If your nation called on you to personally carry out mass executions of threats to the state...

If your nation called on you to personally carry out mass executions of threats to the state, (SJW's/Muslims/Niggers etc) would you do it?Would you personally pull the trigger?

It is one thing to give it the nod but another to implement it.

So what say you Cred Forums?

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yes GCHQ, please send me an application form no spooky pls

I guess not, you're all a bunch of pussies.

Legitimately not GCHQ.

Where do i sign?

if you give me money i'll shoot your own mother

I make it a point to know about other races and cultures so that my hate isnt ignorant

So what would "enlightened" hate be in your book?

Honestly, I'd be hesitant.
It'd depend on the situation, the reliability of the information as to how much of a threat they are, alternative means of using them, whether or not we can turn them...

I wouldn't jump into anything, especially not when it comes to something so permanent and harsh.

hate=/=threat to state

you dont even have to hate something for it to be a threat to the state

probably would, honesty

Obvious shill

I'm aware the person I was responding to made a dumb ass comment.

Only if they were true threats to the state.


There is literally nothing on the site worth sliding.

If the state represented me and my people's interests once again, I would fight to defend it.


what's the difference between being in the death squad and being in the army? it's the same thing.

to execute couple of people, sure, to conduct then on mass, nope. Not because i would hesitate to exterminate enemy's of nation. More because people who carry executions after a while are wrecks. Things they see get deep into them.

Mass executions, genocide tier.

Right-wing death-squads throughout Luton for example.

One shoots civilians at home, the other bombs them abroad.

Guess which ones cooler!

I'd line as many as I could up and test how far through how many pinkos I could with the cheapest ammo.

>people who carry executions after a while are wrecks.

So what? Just go and die in a next battle afterwards.

If things were really at that point in our society, I mean, sure if I got paid. Otherwise, I'm just a worker bee. Leave me the fuck alone so I can good little tax payer.

Fuck yes are you kidding? I would get my helicopter certification and kill each of them 10-12 hours a day for a living. I am long past the point of even considering my political enemies humans at tbis point

Just give me a knife and I'll go full ISIS on them

Out of those categories yes i would

If I could know that this is what we'd be fighting for, I would join the army tomorrow.

Fuck yes cunt. Without hesitation.

So close

Sure. Got nothing else going for me.

yes, please.
Can I use my own rifle? It would make it feel more real in my mind

Can I volunteer to never have the blanks? No need for the other guys on the firing line either, I'm a self-starter, kill em all.

"We wait".

Much like the soldiers who performed executions, if I had a gun to my head you're god damn right I'd pull the trigger.

To be the pilot, or the guy actually pushing, that is the question.

faggot cuck

No and no.

I would attempt to kill any leader who ordered unilateral executions for any reason.

If I did not think that I could realistically hold a position that they'd walk in to, I would instead put a bullet in the children/wives/ect of any executioners that I could find.

I will not put up with that kind of bullshit in my nation. And I highly doubt that I'd be alone.

That or a foreign invasion are about the only situations in which I'd ever do anything beyond voting.

Oh God I want this to happen so much

I've shot at people before, wouldn't be much more emotionally difficult to do it again.

No, I would help in deportations though.


SJWs are an arm of the state. I would execute enemies of our nation and our race, not the state which is becoming more and more an enemy of the people.

Guess who is getting a ride over the ocean

>goes outside for 20 minutes
Yah definitely

the mongol here is right

Would definitely kill the niggers. I really believe that they are irredeemable and useless. Maybe I would kill some Muslims if they were unapologetic. Any other creature, though, I dont think I could do it.

Can i apply to be an helicopter pilot instead?

The idea is we take the goverment through violence or just take it over, or violence ensues after we gain power.

As long as it's the actual threats to the state, as in those groups, not the ones trying to fight off the subversion of the state, then with gusto.

Otherwise, no.

If my country actually got its shit together and those were the actual targets then I would happily exterminate them all and volunteer vasts amounts of my time to do it.

No, as it would fundamentally clash with my personal ideology and run contrary to the principals this country was founded on. If ordered to do so, I would immediately act against the superior giving the order, most likely with lethal force. Equal protection and due process must be protected at all costs.

That said, if those factions were engaged in violence, I would have zero hesitation in killing them.

Pull the trigger? No.

Swing the bat however? You bet. I want to savour the moment.

Fuck no! Leftist MO to try and divide "us" and them. Don't be an instigator.

No remorse.


Yes with pleasure, all they need to do is step back, and we do this on automation. Either that or just force them out

I'd do whatever they told me

I'd be a good thug--I'm big, lean, strong, and intelligent but not very creative

I'm not sure officer. Would you?

I would fucking PAY to participate in the Day of the Rope.

Fuck all those feminist cunts who tried to take away my vidya.

No. Because I ain't no grunt. But I would happily participate in the military courts that they assembled to process the unworthy.

Go prep a refugee pot leaf

Sure, but they're going to pay me for it.

I don't want anyone dead. I'd just like them to grow up and be civilised people instead of thinking they're special entitled snowflakes.

This guy gets it.

I'd kill the die hard sharia-campaigning muslims.

Probably no one elese though.

Sign me up

>all these people saying they would

lmao yeah lemme just execute this person after I'm done watching anime. God help you virgins.


would gladly kill muslims if they were known jihadis. don't see a reason to kill niggers for being niggers - just deport them. Put SJWs in a gulag with extensive disciplinary systems to improve themselves to reintigrate into society.

Of corse I would do it, though I'd likley hesitate. I'm not a soldier nor have I killed before , but even when faced with killling or executing someone who more then deserves it, your still killing.


only if you guys are able to do it right along side me :)

This guys got the right idea.

Most of you are for the idea of gunning down people that threaten the western way of living, except that one canacuck. (go figure)

The poster I'm replying has accurately established that the leadership of western nations has been infiltrated by insidious agents of either foreign states and or ideologies that do not represent the people of western nations and likely intend to harm/enslave/kill particularly cisnormalheterosexualwhitemaleswivesandtheirchildren you get the idea.

So in that case why aren't you going out and causing revolution.

America in particular has the most to answer for allowing this SJW nonsense to spiral out of control outside of community college campus'.

As a result of their bullshit ideology "BLM" has gained momentum to the point that your on the knife edge of a civil war and yet I'm not seeing patriots armed to the hilt with AR15s unloading out the back of your monstrous pickup trucks clearing the streets of fucking Oklahoma.

Face it, if this shit is to be allowed in a state as white nationalist as Oklahoma those second amendment rights are pointless.You're too afraid to maintain the constitution therefore you do not deserve it.

Europe's no better this isn't an America bashing post, its a WAKE THE FUCK UP post.

Yeahhh boi

line em up against the wall 20 men deep and give me one of those old quad-50 AA guns, I'll make chunky terrorist salsa

Not hearing a refutation. All it takes is a rifle

I don't think I could execute a man unless he did something to me or my family, I'm just not cold blooded enough.

That being said, I wouldn't mind fighting reds in the streets with glorious FN FAL raifu (which is superior to slave-made combloc trash)

On that, it's not like movies, you DO get numb to killing if you do it a lot.
If your in a position to commit genicode and you assist in killing thousands upon thousands being dead inside becomes an understatement.


I honestly kind of doubt it. I think I would sleep like a baby, and still enjoy little things like sunrises/sunsets. Even if a few salvageable or even innocent people end up dying it would be worth it because of the scum I have seen in the era we live in, the enemies of my people wouldn't feel any mercy or regret if it was me and mine on the chopping block.

I would say so, people feel guilt after killing another human being because it cannot be explained within a logical context, or within the proper framing. If I shoot an old women for no reason, there was no reason to do this. I've gained nothing, and prevented no harm.

Knowing that the people I'm executing are going to be degenerates and other harmful elements, I think it would be reasonable to carry out their sentence without having any indignation about guilt and such, as there would be no way that I couldn't rationalize my actions and put me in the spot of a wrongdoer, or reckless aggressor. So to that I would say absolutely, the country needs cleaning on a vast, civilian level and I would simply be the mechanism to achieve this, nothing more or less.


>the leadership of western nations has been infiltrated by insidious agents of either foreign states

Uhh, guys...They've always been here, and it's been their plan from the start. We sided with the commies during WWII because they were Commies themselves, Communism is just a facade for the imposition of globalism, there was never ever going to be a "real Communism" that our brain dead, higher-learned, college fundies endlessly chant for.


The West = Commies


Muslims ween't really our enemies, they're tools of the establishment.


The globalists really do just hate every one


have been diagnosed for autism, in the form that i have little to no emotion. so put me up for it, i wont sleep any worse and some other trooper does not have to live with the guilt

Im no Christian.

My ancients gods understand if i pull the trigger with a smile.

I'd be careful taking on board the whole "fear the commie" mindset, I'd never say the word "globalist" either its an instant red flag that your mentally unstable in the masses minds.


Just deport them all

The more (((they))) keep trying to push their bullshit agendas, the more people are starting to see through it.

People are waking up

>claiming souls to be your slaves in the afterlife.
>paid to do it
>protecting my country

Where's the catch?

Fuck off OP and all these retarded neo Nazi's polluting Real National Socialism.

Mass killing the ideologically incompatible is not a Nazi thing, it is a communist thing. Be vigilant of all those who subtley subvert you with liberally impure and deviant behaviour. Peace to all common sense and nationalism.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough


The Matrix really was the perfect metaphor for the world, not just red pill/blue pill analogy, but the "born into" the Matrix concept. The children begin their life removed from all influence of their parents, they're grown and directed by the education system, mass media and other integrated social influences, and these people who are in the Matrix truly are the people's enemies. The SJW's and college subversives who think they are for people's rights are the most pro-state people alive, they don't hesitate to change into a violent form (Agent) that disregards the rights and thoughts of others, to kill them and destroy any enemy to the system in the process destroying themselves.

Everyone is born into a false reality that they need to be pulled from.

you might lose the war.

Right Wing Death Squads

we are a board of peace, fbi.

Top shill
commies = globalists plain and simple
Death to each and every one of them.


Yeah as long as the wages are good pretty sick of being neet atm and sort of want any job really

I believe i would.

give me my rifel and HEIL HITLER!!!!!

Depends on who

kill the politically-connected ones only - RIP 99% of US journalists

Basically, don't kill someone for being portrayed as an enemy of the state. Do kill anyone you consider intolerable to share a neighborhood or a planet with.

don't kill all jews
good goy

nah. id go to war for the white man though. but i dont wanna be involved in that evil. id rather just deport them to their homelands

no i wont pull the trigger. i would ask for a 5kg sledge hammer. why do you ask?


Traitors (SJWs) of course really have no other resolution.

Everyone else mentioned can be repatriated.

>he unironically thinks him and his merry band of bumboy numales and hairy arm pitted fat dykes would have any chance of survival if the State stopped supporting them

Yes a hundret times.
I always wanted to know how it feel to end someone, and doing so while serving my country and getting rid of a few degenerates is too good to be true. They are beyound mercy.

Gladly. Threats to the nation must not be spared, and I would do anything within my power to protect my nation. Everything that I have ever had came from this nation, I will return it twofold.

>too many people on earth.
You should have a good reason not to do it. And a good reason why you shouldn't get shot.


What the fuck is the point of having so many men for one person. Also what the fuck is the point of shooting them, hanging is cheaper and more efficient.

If my state called me to war i would follow orders. Its that simple.

I would even do it for free to be honest

Give me a few seconds for vodka and hand me a box of munitions

it takes more than one bullet to kill someone

Was to stop one person from getting PTSD from outright killing someone. All but one gun had blanks, so everyone could be assumed to have killed him, and this negate the emotional trauma of killing the prisoner.

Hello FBI

It's so you never know who actually killed him. They load some rifles with dummy rounds aswell.

I would be the first person to sign up.
I would be first in line for every position available around the subject.
I would give up my whole existence just to do this one fucking time, and have eternal peace.
I would proudly do God's work.
I would never hesitate.
I would have nothing else on my mind.
I would actually work my whole life and live poor as shit just so I could save up a couple million to pay someone to kill just one.

I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would. I would.

For legal purposes:
This is purely satire, and for fun, and in no way/shape/form reflect my actual political beliefs and ideals.

Nigger, I'd be the first to volunteer.


>threats to the state
In practice this would mean the good guys though. If it really is RWDS I'm in.

I just want to say, this guy's got the right idea.

>In the name of the Fatherland, I sentence you to death.
>Load, aim, FIRE!

I think I would be able to shoot refugees that raped white women.
Traitors in general.
Egoistic politicians and clerics.(This must be confirmed well though).
I also would sit on Germanys wall and shoot invaders.

Going to all this effort when you can instead have a rope take the 'emotional damage' from killing someone.

this pic, is perfect :D

Happily volunteer for right wing death squad, should I be called to war crime tribunal 50 years after I'd use (((Milgram)))'s obedience studies as protection.

>j-j-just following orders


I personally don't think murder is the answer, I think there should be a peaceful solution to the SJW farce.

But when your country calls on you to pull the trigger you generally don't have an option to refuse.

No. Every time some mass genocide of stupid faggots occurs or is claimed to have occurred :^) conservatism and right wing nationalism is set back a hundred years by a bunch of sissy liberal faggots who use shit like the holohoax as a permanent scapegoat for ideologies that don't fit their worldview whilst never addressing the absurd death toll in the hundreds of millions of authoritarian left governments.

No more "genocides", ship the muzzies and the niggers back to their homes, THAT I would be in favour for and campaign for.

>Every time

Guy Fieri memes are especially funny to me because he's from my town and I saw him at the grocery store last month when he was in town for the county fair. He drives a big black truck with huge silver rims and a license plate that says "grilled"

I agree with Nigel here.

There is no peaceful solution due to their policy of importing tons of vote slaves. They will swamp the country in millions of turdskins then give them citizenship just so they will vote for them. They are trying to do it here with all the spics, and they already do it with negros which had worked out wonderfully for them. There is only one solution to the SJW question.

What about limiting voting to, for example, taxpayers only?

Sure. And there is no big difference between giving it a nod or doing it. Just make it happen


No, there are security forces to do that. If I was serve in security forces, then I would do it.

without hesitation, I'd do it even if my nation didn't call upon me to do it infact

>If your nation called on you to personally carry out mass executions of threats to the state,

Current leadership gets sent up against the wall first because they are responsible for the current state of affairs.

Rest will get deported back to sweden


You are clearly the greatest patriot of all, obviously if you kill your enemies they win.

Sure, I'd do overtime too, but I would have to be getting paid for my time, otherwise I'd loot the ones I'd kill, and process would take longer.


i would do it even without threat to the state :^)

It's my dream job. My goal is to break Blokhin's record but instead of "fascist" i would shoot commies and globalists....just to balance things out.

Goverment sanctioned mass executions are perfectly legal. So what it really would come down to is if you are able to stomach and live with a sore index finger.

>pull the trigger
Give me a fucking gas chamber, I don't got all day.

As long as they had the opportunity to leave and declined, at which point would feel less than if i shot a rabid dog.
I might even enjoy it.

If those are the only deciding factors then, no. Im not going to kill blacks or muslims just for being. Now if its like that fucking teacher that stepped on my flag THEN tried to get the student who took the picture arrested? Ya, id happily pull that trigger

well, if it's for the nation...

It would probably be in the interest of the white race. You could justify it from a utilitarian standpoint.

However, once all the jews, niggers, muslims and SJWs are dead, do you honestly think it would stop there? It would just be another Soviet Russia, where no-one ever could feel safe.

Also, the people who carry out executions become trainwrecks. Be clever and let somebody else do the dirty work.

Is there a country currently signing people up to exterminate these degenerates at present? And if so, where do I sign up?

I'd ask them to frame it in a way where I'm not doing it for them, but I'm just so unstoppable that they don't do anything about it, like James Bond.

>ITT: mass killing and political repression is okay when we do it

Pinochet pls go

That depends.
If they really are a direct threat to the lives of my people, in which case if God grants me the power, I would kill them with no second thought and be proud of doing so.
I would sooner execute the government though, which is a confirmed threat to the nation.

Not an argument.

What if you're the intended victim of one?

Why would anyone mind? Its not your call.

The Communist has to pay for their own helicopter ride. If they advocate others paying for policies against ther interest I think they should see how that policy works.


No but I'd send them all to Africa or Mexico.

I guess Cred Forums pot is not a joke.

Nah, I would defend them.

I know you don't understand what freedom is like bong, but here the state can't go around rounding people up for execution, regardless of my feelings about the group

So you'll obey orders like a dog? Unthinking and blameless. Well guess what, you'll die like a dog.

Its not a secret that united states is the biggest financier of right wing death squads

Guess CIA is gonna up its game soon

With the right monetary compensation I would do almost anything. That's how capitalism work baby.

I've heard two people talk about globalism IRL in the past few weeks.

One, of course, was a creep that looked like he lurked here, but the other was an out-and-out southern normie.

>Would you personally pull the trigger?

Where can I sign up to shoot googles?

I've honestly considered some liberals to be a form of demonic force. They actively promote destructive evils and enjoy it.
Parties that want to take away your freedom of religion, press, right to bear arms while also demanding tyranical taxation and submission to foreign states, also go against the principles your country was founded on. Something to think on.

If you cant do what you signed for, should have stayed at that minimal wage job then.

What happens when they come and do it to you instead?

>What happens when they come and do it to you instead?

>Do you expect me to talk?
>No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!

No, I couldn't have executed German soldiers in WW2, same applies here (inb4 pol defends the actions of nazi germany or claims WW2 never happened)

No. I dont want to kill these people deportation is fine even if it costs more. We must maintain our morals

>SJW's/Muslims/Niggers etc
You're treating the symptoms, not the disease. What about bankers, politicians, jews and journalists?

Yes. Not like I have a choice because I am a white male and have to serve in the military, unlike the niggers, sjw's and muslims.

autistic death squats haha

Of course. Our governmentt may be pathetic but if I ever get the chance to fight and kill for the glory of the european people and our values and beliefs I wouldnt hesitate to fight until my last breath. Even though executions would be rather sad since your enemy has no way to defend themselves i would still be willing since their survival would pose a threat to our way of life and they would have done the same if the roles were reversed. To bad ill probably never get the chance.

>not already executing druggies due to president asking you
>while getting paid with money and civilian medals
wew lad