
I love stories like this one.

Besides, I thought niggers felt safer away from whites. Now they complain when they leave. Niggers are never happy.

Other urls found in this thread:


I really don't know what they expect. They move into areas, nig it up, crime and murder goes up. White people have a right to want to flee that shit.

Look at the whole refugee crisis. Bleeding heart liberals are telling us these people are escaping war torn hellholes. What do you call white flight then if not the same?

Liberals and niggers are holding a racism gun to our heads and trying to hold us hostage. Why? Why can't white people just pick up and go? It drives me crazy.

I like the image of a racism gun. I think part of it is that since whites have higher incomes than Blacks then the departure of whites means the departure of tax dollars for schools. When the school has less funds and gets shitty it's easy for people to blame whites.

But they fail to see the bigger picture and deeper meaning, which I'm having trouble articulating succinctly. It's sort of like a free market for public schools, and they simply want to cry racism because that's how they're programmed to react.

But there's no concerted scheme. It's individuals making their own choices. Perhaps they choose to be around whites and don't care about multiculturalism. Liberals are pissed that they can't force the whites to return

the educational success of white people is a problem. if they don't all become nigger tier then all the animals will never be equal.

I'm not even really that racist. I don't mind living in a white neighborhood with a fucking black doctor and his oreo family as long as they aren't fucking criminals or some shit.

There's a clear problem here. I mean, it's like that pic with the news article exclaiming test scores are up at this school but black attendance is at a low. Don't they see the correlation? Blacks bring crime, blacks bring the average down. It's all there in black and white in the statistics.

What is fucking wrong with not wanting that shit. I just saw a thing where a black girl was attending a Christian college where it's against school rules to get pregnant out of wedlock or you get kicked out. She get's knocked up and fucking takes the college to court and forces them to change the schools rules just for her. Not any other girl before just her and her nigglet.

It's in-fucking-sane.

Of course they're pissed off about it, the test score averages go down every time a white student leaves one of these nigger hell holes

They're just slaves again.

This time enslaved by counterproductive leftists who want them to achieve nothing and destroy everything.

>whites move into nigger hoods = "gentrification"
>whites leave nigger hoods = "white flight"
Niggers are fucking retarded. What else is new.

Reminds me of an article I read on the guardian a couple weeks back about some nigger from Washington DC, he starts off bitching about white people leaving areas when niggers came in and thus those areas losing the tax dollars and ends the article bitching about white people moving back into those neighbourhoods now and gentrifying them and changing the "culture". Anything we do causes the niggers to bitch.

Access to White people is a moral right

>white stick around and get blamed for their problems
>whites leave and still get blamed for their problems
Personal accountability doesn't exist.

google user, googles.

>Liberals are pissed that they can't force the whites to return
The problem will always remain that liberals want to push for diversity and integration but will never purposely move to predominately black areas. It's similar to how they'll be offended by someone like Trump talking shit about Mexico but when it comes time for them to joke about fleeing the country they always say they'll go to Canada.







Wouldn't it be great if there existed a large body of journalists who worked together to provide interesting information who could call out the liberals and their hypocrisy

Aren't the niggers doing the same thing? Trying to get their kids away from niggers, I mean. I know a couple black dudes who want the best for their kids, as strange as that sounds.

I worry that people would still be stuck in their little dream world either unaffected or in outright denial of reality.

>I thought niggers felt safer away from whites. Now they complain when they leave. Niggers are never happy.

The only two things that prevent niggers from having paradise on Earth are the presence of white people or the absence of white people.
It changes hourly.







>white flight

You just can't win senpai

Google who grow up as the only Google in a sea of conservative whites turn out based. Google who grow up among other Google, especially in a plurality or majority, become Google.

>Niggers are never happy.
This is the only part you need to know.

Source: teacher who used to work in half-black, half-white school in the Detroit suburbs.

>white man does anything
>24/7 CNN, MSNBC, ABC coverage

I was talking to a Saffer about this. The trouble is that they do not see themselves as having once been worse off, and then having been helped, and so now bound to gratitude. They presume the same meaningless nominal Ubuntu equality that they have in their tribes. The act of helping them results indirectly in furious anger. It falsifies the Ubuntu premise. They blame you for their having needed help in the first place.

You should do an AMA

Stories such as yours are always interesting and hilarious

How did you avoid becoming a crime statistic?

fuck off CTR

>“I don’t know if it’s possible to rewrite the rules to (change) social behavior without eliminating options for people,” he said of segregation trends. “We can’t legislate morality and good intentions.”
Wow a common sense opinion from a government official. He won't remain in office for long I bet.

It still sounds like he's implying that to move your child to a better school, which happens to be white, is perhaps not moral and your intentions are not good


>when you're polite and they make fun of you anyway

lower primates grin to display aggression. we're just speaking their language.

>minorities get "safe spaces" in universities
>complaining about this is racist

>when white people need a safer environment they change to such a place without bothering anyone
>this, too, is racist

I hate this people so damn much.

I've told stories here before. Everyone's favorite though was tiny Samantha, the 13 year old, who had giant tits, a tiny waist, and would refuse to wear a bra all the time.

She had no problem trying to get away with it (she once wore a vest that covered up her see-through white long-sleeve shirt), and then opened up the vest and was rubbing her nipples in class at me.

She also sometimes would make sure to wear pretty much nothing under her skirts, and then sit open legged and stare at me.

I used to get home from school and fuck the every loving Jesus out of my girlfriend.

All women are whores.

Even 13 year old ones.

I worked at a "suburban" school in Baltimore one year. The school was set on fire 15 times the year I was there and ended up with about half a dozen teachers having to go to the hospital.

We'd seriously have enitire days standing outside doing nothing, and then the administration would flip out and yell at us for not finishing our lesson plans outside somehow. Place was a fucking joke.

Detroit was heaven compared to Baltimore.

this is true though

A facial expression like that in their language means 'you're making me nervous'

Which is true, around blacks, never relax

His argument is that the choice given to people is positive, that it is helping many people by moving their kids to better schools, but he sees it also as furthering segregation. Ultimately though, he realizes that his duty as a legislator is not to follow his moral pangs but to do what helps his constituents. A rare dutiful personality for an elected official.


It was a joke but yeah.

Because liberal faggots ascribe every negative experience and facet of nigger life as a result of "systemic racism".

In the article they keep saying diverse schools produce better results. The reason is because having more whites dilutes the nigger-to-teacher ratio. Every white student in a classroom means one less nigger being disruptive, starting fights, slinging dope, etc. They just refuse to make the logical leap.

We don't have an education funding problem. We have a nigger problem.


Googles gonna goog.

Notice that this shegoo attacked a white guy's car because he was white. Then she didn't understand why there was anything wrong with that. Then the jiggagoos with her were trying to tell the cops what they were and were not allowed to do.

These kids were 14. This is how they are taught in their google homes by the older googlings.

White people in Metro Detroit have been trying to avoid niggers since the 30s. Why can't leftist faggots understand why???

Whites move into town, bringing jobs and reducing crime
>White gentrification, evil and racist, shouldn't be allowed

White people move out of town to avoid increasing black violence
>White flight, evil and racist, shouldn't be allowed

The common thread:
>White...evil and racist, shouldn't be allowed [to exist]

School choice statistically benefits black children more than white children since white families normally move to get their kids into a better school and blacks living in government housing can't. That article is clearly written by someone who doesn't give a damn about the quality of education a child is able to receive.

The author can't even handle simple logic in trying to attack the system. Consider the following two sentences which immediately follow each other:
>At the same time, some black families have chosen historically white suburban school districts to send their children...
>As a result, school districts across parts of the state are ending up more racially segregated than the communities from which they draw students.

The author also makes the mistake of assuming that if school choice were ended, white parents wouldn't move to the better districts since they can no longer use better schools while living in a worse district.

Both white and black parents are avoiding bad public schools within their respective districts. Perhaps the author should look to what's wrong with the schools instead of blaming parents for avoiding them and promoting a "solution" which imprisons many of them. But no, he has an agenda, and it is the agenda of big government and corrupt unions.


Here's another funny article

Holy shit I do this

>It's similar to how they'll be offended by someone like Trump talking shit about Mexico but when it comes time for them to joke about fleeing the country they always say they'll go to Canada.

fuck, i never thought about this but damn son, it is so correct. Once I get my FB block over, I will post this to stir the pot, of my most all libtard friends.

>those comments

>at gas station at two in the morning
>about to leave when nigs roll up
>entire body tenses up while walking out as they walk in
>drive away looking into the rear view mirror thinking, "welp that nice cashier lady is a goner."

I mean, I live in a mostly white town and this doesn't really happen but these guys looked like stereotypical thugs and as the saying goes, around blacks never relax.

I couldn't tell if I was being paranoid or smart.

Blacks where I live are trying to get the hell away from other blacks.

Welcome to the future. Gated white communities everywhere, schools soon to be included.

The comment section is funny

>tfw live in the south

I attended a mostly black school in a black town from the time I was six till I was twelve. It was exactly as you'd expect.

That's why it kills me when people try to tell me I don't understand niggers because i'm white. I lived among them, went to school with them. I know exactly what they are like.

My parents sent me to a Catholic school in the Detroit area. Neither considered themselves Catholic, thank God my grandmother was and I got in the school based on her attending.

My graduating class was almost 100% white. We had a couple flipps and one mexican. School was awesome.

black man BTFO'ing white racists in the comments

I get you.

My high school was about 20% black when I was there. I found out this summer it's turned into a de facto black school. It used to be an outstanding public school but now it's gone way downhill. It's always amusing to me how super liberals (most of whom have never met a black person) in other parts of the country think of southerners as racists for simply being realistic. We see the truth in our everyday lives and we can't separate ourselves from it because of our demographics.

why are there so few in a place like arazona? i thought there would be tons of niggers there

the climate is exactly like their home country africa


Niggers don't seem to understand that if you act like niggers, no one (that's not a nigger) won't want to be around you.

Be civilized or be damned, because a city/community/whatever without whites is eventually going to become Detroit.

I live in a 95% white area 4% Asian and the rest are blacks and mexicans.

Every single black person I talk to "I'm just so glad to get away. I want the best for my kids and dont want them joining gangs or nothing.I am so relieved to be here. I dont even have to lock my doors at night"

post an archive link

I aint clickin that shit nigga

Segregation is the only racial answer I can provide for people unfortunately.

But it's a dry heat

I can't stand white, wealthy liberals who live in white communities telling us we're racist. It's infuriating.

These are the same people that tell us the Syrian refugees are fleeing from dangerous areas but when we do it it's suddenly racist.

>We don't have an education funding problem.
Partially wrong. We also have a (((leftist))) problem in the education system. (((Them))) and their drones need to be purged from the system, along with vast reforms that keeps the (((leftists))) out, will fix the symptom of the problem.

And the (((problem))) itself.

isnt like 30-50% of africa just a desert anyways?

I see this a lot too. Even blacks, at least the smarter ones know what's up. Look at Tommy Sotomayor. He got the fuck out of Atlanta and moved to a white neighborhood in Arizona for the exact same reason.



that noggler got arrested some years after making the movie

They do have strange personalities. It's strange how they want to make other people live by THEIR rules, rules which they will never have follow themselves.

I have family members who are still upset about how integration was achieved. There's a scene in HBO's All the Way about LBJ staring Bryan Cranston where the actor playing Georgia Sen. Richard Russell stands on the senate floor giving a speech and suggests a "resettlement" of blacks from the south broadly across the rest of the country so that the rest of the country can experience the same conditions the south would experience in the event of integration.

The point was well taken on my end. If these super liberals had to live with their decisions they try to make for others then they wouldn't be super liberals for long.

>White people leave neighbourhoods
>become nigger shitholes
>dats rayciss

>White people move into nigger neighbourhoods
>gentrify it and make it better
>dats rayciss

Nothing you can do makes them happy, they just want to all be rich. It's that simple.

>Today, Michigan’s school choice law has led to several districts that are far more majority white, while creating additional districts in which minority students are in the majority, a Bridge magazine analysis of state enrollment records shows.
>minority students are in the majority


Arizona is a desert, too dry for the niggers. They like the humid swamp

I know but I cannot find any scientific evidence for that.
I can find scientific evidence for them not being able to live in colder weathers without vitamin D intake.

I'll never understand leftists.
>whites leave an area
>they get mad because white flight
>whites move to an area
>they get mad because gentrification

I call bs though because our arid areas are the ones with the most blacks aka northeast.

That's because both things actually fuck with blacks livelihood.
Of course they don't care about whites livelihood.

Havent read the whole article so forgive me if this was posted.

Records show that 23 percent of the school-age population in South Lake is black, but its schools are 47 percent African American.
Similarly, in Warren, another changing Macomb County community, just under a quarter of students living within the Fitzgerald school district are black, but district enrollment is 40 percent African American.

Blacks are doing the same fucking shit. Those racist blacks.

Even in a proper household with a functional family their kids are at huge risk due to media influence. The left wants to keep the black community as ignorant pet nignogs forever

>I'll never understand leftists.

It's quite simple user, just remember this simple leftist equation:

White people = Bad
Everyone else = Good

Therefore if it benefits Whites that's bad. But if it benefits non-whites it is good.

>Sheeeeeeit why y'all leavin now whose i gon rob fuck yall raciss

>Sheeeeeit why y'all comin into my hood now i gots to get a job fuck yall raciss

Did I get it about right?

Soon there won't be any places left to run to - see pic related

Liberals are systematically "exporting" googles to White communities. Diversifying them via cultural peer pressure or under threat of economic blackmail.

Within a generation the idea of small town, White, middle class America will no longer exist

It's because, essentially they don't want us around at all. They want us gone from everywhere.

I say we grant their wish and fuck off to space and conquer the stars. Fuck this mud ball.

I've noticed another itneresting trend, when it comes to half-breeds.

If they did something good, they're the minority half.

If they did something wrong, they're white.

Obama is black.
George Zimmerman is white.
Elliot Rodger was white.
Well, they're free to move to Africa if they don't want to be around white people. All the land you could want, and nobody around but your african-american bretheren. Or, hell, move to Mexico. Then when Trump wins there will be a wall between them and all the white people.

Yes you did...

>wahhhh our nigger schools need no funding fucking white ppl

Meanwhile 12 Detroit public school officials are guilty of funneling money. 11 of them niggers


'Lighter' latinos will be next 'opressor' group, also search for Kiketube for 'colorism', which is the oppression darker blacks receive from lighter blacks.
Can't make this shit up.
Pinochet will never be forgotten.

I actually read an article about light skinned Latino privilege a while back. Apparently if you're Mexican but look white you're the devil same as me.

So listen up guys, when whitey is gone you're next.

Are asians already considered one of their oppressor groups? Because I feel like they will be soon if they aren't already, because they do so well.

The problem is that inner city blacks bring inner city bullshit to the suburbs with them. They see the white suburban schools with better test scored, graduation rates, and college placement, so obviously thats where they want their children to go. Problem is that you can take the kid out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the kid. They just show up at the new school and bring the gang violence and shitty culture from their old school with them. White parents see this and send their kids somewhere else, and then the cycle repeats.

did you have a gun?
you should stayed and protected the cashier lady


>implying that is not ALREADY THE CASE here
I am unironically very white for this country, 'pure' blooded northern Italian with light brown hair and green eyes, you have no idea.
And I get literal mixed race light people complaining about getting called 'for their privilege'.
Man, China is the new white man at its peak.
They are colonizing and oppressing everyone, not even bringing anything of value like whites did. Look at Zimbabwe for starters where they got a hold of former-white lands.

wew lad welcome to the last 50 fucking years

this shit isn't news

Dude should be saying "Mierda, desearía poder leer inglés"

Meant for

No but I need to get one. Too poor atm.

>Whites make city
>It's thriving and doing well
>Suddenly, immigration
>Crime and poverty goes up because nigs gonna nig
>Whites leave if not let the non-whites have the glorious metropolis they built on a silver platter
>Go out to the woods for peace, quiet, and solitude
>Like-minded whites form communities in said woods
>Communities grow and thrive
>Word gets out that these communities are great and the non-whites want in
>Liberals say these great new towns in the woods are too white and need more ooga booga

We just want to be left the fuck alone. That's it. Play on your side of the sandbox.

You know what it's like? It's like during recess in elementary school where you're playing a game or whatever and the teacher forces you guys to let that one dick-ass kid join you because he bitched and moaned, and you don't want him to join because he's just going to ruin everything such as that nice sandcastle you made.

Nigs are pussies and cower in fear in front of the BMC (big mexican cock) for you googscum.

Catchy, this is.

you best sen da wite boi to my lil google skool so he ken get bullie

At least here nobody bothers us when we group.
For now.

Maybe white people should all move to frozen areas. Niggers hate the cold but white people evolved in it. It's our thing.

You are right and I can confirm that but their kids eventually get out of hand.

China's getting pretty bad, yeah. Still take them over niggers any day.

even middle class blacks are moving, it's far from being a white flight problem. In fact, on of the main results of desegregation was an exodus of the upper and middle class black taxpayer base from what had previously been relatively stable black communities. This helped turn them into the urban warzones we see today.

If that were true, refugees wouldn't be going to Sweden. I mean, seriously. A bunch of weebs on a Chinese ching chong board tried praying to some meme known as Winter Chan hoping they'd freeze. What happened? A Swedish war veteran died in a park.

This is what I have been saying for more than 2 decades now.
But look at NY and Toronto, they are ok there, they need Vitamin D intake though.
But in the long run I think they can't thrive there.
Same! Believe it or not whites are at least 4x more productive than them work-wise.
Whites and Asians have always shared communities in Brazil with mutual respect to each own's different cultures, it can happen no problems, no crime, etc. Canada is lucky because of that.

Also even in integrated schools blacks still whine about racism.
The level of delusion among these white guilt liberals (most of whom live in largely white suburban communities) is baffling.

London is also pretty cold...
I don't know if they really can't survive there.
They sure as hell cannot survive without the whites there.

We do get problems with Asians now and then, though. Mostly because we're bringing over the ones from lesser-known countries, where there's more violence and such. Only Asians where I live are a few Korean families. They're good people.

>They sure as hell cannot survive without the whites there.


In my book Koreans, Japs and Chinese are pretty ok apart from Chinese's literal dirtiness.
But the ones from Phillipines tend to be more aggressive and thug like.

Yeah they're used to being handed the resources.
>cold place
>they have to look for resources and actually survive it with their intelligence
>expect a natural genocide real fast bro

The problem ones are usually from places like Java and such.

Yeah, East Asians tend to be pretty good but Southeast Asians nig it up a lot.

Yep. Cold places will be the last bastions for white people in the end if this continues.

lol. Its true though, the school has went to shit since it became an open district. Blacks literally walk out of the school and straight to the smart bus terminals on Gratiot. And ever since then EDHS have lost funding and programs. There is no good reason to choose it over Lakeview or Cousino or other open schools in the District.

Why? Every country ffs.

>Jennifer (((Ward))):

>she also believes that when neighbors don’t go to school together, they don’t get to know each other as well as those who do.

>“East Detroit is diverse. It’s the real world,” Ward said. “Everybody should go to school where they live.”"

sorry forgot image

Is it too much for us to ask for places with stable people and no thuggery/thug culture?
Every time I think about the status quo I have real bad thoughts.

Lmao nice try CTR but the Google brand is not yours anymore

>Why? Why can't white people just pick up and go? It drives me crazy.

Because whites are not honest about it. If just white people would say "fuck off we want to only live next to other whites" the blacks wouldn't be able to say shit.

In relation to OP, yes, with the housing market crash homes within Macomb County were cheap and a lot of blacks fled Detroit for Macomb County. But after losing programs,funding, and having low test scores its just another school that offers nothing but the basics.Travel 5 miles north though and you start to see the "Blue Ribbon" schools of Warren and Sterling Heights

The government would call it segregation.
Just like they did.
Obama is also sending googles to white suburbs.
Man this is some pre-feudalistic shit, groups of people needing to hide.. When things collapse we'll be under some comfy feudalism for centuries I hope.

Detroit man here, just began to be home schooled because niggers

>moving to/living in a safer community is racist
>crossing the street, locking doors, gripping your purse is racist
>having a neighborhood watch to protect your community is racist
>having any kind of standards for decent behavior is racist
>shooting a home invader/attacker is racist
>mentioning facts and statistics about crime is racist
Can the left just come out and say they don't think White people have a right to self-preservation?

The problem is white people are too afraid of being called racist.

>Canada is lucky because of that.

Brazil you ave no idea what you're talking about, these aren't like your Japs.

>The government would call it segregation.
Yes. Good.

Call for segregation.

And that need to change. Otherwise white people will have to move out of their homes all the fucking time.

Feudalism is right. They want a society with no middle class, and worshipful dependence on the new Masters.

>almost 100% white
There it is.

The end game of the globalists is to force race mixing so we are all mongrel slaves.

Isn't this to be expected when there is drop in blacks?

das rasist mang

You're saying that because they fuck up your real estate prices right?
Well, you have to regulate that, I've heard someone is already imposing a few taxes on them. Also I hope they don't grow much in numbers there and do not get much political power.
When people cannot live with differences anymore they'll group in such communities, this is pretty much what we all advocate here in the first place. It is like national socialism without its troubles.
Yeah that's the next logical step.

From anyone with a brain yes but liberals like to pretend it's a mystery so they don't sound racist.

>Michelle Yu
Holy fuck, I see that everywhere. She must be loaded.


You need to create a law where liberals need to live in very diverse communities.

>Also I hope they don't grow much in numbers there and do not get much political power.

Too late for that, they brag about making the first Asian majority city outside of Asia, Richmond B.C. However if you criticize that, they will chinkout and call you a racist. Asians are just unsubtle Jews.


Fucking stupid googles

>Liberal Cuck: "I l-love it here in the ghetto. I love bolting my door down and having bars on my windows and being terrified every time I leave my house... help me."

>white flight

but I thought immigration was a good thing desu

Yes they deserve to be assassinated by having their 'good intentions'.

>muh cold places 4 wytss only

It's like all of you are unironically retarded.

The west is overflowing like a clogged toilet full of shit and I feel powerless to save it.

As Joe Biden would say.
>America won't be a white national in 2050
>and that's a good thing

You're a stronger man than I am, I've had jailbait throw themselves at me and I've never said no.

P-please make Trump win

We all feel that way man.
Please believe me when I say that the point you are now is the point we were in the 1940s.
I mean demographically.
I'm sad because when I was younger I thought that the US was like 99% white but that was just a meme.

just googles looking for ways to diffuse accountability.

Ward is an Anglo name you dimwit.

He's got my vote leaf bro.

Our biggest mistake was partaking in the slave trade and shipping them over by the boatloads. We should have never done it.

They are fucked with this argument. The left and sjw now support segregation.


The kike ride never ends

>Don't they see the correlation?
there is social pressure to ignore it.

We got 10 times more slaves than you back then.
Yeah we should have worked the fields our fucking selves.

Leaving a trail of protested land, and outbreeding googles in it's wake.

Fuck off this is the kind of thing we used to say back in 1980s.
Bad sign for you.
I want off this ride.

Get mad that white people are in their neighborhood. Get mad when they then leave that neighborhood.

Hmmm. Where have we seen this before?

Fuck off, on this board you can say nigger

>Googles gonna goog.
This is the most cringemaking psyops campaign I've ever seen

The double think and hypocrisy of a smuggie
>Diversity is great, embrace multiculturalism, refugees welcome
>There are too many Googles in the neighbourhood/school, it is unbearable to live around these disgusting shitskins, let's move to a White place

10/10 rage





We have a similar case here, all the towns are supposed to take some quotas of nigger """refugees""", when they tried to put some of them in a town where rich and snob leftists have their luxury homes the mayor and the leftists themselves protested that the town would be ruined if the niggers were to be put there.




Hue. Libtards are the scum of the earth.

But it's a good idea eh? Whenever (((they))) wanna culturally enrich you vote to send the exceptional individuals to the liberals doorsteps. As an experiment.

Let's see what happens.

hmm, really makes you think.

I am convinced that all the votes are somehow rigged. However, in Italy we last voted in 2011, since then we've had puppet governors who are put in charge by UE.

Liberal pigs should be Forced to Live there.

>since then we've had puppet governors who are put in charge by UE

Man we need a WW3 to fix this shit.

Could you imagine forcing your kid to learn in an inner-city school environment? Detroit no less?

I can't wait for that to happen. I want off this ride.

Except the way things are going WW3 will be USA, EU, NATO & friends vs Russia, China & friends.

We won't be fixing shit.

tfw this makes me nervous because I've lived in Cali/Florida my whole life and I don't know if I could stand it. I could definitely survive seeing as I'm pale as fuck and clearly not meant to be in the blazing heat for more than 30 minutes, but extreme cold will take some getting used to.

In the end I guess we western/southerners have to suck it up if we want to live a life free from googles. I'm willing to make such a sacrifice.



Restore Albanian Monarchy


I was born and raised in Florida but i've never gotten used to this sub tropic jungle weather. Fuck it. I thrive whenever I visit cold places. It's like coming home. It only takes a little getting used to and learning to dress properly.

Kek blesses this thread.

I got called a racist the other day for saying I wish slavery mever happened.

This is getting stupid, they just want an enslaved white society to keep pumping out porn and entertainment.

This fucking shit happened to me. It was economical but same effect.

No one locked SHIT. If you broke down 6 people would pull over to help and drive you to home.

Oil have imported NIGGERS and drugs dealers and prostitutes and vile degeneracy. Could have gone literally weeks without seeing a minority. Now they are everywhere and murder is up over 6000% annually.

I am desperately looking forward to a purge.

In France, even catholic schools are mostly muslim. They can't discriminate, so mudshits get in.


Tommy Sotomayor is based

Move away, white flight

Move in, gentrification

Liberal doublethink in action

At least I would be dead and won't have to deal with all the bullshit anymore.

>those dubs

Shadilay brother.

But yeah, that's quacking crazy. This is becoming a parody of real life.

looks comfy as fuck



that happens when you give them too much freedom and speech. it´s just like a dog which isn´t trained properly.

How are you liking dem niggers bros ? :^) You were the ones that asked for them, we just handled the transport


t. Jewberto jewrbosa

>That is not much of a surprise, considering that just a third of Lakeview students struggle with poverty, compared with 7-in-10 East Detroit students who live in poverty.

i always chuckle at this. Stupid people are more likely to live in poverty. The poverty stricken urchins do less well than their wealthy counterparts. Thus poverty=lower academic achievements. Forget all about the parents that are borderline retarded, that doesnt matter. Its the poverty's fault.

yup if we go in its called gentrification and if we leave its white flight. Really nice Catch 22

I'd like to make a return.

>whites are at least 4x more productive than them work-wise.
I work in corporate america. I can attest to this. My entire team is made up of 20-30 year old white men and they get shit done. My guys are much more efficient than one of HR's pet project diversity departments. We usually get all of our work done by noon. It's a miracle how fast a couple of white guys can be when they're not restrained by political correctness. I try to keep my office free and clear of as many 'minorities' as possible. The last black women we had dragged all of us down with her trivial bullshit. I had her fired because she was stealing office supplies.

remember, if you don't let a nigger kill you and your family, you're racist

whites do purposelymove to black areas because it's usually cheaper. then they clean it up. it is called gentrification. property values go up and blacks get mad because taxes go up too and then they can't afford to pay the rent with their welfare checks anymore.

Why are the other white people so relaxed?
They don't seem to think they could be next.


It's almost as if the natural order is for white people to want to distance themselves from savage niggers.

Underrated comment. 10/10.


they need to get over it

when everyone's a racist no one will be

>yfw your parents are Christian private school teachers
>yfw seeing salty liberals mad about their shitty schools and how all the smart/white kids are leaving
>yfw school choice could lead to more kids being held to Christian/traditional moral standards

feels good man

The farming equipment you purchased was extensively used, no refunds now.

Her mom's name is Goldberg.

It's like they know they're cancer and want to force themselves on you. No fucking wonder they're all criminals. Shit like this must absolutely destroy and self-esteem they may have had.

... okay.

>“Diverse schools foster both academic and non-academic benefits,”

calling bullshit

>non-academic benefits
It'll be a hard lesson but they'll learn to never relax


Which is why it is effective.
Google is more retarded than nigger, just like modern googles are significantly more retarded than their predicessors.
They don't even deserve to be called niggers.

Oh, and, Google detected.

>non-academic benefits.

Learning to twerk and listen to shit music.

"H-hey what'd you do that for Tyrone? Wh-why did you hit her, she didn't do anything to you"

These people make me sick. Not just the googles.

We need to meme this guy into the mainstream, the bigger stuff. Honestly when raised in the right environment, nigs can be pretty good people. Theres a certain apeish ness that always manifests in them, no matter what class, but the more regular black people we can steer from ghetto nigger tier shit, the better

>It's all there in black and white in the statistics.
>black and white

Ink an' paypa is raycis.

He is stealthily convincing you to keep your door unlocked so he can burglar your ass more easily.

Makes me sad how docile and unprepared for danger so many white Americans are. Ignorance in innocence.

But das Raycist - why you crackas not wanna pay for my dindus school?

wtf is up with this new google meme

it's from plebbit, isn't it

google plans on making racist words not appear on the from page of their search.

CTR did a wonderful job of getting Cred Forums to censor itself by saying people here should start calling niggers googles because apparently it's that important Cred Forums winds up on googles front page or some shit.

It whites leave, who are they going to steal from?

>Whites come into black neighborhoods
>Whites leave black neighborhoods

How about you porch monkeys make up your fucking minds

In Chicago we started giving people housing vouchers that let them live in the suburbs. To nobody's surprise, they started living in communities around the city instead of the inner city.

Why isn't that called black flight?

According to jews, It's racist not to let minorites genocide you

it's not going to catch on, nigger

This isn't like you Canada...

These people have to be killed, there is simply no other way around it. Nothing you can do, they *must* be killed. You know I'm right.

That's because it's cheap to host call centers in Canada.

I doubt the shit posting Canadians are anything but paid shills.

Not that I have proof, just Toronto is a SJW shithole and they are all whores.

Would not surprise me.

But the Libs never take them into THEIR neighborhoods.

White person outside of Detroit here.

My dad once lived in a white enclave. Gated with security patrols. Eventually he left that and moved about 30 mins to the south.

About 10 or so years ago, they started bringing in Googles by the truckload into section 8 housing. Pretty soon, the areas by the section 8 turn to shit, so property vaules fall, then more blacks move in. My once all white hometown is looking more like Ecorse and Dearborn every day

came here to post this