SJWs got this white mother of 2 fired from her job for criticizing black lives matter

SJWs got this white mother of 2 fired from her job for criticizing black lives matter.

Other urls found in this thread:!BQEgna7A!EUL0nJkrMIlOEJEPFItDnxhdo_i3bfAyLLLY-IP7YVE

Yea its being dealt with

keep writing reviews for the clinic

>pitty momma

It means she has two pit bulls you fucking moron. She acts like they are her kids.

Unless I'm missing more than this, but according to that pic, she just has two puppers.

Lets all wrap it up dog moms are cancer and should kill themselves

How exactly did they "get her fired", hmm? It's ultimately her employer's decision to fire her or not.
Good workers don't get fired.


Having 60,0000 sjw """"""""people"""""""" (falsely) complain about you = you getting fired in this sick, shitty place we call earth.

Rock Hill is a Liberal Shithole. She shoulda known better.

Op thinks her dogs are people

kys skype google

That's the kind of influence that SJWs have in our society. If they don't like your opinion, they ruin your fucking life.

They're horrible people.


All we can do is use their own tactics against them. Give them a taste of their own medicine. They won't know what hit them.

Have you ever had a job? I'll say it again; good workers don't get fired.
If she was a hard working, proficient, reliable employee, all the phone calls and SJWs wouldn't mean shit. An employer is not going to just cut a valuable asset because she's racist.

You've never had an employer nor employed anyone.

You're an sjw shill who needs to fuck off with this defense of shitty behaving spoiled brats fucking ruining peoples lives by brigading.

one good thing about the trades is that everyone is racist as fuck. I'd probably get a raise for calling blm niggers


It depends on the job. Unless you're working a trade or at a small business with some kind of male presence, a random person accusing you of things can get you fired pretty easily once HR hears about it.


I have been an employee and an employer. One of my best workers was an excon who once assaulted one of my other employees. Customers complained pretty regularly because he had face tattoos. But, he worked 48 hours a week, never missed a shift, always covered when I needed him, outpaced all the other cooks, and genuinely cared about the quality of his work and workplace.

Good workers don't get fired.

I demand an exact, specific source. No source = this is a lie.

Is this her?

let's get back to getting the sjw responsible's life destroyed

Sure, let me just doxx myself on Cred Forums amidst people who would joyfully harass me while condemning those who harass others.

Someone on Twitter is spamming her with gore and someone else took a pic of himself jerking off to her face

So it is a lie, then. Good to know.

It's her fault.

Don't post where you work online.

I always identify as a fake name, using a frog identity, and I work at a gay bar 200 miles away. That way worst case, a gay bar gets confusing emails about an employee they never had.

>owns pitbulls

Coalburner confirmed. Don't tell me you faggots are going to white knight an obvious coal burning piece of trash.

This is a lesson for everybody. Always have a throwaway social network account tied to a proxy or vpn thats completely untraceable to you. Thats the only way anyone can be safe from sjw piranhas.

boring. get her fired from Stop N Shop, get her mom fired from HER work so they're homeless, anything more than twitter trolling that gets her instant sympathy

Oh yeah that's really productive.

I think it's more that you're a really shitty boss , dude.


If that's what you want to think, sure. It doesn't bother me what since NEET thinks.
At the end of the day, this chick is the one getting her shit pushed in by angry niggers on the internet, it's not my problem.

>mother of 2
what is this supposed to make me feel sorry for her?

>this is not your default account

I've never been fired over something I've posted because I don't really use social media.

But here's another person fired simply for posting something on facebook that somebody didn't like. This shit happens. And it's fucking absurd.

ideal outcome is literally destroying her and her entire family's life for the foreseeable future. kek wills it.

Well in the last thread people were trying to contact her store

Please be nice to my sjwaifu

Where does it say she has two kids? Not your personal army faggot

So what? Would any of you care if it was black mother of two who got fired from her job for criticizing something?

fill free to fap at any vid. here one with her doggo

>posting where you work online

>Say something about "Young Black Men"
>Say something about "White people smdh xD"
>All normies have been brainwashed to not care

>Coalburner confirmed

Not really. It's a big trend right now to adopt pitbulls right now because they're "misunderstood" and at almost any shelter they make up the majority of the dogs available because of over breeding.

using a proxy again, canada?


If that were true, she'd be a 300 pound whale with 6 gorillion tattoos and piercings. Also, pitbulls are literally god-tier doggos if trained right

No I'm from Pennsylvania. I have a crush on her

fucking google that is my sjwaifu

>Mother of 2 pit bulls

Oh for fucks sake.. all my care is fading away

Fuck off Pedro she's mine

>tfw the SJWs can't touch me because I'm black

I criticize BLM all the time, I think it's fair that others do it too. Do the SJWs not realize they are being the bigot and facists they claim to hate?


Haha you say puppers too?

Call Cred Forums, Cred Forums is too intellectual for this kind of stuff.

Can't you fucking dumbshits try to blend in, just once?
Next you're going to tell me I'm fucking clutching my pearls or some shit

They care, they just can't say anything in response, lest they get fired too. It's the reason I have to hold my tongue on facebook whenever people make apologies for Islamist extremists or niggers.

I don't use it much anyway, but if I get fired for something I say, then that also gets out to other employers.

>god tier
you're a fucking retard. kill yourself. German Shepard, Great Dane, Cane Corso. THOSE are god tier. not your shit-bull.

also, that woman deserved it. Never work at a high profile place and let your shitty fucking opinions out. how stupid can you get?


Just because you wouldn't fire her doesn't mean other people wouldn't. These things do happen and employers are shit for bowing down to the SJWs like this.

>Coalburner confirmed
the screen shot of her fb had the bf's name, do you actually confirm he was black?

Overbreeding and underadoption.
I can't imagine why people wouldn't want a dog that could snap at any time.
A pitbull could go their whole lives bein a gud boi and duin nuffin, then suddenly they rip your child's arm off because something(or nothing) set them off.
It's an unnecessary risk, they're genetically predisposed to violence because that's what they were bred for.
People who live with a decent amount of land should get an actually intelligent dog like a collie.

In that case, you severely underestimate the impact being called a racist can have.

I understand you when you say that good workers don't get fired. I'm sure no employer with a decent brain would want to fire a good employee because they criticized BLM. The fact of the matter is that for these SJW mob justice types, any kind of possible misconduct at all absolutely PALES in comparison to 'being' a """""racist""""". Being or enabling a racist is worse than being Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot combined to them. It's the ultimate sin and sinners must burn.

It doesn't even matter if the employee in question is an actual racist. If they're branded a racist and twitter/tumblr/wherever these fags hang out gets a whiff of it, they WILL lose their minds and will stop at nothing to ruin at least one life. Getting someone fired is their go-to tactic and it's actually fun to them, I guess.

As an employer, you're pretty much left with only one option: let the employee go, or keep them on and run the real risk of losing your business entirely.

SJW Bitch is such a charmer


Who is willing to set this business ablaze? That will teach them. If they lose a $500,000 building in a fire they'll know why.

I hope this is the case with most people.
The silent majority.

Did anyone follow her?

>they a gud boi they dindu nuffin, dey was on de wey ta cherch when some 7 yee ol bich decided to put de arm in izz mouf

KEK nevermind I'm not burning down a Veterinary Clinic. I love animals. Too bad it wasn't some other place...

Fuck off, faggot. Don't stoop so low.

>She/Her, They/Them

I want to get off this planet.

No. This is justified. This has nothing to do with stooping low.


Oh my fucking God, I just want to die I hate the present. She should be gassed, the people who got her fired should be gassed, ffs there isn't enough gas in the world to cure it.

>lets be niggers, the post

>owns pitbulls
Into the trash it goes. She's white trash who probably fucks a new google every weekend.

Don't even give it attention.

at least the guy that lives near her knows where she works. posting pics of her doing drugs at her place of work when?

I know man the modern world is fuckijg pathetic

>tfw if someone tried this where i work they would be told to fuck off

gottta love working for small companies that would literally collapse without you

Destroying someone else's property is never justified. It's google behavior. The fact that you're trying to incite people to commit crimes doesn't speak well for you either.


Why not report all of her drug-related tweets to her employer? Guarantee she'll be fucked. Especially an easily replaceable employee like a fucking Stop N Shop worker.

>Thinks this is about being in support of someone as opposed to being against faggot SJWs using criticism of BLM, or the like, to have someone fired from their work.

What did she say?

This is exactly what I was thinking too.
Given that social Justice Warriors are insufferable pricks in real life, then the other employees there will probably thank us.

Damn google

I guess I got in before she went dark

Who is her employer?

Did my mart, c`mon pol flood them with 1 stars and comments.

A woman on Twitter said that the BLM thugs who are tearing up Charlotte should be shot. This SJW bitch contacted the veterinary practice she worked at and got her fired by claiming she was a racist advocating the murder of black people. Unfortunately she got fired

Oh shit, has she tweeted anything?

>>tfw if someone tried this where i work they would be told to fuck off
A woman got banned from the store I work because she complained to the manager about a staff asking for her number


What does she have to say for herself?

She made a comment on an instagram page saying something to the effect of "The rioters in Charlotte are ignorant asses. I support and stand with the police #bluelivesmatter". Not a single mention of black people, racists, or even BLM.

The dyke thing posted a screenshot of it and tweeted it out, and got a ton of her faggy SJWs to repost it and attack the vet clinic the girl worked at. The clinic fired her and defended it saying she doesn't represent the business and has been terminated.

Can't get the screenshot now because the dyke made her twitter private.

cute slogan but it's objectively wrong and you'd know that if you were ever something more important than a fucking kitchen supervisor

I believe it is. You still see people in other arenas challenging the progressive narrative, hell even on facebook. I think the tide is turning and people are starting to come out.

Which location

Fucking googles, they pull this shit all the time.

She's been silent for awhile. Last tweet was more than 8 hours ago


no wonder she is going dark.

>step dad
>obviously raised by a single mother
>she's a degenerate drug user
Every fucking time.

>not using an anonymous name for twitter

get on my level

her moms name is Mary Smith Camara and I'm trying to get her work to get her fired too

Isn't that going a bit too far, lad?

she seems like an innocent young maiden to me,

btw, post made when she was 16

shut up she's pretty don't be mean to her

How did you find her mother? I think she should see this picture of her daughter

nope, getting her and her shit family all unemployed and starving for being race traitors. nothing less will satisfy me, concern shill


Thank god I archived a bunch of her tweets. Have fun guys.

How pathetic ahahahah. 50K tweets and only 8k followers, probably only 4k because half are bots.


Doing God's work mate. I just wish more people were helping out, last thread was a disaster.

Can someone follow this story to breitbart so it can really hit the mainstream.


The other girl is losing her career. This is the least we can do



And into the trash she goes!

>pitty momma
>2 kids
>in relationship
>trashy dyed blonde hair

She's without a doubt a single mother

Who gives a fuck what happens to her, she's worse than niggers

read the thread m8. she doesn't have 2 kids... she has 2 dogs that are like her kids. pitty-> pitbull

When did this place become white knight central? Fuck that girl that got fired and fuck that SJW that got her fired. Fuck them both.

>That way worst case, a gay bar gets confusing emails about an employee they never had.


Okay fine, you're a beta who's putting pussy on a pedestal. That better?

German shepard requires constant attention.

great danes die at like 6 years old.

Cane corso? what is that a cat?

My pittbull will die to protect whats in my house, let's me know when someone is outside, does tricks at command and occasionally brings me a ball to throw for him. He's only dangerous to those whom would attempt to break into my house, so you break into houses user?

no i'm not i just want to skullfuck her in her pretty face

One is already fucked, might as well fuck the other one

She doesnt even have kids, just dogs


Where is the source that says that she was fired?

>that calvin klein underwear
Coalburner 100% confirmed

Cred Forums BTFO

Looks like she has her own hashtag now


Soo just gonna leave this here shall we start a trend on twitter? The Googles do it for all their dindus

She lives with her mother here

Full name: Mary SMITH camara

Send pizzas

anyone have a link to a page we can spam with stuff like this?

you're confusing "owns" with "fights"

dindus own pets to fight because its in their savage nature to fight and kill

civilized people own pets as companions, hence and treat them like family hence 'mother of 2...' etc

why do I get the feeling that is this guy:

>apparently being a virgin is a bad thing
>if in doubt call them a racist nazi
>pls notice me senpai
Freaking betas man.

I don't know where OP got the info from but:

Second review down from Britni (fucking googles). They responded saying she was immediately dismissed.

Fucking Skype-funded black lies matter ruining everything. Fucking googles!

Never stoop to their level, user

Looks like he wants in her pants.

Imagine being this fucking desperate you feel the need to white knight for a degenerate lesbian SJW who wants to be called "they/them".

They're trying to defend their choice.

Why do private companies feel like they can trample over someone's constitutional rights?

>what is insurance


Excellent post. Even managed to turn it into a women's rights issue haha.

Excellent work mate.


She's really hot tho, damn.


This kind of faggotry is why we're losing

You have to make the reaction so fucking horrific that they never even contemplate pulling this sort of shit again

We're dicking around worrying about rules while nigger jesus is about to give away our last bastion of free speech


These faggots have to understand that their time is over, it must be painful and humiliating

Fuck being nice

it's called googlespeak round here boy

Made me laugh

Shame, if it weren't for cultural marxism she'd be cute.

also the stop n shop corporate Facebook


>implying being a virgin isn't a bad thing

never change, you beautiful socially crippled omega male internet addicts because I love ya

So has anyone actually reported anything to her employer?

thanks user

Someone good at photoshop? We can porn shop her photos and upload them in several places like the porn space of Tumblr or Imgur and tag all of them with her name.

We can't do much this way however, since employers search up the aspirants' name on the internet, we can fuck up her future jobs as well.


while I don't think she should be fired... The business is in the same location that had a all BLM ppl looting and breaking shit. If the tweet goes viral and ppl blame the business if they stand by her tweets, owner could have his business fucked with. Plus some customers could be BLM supporters.

Constitutional rights weren't violated btw.



oh looks like fucking Reddit has it too

I'm not a virgin though. I just don't see how being one is a bad thing? Isn't that a trait you'd look for in a woman?

pressure in the form of harassment and intimidation

and boycotts, of course

Her father is the store manager of Stop & Shop

I mean has anyone sent anything to the employer of the SJW

Excellent dude

lol, so much for her getting fired.

>oh looks like fucking Reddit has it too
please be joking

Won't matter when corporate is involved, in fact if corporate is involved it'll negatively effect him because of his relationship...this is getting juicy


Where did you find that out?

Cred Forums is full of white nights and censoring themselves for some faggot crusade. Is this the end?

>white nights


I would totally have a bowl with this bitch and tell her about the jews.

>getting sjw cunts rekt is being a white night (sic)
I don't get the google thing right now, probably just for laughs. But this cunt deserves it.

Lad we don't care about the girl in all honesty

we're just doing this because we're sick of people rights being stripped and people being punished for expressing their rights
and all of it is happening socially while people let it

we're doing this to hit them back for acting like people's rights do not matter if they disagree with how they use them.

Lol what has her mum even done, fuck off idiot, just go for Hannah.

dindu sjw retard spotted

She likes white girls with dreads, she's supporting cultural appropriation

she looks like owen "the cuck" jones

Maybe if she didn't present her self as such a dyke

>Lives in Rock Hill, South Carolina
You couldn't be more correct. I live about 20 minutes from Rock Hill, its full of niggers.

>She's really hot tho, damn.
you guys have never been near an attractive woman I swear to god

raised a little cunt

Bottom left

reminder to scrape her profiles everywhere

>full of white nights

Has she tweeted anything yet?

what, you mean like this?

>being such a degenerate that you unironically think the most demeaning insult for your ideological opponent is to accuse them of never having played benis in bagina game

its private now

Truth. She's pasty and toothpickish

Alright u get that one

Personally I did not do that to avenge the bitch who got fired. I find pleasure in teaching something about the internet to the gen z bitch that think it's ok to get people fired over some stupid tweet.

This. Burn them all

white knight

sorry, Hannah won't ever fuck you

Yes but managed to follow her before it was privatised

Has anything been done yet or just a punch of chest pounding?

Good catch mate.

On the city limits sign to Rock Hill, it used to say:
>Rock Hill, no room for racism

People spray painted "or niggers" so often, they had to take it down.

True Story!BQEgna7A!EUL0nJkrMIlOEJEPFItDnxhdo_i3bfAyLLLY-IP7YVE

Here's all her instagram posts in case anyone missed it

It really doesn't make much of a difference either way. Every woman is different and has different expectations for their partners. They don't expect you to know what they'll like off the bat, they'll either show you or they won't care one way or another. My experience with people who use virgin as an insult is that they're usually virgins themselves. To normal people it just isn't that big of a deal.

I'll have you know you little shit, I was one of the people in the first thread trying to find her personal info.

found original tweet

She think she is half black, she says her father is cape verdean, look it up in the shit

sock puppet set up
PIA ready

Nah thanks desu. The only notworthy one was the penis bong and I already have that

started hitting her work's corporate social media with threats about going to the news with reports of their funding of cyber terrorism if they don't do anything

Not anymore m8. She must be purging recent follows


Damn. I tried to follow with an account pretending to be a Twitter mod but she saw through it

Play Jew games win Jew prizes, and everyone on the train gets sent to the showers.

This is my home news net
She's suing them and the post she made was super fucking tame
And she was also 100% right
They were welfare googles who were in and out of jail/prison

We Guardian Angels now

>just a punch of chest pounding?
somebody did this:

Sam Hyde needs to bitch slap this woman

Jesus Christ it's like a secret code

Do it faggot

You must have a low IQ

>Hannah Smith
>Says she lives in Boston but her paypal is to New Bedford, MA

Doesn't look like it, says her age is 42.

that's still chest pounding how about doing something personally to her instead of posting pictures she can ignore

>Mary Smith Camara
For more information, contact Mary Camara at 508 (notspam) 679 (notspam) 0131.

Look what I found. Website is a suburb of Boston. Somebody call.

Back to r/Cred Forums you enormous fucking loser

So just complain to corporate and not the local branch.

Send it to where she works.

You know you have to take drug tests for those dead-end jobs.

>Says she lives in Boston but her paypal is to New Bedford, MA

she probably has it set to a different state for tax evasion reasons

>Call up and pretend to be an employer
>Ask for Hannah and explain that she had applied for a position at *insert company here* and this is the number she put on her CV
>Free talktime with Hannah the Spanner

>he makes a post with little to no tonal wording about reddit picking up this shit due to a post about le ebin reddit army
>he's surprised someone thought he was actually that new
back to grade school you stupid faggot

Kek let's get them fired. Report to the company.

How does one kill... that which has no life?

> New Bedford
pretty sure that's the same state

Name: Mary Camara
Email: [email protected]
Organization: Fall River Community Development Agency
Phone #: 508(notspam)679(notspam)0131

Don't let this slut get away
Her nigger loving ways are disgusting

>Different state


This is a hidden reason why the white race is dying, they are most susceptible to obsessing over their worthless pets to fulfill their nurturing instincts rather than having a real family.

We should send support to the woman that got fired, keep her in our side, encourage her to take legal action

If that's her stepfather who is, according to the message she posted, aware of her marijuana usage, and he continues to employ her knowingly, doesn't that mean he's likely to get into a lot of trouble with corporate himself?

I guess you kill were she has a life: cam whoring, virtue signaling, and harassing ppl online. So giving her a taste of her own medicine is best course?

>he refers to two different people who have different ids as the same guy
>im not knew i sware!!! XD
Dont let the door hit you on the way out

Im with you man...

I own a Shepherd. Most loyal dog, also very independent dog. I leave him in my room when I have to go out and he just sleeps by my pillow. Stop talking out your ass.

Your pit is little more than semi domesticated badger. Literal emblem of poverty and squalor.

Yes. Exactly this, anons lets kill 3 birds with one stone

The attached pics are her with the bong, her smoking two blunts and the tweet from

Also the dick pic is in there for good measure

Been sending evidence of this stuff to her company

Such a heap of misinformation.

Pits are not disposed to violence (against humans) not were they bred for that.

Do you have any idea how dogs were fought? The owners were in the pits with them, and expected to be in control of them at all times and to comply with referee. This means at the very moment that a fighting pit was deepest in his blood lust - about to kill the other dog - the owners who were standing there in close quarters with them the whole time, had to reach in with their hands and separate the dogs. And if a dog bit either of the owners it had to be put down.

Pitts were bred to fight dogs, not people.

I've never seen one that wasn't horribly mistreated, tortured, deliberately made violent, hurt a person.

Most breeds of dog attack people all the time. You don't even hear about it, it's routine. The one time in a million the dog is a pit, you hear about it. Don't let the media fill your brain with nonsense, get out in the world and learn about things.

thaha gotta shoop some nudes

>he has never seen anyone mistake people for the same person in all his time on Cred Forums
Sounds like a fun two weeks.

My gf loves pit bull (has 2), and absolutely hates niggers. She claims that pitbulls get a bad wrap because so many irresponsible nigger owners just because the dogs look tough and niggers always want to be tough. I agree with her.

Dude, thats a charity helping homeless people. Isn't that a bit too far? You're just going to feed her victim mentality and she'll think she's virtuous for "suffering for taking a stand against racism"

Racist scum shitheads should be living in a fear. I fucking love this...

>from Brunswick Ohio
fucking blue devils will they ever learn

Yes. Yesssss.

post cute hannah pics plz


nice. All the faggots bitching about going after her mom don't get it. The point is to attack the little cunt from all angles to make her feel like things are snowballing out of control. A taste of her own medicine.



>he thought pol is counter culture and satire so he moseyed here from reddit and wants to pretend he grew up w b like the rest of us


I don't get why these people don't take legal action for defamation. They can file a suit against the entire BLM claiming they are interfering in their right to employment.

>Owns Pitts


Hell, I'd probably thank the SJWs in question.

Iam not gonna lie, I have been fapping to her. How can such a horrible human being be so cute.


maybe if she had a good dad she would be nice

You faggots are going after the wrong woman

Mary L Camara

Get your shit together

You're both googles. Pitbulls are the niggers of the google world.

Women who choose dogs/cats over children deserve every negative thing they get


this is correct

Fuck off mudslime, doggos are part of the family.


This guy knows whats up PIT LIVES MATTER



Good little sissy cuck

Has banned me from his twitter feels bad


You are literally emailing pictures of a random teenager to the wrong woman

Look who's in the pic related

Facebook >mary.smithcamara

>you cant exercise your first amendment right while working for us
Yes it is.

4th grade history shouldnt be hard at all.

Did they add new word filters?


Ahh, I miss Donglegate, that black biych was so much easier to hate.

This chick just seems like an average stoner girl you can get high and feel up whenever you're bored.

Fuck off Ahmed. This part of the hemisphere loves doggers and cats, not goats. Deal with it.


>watch new south park episode
>fun and giggles
>mfw this is american reality

seriously when did you people start to take social media at face value, and even go as far as to fire people for online posts?

totally has nothing to do with her job in any way, yet they fired her. fuck that vet clinic

Muslims like cats more than Westerners do.
Muhammad was extremely fond of them, and one of his companions' Arabic epithet roughly translates to 'father of the kitten', because he raised stray cats.

Even crusader sources noted that a difference between Christians and Muslims was that the former liked dogs and the latter liked cats.

eye for an eye is kek's will

hammer the reviews with "employees produce and distribute child porn" that will get normies in a rage

>Mfw white girl gets fired for criticizing Google's (I have yet to see a coal burner do so), but Cred Forums drops her flat because she likes pit bulls too much

Its not even the fact that she's a woman. If the fact that she's white and pisses off rabid giigles, that should be the reason to keep pressing the issue. You want some semblance of white identity, you're gonna have to be less picky. At 60% of the population, we cant really afford to narrow it down to what dogs she has.

well the owner can fucking stand there with a rifle and defend their shit. the fuck are they doing tolerating hordes of googles moving into their city in the first place?

SJWs will start to foam at the mouth and not realise the sob story they're creating, but they'll think they did the "moral" thing at the same time.

this is when blm was destroying towns for two days in a row...

She works at an organic grocery store proabably owned by fucking hippies. You think theyll fire her for smoking pot gotta find something more incriminating

Racist cunt should be stoned and raped to death


1st admt. rights = government can't stop you. It doesn't mean you can't suffer consequences for what you say from other ppl or the private sector.

We could Yelp them as fondling our dogs maybe?

This is where south parks analogy of internet trolls fall insufficient.

Fuck these people who ACTUALLY ruin lives. We just call them cunts and they start crying. A