Are proud of yourselves Cred Forums you drove the little old lady batshit insane

Are proud of yourselves Cred Forums you drove the little old lady batshit insane.

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe post the link ...

Sorry newfagging it up ova hea

>Are proud of yourselves Cred Forums you drove the little old lady batshit insane.

>Implying that she wasn't already batshit insane.

>literally demanding that 100% of Americans vote for her

Isn't this the same thing that North Korean dictators do?


Playing the devil's advocate here, but she's not demanding 100% of Americans vote for her, she's genuinely bewildered at how any American can vote for Trump over her. Shows her massive disconnect from reality, if you ask me.

Her dad was a small business.


>freedom is wrong for America
>Communism is right!

Unions are cancer.

I can tell you this is part of a concerted strategy.

Hillary has no empathy, charisma, charm.

All she exudes is cold calculating shrill chalkboard scratching noises.

So she's thinking.

>Well. If I'm a sinister reptilian robot that's incapable of charisma or empathy, how can I spice up my speeches?

>Well... Trump is bombastic and gets praised for it. I'm going to be bombastic as well!

Mark my words.

This is Hillary's new strategy. She's going to try out being Female Trump.

anyone got a youtube link for this?

oh shit shes gonna look crazy out of no where, Trump doesnt friccin'yell like hes angry at a dog that pissed on the carpet

this is amazing shes self destructing

Leave her alone, her father was a small business.

20-70 would be up 50 points

So what did she do?

Basically she looks even more insane than usual, and her voice is overly loud and shrill.

she's acting like Rubio and Cruz from before.

do your part and spread this video - it makes her look angry and desperate

what channel interviewed her?

was this on her own youtube channel? She's doing faux passion/conviction so badly.

The debate will be glorious if they don't find a way to control her every move and word she says.

She's completely gone, why is her father a small business?

Also why the hell is she using a greenscreen for this?
Couldn't she make this video in a real office?

Am I missing some context or is she saying that people should not have a right to work?

She's a cold psychopath actually.

Maybe she's surprised that people aren't falling for
>if u support trump your a racist white supremacist who probably murders children meme

>Right to work is wrong
I'm sorry, what?

This bitter, hate-filled cunt is dying before our eyes and it's fucking glorious

She IS angry and desperate. She's been saying shit like "if you know somebody who plans to vote for Trump, stage an intervention" and "friends don't let friends vote for Trump." She is figuratively and literally shitting her pants right now, that's why she paid god knows how many millions of dollars getting all those actors to beg people not to vote Trump.

We are winning and we are winning by a lot.

Post YFW you realize that hillary is literally becoming a parody of herself.


Hillary's major mental malfunctions might be from Parkinson's.

And pneumonia can be a symptom of Parkinson's.

Bitch will never admit it though.

RAMZPAUL on the Hillary Collapse just a week ago.


Now let us all think ahead a week. To the debates against Donald Trump, a man used to winning and unaccustomed to giving a shit about what weak-minded losers like Hillary think.

From the very beginning, Trump will dominate the debate stage so forcefully that Hillary will begin to feel (and involuntarily react to) the stress building up in her mind.

>Under the pressure of the debate, Hillary begins slurring her words.

Then she gets obvious hand tremors.

>Then Hillary gets facial tics.

Then she starts shaking so hard that she is vibrating at the podium.

>Before flopping onto the stage floor, Hillary hears Huma screaming into her earpiece to say something. "Anything, Hillary. Say anything, my love." But nothing verbal comes.

Other things begin to rumble in Hillary's bowels, though. The body is reacting to the sudden intense stress by preparing to void all solid and liquid waste.

> Hillary's bowels and her bladder release simultaneously as on-scene paramedics try to prevent her from swallowing her own bumpy tongue.

Based Trump stands there suppressing a grin and shaking his head.

RAMZPAUL did a couple of great videos on the seahag's health:

This one, from a few weeks ago:

And this most recent one, after the big reveal about Hillary admitting her brain damage:

And poor Dr. Drew got fired after he gave this straightforward bit of analysis:

it's the name of an anti-union policy

She's fucking doomed.

Except Rubio tried the same thing

youtube link
This shit look faked again LMAO.
She only do simple movement and stands right in the middle. I think they used Face2Face to imitate her and something to change the spoken words to sound like Hillary's voice. The background could also like before be a green screen.

this was an infomercial she showed to people instead of showing up to one of her rallies

they literally had a hillary "rally" then rolled out a TV and this was playing

Is this actually real, chaps?

Are we being rused here? Is this an impersonator?

She hasn't done any press work at all lately, only that Between Two Ferns puff piece, all pre-recorded and edited.

If this is real, she's gone nuts. Well, more nuts than before.

Be careful though, this is too good to be true, which usually means it isn't.

She was always an arrogant brat and now she flips out because adults stepped in to say "no".

>you drove the little old lady batshit insane.
Pretty sure the syphilis did that

>they used Face2Face to imitate her
That's what I'm thinking, the modern Genesis 3 series of 3D models with iray are almost perfect replicas of real people now, a huge leap from G2.

Where is this speech in context? Why is this the only artifact we have of it? Where is all the shit all over the screen if it was broadcast news?

Watch it boys, we've been ratted out here.

Relax poland, you will always be welcome to pick our veggies.

That's the weird volume and energy my granny would have when she's on the cough syrup.

Thread theme as trump makes the final push

Oh, I see.
For a moment I thought she was talking about something Jill Stein said.
I was thinking that if she acknowledged Stein, her campaign is over

In some states, in order to get a job you must be a member of the union that oversees that job. The unions have a legal right to include required membership clauses when they make their agreements with companies ensuring that the company isn't allowed to hire someone from outside the union to fill certain positions.

Right to work is a term that means such clauses are illegal. An employee isn't ever required to be part of a union in order to get or keep a job and companies aren't required to only hire union members. It is claimed to weaken unions and put more power in the hands of the employer so leftists don't like that policy.

Flushing her last asset down the toilet. Decorum.

Brilliant. She's going full Rubio.

We already knew she was insane when she started ranting about nazi frogs.

>my dad was a small business
If she got the same treatment as Trump you know the next headline would be:

Quick help me with some arguments please. My boss sent me a mail if I'm interested in moving to the US in 2017 for job company reasons. I replied it depends on the elections and if Trump wins I'm interested. Now he is asking me why not if Hillary wins. What to write back?

Holy shit she is co-opting the Trump style

Cred Forums has completely changed American politics

>Hardhats 4 Trump

It's these types that will put Trump over the top.

This would be the best outcome possible for trump, no?

All he has to do is come across like he did during fallon and he'll win.

I don't understand how her entire campaign can be solely based on bashing her opponent.

Does she even have any policies of her own? Because all I hear is her attacking Trump non stop. Seems like there is nothing else going on here. There's no way this can succeed

Write to him saying because you're racist and sexist

Taxes will be high and Obamacare will cost the company too much money, you're worried for the company's bottom line, that's all.

She will die from stress soon enough.

what is this some sort of screen test? it's not real right?

She spoke louder to give the illusion that she's expressing anger.

Someone needs to skankhunt42 frame number 4.

I was gonna do it, but I really don't want to have to crop out a penis.

Cause even she doesn't know, more of the same?
Soros, Goldman Sachs and the Saudi royal family haven't told her what her policies are yet.

Just say you fear her desire for more war, and more taxes to pay for those wars, will make it potentially a financial disaster for you to move there.


Post yfw she dies from a stress induced heart attack when the audiance is cheering for Trump.

I can't wait until she has to give a final speech after losing the election. She's probably going to go full retard and start cussing people out. She knows it will be the end for her. She's too old to ever run for anything again.

>my dad was a small business
I guess there's a huge market for Jewish puppets.

Hillary hasn't put forward any sort of economic recovery plan, just "more of the same" increases in personal and corporate taxation.

On the other hand, Trump has suggested reducing the corporate tax in the JFK-Reagan style.

>talking to your boss about politics

The most hilarious part of this is they used Bernie to do the real person on the other end. Look at the hand gestured, it's Bernie behind the computer image and voice.

Actually, yeah, do this instead.

You'll either get the job and a promotion on the spot, or you didn't want to work there anyway.

Can somebody JUST this pic?

>bringing potentially divisive politics up with your boss
>when he's offering you an opportunity
The damage is already done m8, that was a really daft thing to say.

You should just have just asked if it's possible to defer your decision until mid-november because of "family issues" or "prior commitments" or something vague but private sounding that he won't try to dig into.

Audio certainly seems nor synchronized with image, like some kind of dubbing.

must have disappointed dozens


I'm very proud

So this is obnoxiously loud even for burgers? I really cant tell the difference.

If she was always like that it'd be a different campaign and she'd probably be doing better. But now it just looks like she's usually asleep and has occasional outbursts. Really weird.


Fiction becomes reality...


>tfw your dad was a small business


in that specific order

>not a few paid actors

My dad was a small agriculture!

>The damage is already done m8, that was a really daft thing to say.

Yup. You should always be as non-specific as possible. Even just saying after the elections, and saying you don't want to discuss politics if he asks which candidate you would prefer, could have been workable.

>she has a personater going around behaving like a retard

what's her end game?

Was he a meme farm?

Doesn't matter that much. Her biggest draw is being not hitler. I am always amused anytime anyone even mentions her policies, because even in this campaign alone it's been shown that they change at the drop of 50 million in her account or whatever, so why believe anything she says?

It probably is her.

But what if she was leaking this tape herself, to reveal it was a forgery later on and win an epic burn XDXDXD see I can meme2?

Where's the rest of the broadcast? etc

I hope. I hope she read my comment i posted on The Hill the other day.

"I am not such liar myself and can only imagine how it is to be one.
But i guess extensive lying, such as Hillary does, would cause short circuits in the brain.
Hillary should donate her brain for scientific research after she dies. A valuable object for scientific research on pathological liars."

Yeah, we used to harvest the toppest of keks and shit was all organic and manual labour.

It is so awkward, bizarre, and grotesque. It seems like it should be fake.

I think she got confused in her old age and got prions instead of a Prius in an effort to be hip.

Trumpen/pol/ definitely in her head.

The funny thing is she says that while being herself someone who murders small children and sacrifices her to moloch, lucifer, when she isnt busy raping the childs

I could almost believe that if I was high as a fucking kite.

She is 100% wrong, right to work is a policy that allows companies to not enforce substandard unions upon its workers or for workers to be forced into any situation without a majority vote on the workers part.
It's literally freedom of choice.
You can choose to be union or you can choose not to be.
Without right to work we could have a lot of situations that are not good for workers, such as another increase in qualifications.
No company is going to pay a Google 20 dollars to box items.
Or if they did the products sales price would have to increase forcing the end user to pay more.

holy shit, she's lost it

She's normally very composed



kek shes really has gone totally insane

viral this shit boys

This is LITERALLY what ended Jeb's career.

She must have just seen the NC early voting results.

Hillary's pulling the "act like an ace attorney villain having a breakdown" trick now

I wonder how it'll work out for her

>I don't understand how her entire campaign can be solely based on bashing her opponent.

Have you ever attempted to debate a liberal?

Facts don't matter. Facts matter so little a liberal is actually indoctrinated to the idea that it's best to outright ignore facts. Feels. Feels are all that matter. How a policy or person makes you feel is more important than how it works. Even lying the lib will endlessly defend because it isn't about the truth, it's about how the lie made you feel.

Attacking Trump IS their only platform. It's about making others feel bad enough to cower and think the way they want by hammering them with guilt. And you should feel bad, goy, for supporting a racist sexist intolerant capitalist homophobic Nazi xenophobic anti-science islamophobic bigoted redneck ignorant KKK uneducated gunhumping baby killing anti-semite!

spread this one too


Peso/USD will plummet and you'll get #hoodrich off forex investments.

yuo idiots take one of Trumps points and think that is good enough he is the wrong mesenger a complete asshole

Somebody really needs to remake all the Hillary scandals into an Ace Attorney investigation.

don't even know what the fuck she's on about tbqhwyl but sounds like a load of bollocks to me

Can someone check these quads?

What if her opponent is the most unpopular presidential candidate in American history? And she initially campaigned on her experience and policies, then Robert Cialdini told her that was a shit idea and she switched to attacking Trump.

Next up the googles

Show him chimp-out videos.

I made a collage for you Cred Forums

She's just doing her impression of "dumbass blue collar man I'd like to exploit."

Please let her do this

She'll just come off completely insane


holy quads

>right for work

The fuck is that and why is it supposed to be bad?

What happened?

>When they ask you to take a neurocognitive test

I can't wait. Cankles is just now feeling the tip brushing her Anus. She will really howl when the Schlonging becomes rapid, continuous thrusts.

You could read the thread. Right to Work is about not forcing you to join a union. Hillary is saying people should be forced to join a union and that Right to Work, which is against this, is bad.

It's the right to work without being forced to pay dues to a union. It's supposed to be bad because then the union bosses don't collect as much which reduces her cut as well.

not listened to this in years, thank you!

This is why Hillary has been missing throughout this entire campaign. They don't want to show her shrieking and only using B-roll footage muted when the talking heads are talking about her and interviews given are 100% controlled.

So Hillary is trying to get the greasy union Italian mafia bosses to coax their workers into voting for her?

Yeah basically

>And you should feel bad, goy, for supporting a racist sexist intolerant capitalist homophobic Nazi xenophobic anti-science islamophobic bigoted redneck ignorant KKK uneducated gunhumping baby killing anti-semite!

This is actually everything that has been said about him in one sentence. My gods, when you see it written out in an, albeit sarcastic, sentence it looks like the ramblings of a lunatic. How did it get to this point? How is this kind of horseshit what passes for actual political discourse in the US? And supposedly educated people buy it hook line and sinker. This is absolutely bonkers.

she's got it bass ackwards. The loud, bombastic thing only works if you lead with it then
when you calm down you're saying "see I can calm myself and take control when
necessary" otherwise it just looks like you're having a meltdown. Like someone else said,
she's going full Rubio.

Fucking horrifying




she is sitting down as well


haha i thought this as well, shes imitating bernie speech patterns

That's her weakness right there. She is a Sithlord who feels her authority and command of the facts are absolute. Watch for it in the debates

Yes. Yes we are.

The argument is that right to work laws depress wages and hurt unions. The laws prevent what's called a "closed shop" where an employee has to be a union member at a job. The argument against right to work is that it causes a free rider problem and makes unions. Let's say a factory worker has the option of joining a union that the majority of other workers at the factory belong to. It's in his individual best interest not to join because the union charges fees and he still gets the benefits of the union collectively bargaining on his behalf. The problem is that other workers will make that decision too, so eventually the union will collapse because nobody wants to pay for it. Collective action problems are a bitch.

You guys know

that she already is going to back out of the debates right?

Seems more like she's trying to emulate Bernies mannerisms

Yessss!!! praise kek!

>Hillary becomes Jeb 2.0
Sadly seems likely at this point. I just want her to drop out and live her life safely and quietly away from harm. Why does she do this to herself?

sounds great to me, unions are a scam

Fuck ya I'm proud of you lads

I love my Cred Forums brethrens desu

Get says it must be true

what's wrong with her? can somebody send the video?

We haven't won yet.

>you must join this union
>for the sake of the union

shit's literally communism.

The prions on the right even look sinister.

Ok, that would be too funny

If it happens only Cred Forums will be disappointed, because we want a happening.

Also her numbers will plummet.

Hillary was on the board of directors of WalMart in the 80s.

Clintons support free trade.

Hillary wants more hispanic and muslim immigration.

hillary wants more regulations mandatory costs on employers.

hillary won't do anything to stop outsourcing and companies moving overseas.

How is Hillary pro worker again?

I'm for Right to Work and for Unions. When you don't have right to work. You end up with mandatory union membership or you don't work at all.

When hurricane Sandy hit and all those power lines, sub stations, etc were destroyed. The non union power companies in the South sent work crews to aid in recovery operations. The yankee union cunts wouldn't let the non union crews work.

>My dad was a small business, I'm just business man. I'm just happy he never did business with Trump.



>My dad was a small business

then you can hear a mouse squeal when she says that lol

they basically think that her numbers will plummet either way, but the debate might be a nail in her coffin.

"I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man" - Jay Z.

>missing Hillary's hip cool subtle reference regarding her dad

As long as the benefits are greater than the cost of dues, then it's a good deal for the workers.

if it's so great nobody would be forced to join

>When she realizes letting Obama win back in 2008 and "waiting for her turn" was all for nothing, and that that was her only actual shot at being president
>Every time she suffers from her aging body's failing health she silently screams at that nigger
>At night she is awoken by nightmares of swarms of frogs and Trump's smiling face

has this guy finally gone too far?

>letting Obama win

heh. honestly, this was probably her best shot, unless she had been ballsy enough to try a 2012 run. A real possibility, according to that one book I read.

>Then she starts shaking so hard that she is vibrating at the podium.
If you look at her videos the only time she isn't robotic is when someone brings up Trump. This video she's angry, in the unFunny or Die video the only emotion she showed during the whole thing was when (((Zach))) mentioned Trump. She seemed like she was eager to talk about him, probably the thought of """trying""" to rip him apart actually reminded her what it was like to have a soul at one time.

I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally looking forward to Monday.

She either

>Pusses out and campaign goes from inevitable crash to straight free-fall
>Debates and walks away with minor health concerns or none to bring up
>Debates and barely walks away or doesn't walk away at all

I'm leaning on the last one. I think you're right, the stress of the debate is going to pile up on her. The congressional hearings was just some BS she had to get through (in her mind) and was more of an annoyance. But Trump? He is THE obstacle between her key to ruling the world and fading into complete obsolescence at best and going to prison and losing it all at worst.

She can barely handle the biased press at this point on a calm, breezy, overcast Sunday morning. When she begins to actually talk to Trump she is going to start falling apart.

Meanwhile you have Trump, who sees her as just another obstacle. She's no different than Jeb was, she's another opponent who is bound to face defeat on the way to his presidency.

Daily Mail thinks it's real.

Union saved my ass when I was a kid, I almost got scammed big-time

She's terrified.

the person who made this is too dangerous to live.

she sounds strung out.

why is she stealing bernie's mannerisms

This is what nightmares are made out of.

By dad is a small business.

Hold on, is she sitting? It looks like she's sitting.

>hillary standing

My thoughts as well. It's a test. If this gets better hits than her previous dull videos, the campaign have found a new format you can expect to see more of, if successful. This is trumpetizing.

She's sitting, yes. Sitting in front of a camera, and yelling, because white blue-collar workers are (rightfully) abandoning the Democrats, due to the fact the Democrats are now running exclusively on the politics of "Fuck white people".

This ad has about the same presence as some old nanny screaming at you to pick up your room. It's not a plea for support. It's a demand.

>a Google
what was this "Google" meme again?

My nanny would stand over me and make me clean it.

You have to step into the mind of Clinton. She thinks she is -owed- the presidency. It's "her turn".

The idea that Americans would deny it to her puts her into an irrational rage.

Hillary trying to be bombastic just makes her sound even more disingenuous.

This is Jeb Bush all over again

Nah, that's par the course. Shitlibs always blame you for the same exact shit that they did. They're always projecting.

well said





Ahem. Then let's give it hits :). She might just double down on the crazy.

"Hillary looks passionate and powerful in this!"

"Hillary should show more vigour, just like this!"

top fucking kek

>reported by close associates to the clinton campaign she will back out
more like reported by one of your bible thumpin schizophrenic fans.

see you at the debates gents. its going to be a circus
holy shit I didn't realize how far we've come...

Someone do a remix

hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on, can we get a fact check for this?

bold Straya, that might just be crazy enough to work

>I'm just businessman

>that pure anger and contempt

Her concession speech is going to be one for the books if she's already this pissed

this is just the tip of the iceberg, he is warming up


> hating right to work

Holy fuck is she mental? That's the biggest difference between Republicans and Democrats. Democrats would rather sit on welfare all day instead of becoming a useful member of society and working for their money. What a raving lunatic. Every state should have right to work, but at least let the states make the decisions. This woman is trying to destroy everything I envy about America

It's over with her campaign. She is at Jeb level now.

Murrican unions ain't like the unions we have here in Nordic wonderlands.

I was about to say, her gestures (like at 0:26) are something my 90yo grandma does.
She won't survive this will she


She'll be the female Rubio.

Dems, the media, and generally all politicians have built themselves a paradise where they think they're the masters.

They've broken completely from reality and hopefully Trump can pull this one out and knock them back down to earth

This is, in fact, pure gold for a hot remix. Kek, I beseech thee, please make it happen. If digits, Moonman makes a cameo

womyn stronk


why not do it? it might be genius. unless, it plays against us.. i want trump to have the best possible chance to win.

Every point she gains he loses. She wont be at 90 while he's at 45. They are both at 45 now. If she gains 10 and moves to 55, he drops to 35. At some point the spread is 50. ie 20/70

Jeb tried so hard to be the female trump nut he failed

This. Trump never sounds angry. Only power and in charge.

>She won't survive this will she

Her only salvageable option is if she's suddenly hit with the tragedy of losing Bill. She's already shown that her only strategy is to manipulate hearts into voting for her, and there's no better way to do that than the grieving widow angle. If she keeps going full Jeb!, expect him to be gone shortly after the 2nd debate.

> 2nd debacle.

As a former Teamster and USWA member, it's a scam.

Very astute observation
This might be her way of over compensating for her 9/11 collapse
"Look, I'm not weak, dying, or sleepy. I'm a tough bitch"
It will remind everyone why most people hate her
Trump will come off as charming and make panties wet


And Chelsea's parents are a Fortune 500 corporation.

Just like Smiler from Transmetropolitan.
Don't worry, the Beast will win


She's officially lost her mind.

This video was like nails on a chalkboard. I can't fucking stand her voice when she raises it / gets angry. It's insufferable and I guarantee you any male who watches this clip of her gong psycho is going to be less likely to vote for her. She sounds bitter and entitled and her voice is like a nagging old woman.


>lost 2008 because everyone is high on their own farts about voting for a black guy
>lose 2016 because the black guy fucked everything up, and now the public wants someone tough
>cant run 2024 because too old





My dad was a small buisiness too. He sold potpourri and whatever crafts he could force his kids to make in the basement.

im scared


Sorry to burst your bubble but your understanding of Parkinson's is flawed. It does not affect psychology, though some medication for it can cause anxiety. The pneumonia is a complete red herring - Parkinson's causes pneumonia when the part of your throat that causes you to choke to prevent food from getting into your lungs ceases to work effectively. This occurs long after the shaky hand stage when the patient is no longer able to talk or walk and is basically the end stage before death. Pneumonia is pretty much a symptom of being old.

Why didn't she do another take after fucking up her lines?








TRUMP 2016!

I feel like a good number of votes are picking her with the assurance that Bill would be her advisor since he held office during a period of economic growth, and without him she will lose these votes

Hillary has the plague, literally.

It would waste precious minutes, she can only spend so long at a time outside of the machine.

10/10 i noticed it too

the future is now


Did they mess up the dosage of her medication?

As an IBEW member getting $46/hr wage after completing my journeyman status, with benefits package totaling $85/hr, unions are fantastic.

Right to work is bullshit though right guys?


I'm not proud.

I'm not the person who told a senile old lady a severe cough away from Hospice care to lose her shit in front of the entire world.

If I did that, then I'd be proud.

I can't believe her campaign put this video out there. This is not a good look for her. It's completely inconsistent with the way she normally speaks and it sounds like she's throwing a fit.

Yep, see

Except that since Trump started talking only policy and stopped with the shit flinging, his poll numbers have improved appreciably.

IBEW here aswell

Christ, she really is a terrible politician. She has the corruption down pat, but being a public figure is out of her reach.

no, unions protect bad workers and prevent excellent workers from receiving proper compensation. time put in is all that matters

she's literally gone fucking nuts

she sounds like she's doing an impression of trump at the end, but it's unintentional. she's literally so obsessed with him that she's unconsciously imitating him.

>implying anyone wants to vote for a bitchy woman to screech at the ears for the next 4-8 years

Unions are basically irrelevant if you're continuously insourcing cheap labor.

Erghhh the thought of prions make my skin crawl.

to the people saying this is fake or something, its real, jesus fucking christ, its 100% real you idiots

Check'd and kek'd

She's so charming.

200% mad

Ooh, that's not a good look for her.

Ah fuck. Grandma is on the sauce again. Let's sneak out the back door and head to the movies.

If she wins America will pretty much become a communist dictatorship

>She's going to try out being Female Trump
That's the worst idea she's ever had. Trump's whole thing is being charismatic, speaking the truth, and appearing as a normal human being.

This is amazing. and scary.
>Believe nothing

Literally Jeb with a vagina

No, you retard. Those videos won't sway anyone. What makes you think they would?

>Did you see that bideo where guy says 'Hillary for prison' and she doesn't hear what he says?
>Yeah, I won't vote for het now. She can't hear.

Get your fucking head in the game or stay out of it completely.

75-25 desu


>must have disappointed dozens


How much longer does she have to live if she's ditching rallies and rolling out TVs with her screaming at random shit?


Stop it
She doesn't deserve this

Fuck off Serbia

Just tell him that she'll continue Obama's failed economic policy.

wew lad

Checked and revered


She would have lost in 08 as well, no one sane would want Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton for 32 years.

I want someone to throw frogs at her during a rally

If you're being honest then just say she's corrupt and you can't trust anything she says.

>jewish federaton



Right to work means right to be fired.

She looks really stressed and out of it

>a circus
A massacre, because Trump will hold your cunt criminal candidate down and knock her teeth out, one at a time. And you will watch.

>quads trips dubs combo
>quads and trips from 2's

Bitch us done

there is no way this bitch survives the debates.

Don't forget misogynistic

>literally Jeb


every video of her makes her look batshit crazy. She iz a sociopath and has no human warmth in her so she tries to act empathy. It's very difficult to act it just right and most speeches have several giveaway signs.

why the hell does she wear that mao zedong outfit

I thought you were joking about that quote. You weren't. Oh, that crazy Kek again, darn his shenanigans.

>my dad was a small business
What did she mean by this?

really makes you think

She took some lessons from Dilma.

>my dad was a small business


Also, she's already a heartless monster. With her foundation and all.

>be me
>don't know what right to work is
>she tells me it's bad
>then she tells me donald supports it so he's bad
does she think i'm just not going to research it or something and i'll just take her word? nice try hillary "the nigger killer" clinton

>Jeb has more of a chance in 2020 than Hillary does

Slow and steady

They call that dying

I'm pretty sure right to work is the name of the law that allows companies to fire you for any reason at all.


that'll work well (it won't)

She didn't have to involve herself.


male prostitute probably

>my dad was a small business
I'm dying. She's senile already

>i need your help to get donald trump's record out to everybody
Holy shit literally trying to fight fire with fire now after the endless leaks and scandals.

"my dad was a small business , i'm just business man, i'm just happy he never did business with trump" -Hillary Clinton 2016

what did she mean by that?

/r/ing the jeb surge image with the % prefered candidate

... you guys have anything on her. You pol fags converted to donald trump storm troopers posting here. There's nothing here. Get over it. Propaganda is the only tool you have. Are we done or not? She's not lost. Get a grip polchan.

She can't even read the teleprompter anymore.

It takes power away from unions.
Democrats think this is a bad thing.

thanks for ctr you junkie

>Implying a dago wouldn't jump at the chance to work in the US no matter who was president.

I just started reading it again. Beautiful.

How much do you want to bet the poor film crew was actually afraid to tell her she fucked up and needed another take of it?

Maybe this was the best take?

>REEEEEEEEEEEEE-ally looking forward

What did he mean by this?

I don't even want a neurocoginitive test at this point.
I just want a mini-mental state exam.
30 questions, done by a doctor over 5 mins, recorded. less than 23 suggests dementia

supposed to be
>my dad was a small business man, I'm just happy he never did business with Trump
So she mixed up the order of 'business man' with 'I'm just'. Isn't there a mental condition that makes you mix up the order of words like this? It's on the tip of my tongue.

Reminds of this video:

>My Dad was a small buisness
So a gigolo?


Holy shit which rally was that? Source?