Funny how a little boy has more balls and morality than the entire alt-right combined

Funny how a little boy has more balls and morality than the entire alt-right combined

Nobody has a problem with sponsored refugees, where the sponsor is held responsible for the refugee.

Six year olds don't eve know how much dinner costs.

you don't know what is morality. normies like you are just degenarets; this little boy has been brainwashed by this filthy marxist, decadent society

Kek is he calling Obama a Syrian refugee

That little boy is going to be getting a lot more balls once Ahmed and Mehmet move in with him

6yr olds are retarded. Thanks for reinforcing that fact OP.

You are disgusting, the world would be better if cancer like you offed themselves. Sick assholes

Who is this alt right you always speak of? Anyone who knows Hillary is corrupt?

wow that kid has great command of grammar and writing style

Yeah this happens a lot, then the rape happens


>oy vey, goyim, listen to your under educated and brainwashed goy offspring

Kid really wants to get molested I guess

Funny how he will die of a horrible illness next week.

>liberals using kids to push their agenda
nothing new here

What, OP?
Little boy balls?
Are you some kind of pedophile?

>Six-year-old found raped and beheaded behind pile of flowers and balloons by white male houseguest

Nice journalism.
Is being journalist the most cancerous job behind ww2 historian?

this is the opposite of brave

degenerate and hypocrtital I see. basically you have compassion for every single refugee but you're ok with the death with someone with a different ideology. typical leftist. you all about compassion and goodness until someone disagree with you.
look at the rising right, look at the hatred. shitskins are the cancer and the extreme right is the cure, and you indocrinated fools will be the first to go

Yeah we can all learn from a 6 year old boy who doesn't have a clue how the world works.

Probably it was his parents who write that anyway.

Only a kid or a liberal would say something so stupid.

its insane that the globalists are trying to pull the same shit in america that they did in europe even after we've seen what happened here

they must think americans are really stupid (and they're probably right)

what is an alt right?

A six year old boy, without knowing any better, would go up to a raccoon foaming at the mouth and think it just has shaving cream on and needs help getting it off.

6 year olds dont usually have a concept of rape.
>Abdi what are you doing to mommy
>stop youre hurting her

Actually, proudly touting this as a headline is proof to any person that only the naive and gullible are the ones welcoming refugees with no questions asked.

Kids are stupid


This is why children don't vote.

Top kek

Mohammed was one, OP is just following in his example

The pic of the boy crying with a toy dumpstertruck would be fitting


No one single American life is worth bringing in refugees. NOT ONE.

>6 year old's parents tell him what to say
>he says it
>oh my god, this 6 year old is so deep. Children are naturally humanitarian!
if you've ever actually had a kid, or been around kids you'd know the opposite was true.

You actually have to teach them to share, sharing is not something that comes naturally to children. Just as you have to teach someone to be socialist, sociliasm is not something that occurs naturally in a person until they are a loser and want hand outs.

don't you worry, the far right has never been so strong since 1933. the day of the rope is coming.
and you know? most of the shitskins we'll be just deported, but the marxist scum, oh, they'll die of a long and painful death

> white liberal parents use their kid as a mascot to virtue signal on social media

> gets the trophy refugee as reward

> kid is repeatedly molested by the trophy refugee when the parents aren't there

> parents ignore all the tell tale signs so no one calls them racist

I wonder how much programming the kid will need to carry this torch?

>parents using child for political purposes and internet fame

>Wrote in a letter

I think they meant to say "His parents wrote in a letter on his behalf."

6 year olds in america dont work

Underrated post

he'll regret it when refugees go in balls deep

>Thank you for helping mommy make her video, Alex. People are sharing our video all over, and now people know how morally superior and virtuous we are. Thanks for helping mommy kill the west for a dopamine high. Let's go pick you up that Lego set!

why sjw commies never debate? they write their stupid heart bleeding post and then go away

fucking this

It's also why women shouldn't be allowed to vote. They are mentally and emotionally equivalent to children.

His days are numbered

Why isn't the kid asking Obama to help Assad liberate Syria? Thats the best way to help all the poor kids there

Really convinces my neurons to get ready and sprint.

>He gets raped by a Afgani '14-year old' and ends up with a half-brother


That's fine. If people want refugees let them house them and cover their costs.

Dumping them in areas where people don't want them is what I disagree with.

Literally who?

They just repeat what they've heard other people say. They might possibly believe what they're saying, but they can't answer any questions or provide any evidence of what they believe, that would require research, not just reposting someone elses opinions word for word.

Does this little boy also agree to let the refugee fuck his ass?

No agreement needed, it's a "sexual emergency", and so it's allowed.

Liberal lives don't matter. They can die for all I care.

>Funny how a little boy has more balls and morality than the entire alt-right combined

Soon a Syrian is about to be balls deep in this little boy. Who is to blame?

I'm really glad social media didn't exist when my parents were raising me.

Imagine getting conned into doing shit for your parents virtue signaling because you don't know any better and end up seeing this later and life. Idk about anyone else but I'd feel used (if they can even think for themself at that point.)

>taking the bait

>Funny how a little boy has more balls and morality than the entire alt-right combined

Children below the age of 10 haven't even developed enough to understand the concept of death, of course they're more "brave" than people that know how the world works.

and then he was raped.

Liberals live in such a self serving fantasy land. Are you sure that kid will jsut leave his entire family and home country to live with you people who he is never met simply because you have such big hearts? It remidns me of when people think their pets are smarter then they are, posing them in pictures projecting thoughts and ideas they do not have just to fulfill some fantassy in their head. shit is disgusting

inb4 sexual emergency

Liberal in the making. Already virtue signalling and more than willing to spend other people's money

Have fun getting enriched by a "14 year old refugee", Alex.

Because when I see a utility worker at my door
I let them in with no questions asked and of course I don't forget to pay them like they asked!

Do the with muslims right?

Jesus Christ these people are weak, modern society has made men complacent and docile, beak and claws removed. Any other time in history this kids dad would have told him he was a fucking retard who can barely read and tie his own show, besides commenting on serious political issues.

But I'm sure in CURRENT YEAR this kids dad is some cum drinking pinko commie faggot who never gave him an explicit gender and forced him to hang out with the brown kids in their back yard while his dad played U2 and grilled up some veggie burgers. I hope we have a war soon, I'll be in the military and probably die in the process, I don't even care, we need to hit the restart button and get society jump started again so useless faggots like this either get crushed and die off or find their inner strength and abandon their fruity idealism.

poor kid.
He's like a child soldier. Not brainwashed to help kill people, but brainwashed to help kill a country.

What's worse, he somehow has fucking Cruz's face.
>Hand over the refugees, mum.

based italian master race

>exploiting children for political gain
Lol fucking marxists

this makes no sense. why would a refugee move in with a successful family and not move in to be self sufficient?

liberals have no morality and should all be sterilized

>Think you're getting like a little brother or sister/cool foreign friend to play with you
>Some smelly 24 year old man walks through the door who can barely speak English
>Constantly has drunken outbursts and just lounges around the house
>Molests me constantly and keeps blaming our family why he isn't able to have a woman around
>Try to tell my parents, they tell me to quit being racist
>He beheads your dad and rapes your mom before being shot down by the police
>Try to tell them I knew this would happen, get called a racist again

Yea 6 year olds sure know a lot about this situation and its impact on society.

Hopefully he doesn't get molested.

How is inviting a random individual from a population that is largely violent and just degenerate in general courageous?
How is inviting someone who is more likely to be a murderer or a rapist than they are to be normal supposed to be moral?

>yfw Cruz sold his son so Cred Forums wouldn't make even more fun of him

>promises them his tree house
>hangs them from a tree

so liberals have the moral standards of little kids. makes absolute sense

Alex is about to learn about Ficki Ficki the hard way.

He won't be so smug after a refugee has a sexual emergency near him.

Funny thing is, muzzies love little boys. It ain't wrong for them according to their religion to fuck them.

I actually hope that little boys wish comes true. If he survives he will prolly have his eyes opened.

He just wants to be like his dads