As a scientist I care about objective truth, not opinion...

As a scientist I care about objective truth, not opinion. I care about gender and racial equality because I believe in meritocracy - the best, regardless of gender or race, deserve opportunities but no one race or gender should be promoted above another. Do you disagree with this Cred Forums?

thunderf00t pls go


Not a scientist, but I agree.

Fuck, I've never even gotten dubs before.

meritocracy yeah that's a pretty good goal
affirmative action for now though, because the underrepresented, regarding gender and race, deserve more opportunities, and select races or genders should be readily recruited above another.

But you trust the objective truth to be truth! Fool you are to so blindly believe!

Now will you fight, or perish like a dog?

i hate art like this so goddamn much. definitely the lowest-hanging fruit in social commentary right now

I do not agree with it.
I am not a scientist, so it is not true.

>objective truth

who is Heisenberg

As long as you're okay with the fact that some races will have a lot less opportunities in the face of meritocracy (which is the way it should be).

Not a scientist but I agree with the other user and the premise.


you should mean that you care about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome

you nigger faggot

Read Thomas Kuhn, positivist cuck

Everyone in this country is provided with the same opportunity:
>free schooling for everyone regardless of race or gender
>if you don't make enough money, the government just gives it to you
>everyone has the same opportunity to apply for jobs, a private employer is forbid by laws to discriminate based on race and gender

Sounds like we already have equality.

>the best regardless of race or sex
>implying race or sex are not factors
>implying genetics aren't a factor
>not understanding that the ability to promote oneself above the competition is a part of Survival of the fittest

>I care about gender and racial equality because I believe in meritocracy
Then you're lying about one of these things.
Under a meritocracy, there will not be "gender" or ""racial"" """equality""", because neither genders, nor races, are magically all identical.

I agree with phil

The problem is that people think that equal opportunities should result in equal results.
When in reality the fact that this doesn't happen does against the supposed equality in the first place.
Socialism kills Natural Selection.

Why? Make a value statement using only the scientific method and therefore no prescriptions of good.

I'd say don't discriminate or promote based on race or gender, just acknowledge that certain combinations may be more successful in certain fields.

>As a scientist
social "Scientist" right?

Sweet. Go live on another planet with 8 billion Indians so you can get 44 mediocre engineers.

Well no shit, you realize Cred Forums exists primarily to shit on dumb fucks and lolcows right?
The primary reason why Cred Forums hates niggers is the fact that niggers are dumb as almighty fuck and actively try to ruin shit. its the same shit all the way down.
Prejudice wouldn't exist if there wasn't reasons for it existing, but it does, because people cannot get beyond being a stereotype, beyond being a god damn meme, its infuriating; its disgusting. The absolute worst part is these people try to justify being disgusting retarded shits thinking its ok to be a public nuisance when its not, these infuriating disgusting creatures legitimately believe being a public safety hazard is ok and that it is a good thing to be, but its not and the fucking shit ass government is actively trying to push for being disgraces. Theres a point where people snap for the sheer repeated incompetence of the people, and this type of thing is the result.

Agree completely, if I'm going in for surgery I want the best surgeon possible.

Unfortunately meritocracy is a problematic concept because it implies that some people are better qualified than others through a combination of training and talent, and that hurts people's feelings which is bad and wrong.

I don't quite understand how you're linking objective science with professing a subjective belief in a particular type of social organization.

what makes your idea of meritocracy an objective truth? or is that an opinion you hold?


#votes4animals #votes5children #imsentristihavenoopinion

No I don't disagree, you probably do care about those things because u r reddit cuck trash

Agreed, that's why affirmative action has to go, hiring someone just because they're female or part of a "minority" over a more qualified individual is totally against meritocracy

>As a scientist I care about objective truth, not opinion.
>I care about gender and racial equality because I believe in meritocracy
Not much of a scientist if you can't even tell these are contradictory

now go read "The Selfish Gene", by an actual scientist

You are not a scientist.

>nor is black science man or jewish science man none of you have done anything of note in the field or given anything back to society your literally losers youll end up like cern and start satan worshipping because they designed themselves into a corner and particle accelerators just speed up particles like wtf where they thinking so since they cannot do jack shit and the mass of a higgs boson fluctuates when it wants they realized their entire endeavour was meaningless some are even suicidal for listening to the propaganda (see the sacrifices)

You guys literally suck at life, stop telling people what to do.

> I care about gender and racial equality
Then you aren't a scientist, because it's been objectively been proven that races and genders aren't equal

Then you should see the problems with gender or ethnic quotas in the workplace. The first step to accepting (((equality))) is through an understanding that no race, no gender, will ever be equal in and of itself to another. Difference is where the strength of the humanity shines through. Sadly, (((Hershel Von Goldbergstienwitz))) doesn't see it that way, so crackers have been targeted for racial extinction.

After whites vanish from the planet, it's only a short hop, skip, and a jump before the planetary reset button is hit, catapulting humanity 20,000 years into the past.

define "gender and racial equality" and we'll talk

so look at the data. europe has a Space Agency. afrika has famine. and asians hate each others guts.
these aren't discordant values.

Yes, the best of any of us should be cultivated and promoted above the lesser and inferior, that has been the natural order for millions of years.
Just don't be surprised when some races produce higher numbers of people who are better at things than others.

Guys, it's time for meritocracy and gender equality. You can tell it should be this way because of the way it is. It's the best of the best and everyone is equal and deserve the same opportunities. That's how it should be, yeah. It just should, that'd be nice.