicly hates her white daughter, then at the age of three started treating her as a boy.

she should not have that child

Fuck that bitch. Cant keep her legs closed and then this shit. It is her duty to make her own child integrate into the group god dammit. That poor child will have some issues growing up realizing her mother loves the zoo she bought in africa for some pr campange, or maxbe for pitt having fun with them believing the newest rumors about him.

Fuck that, fuck hollywood, and fuck anyone who still pays those childmolesters and rapist a single cent to watch a movie

kill them with fire
except the daughters

Seriously this shit makes me sick to my stomach. How the fuck could you even say that out loud and not feel like a complete piece of shit. The west is a fucking mess.

>Naming your daughter Shiloh

What the fuck is the matter with these people? Its like the flip side to autism.

she is a mentally derailed borderline-schizo empowered wymyn who thinks is entitled to play with the rules of nature.

Hollywood handed it so easily to her that now she feels empowered to control Brad's life collect kids and even change the sex of one of them

Run my man! Take custody of the non-tranny biological kids remaining, and don't ever look back

Angelina deserves to die.

>announcing on a public article that you feel a stronger connection with literally every other kid you raise other than one.
That poor little girl will never live a normal life and will grow up to be a self-hating liberal becasue of her mother.

Poor kid. Needs to be taken by child protective services.

this just shows you how far back it all goes
i am ashamed to not have catched on earlier

White people are over, it's true. I wish Cred Forums would understand this and manage the process rather than struggle against nature.

We did it to ourselves. We sacrificed our K-selected sons while r-selected rabbits fucked all the women in war after war after war. The current liberal apocalypse was inevitable at that point. True, you didn't do this personally. True, I didn't do this personally. But life doesn't care about that. If an asteroid were coming to destroy the Earth it wouldn't check to make sure it didn't land on people who supported space exploration.

If you care about the species, you'll find an heir to whiteness. You'll be sure to take a hard look at white societies and document why they're failing so the next society can learn from our mistakes. The time to fight is literally over. The people we needed to fight were the ones that gave rights to women, that instituted income tax, that created a slave state by accruing national debt, that created social welfare programs to punish productivity. These battles were lost before we were even born.

We need to document our downfall, clearly, and succinctly. Will the next civilization be Muslim? Will it be Asian? I don't know, Cred Forums. I don't know who will drive the species forward next. But I do know that their success will depend critically on not repeating our mistakes. Then, we must accept our mistakes. We must own them. We must lay bare how they were mistakes, so that the next group of intelligent humans to dare to dream of civilization not repeat them.

white populations will shrink and eventually progressive whites will dies off from their diversity experiments. normal whites will remain.

that's actually fucking disgusting

what an absolute cunt. hates her own flesh and blood almost poetic she had her tits cut off kek grants us strong symbolism

Angelina Jolie isn't even white. I wonder how John Voight feels about this

Comes from Dutroux-country.

Why would she become a libshit when her mother is one?

isnt this why hes divorcing her?

Why is everything so fucked up? Any normal parent would say that they love all of their children.

god took her breasts, essentially the only redeemable quality she ever had

racist child abuser

Brad will never win custody of all the kids.

But he can use this to get custody of his real daughter. She's being singled out, targeted by the mother, brainwashed into gender dysphoria...

The mother claiming to fight for equality, rather than bringing others up to the same standard, is focused on knocking a poor child, her child no less, down.
She's teaching these kids that it's okay to target someone because they were born different.

Brad needs to use this. He needs to push this out into the MSM and let them know that angie is a horrible mother who's been using her children as political pawns since day one, and then claims that he's the bad parent.


She will also grow up to be a whore. Girls without strong parental figures tend to do that. Brad Pitt doesn't strike me as a masculine father figure either.

We're going to storm their villa in the south with torches and pitchforks.

Yeah go ahead and let her grow up being resentful of her siblings and/or hating herself for being white; there's now way that will backfire when she becomes a teenager.