End my life

End my life

More like the Dyke Collection lmao

Welp, time to buy my clothes from Uniqlo from now on

Isn't it incredible how the two biggest Swedish companies Ikea and H&M are at the very front of the SJW movement?

Fucking disgusting, I hate Sweden so much.

Sweden. Stahp

Isn't it incredible how Germany tries to ruin europe AGAIN. Just because you want to get cucked doesn't mean that we should help your refugees, cuck. At least sweden takes them all.

Truly sickening

Holy FUCK can a German not make a single post on this motherfucking cartoon board without fucking >MUH REFUGEES


Stupid subhuman brutes don't understand fashion. Nothing new here. Thank God I live in London where everybody cares about how they look.

Sorry, I should have said tanned germans.

i love how women retain their """""beauty""""" while fat, but when you're a guy, you can better just off yourself because you're getting nowhere with that BMI.

Unless you can compensate that with sick talents n shit but thats an exception to the rule.

Don't worry, they know what they should look like to be attractive, no amount of propaganda will change that

Don't forget Absolut(ly shit) vodka which pushes the tranny agenda in their ads

> Women take advise about looking good from gays and other women, rather than the people they are trying to impress

Nothing new here.

Bulgarians in Germany are literally the lowest of the lowest of all the criminal scum. Even lefty liberals hate Bulgarians and want to kick them out.

>not tanned


>Germans hate other Europeans more than third world muslim savages raping their women

it checks out

Germany education everyone

>this is the new women standard now
the fashion industry doesn't hold that power anymore

What's worse is the fact that it isn't getting any dislikes at all

They have successfully pushed all that shit and it has become the absolute norm. Judging the trend, the entire west will be a leftist shithole within 20 years. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if the USA falls to actual communism

What an amazing time to be alive

>she's a lady
>shows the opposite of femininity

hmm, what's the angle here?

>mfw the fat and ugly girl at my work mentioned her fiancé at a meating

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