Meanwhile in Mojave pol

Meanwhile in Mojave pol

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If anyone made me like Christianity, it's this guy

fuck off

>patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

Watch yourself, profligate

why does he wear the bandages

Because caesar burned the shit out of him after he went for that fucking obvious bluff the NCR pulled.

yea he was a baller

If you pulled them off it would be extremely painful.

For you.

youre a big guy

>being this new

Why does the NCR act so great? What is wrong with them?

Well I nuked them, so there's that

>2016 + 200
>Siding with (((Mr. House)))

>Thinking joshua was a good commander.

Common NCR would've gotten curb stomped if lanius would've been commanding instead.

Found the Turkish faction leader

I liked House, but I didn't like being his bitch 2bqh

>((([Current year])))
>Thinking New vegas shouldn't be for New Vegasians.

Try harder.

I made this when I was still a leftie ~4 months ago. Still fairly accurate, if not more

Yeah TBQH courier should call the shots considering he was the man who made victory possible.

So thats why I went Yes man.

They basically mimic the USA in all possible ways.
This is quite obvious if you pay attention to the lore.

The have a Capital city
US military ranks
And the unquenchable thirst for land and power

What'd you think of Benny? He and House both loved Vegas. My opinion of him changed over time, and I wrote a little snippet on it

Some of you guys are alright.. Don't go to Hoover Dam tomorrow...

Benny was just a wastrel in fancy clothing. Although he gets shit done I'll tell you that.

>Killed degenerate leader and aimed to create an independent nation-state

The guy's intentions were top tier, m8

He was burned by the legion.

I'm all for trump, but if you were a leftie why did you make a pro-trump meme?


He's litterally no better then a raider but I guess caesar is as well. Honestly I'm just pissed he shot the courier.

Your a big guy.

I was trying to be even handed as to avoid bully

The hillary and house connection is pretty accurate

Here have a


Consider FNV like this: Canonically, the Courier died. Everything brewing in Vegas ran its course without his/her intervention.

The Courier surviving created one variable, and that one variable can influence the world however it sees fit. Survival makes the GAME possible, but as a STORY, the Courier dying makes far more sense.

That's how I approach vanilla FNV when I try to analyze it. If you don't consider the Courier to be canon, it's a lot easier to work with. And once you think of it like that, ANY of the characters could potentially be the protagonist, and all their motives make more sense

>Yeah TBQH courier should call the shots considering he was the man who made victory possible.

>So thats why I went Yes man.
>thats why I went Yes man
>went Yes man

LMAO Yes Man fucks you over at the end if you pay attention m8, House doesn't even need you anymore but still gives you the best life you could have in the Mojave after helping him

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would do that, set fire to a man before throwing him into a canyon?

>I'm gonna get reprogrammed so I can say no

Spooky, but I trust him. He never had much of an opinion outside hating the Brotherhood, which I'm cool with. Gun-Grabbing robocucks can fuck off

Because its cool for the Cutseen

Yeah, the brotherhood thing always bothered me, so I usually download and add the cut out part of the game where you can convince House to spare them with 80 in speech.

>water-based delegates

House was 100% right about the Mojave chapter of the brotherhood


>Implying Yes man has any opinion other than FUCK THE BROTHERHOOD

You like the Brotherhood? They're sweet and all, but I could never support their technology-hoarding once I understood it.

Who's to say there won't be an elder like Elijah(?) who'll misuse it? It's the same reason I hate people who want to destroy the 2nd Amendment


Nah, I usually just keep them alive for the ammunition they're selling. Energy projectiles are fucking expensive in the Silver Rush if I remember correctly. But you're right; One of the two leaders that can take over the Brotherhood is an agressive one, which isn't good for the rest of the Mojave.

Trump is Mr House or Yes Man.

Hillary is Caesar

No, J. Sawyer addressed this. He said that making himself more assertive was just so he would only obey the courier.

That way someone dipshit couldn't just wander into the lucky 38 and topple everything like the courier did with Benny.

>Not leveling science
>Not recycling cells, buying bulk ammo, and using breeders

I feel you though, user. Aggressive or not, I just don't like them. Enclave has better ideals and even better aesthetics, despite having to put up with cuckboy.

Caesar and (C)linton are pretty similar.
Namely, they both have medical issues which they'll kill you for questioning

>going against House
>Throwing away eternal life and massive amounts of power
Enjoy being cucked by the NCR

>enjoying being a puppet you mouth-breather


What lottery? "Cocks 10mm pistol"

>forced to follow and betray house because everyone else attacked me on sight even the based legion

Someone needs to make an independent vegas meme like the ancap one


>played in highschool with no understanding of politics
>went the smiley route but destroyed the big robot army
>left new vegas is chaos

so this is why pol got so shit in the last year